_________________________________________ .-. _ .-. / \ | _____ | . o O| b0g is your only god. | ( @ @ ) \________________________________________ / \ / \ --- / | | --- --- | i i | b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! TH4 M4RCH 1SSU3 1SSU3 III ! 1N Y00R F4C3! 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[b0g-3.txt] [ 0:. [ ] :. ] [ 1:. [ Chain Letters ] [obsolete] :. ] [ 2:. [ Rudimentary guide to phones ] [wh0rde] :. ] [ 3:. [ Rap vs the virusc0d3rz! ] [rapture] :. ] [ 4:. [ IRC Hax0ring - part I ] [rfp] :. ] [ 5:. [ Yet another Sex Guide ] [chris] :. ] [ 6:. [ IRC hax0ring part II ] [rfp] :. ] [ 7:. [ Pager Spoofing ] [dialect] :. ] [ 8:. [ Foolproof ] [fluid] :. ] [ 9:. [ Soda Bombs! ] [camo] :. ] [10:. [ Hacking for Dummies! ] [tak] :. ] [11:. [ Shrimp Story ] [stealth] :. ] [12:. [ Use Math To Figure Out If You're Fat ] [dialect] :. ] [13:. [ Mailbag ] [mail@b0g.org] :. ] [14:. [ Using a Modem with QBASIC ] [niemand1] :. ] [15:. [ Phearsome ICQ chat log ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [16:. [ ForskinSelf ] [tefx] :. ] [17:. [ IRC 0wnage part II ] [prae] :. ] [18:. [ IRQ Quotes! ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [19:. [ Closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ ] ____________________________________________________________________ _____ _____________ \_+_/ | //`\\ | __________ ((*,*)) | | | '.=.' | | b0g 0wns | _)_(_ | | ph33r! | /' \:/ '\ | | ,.,., | / (_ | _) \ | |__________| / / )_o_( \ \ | O \ \/ \/ / | \/_) (_\/ _|__|~|_________ | | |________________ | | , ||, |_______| || , ScS \ | / || , ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1:. [ Chain Letters ] [obsolete] :. ] [obsolete@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Hi my name is obsolete and I'm suffering from extreme guilt from not forwarding 50 million fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe that if you send them on then a poor little Ethiopian girl with a vagina on her forehead will receive enough money to have it removed before her parents sell her to the plantation owners. I mean can you believe the stupidity behind this shit, like AOL is gonna give you a hundred dollars if you send an email to everyone on your list. BULLSHIT! Oh wait I better scroll down and make a wish so I can get laid by every model on the face of the earth. So basically all I'm saying is FUCK YOU to all the losers that have nothing better to do than forward gay ass emails about stupid faggots in Botswana with no arms and no legs that need you to forward this so they can get a miracle transplant. Wait if I don't send it maybe the little chain-mail fairies will come in and sodomize me in my sleep, or kill me by anal electrocution, for not sending on an email that was started in 21 BC by Jesus, YES JESUS!! And if I send it, and it continues it will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the lamest thing ever done on a computer or with e- mail for that matter. Do people actually look at these things or what........I mean FUCK! Look at what your sending out and have some type of fucking intelligence people. Chances are your just stupid to realize what the hell you are sending out! Now lets go through the 4 basic types of chain letters: Chain Letter #1: Hello and thanks for reading this letter. The reason I am sending this is because you see there's this little boy in Zimbabwe who has no arms and no legs, and his parents left him at birth. The sad part about it is that his parents left him in a herd of goats and he gets ass raped 10-12 times a day. But you can help this boy fight off these madly horny goats by forwarding this chain letter to 94,456 people in the next 32 seconds, he will get 1 cent donated by the Zimbabwean Armless Legless Ass Raped Fund for every person that receives this letter. So send it fast. Chain Letter #2: (scroll down) make a wish! go ahead! not that you hornball! finger getting tired yet? ok STOP!!@#!@#$ Man wasn't that fun, I hope you made a great wish because now you must send this to 1,350 people in the next 56 seconds to make it come true. But if you don't you will be hunted down by mad sheep and get assfucked like a young schoolboy, and rabid donkeys will make you eat their asshole out while they play checkers. So send it now. Its true! Not like all of those other fake ones!#@#$ This one is TRUE!@#~!$ Here's how it is: *1-2 people = At least 2 of your friends will be pissed off at you for sending them shit. *3-5 people = At least 5 of your friends will be pissed off at you for sending them shit and will e-mail you a response. *5-10 people = At least 10 of your friends will be pissed off at you for sending them shit and may form a plot against your life. *10-20 people = Everyone will be pissed off at you and they will throw draino bombs at your house, and may form a plot on your life. Chain Letter #3: Hey there everyone! You are extremely lucky because this chain letter that you have just received has been in existence since 1886. (This is absofuckinglutely infuckingcredible because e-mail wasn't even around then and I'm sure there wasn't this many loser ass bitches around to send this shit out.) If you continue this chain letter, and it continues to the year 2000 then it will make into The Guiness Book of World Records. Here's what you have to do: Forward this to 10,906 people in the next 4 minutes or this could happen to you: *Bizarre Horror Story #1* K-Rad-Bob was walking home from school one day by the ocean. He had received this letter but ignored it. Next thing he knew he was tackled from behind and thrown aboard a ship full of Russian sailors. He was ass raped by them all and later died by bleeding to death because his sphincter muscle was torn into 600 pieces. THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!@#$!@ *Bizarre Horror Story #2* One day Prae was driving in his car with his boyfriend (some people swing that way). He had received this letter earlier that day and deleted it like any other chain letter. While in his car, he and his boyfriend were struck by a farm truck carrying rabid goats. Normally Prae would have been happy except these goats had been genetically altered and they had twelve inch cocks. Prae tried to run but the goats got to him first and ripped his virgin asshole open like knife through hot butter. He then died after one of the goats poked his dick in Prae's mouth, and in self defense, Prae bit down and bit the goats dick right off. But when one of the goats slammed its dick into Prae's ass he accidentally swallowed it and choked to death. THIS IS A TRUE STORY!@#$ So you better send this on or you could end up like Bob and Prae. Chain Letter #4: A friend is someone who always loves you, Even if you smell like catfood and your breath reeks of shit. A friend is someone who pretends to like you even if they think you should be shot in the face and eaten by cannibals. A friend is someone who likes you even if your ugly as a dogs asshole, A friend is someone who stays the night with you so you can cry about your sad, sad life. A friend is someone who would never forward a chain letter to a worthless piece of dog shit like you. A friend is someone who scrubs the toilet, vacuums, doesn't speak much English, and gets the check and leaves.....no wait that's the cleaning lady. Now pass this on or you will never ever have sex again......the point being??? Half of you people that forward these chain letters get no sex anyway...so what does it really matter??? What I'm trying to say is don't pass on stupid shit like this......if its funny send it on... make someone's day....but don't threaten them that they will have bad luck or that they will let the 91 year old man in Calicut with no teeth that's tied to a dead zebra will die if they don't send it on so he can get his 5 cents per email. Just realize what your doing when you send someone some stupid crap about nothing... -obsolete b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 2:. [ Rudimentary guide to phones ] [wh0rde] :. ] [wh0rde@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ What the hell. abb0t, obviously a crackmonkey, msged me today and said "phreaking is lame." I said "YKNOW WHUT HAXOR BRO YEH U R KEWL MY FRIEND." I told him off good didn't I. Anyway the point of the story is that phreaking, or what I like to call f0n3 h4x0r1ng, which is a much more 3l337 way of putting it. These are the basics you need to f0n3 h4x0r: 1) Screwdriver 2) Bolt cutters (optional) 3) A half of a brain Ok step one. Find your local telco. Go there at any time past 12 (midnight) and walk up to the back of a telco truck. Test the back door (or side door, depending on how poor your town is) and see if its open. If not whip out your handy bolt cutters, and snip that big fat padlock off. If there's a digital keypad, like the newer trucks rarely have, simply slam the bolt cutters against it repeatedly until something snaps, then break open the window (just to make sure they never make the mistake of using a keypad). Now GRAB LOOT! Each of those strange boxes is about 600$ worth of equipment. Most of the stuff is like voltage testers n crap, but you might find some *REALLY* good stuff, like this large metal box soldered down in between the driver and shotgun seat (shotgun is next to driver seat for you idiots in Texas, telcos don't have shotguns mounted on seats). It is leet. Quote: This thing is called TeleTech. It is a terminal about the size of a mini-laptop, but without the screen. It has a screen, with a brown background and displays black text. One thing that you can tell it by are all the colored keys on it that let the tech make specific choices. TeleTech runs on an OS called ITRON Custom Operating System (COS). The tech hooks his cell phone up to the back of the terminal and dials one of the AP system numbers. Once connected to the system, they enter the phone number on which they need line info. They have a portable printer that they send the info to. Cable and Pair numbers, work orders, how many lines are on the account. End Quote. That fucker will get you anything. To use! Turn it on, at the password prompt hold down shift and make six hyphens (-) and hit enter. Write down that password, and use it. Mind you I have never seen one in Illinois, I think they're only in NJ, so that's all I can tell you from reet infos. Anyway, grab at least one lineman's handset, that's the thing looking like a phone, and some other crap to sell or use (depending on what your hobbies are). I cannot reiterate this next point ANY more. Take that padlock WITH you, don't leave it there. Look around, grab ANYTHING you dropped, if you leave a bolt cutters lying in the middle of a van IT IS A LITTLE SUSPICIOUS. Close the door, lock up, and if you can make sure that the van door cant be opened, by this I mean locking it. Wedging your bolt cutters in there is not cool. The effect you want to make is that the worker is a lazy slob who didn't lock up and some robber jacked his tools, or he's keeping them or something. Now, j00tilize your new toys. The handset is great for long distance calls to friends, but make sure the calls don't tie in with your IMMEDIATE FAMILY OR FRIENDS. This is also suspicious. Uhm.. yeah, have fun, don't be safe, and kick ass. One last thing, if you feel pissed off because your girlfriend broke up with you cuz your too much of a geek, you may do the following: 1) Find telco can 2) Open door, via lid or bolt cutters 3) Whip out Mr. Baseball bat. 4) Bash the connectors to where they go IN the can, this may produce electric sparks that maim you, but continue to bash it until you hear sirens and/or neighbors screaming. Repeat if necessary. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 3:. [ Rap vs the virusc0d3rz! ] [rapture] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This is about how a group of people (around 20) threatened to hack packet and kill me, why you may ask, well here's a look at the story someone dos'd www.virusexchange.org offline and then deleted all the files on their box, who was this.... everyone says me... yet they have no evidence. Here are some interviews regarding it. Evul (1 of the top guys in #virus) Email to my webhost who hosts my webpage (duh) The email: you are hosting a loser wanna-be hacker at http://rapture.warfactory.com who has been attacking our servers... His last attack took down a commercial network that was hosting http://www.virusexchange.org .. which the feds are monitoring anyway - and we have *every intention* of returning the favor to him. Thing is , his site is hosted here .. Do you guys REALLY wanna gettangled up in this ? I am the owner of one of these servers, and I *DO* have every intention of keeping this loser off the web - one way or another. I guarrantee that the law is going to be brought into this matter, also .. so you are warned about what comes with rapture. regards- John [aka Evul - MVT] Metaphase My reply ( I got the email from my webhost) Hi Ryan/Evul/ViRuShackErz/CoDeRz/WarKoDeRZ, What's this "our servers" thing you're talking about? The servers that are provided by BrustNET, that all resolve to one IP, or the individual pages of your "members"? In your statement "His last attack took down a commercial that was hosting http://www.virusexchange.org" ...have you ever thought of this before? Have you ever taken the time and read through the Internic/NSI acceptable user policy and the "rules"? .ORG IS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (notice the "non-profit) there. So, the only other possibility that you meant with "commercial network" would be burst.net, which would be impossible to take down, since it is backed by 4 MCI backbones and 2 Qwest pipes. By the way, does BurstNET know that you (or whoever) is hosting and distributing/encouraging illegal, and destructive software (virus software) on their network? And does BC Tel Advanced Communications know that you are hosting a gaming site off your ADSL? Speaking of the feds...you should know that I live in the United Kingdom, and therefore unless I committed a crime here, I'm not guilty of anything. Besides, where is your proof? How do you know that it was REALLY me? John 1/28/89 9:45 PM he attacked a network owned by a friend of mine today .. its a commercial network, being a high dollar business. Yeah, and I'm sure the president cancelled his trip to china to call for an emergency meeting at the white house with the nations top CEOs and the department of defense.... What's this big dollar business that I (supposedly) took down? Virusexchange.org wasn't a business, it was a site full of "virus coders" that have nothing else productive to do that make lame assembly programs that screw up the boot sector. Besides that, it looked more like a warez site, unprofessionally done and cheap looking. You should e- mail JP at Antionline and tell him your story...because, he'll be the only one that will take you serious. Have fun kids..keep on coding "coderz" IRC log of us talking Session Start: Mon Mar 06 18:05:48 2000 Session Ident: Evul (abuse@2Cust31.tnt1.bwi1.da.uu.net) iz what you get for fucking with everyone else's sites have a nice day <[rapture]> I like the threat part you can take it that way .. but hey <[rapture]> you know, between half the stuff actualy said to/about me, I could have charges pressed aginst half you guys it really doesn't sound quite *exactly* like a threat, now does it / =] *yawn* <[rapture]> no but the packeting is you and half the world it wasn't me =] heheh <[rapture]> I'm not getting anyone else involved in this anyhow, just letting you know that I am logging everything <[rapture]> oh, and some nice security on your site...hehehe the feds are loggin that site, so have fun =] you;ve caused enuff trouble anyway,, you should just shut up and go away <[rapture]> h0h0h0h <[rapture]> and this is when its just me Session Close: Mon Mar 06 18:42:52 2000 Session Start: Mon Mar 06 19:02:06 2000 Session Ident: Evul (abuse@2Cust31.tnt1.bwi1.da.uu.net) what ? <[rapture]> you have some vx.org was on a business network, for one and you cost shad good money yes, burst knows exactly what I do and they didn't host vx.org <[rapture]> how much and what business did I hurt? shadseek owns a business he was kind enough to run vx.org on it for us and he doesn't have the multitude of bandwidth that burst does I;ve seen your packets at fusion ... <[rapture]> stop talking out of your retarded ass, like that gay sitw was so ompirtant <[rapture]> stop making up so much shit it wasn't to me... <[rapture]> why this "high dollar business" is hosted off a T1 <[rapture]> line and I am not its not a high-dollar business <[rapture]> .coderz.net is hosted off BurstNET its enuff to put food on shad's table and you comprimised that THAT is the part that pissed me off .. sites come and go I've already moved coderz six times that's nothign its what your packeting did to shad <[rapture]> if its not a high dollor business <[rapture]> whats the fuzz about I took down a comercial network?> *I* said "business network" and that's what it is <[rapture]> what proof do you have it was me? between me and you .. I know it was you I am not trying to take action, so I don't need to prove it I am not trying to but, that was one fucked up thing to do, man <[rapture]> the email said you were going to I am not <[rapture]> infact it promised <[rapture]> id be ofline 1 way or another do you wanna let thisd thing die, or is it going to continue ? its up to you, man <[rapture]> why are you hosting a site with destructive software look around you are assuming there is <[rapture]> hahha, you promised the world id be dead or in jail !@!@ <[rapture]> now you want to drop it <[rapture]> I SMELL PH34R I never said anything about dead no you don't, you smell boredom tis bullshit, and I have enuff of that in my real life <[rapture]> I just want you to answer my questions, first you <[rapture]> accuse me of packeting your 'high dollar business networks' <[rapture]> and now you're telling me to drop this no I am not telling you to I would rather the whiole thing never happened and yes, I will answer you <[rapture]> you seem like a depressed child, would you like me to be your friend? <[rapture]> why did the site get deleted, did someone hack it? not really, and I am a manic-depressive, thank you, and not a child dood the site got taken down by shad he cant have any of that bullshit interfering with his business and that's exactly what it was .. bullshit <[rapture]> what happened to all the files that were there, they went their for like the last hour of it being up I don't know <[rapture]> do you suffer under compulsive anorexia phobia or <[rapture]> canatonic schitzophrenia I don't know how you are resolving IP's .. but I have several IP's on that server nope I just get good moods/bad moods to the extreme why ? <[rapture]> several IPs resolving to the SAME box <[rapture]> so this high business is actually 1 linux box nope you are getting virusexchange and coderz.net confused they are unrelated, physically <[rapture]> does this mean mrsandman isnt going to come and beat me up now? dood ,I have no clue what anyone plans to do, otehr than myself <[rapture]> coderz.net is hosted of BurstNET, and <[rapture]> virusexchange.org is GONE haha do me a favor .. don't do that shit anymore I am moving coderz onto a co-location box on a mere t3 <[rapture]> so, basicaly your saying, that you promised to take me ofline and legal action would be taken <[rapture]> and your doing none of this honestly .. I thought you were going to attack my site, too <[rapture]> maybe all your fellow #virus d00ds log's and shit wernt such hard evidence, maybe you don't have a leg to stand on in a court of law maybe, maybe not maybe I don't fucking care? <[rapture]> you know your coderz.net in insecure right ya .. it just got a new install of RH 6.1 and it needs some patches <[rapture]> what made you think codrz.net was going to get "packeted" ? because when you said something like "sorry virus-dood, your sites are going down" <[rapture]> anyone with lame security deserves to be haxx'd or a weak upstream ? <[rapture]> dpeends to wha end <[rapture]> there is a motive beind every crime sure there is, no matter how solid, or lame <[rapture]> you don't seem as fagish as the rest of the virus d00ds <[rapture]> but your condcut with the bans and shit was just pure homosexuality hmm no ,.. you wether directly or indirectly caused the destruction of many people'ssites <[rapture]> so your not sure, are you? I am just not getting into that argument with you <[rapture]> you have no idea who did any of it, do you I sure do <[rapture]> ok, who ? u did the packeting <[rapture]> based upon what evidence like I said, I don't need evidence ... I am not trying to prove a fucking thing <[rapture]> what about any of it <[rapture]> inocent until proven guilty this isnt a court <[rapture]> or am I just making this all up and I don't acre that much anyway <[rapture]> you threatened, sorry promised to take legal action care, even I just thought you should get a taste of people taking your shit down , too ... <[rapture]> the way I see it, the world is rid of a evil virus site, and the internet is better for it I talked to him personally about a temporary thing I knew it was coming back and so did your host <[rapture]> he only did it because you threatened him <[rapture]> which was a truly gay thing to do did he neglect to tell you what else I said ? <[rapture]> I have the icq log and the email I said "I just wanted to see something done " <[rapture]> shall I quote ? if you can quote, you are reading what I am talking about, and no, I don't need a quote I have my logs, likewisw <[rapture]> John 1/28/89 9:48 PM I think you ahve more to worry about from <[rapture]> network attacks .. <[rapture]> Ryan 1/28/89 9:48 PM Did he rm -rf the server or what? <[rapture]> John 1/28/89 9:48 PM like steady SYN/UDP flooding and stuff I was suggesting repocussions that were being discussed in general ,, not from myself <[rapture]> John 1/28/89 9:44 PM by our doing ,, and I am sure that there are <[rapture]> plenty of users he has destroyed sites of <[rapture]> today,, that are ready to attack in return as you can clearly see from that discussion <[rapture]> he came to me, scared that you and friends would do to him what was done to you <[rapture]> yet, you have no clue who did it to you and you wanna talk about gaynes ?? DOSing a site is pretty lame, too and you knwo it <[rapture]> depends to what end's <[rapture]> in general dosing is lame very <[rapture]> its a weak attempt at showing off you think you are going to justify DOS by saying you removed a VX site ? * Evul shakes his head <[rapture]> who ever said I dos'd anything? I could take that server coderz is on, and tear all kinda shit offline but I don't and from your email, you know I could <[rapture]> what speed connection is it on? <[rapture]> oh, you mean the network I get a steady running speed of 155 mbps will burst to OC-12 768 I meant that box's line its fucking hot <[rapture]> yeah, you could " tear all kinda shit offline" <[rapture]> however, if anyone haxx'd your server <[rapture]> which ANYONE could but ,, see .. I don't, and I don't think its right for someone else to try and abuse access to such machines <[rapture]> they would have that pakcet power <[rapture]> if your box is insecure, its asking for trouble true <[rapture]> you KNOW its insecure, yet you do nothing <[rapture]> are you unable to secure it? ya ya ..,. its getting fixed <[rapture]> do you need some help? its not here.. the techs are putting patches in it today and tomorrow <[rapture]> if someone hacked your box and packeted another netwokr ofline there are several boxes that need patches <[rapture]> whos fault is it? the ISP's not mine <[rapture]> then your saying, the network that packeted xe.org ofline <[rapture]> are to blame <[rapture]> yet you blame me actually, I would blame the intruder, and the ISP <[rapture]> what logic is that? <[rapture]> did you blame the network? the ISP for negligence, <[rapture]> did you threaten them? and the intruder for the attack I don't know where you packeted from Shad has those logs but ya I did last time <[rapture]> did you email their webmaster telling him to take down the pages because the fbi would be investiagting them <[rapture]> ? <[rapture]> I don't know where you packeted from I went stupid on the ISP that didn't secure their boxes when people were getting dos'd from a webserver some months ago <[rapture]> "YOU" < you blame me yet again "YOU" already admitted it to me <[rapture]> show me the log but this discussion ends here, anyway <[rapture]> show me the evidence? <[rapture]> wait, you have none !@! sur 8sigh8 <[rapture]> you forgot your shift key if I wanted to prove anything I would save the logs I don't how many fucking times do I have to say that > <[rapture]> I'm going to <[rapture]> because the world need to know <[rapture]> all logs threats emails and such hmm ? <[rapture]> will all be archived <[rapture]> and setup online, for the world to see <[rapture]> because they DESERVE to know very good, then *IF* and when someone does somethign it will be easier to figure out who it was once again, I don't care <[rapture]> you best hope the hacker in question dosent see them, and take it the wrong way =] <[rapture]> patch your box's, they need it and I have said .. I already knwo this <[rapture]> else this hacker <[rapture]> may choose your network next? care to share what you found ?> <[rapture]> and remove the #virus ban's on me please I have the Net-admin on the line right now <[rapture]> if you want to know the insecurities, I can inform you, however not in this chat, as this log will be online <[rapture]> and I'm sure the world dosnet wish to know how to "haxx" you send it over the submit form on coderz .. or however you mailed me already <[rapture]> how about, unban me from virus and talk ther <[rapture]> e I already did its outta my hands now the ban is higher than me <[rapture]> 500 ban? I guess . I cant remove it <[rapture]> unban all the ban's set on me and il get into the chan <[rapture]> pass the word to virusbust maybe to unban ,e? <[rapture]> me? he is same access as I no he is lower than I <[rapture]> who owns the channel? Session Close: Mon Mar 06 19:47:34 2000 Next is Raid, not so popular as evul, however alot more of an "action" man Session Start: Mon Mar 06 19:49:13 2000 Session Ident: Raid- (n0ne@ hello <[rapture]> hi raid so, when will you be home? <[rapture]> I'm home now I'm coming to the UK in a few weeks, and I think we should meet in person. You realize what's going to happen to you right? <[rapture]> whats going to happen to me? I'm going to drag you out of your house, and beat the livid shit out of you until I get bored. or until you die, whichever comes first. <[rapture]> because, a) there's no legal action being taken b) evul's getting me unbanned from the virus channel -> *evul* hello? Nah not evuls choice <[rapture]> so your going to beat me up? a) nothing legal, I'm coming on vacation and I'm going to pound the shit out of you. Yep, yep. <[rapture]> ok <[rapture]> when you come, were have to meet up Attacking a website was dumb. <[rapture]> you know its ilegal to threaten someone ::: Checking tables... You wanted to be respected, yet you fuck with one of our servers? ::: Raid- is () ::: IPs: [] threaten no? No kid, Ask your friend ruzz, I am coming. and I am going to fuck your world up. <[rapture]> ok <[rapture]> mrsandman said he's comming as well <[rapture]> to beat me up yes, But I promise you, I am coming. <[rapture]> ok !@! and ruzz already told me where you live. <[rapture]> I look foward to meeting you <[rapture]> really? he was quiet copperative when he found out what you pulled. <[rapture]> well mr eleety <[rapture]> first he found it funny I would like to know one thing tho, Why did you fuck with one of our servers? <[rapture]> second he dosent know where I live <[rapture]> so god luck He knows you in real life. He's going to show you to me, or I'm going to fuck his face up too. <[rapture]> how many times has he seen me? No idea. <[rapture]> once <[rapture]> we met far from where I live I should kick his ass for bringing you here in the first place. But, you fucked with the server, not him. Why did you fuck with our shit? <[rapture]> keep threatening to beat me up <[rapture]> because this is all being loged threats? LOL! log this: I am coming to the UK withen a few weeks (soon as I get vacation officially) and I am going to find out exactly where you live, attend school and work (if you do). <[rapture]> school no and I am possibly going to just flat out fucking kill you. depends how much efforts required to find you. <[rapture]> are you going to bring an army of vx friends to beat me up? I hear your cops don't carry guns? No, just me and one glock pistol <[rapture]> nop they don't in america, we handle people differently then you. we execute the trash <[rapture]> are you going to shoot me? I'm considering it. I will be armed when we meet, regardless <[rapture]> I have 2 arms as well <[rapture]> and 2 legs YOu going to run? I've got no problem shooting you in the back <[rapture]> nop, il haxx you !:! You had no right whatsoever to attack shads server. yet you did, why did you do this? <[rapture]> wheres the proof? haxx me all you like son, I'm still coming to see you in person. and when we meet face to face, I probably am going to really really harm you. <[rapture]> probaly? and feeel free to turn me in for threatening you. <[rapture]> ok well, it depends on whos nearby... if your alone if its a well lit area or if its dark I've killed 2 other people in my lifetime. I had to serve 3 years for the 2nd fellow (I got caught, but they brought the charges down) I'm hoping that you'll be a freebie kill. <[rapture]> I PHEAR J00 YOU MAD GUNMAN VIRUS CODER!@!@!@!@! sigh You will always be lame. <[rapture]> ok action man Oh btw, I asked evul if he was going to let you back in: <[rapture]> yes commando joe? did I say that ? HELL NO! <[rapture]> ok Seems you don't lie worth a fuck either. <[rapture]> watch script kiddie you don't write your own apps you "hack" existing holes or improperly setup software and your not a script kiddie? <[rapture]> <[rapture]> how about, unban me from virus and talk ther <[rapture]> <[rapture]> e <[rapture]> I already did <[rapture]> its outta my hands now <[rapture]> the ban is higher than me <[rapture]> <[rapture]> 500 ban? <[rapture]> I guess . I cant remove it its a darkman level ban I can get it reversed if you can give me one good reason why I should? <[rapture]> just to show I didn't lie <[rapture]> raid, because I didn't haxx or packet anything <[rapture]> check the logs <[rapture]> they will clearly show it wasn't me then, why did you come online and admit to messing with virusexchange? <[rapture]> anyone could have used my name to say anything <[rapture]> I personaly find it funny as fuck <[rapture]> and now your going to shoot me you find it funny as fuck that a site which supports the underground was messed with? <[rapture]> no, that ive had multi death threats and legal actions threats I said I might shoot you. If you turn out being some 14 year old kid, of course I won't shoot you... <[rapture]> and like, none of it has happened <[rapture]> its all talk <[rapture]> I'm 18 You might not think it's all talk when one or more of the "vx" visit you. You should be more careful who's sites you play with. Some of those in this scene aren't just virus coders you know. <[rapture]> are they crazy raged commandos with machine guns and alot of spare time? PhreakX> HOE WILL EXPLAIN TO SOMEONE HOW TO DCC SEND A FUCKING LOG? <--- noted exception. commando? nah, I'm just an American. :) <[rapture]> well, raid I look foawrd to meeting you <[rapture]> maybe your be a nice guy, if you read the logs to be fair rap, I'll check the logs out. hell, you might actually be an honest fellow. <[rapture]> il tell you what they say already but, I doubt it. ;p <[rapture]> because when it was done, they showed the logs <[rapture]> in #virus <[rapture]> it showed packeting to be comming from .kr <[rapture]> and the deleting of files, I'm not sure hmmm <[rapture]> that's why theirs no legal action <[rapture]> else id be in jail by now you had nothing whatsoever to do with the server being messed with? jail for what? heh DOSing a site? neah <[rapture]> Raid, youve threatened to kill me several times and so have others...with no evidence <[rapture]> I find that funny as fuck <[rapture]> raid read this <[rapture]> The email: <[rapture]> you are hosting a loser wanna-be hacker at http://rapture.warfactory.com <[rapture]> who has been attacking our servers... His last attack took down a commercial <[rapture]> network that was hosting http://www.virusexchange.org .. which the feds are <[rapture]> monitoring anyway - and we have *every intention* of returning the favor to <[rapture]> him. Thing is , his site is hosted here .. Do you guys REALLY wanna get <[rapture]> tangled up in this ? <[rapture]> I am the owner of one of these servers, and I *DO* have every intention of <[rapture]> keeping this loser off the web - one way or another. I guarrantee that the <[rapture]> law is going to be brought into this matter, also .. so you are warned about <[rapture]> what comes with rapture. <[rapture]> regards- <[rapture]> John [aka Evul - MVT] <[rapture]> Metaphase <[rapture]> now, not only has no legal action been taken, none will be, and I'm online still arent I I've been online for years, even with the feds looking for me. that doesn't mean anything. <[rapture]> FBI = america <[rapture]> me = isnt <[rapture]> see I apologize for threatening you. <[rapture]> its all a bunch of shit <[rapture]> if you want to come and shoot me <[rapture]> your welcome to give it your best <[rapture]> motive: thinks he dosed a shite, but isnt shure <[rapture]> shite = site shrug your correct, that doesn't justify my actions towards you. <[rapture]> when you come to the uk, were meet up, and if you feel the need to beat me up your welcome to try <[rapture]> I could have gone insane and threatened back, however I don't loose my cool hehe <[rapture]> I'm always aware of what I'm saying, and I know the law I can't do that either man, Your just a kid. If I go beating up a teenager or shooting one, I'll look really bad. <[rapture]> I'm not going to report you, because I personaly don't want no troule <[rapture]> and I'm legaly an adult yes but your a teen <[rapture]> and? shrug I'm 3-4 years older then you to fight you or to go shooting at you wouldn't be good. <[rapture]> ok you should see the suckers on dalnet. they are taking irok v1.1 like candy <[rapture]> dalnet sucks hehehe it's useful for an itw virus. <[rapture]> oh, cool <[rapture]> anyhow, I'm going to make this all into a newsletter now <[rapture]> bye Session Close: Mon Mar 06 20:19:52 2000 MrSadman aka M- ( like evul a top guy in the virus world ) m-> hello what the hell happened to you, man???? I think we had already spoken about your behavior you seemed to be ok every vx'er on earth is after me and now look what you did what do you mean? ewell# when I poped on windows earilyer like 10 people added me to icq about that stuff jesus christ... where's the fun, or the challenge, on doing such a lame thing? I mean, where was your satisfaction? and I'm banned from everywhere what the hell did you expect???? that guy who's hosting virusexchange.org depends on his server for earning his bread every month due to legal reasons, no comment no comment? jesus christ, the less you should do is give an explanation I can't believe it if I saidanything your log it and give it to the virus kiddies and then I'm fucked I won't say anything, I don't like this kind of games I just care about what you and me had spoken I felt betrayed, you know? I made my bet for you and I even opped you when everyone was against you in the channel and now you've just proven I was wrong and everyone else was right and you had to do it just with the site in which I had my homepage!!! what the hell is going on? look are you schitzo or what? I'm not saying I did it I know you did it you know nothing.... i've read the logs in which you were "broadcasting" your "highlights" what else do I need? ok, paste them in here I'm not going to jail over this I don't have the logs here look but they were pasted in #virus I don't trust you enough to tlak to you about this my ebst friends have fucked me over ive known lea- for like 2 years and she fucked me over knowdeth for 5 years he fucked me over ok, and? what does shadseek (vx.org's webmaster) to do with this? and what about those who had our websites being hosted there? I'm not going to jai l why the fuck did you mix your personal affairs with us? so this convo is over I don't care about you going to jail or not fuck jail, i'm trying to speak with you and you keep all the time saying you won't go to jail ok, good I don't give a fuck about that I don't trust you enough you don't trust me enough for what? to talk to you since the logs will be sent to #virus we're talking now my conversations are private, I never paste anything into the channel and people know this I don't and moreover, I don't want you to make a "public confession" I want you to give me, mister sandman, an explanation sorry, I'm not intrested in jail again??? what the fuck does jail have to do in this? I just want you to explain me your reasons I don't trust you, your log and send to #virus there's already one guy pasting your stuff into #virus, you know? I don't have any interest on publishing your stuff I just want to know your reasons that's all sorry look, I had a concept about you we talked for some minutes and I changed it which was and after what happened with vx.org, I came back to my first concept and believe I would like to think again you're ok but you ain't giving me any reason dosent matter what you think anymore, we wont be seeing eachother ever again I don't think so *** Received a CTCP PING 951953708 from KamF00 after having seen your picture I don't think you're into sports like boxing, so I guess you can't understand why we, people who have/are boxed/boxing, for some reason believe the best way to fix things when people don't want to speak rationally is to have some physical contact I mean, i'm not an internet geek hiding behind his computer I was 12 in that pic I'm now 18 and believe I got enough info about you to trace your ass down alot has changed well, good that you're 18... I could be your father I knew I couldnt trust you your error was not to trust me since you don't wanna give any explanation to me, I guess you don't have it or I just assume that asume whatever you choose to trace whatever you like there is no evidence there's just one important evidence: I travel to the uk very often and I have enough ways to locate you so when you locate me then what? and dude... once this is done... a few people in #virus who know me could tell you about previous things I had to fix this way hahaahahhaha lisiten to yourself your going to come and beat me up? no, I won't travel specifically to do that but as soon as i'm back in the uk, you will have one more thing to worry about apart from jail ok il tell you what when you come to the UK ne abd you will meet up and you tell me to my face that your going to beat me up for this whole vx shit I thouight you were alright I won't tell you to your face, I will break it straight away I don't like to speak much I'm pissing myself with laughter here i'm not, but I do smile thinking how you will be pissing yourself (but not just with laughter) in the near future near future!@!@! eye best watch my back !@! anyhow its midnight and I have a job, so il see you later this childish stuff ain't up to me, so I will just say you goodbye Note : I have ICQ and IRC logs of other stuff related however nothing as funny as this. In conclusion after multi death threats and such, I'm still alive online and haven't been contacted by any law related people. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 4:. [ IRC Hax0ring - part I ] [rfp] :. ] [rfp@wiretrip.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ HI! I just want to tell you that you guys are uber k-rad ereet! then I want to give you my latest advisory. its no secret that IRC can be a bad place at times. you have people insulting you and calling you obscene names, IRC ops who gline you :(, ops with no sense of humor and sex freaks who wants to taste your thingie. this little exploit was discovered by me and me alone some days ago. I was in #k-rad and when I started to brag and spamm a little they got mad and set mode to +v. that means that only people with ops or voice can send text to the channel. needles to say I had none. here's a short log I am leeter then attrition and l0pth put together! we heard you the first 13 times... fux0r j33w! laymuhr! *** prae sets mode: +m 0wnage! laymuhr! #k-rad Cannot send to channel fux0r j33w! #k-rad Cannot send to channel rfp=0wned at that time things looked pretty lost. I couldnt talk in the channel... then it hit me, by using this simple little trick you can still get your point across! look and PHEAR! h4r h4r rfp=0wned *** rfp is now known as prae- *** prae- is now known as sucks *** sucks is now known as nutts *** nutts is now known as for *** for is now known as fun *** fun is now known as HAHAHAHAH *** HAHAHAHAH is now known as H0H0H0H0H *** H0H0H0H0H is now known as HAHAHAHAH *** HAHAHAHAH is now known as H0H0H0H0H *** H0H0H0H0H is now known as HAHAHAHAH *** prae sets mode: +b *!*@*.aol.com *** You were kicked from #k-rad by prae (suck on that you twat!) #k-rad unable to rejoin channel (you're banned!) it didn't matter that he banned me because I sk00led him good! what I did to insult him while being in a moderated channel was to simply change my nick /nick whatever but instead using my nicks to form a sentence!!! /nick prae- /nick sucks /nick nutts /nick for /nick fun /nick HAHAHAHAH /nick H0H0H0H0H /nick HAHAHAHAH /nick H0H0H0H0H that's what I did, easy huh? look at my site www.wiretrip.net/rfp for more mad exploits and advisories! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 5:. [ Yet another Sex Guide ] [chris] :.] [chris@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Proper Etiquette and the Do's and Dont's of Sexual Intercourse. Welcome friends. This time, we'll be discussing (as the topic indicates) what to do while having sex, and what not to do! For those of you out there who are saying "Well Chris, I'm too fat to have sex!" or "I'm too ugly!" or "I'm too stupid!" Well the fact is - everyone gets laid! Whoever you are - HAVE HOPE! If you want it bad enough - you've got it. On to the article. Don't #1: Never EVER talk about your pets, hobbies or past girlfriends (oops) during sex. Do #1: Masturbate before that big date! Clear out the tubes! Don't #2: Don't make balloon animals out of any spare condoms you have in your wallet - women usually frown upon this. Do #2: However, they seem mysteriously entertained when you put the condoms at the tips of your fingers and say "Look! Edward Penis Hands!" Ok, so let's get to those of you who haven't had sex. Here's how you do it: 1. Pull down your pants. 2. Pull down your boxers (or briefs). Please note this is all you really need to take off. However, if you have time you can remove all of your clothing. 3. Rip off her pants. 4. Rip off her panties and all other access clothing. (If she's not wearing any - you're making great time!) 5. Remember we want to make this as quick as possible. So take the Trojan Magnum/Supra you brought with you and rip off the corner with your teeth. Insert your finger inside the package and pull downward. Remove the condom and place it (pointy thing upwards) on the head of your penis. Pull it down as if you are masturbating. If it's too long, don't worry - only guys with horse dicks can fill the whole thing up. 6. Push her down on the bed. 7. Get on top of her. 8. Insert your penis inside her vagina. 9. Here comes the tricky part - Thrust your pelvic area toward her then away from her.. kind of like.. you're riding in a car on a bumpy road. Think of this as you thrust in and out. 10. There you go! The basics of sex! Please Note that there are 100's of various ways to have sex. Reverse Cowboy Hold, The infamous Doggy Style and many, many more. Don't #3: When giving oral sex, don't make little noises when you're going down on her. Such noises would be: "va-va vooom!!", "ayyyyoooogga!" or any asortment of grunts or oinks. Do #3: When you are receiving oral sex, make funny faces at her when she's not looking at you. Then when she looks up, look away casually as you get your orgasm. For more info on sex: Visit your local animal clinic or zoo and view the natures of our fine animal friends having at it. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 6:. [ IRC hax0ring part II ] [rfp] :. ] [rfp@wiretrip.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This mad exploit that i found all by myself lets you look realy totally awsomly leet to everyone that /whois'es you on IRC! this involved copy and paste skills First off, copy this then, and here is the trick!!!! instead of typing: /join #channel you type: /join #channel now after you enter that channel, whenever someone /whois'es you, it will seem to them that you are infact OPS! on that channel. heres a few that i do to seem tough! /join #k-rad /join #gps /join #wasteland /join #zt /join #undernet /join #gaydogsex Thats it! check my site at http://www.wiretrip.net/rfp/ for more mad exploits! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 7:. [ Pager Spoofing ] [dialect] :. ] [dialect@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Elitely enough, I, myself being a ninja trained in the art of telecommunications yearn for something more in phreaking, something feared++, like run- on sentences! Many have tried but failed to successfully hax the beeper system. For we all have had the power to Spoof our ani information when paging a friend but it was all of matter of doing it! Simply enough. I am willing to train my fellow comrades in the extra elite stragedy in Beeper/Pager Spoofing. Beeper spoofing is much like diverting. Disguising your number so the other end has no clue who you are. And with dialects extra uberistic way of spoofing you too can be phatty- boomba-latty. Here's how we do it. 1.] We first call the Victims Beeper (example: 973-474-4839) 2.] We then choose our method of madness. Here, we must choose the method to page, and not to leave a message! 3.] (Here's the elite part) We now enter a phone number totally different from where you're actually calling from! (beeper systems secure!? Bah!) 4.] End call by hitting "#" in most cases. You may not believe it but what you just did was elitely spoofed your ani info. In one try you're able to place the victim in total fear mode by totally bugging the shit outta him/her when they try to call the number back and find you are not there!!#% To find out you were not there in the first place is enough to place Houdini in fear mode!# We use this elite stragedy for throwing off the evil feds that haunt us day in day out. This one is for you guys! If you run into any trouble don't hesitate to mail me at dialect@stupidphat.com . Werd. Later. Shout Outs : #Phreak, #telconinjas, #jungle, #qbasic,#k-rad #gay_teen_hackers. and Smartbeep. Werd to my friend 'Payga-hacka' who currently got arrested for pager fraud. Bro, bails coming soon. Dialects Elite Log of the day : [ * dialect slaps k-rad-bob around a bit with a large trout ] b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 8:. [ Foolproof ] [fluid] :. ] [fluidenterprises@email.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ FoolProof is a tool used by schools, internet cafes, libraries and other places that don't want you 'fool' around on their computers. There is only one problem. It only protects the system from fools. Anyone with a little bit of knowledge(or this guide) could easily disable FoolProof. Here's how. The best method I find for disabling FoolProof is to reboot the computer. As its starting up hit F8 and boot up windows in safe mode. In safe mode, FoolProof doesn't run which makes it very easy to disable. From there you can go to Add/Remove programs and uninstall it or rename the fp95 directory to anything else and it won't work when you restart the computer again. But there's still my favorite method left. Once windows is started in safe mode, edit the autoexec and remove the line that refers to the fp95 directory. Then edit config.sys and remove the device line that refers to the fp95 directory. Then go into regedit and go to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\W indows\CurrentVersion\Run and remove the two fool proof entries. When you reboot the machine, the foolproof directory will still be there and it will still appear to be installed but it won't start up. Another way how you can prevent foolproof from starting up is press f8 while the computer is booting up. Then go to dos without autoexec.bat. You will be free to do whatever you want from there such as rename the foolproof directory or to edit it so it won't boot up. A long time ago, I think the system admin. disabled f on bootup on me. What I did then was made a boot disk and inserted in the computer. When the computer booted up, it give me a command prompt in dos, allowing me to remove foolproof however I like. Now, if you'd like to know the password and has foolproof installed so that foolproof will start and protect but you know the password so you can turn it on and off as you please. Simple. First, do what I said above. Now that foolproof is remove turn on the computer. Once it boots up, start up a keylogger(Keyloggers are available at http://www.hackersclub.com/km/files/hfil es/index.html). Now run the file C:\fp95 \fool32.exe. This will ask for the password. Now call over the system admin or whoever knows the password and ask them if they'll turn it off for a sec. So they come and type in the password and turn it off, even though it's already off and disabled. Once they leave, check the keylogger and find out the password. You can then edit the autoexec.bat, config.sys and the registry and put the foolproof entries back in so that foolproof will boot up, but you can always turn it off with your new found password. If the methods above don't work then it's your chance to fool around with foolproof. Some things that have helped me in the past is Microsoft Word. Open up Microsoft Word and go into Help About, then click on system information. This program allows us to do anything Run would allow us to do. Thank you Microso$t. You could also open up Visual Basic and start a new standard exe and put this in: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim run run = Shell("C:\command.com", 1) End Sub When you run the program it will open up a msdos window. Try out some dos commands and see what you have access too. It might not be much. Well, those are my tips and tricks. Anyone with more information feel free to email me and share the knowledge. Or, after reading this you still can't figure how to disable it, email me and I'll try to help you out. I'd like to thank Nebulous and Virtual Punk for help with this article. Fluid http://fluid.dynip.com b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 9:. [ How to make Soda Bombs! ] [camo] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ 1.) R e q u I r m e n t a t I o n s 5 cups of sugar 3 cups of oxygen 1 cup of acids 8 cups of nitrogen peroxide 3 cups of bleach 2 cups of spring water 10 cups salt 1 soda can 2.) I n s t r u c t I o n a t I o n First, poor the 5 cups of sugar on a table then put 3 cups of oxygen on top of the sugar. I recommend using an oxygen tank. Now put the 1 cup of acids around the sugar * * C a u t I o n * * Putting it on the sugar will cause a big explosion. Now you're ready for the nitrogen peroxide, you can get this at the pharmacy. Put the nitrogen peroxide on top of the un-opened soda can until it's filled up the rim. Finally, the bleach...pour the bleach on the sugars along with some spring water (you can get this at a supermarket). Two more steps left, you pour the salt evenly on the sugar. The soda can will explode in 24 hours if you followed my instructions correctly. 3.) C o m m e n t s - Never listen to k-rad bob's band. - Tress makes Visual Basic programs. - Prae sucks at chess. 4.) C o n c l u a t I o n This old anarchy text might not work anymore, we were cracked by the feds and they found this text file floating around on the Jolly Ranger Database Hard drive diskette. Linux..................[ O K ] Bob....................[ O K ] Hacking................[ O K ] b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [10:. [ Hacking for Dummies! ] [tak] :. ] [tak@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ How to hack the world.. get lunix, and at the shell prompty thing type: # ./h4x.sh < bitchx us.undernet.org tak | grep "[msg]ampirei) suck my monkey"| echo "/dns" > /dev/tty10; cat "/join #hackphreak"; cat "give me some broadcast list codez"; echo /dev/tty10 "/set dcc_autoget on" | ~/ See how easy it was. now...how to packet the world this is the ejeet way to do things! redhat.org secretly disguises itself as someone else when its really a variable host! that means you can specify an ip[ for convenience! /dns redhat.org *** resolved redhat.org to SEE!!!! now type in IRC /ping redhat.org it will "pretend" not to work then /ping redhat.org:ipaddress now get in your linux box and packed redhat.org it will forward to the ip address..its ninja! DONE! now if your still alive, try and root the fucker the guys who hide, change their nicks to /dev/hda1 so try and fdisk root them! type: # fdisk /dev/hda1 and press d then 1 then d and 2 then d and 3 then d and 4 then reboot and his computer will be yours! check out my k-rad ASCII! hi who the fuck are you? ampirei ok wanna fuck? sure hold on, lemme get my dick out of the dish washer WHAT THE FUCK bye @ | /| <- him on top of his dad / /| @---====-\ @ |> | <-- eating his mom out |@------ | /\ /\ @ | <-- trying to fuck a cheeseburger..h0h0h0h00h!#$% |\ .-. |--=== | '-' @ -see ampireis @ -see me bend -|- sister suck me |\ the bitch over |-@---. |-.----=@ / \ /\ /\ / \/\ / \ @ -see ampireis dad @ @ -see him get boned | .'. wack off | / by his daddy |-/ . | /\ |/_ . |=| | . | | | _;__ | | ... _________ ('-') | _______ | .' '. <-- see his mom || || 3--: FAT :--E ||losr/os|| `. .' ||_______|| (_|_) |_________| <-- see his computer .'. .|. '.. .''. |/| '.' '. |/| '. <-- the whip prae beats him with |/| |_| /| || _/_|______||_ [|POWER WHEELS|] <-- his dope ride \__/ \__/ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [11:. [ Shrimp Story ] [stealth] :. ] [stealth_data@lineone.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This is supposed to be true! Highly dubious story, urban myth perhaps, but funny all the same. One morning around 5am 22 year old Susan DeLucci of Kittery, Maine, woke up with a painful need to urinate. At first she thought she had diarrhea, but when she stood up out of bed, she realized that it was urinary pain. It was very similar to the feeling of having diarrhea, just out the wrong hole. She wobbled to the toilet and upon sitting on it, her vagina erupted into the most horrific messy farting noise anyone has ever heard. In paralyzing pain, Ms. DeLucci for the next few minutes continued to push and squirt out of her vagina a burning tide of wretch and filth while she gripped the sides of the toilet, white-knuckled. She was screaming wildly, and the neighbors called the police. When medics arrived they found Ms. DeNucci unconscious lying on the floor of her bathroom wearing nothing but her bath robe. Running down her leg, was a stream of brown and green syrup. The medic had to transfer her to a stretcher, so he grabbed her left leg which was bent crossing her other leg, to straighten her out. She was lying there all twisted up. When he lifted her left leg to straighten her body out, he exposed her vagina at which point a creature, no larger than the tip of a finger wormed its way out of her genitals and landed on the floor with a wet popping sound. Shocked, the medic stared at the creature that was lying on the tile bathroom floor in a casing of mucous. It was a tiny mud shrimp and it sat there on the cold floor gasping for water while flipping itself back and forth. The horrified medic turned to the toilet as he felt the nausea setting in. When he put his face down into the toilet to puke what he saw was so horrific that to this day he cannot look into a toilet without convulsing. The entire toilet bowl was boiling with baby brown mud shrimp flipping and splashing at a furious pace. If you think that is bad - wait until you hear how it happened: Ms. DeLucci's death was the result of a combination of shock and severe head trauma. She stood up over the toilet in pain and when she saw what she had done, she went into shock and fell, smashing her head on the toilet and then on the floor. It is believed by police that two nights before the accident she had purchased a live lobster at a fish market. While lying in a tub, she gently inserted the creature's tail into her vagina to derive physical pleasure. At that point, she held a lighter under the creature's face causing it to flip its tail in a violent snapping motion. The medics found a lesbian XXX video in the VCR and the TV was positioned on a table in front of the tub. The lobster was found in the kitchen garbage can wrapped in a paper bag. Traces of Ms. DeLucci's DNA were found on the lobster along with pubic hairs that had wedged themselves between the lobsters' tail joints. The lobster's face was lightly burned with the same fuel used in lighters. The lobster's digestive track and colon were found to be full of mud shrimp egg casings. Doctors believe that the lobster had eaten them (they are common in the water at fish markets and are usually harmlessly boiled to death) and the lobster had crapped them out into Ms. DeLucci's vagina when she was torturing it. Maine mud shrimp only take two days to gestate and Ms. DeLucci was only four days away from getting her period. Doctors believe that at that point of her menstrual cycle, her womb was the perfect PH balance to grow these mud shrimp which are a much larger version of the popular "Sea Monkey" pets sold throughout the US. Overnight the eggs had hatched and the mud shrimp began doubling in size every ten minutes!!! You can imagine the pain she was in when she woke up that morning and gave birth to well over 1,000 mud shrimps in her toilet........ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [12:. [ Use Math To Figure Out If You're Fat ] [dialect] :. ] [dialect@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Use Math To Figure Out If You're Fat Now if you never passed Algebra1 in high school don't even try to O Q calculate :BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) --!-- _/ \_ you fat bastard. It's pretty simple | \ / and if you do something wrong then / \ / \ use a damn freagin calculator you tubby overweight piece of sh*t. Skinny-Man Fat-Man Here We Go: ---------- Step One: Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2. This is your weight in Kilograms. Step Two: Divide your height in inches by 39.37. (For you retards,12 inches=1 foot) This is your height in meters. Step Three: Square your result from step two. ( That means multiply it by itself!) Step Four: Divide your result from step one by the result from step three. ---------- Overweight is defined as a body mass index greater than or equal to 27.8 for men Overweight is defined as a body mass index greater than or equal to 27.3 for women. Underweight is defined as a body mass index less than 20 for men and 21 for women. Thanks to metro for all the info b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [13:. [ Mailbag ] [mail@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ From: Chuck Jackson To: Cc: ; Subject: Hostile Activity Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2000 10:08 AM This notice is to inform you that UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY against NASA Langley Research Center computer systems has been detected and appears to be coming from a system in your domain. We would appreciate it if you would look into this incident to determine if it actually originated from the indicated system/ip address, in which case we request that you take the appropriate action against the offender. It is possible that your system may have been compromised OR the ip address was spoofed. Please examine your logs to determine which occurred. ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME! These systems are US Government computers owned and operated by NASA. Any attempt to break into these machines is taken as a serious matter. We are required to follow up on such activity and report it to the appropriate organizations and legal authorities which, in some cases, includes the NASA Office of the Inspector General, and the FBI. We take unauthorized accesses or even ATTEMPTS at access very seriously. Can you please investigate this activity and reply? THANK YOU for your assistance. 19Mar00 17:48:24 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.?? service 1742 s_port 68 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 17:59:31 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.?? service 1192 s_port 64746 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:03:00 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service 1229 s_port 20273 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:13:59 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service 1267 s_port 20866 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:18:39 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service 1267 s_port 48775 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:23:25 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.?? service 1394 s_port 12167 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:45:39 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service 1558 s_port 14893 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:49:37 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service OpenWindows s_port 38722 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:49:38 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.??.??? service OpenWindows s_port 38793 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 18:52:25 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.???.??? service OpenWindows s_port 55541 len 40 rule 0 19Mar00 19:14:59 proto tcp src b0g.org dst ???.???.?.??? service 2164 s_port 60067 len 40 rule 0 Chuck Jackson Information Technology Security NASA Langley Research Center (757) 864-7410 c.h.jackson@larc.nasa.gov computer-security@larc.nasa.gov (757) 864-4200 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [14:. [ Using a Modem with QBASIC ] [niemand1] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This is a complicated subject to describe without an example, so I'll give you one below: 1 cb% = "*67" CLS PRINT "Accessing Modem, Please Wait..." COM(1) ON OPEN "COM1: 9600" FOR APPEND AS #1 PRINT #1, "ATZ"; CHR$(15) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATX4S11=50"; CHR$(15) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATM1"; CHR$(15) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATL5"; CHR$(15) CLS INPUT "Enter phone number to dial or type quit to exit ", phonenumber$ PRINT phonenumber$ = UCASE$(phonenumber$) IF phonenumber$ = "QUIT" THEN GO TO 2 phonenumber$ = num% PRINT "Dialing:"; num% PRINT #1, "ATDT"; cb%; num%; CHR$(15) SLEEP 15 2 PRINT #1, "ATH0"; CHR$(15) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATZ"; CHR$(15) END Now your probably saying to yourself, "What in fucking Gods name is that shit about?", well, I will explain it to you. 1 cb% "*67" (sets the variable cb% to *67, the ANI call blocking feature, tehehe) CLS PRINT "Accessing Modem, Please Wait..." COM(1) ON (turns COM port 1 on, if your modem is on COM2 then change this) OPEN "COM1: 9600" FOR APPEND AS #1 (Sets the baud 9600, and opens the COM1 for access as #1) PRINT 31, "ATZ"; CHR$(15) (Tells the modem to listen for commands) SLEEP 1 (Always put at least one second in- between each modem command) PRINT #1, "ATX4S11=50"; CHR$(15) (umm I actually forgot what this does, but its mandatory, heh) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATM1"; CHR$(15) (This turns the modem speaker on so you can listen to it) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATL5"; CHR$(15) (sets the modem speaker loud, turn it down by changing the 5) CLS INPUT "Enter phone number to dial or type quit to exit ", phonenumber$ (asks for the phone #, heh) PRINT phonenumber$ = UCASE$(phonenumber$) (upper cases the variable, will explain later) IF phonenumber = "QUIT" THEN GO TO 2 phonenumber$ = num% (changes the string variable to a numerical variable, will explain later) PRINT "Dialing:"; num% PRINT 31, "ATDT"; cb%; num%; CHR(15) (Dials the call blocking and phone number) SLEEP 15 (Waits 15 secs so you can listen to a mad guy yelling in the phone) 2 PRINT #1, "ATH0"; CHR$(15) (Hangs up) SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATZ"; CHR$(15) (Tells the modem your done) END First I would like to point out that there is a CHR(15) at the end of every modem command, basically it makes a character that you could not normally type in QBASIC because when you do the ASCII code "ALT + 15" it would do a command instead of making the character. Ok, I know that probably does not make any sense to you right now so just forget it, but ill tell you how it works. PRINT CHR$(245) (Prints out ASCII character 255, whatever char. that might be, heh) To manually type that character you would do this: ALT + 255 (255 on the keypad) and you would get this: _ try it. Another thing you might notice is that this program has almost absolutely no use at all but to call someone up and annoy them for 15 secs, heh. The reason I did not make it do anything is because I didn't want to have to write up a long program just to explain simple crap. What you will learn in this article is not explained in any books I read, I had to learn it all on my own, so keep a copy of it handy if you plan to write programs like this. Get a program called ToneLoc to learn more about modem commands and wardialing. The reason I made the variable phonenumber$ uppercased is because if someone typed quit, they also might type it QUIT, and capital letters are read as completely different in QB. So when I make it uppercase, I can tell the program to look for the word QUIT, instead of both. Since it automatically uppercases it, I can look for both quit and QUIT. Confused yet? If I left that line out it would only look for QUIT, and if someone typed quit, it would not exit the program. I hope you can understand that part, now lets go to the next. The reason I changed the string variable into a numerical variable is because considering it is not the word quit, it would be a phone number, so by doing that, I am telling the computer that what is contained in this variable is a number. It can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, etc. If I left it as a string variable it could think that it was either numbers, letters, or a combination of both, which leads me to say don't type in anything there except numbers or the word quit, because it might get an error. I am sorry if this article has come a little sketchy, but it is a little hard to explain, and I have never read it anywhere myself. I had to experiment for a long time to figure out how to do this with QB, and if you learned anything here, and can add it to your other QB skills, then I guess I accomplished something. It is late, I'm tired, I'm done, now go read the rest of this issue of b0g and enjoy. Peace I'm gone. niemand1 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [15:. [ Phearsome ICQ chat log ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This is a random chat I took part in some days ago. hello dude hello moby how r u I'm eating cookies and listening to music while chilling on IRC lack of sex hey I get planty really? when was the last time? oh right where do u live last night honestly did she give you any oral? got any good mp3's u could send me I have tons but my connection is too slow no I got a bj nad a 69er that's great what ones which r the best did you squirt cum in her eyes to make her feel silly? I know I also cummed in her mouth I did it on the floor and she licked it up oh that's great what about the mp3's well I have metal and alternative but I'm not sending you any unless you describe to me in detail how you shagged that girl last night why r u a virgin why r u so interested no its just been a while since I had sex since I'm in prison and all... and whats the alternative music u have I have like 2000 mp3's u in prison and u have a laptop as if no I have a desktop in my cell answer its not that bad I have a computer and a nice stereo and since I don't shower the other inmates doesn't want to rape me shut up I don't belive u what u in prison for ha ha what u inside for though I hacked some networks hello ever seen the movie hackers? ha ha good lad I'm serious ever heard of kevin mitnick? yaeh shit movie well not bad with bullock snadra bullock no why no sandra bullock wasn't in it that's "the net" she was in "the net" the movie "hackers" is what I'm talking about that movie is based on me is that u really yes I hacked into all the big army networks in the early 80ths but they eventually tracked me down noshit cool man I'm getting gout on parole next year though :) how long u inside fo how many times u had sex then well it started with 8 years then I got out early but was busted for hacking NASA so they wanted to make an example of me and they gave me 20 years but now I'm getting out on probation what did u do I well I just rooted the lame box and replaced the gay html with a pic of a tree getting fucked by this dude and I wrote some mean stuff on it then I deleted everything on they're networks and caused 2 rocket launches to fail I think that's what really pissed them off b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [16:. [ ForskinSelf ] [tefx] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ WARNING - this will make any bloke shrink into his seat read at your peril. my advice is to PF4 now if you're a bit squeamish. ---------------------cut if squeamish-------------------------- I once chopped pieces of foreskin off my penis with a pair of cuticle scissors. Now that I've got your attention, I'll go back and tell the whole story. Apologies if it gets a little lengthy, but this yarn deserves to be spun well. BACKGROUND After I was circumcised as an infant, the wound was not taken care of with sufficient diligence, and it healed incorrectly. Portions of the raw edge of the remaining foreskin bonded to the glans, a little bit above the lower edge of the glans. This left a series of "skin bridges", basically sections of foreskin which can't be retracted, because they are fused to the glans at one end and the shaft at the other. These varied in width from about 1/16" to 1/4", and were attached off and on over about 2/3 of the circumference. This was never a major problem. It was a long time before I even realized it was abnormal. Everything functioned properly, but there were a few minor problems with it which made me wish I could fix it. Mainly, 1. It was a cosmetic defect -- it didn't look good. 2. It was tough to keep clean under the bridges -- I had to swab it with a Q-tip now and then to knock down smegma buildup. 3. Some of the most sensitive parts of the glans were hidden under relatively insensitive chunks of foreskin, robbing me of the proper stimulation which was mine and every man's birthright. Over the past few years, I'd been thinking of getting it corrected, But there were problems. Doctors cost money, and I didn't have it, and student insurance sure wasn't gonna cover it. Plus, the thought of some strange doctor chopping at my peepeehead gives me chills. Now, all a doctor would do it sterilize it, numb it, cut it and bandage it. "Hell, maybe I can do that!", I thought. The problem was how to kill the pain. I experimented with cutting myself (with an x-acto knife), but seeing as it always hurt like hell before I even cut anything, I never went through with it. Recently, I came back and studied the situation. Again, the problem with the self-surgery approach was dealing with pain. There had to be some way of numbing the area, but how? One winter day, it hit me. If cold can make fingers go numb, then cold can also make a ManToolYtm? go numb. With this in mind, I pioneered a the "home penile self-surgery procedure". SURGERY KIT Cuticle scissors (1 pair) Rubbing alcohol (1 bottle) Antibiotic ointment (1 tube) Anti-bacterial soap (1 bottle) Gauze pads (lots, various sizes) Ice cubes (iodine added to water for sterility) Clean Washcloth (freshly laundered with lots'o bleach) Well-lit work area (the kitchen table) PROCEDURE Wipe down work area with alcohol. Clean penis with soap and water, then with alcohol. Wash hands thoroughly. Soak scissors in alcohol. Holding the ice cube with the washcloth (to prevent your fingers from going numb), apply the ice cube to the target area. Hold for 5 to 10 minutes, until area is numb. Using the cuticle scissors, sever the skin bridge as closely as possible to its connection with the glans. Then sever the foreskin end of the bridge in such a location as to leave an even edge on the foreskin. Use gauze pads and direct pressure to stop the bleeding, then apply antibiotic ointment and bandage. THE OPERATIONS Though the operations are not painful if done correctly, the healing process is a real pain in the ass. It also takes a certain state of mind to be able to cut your own flesh. I would kind of put myself into robo-man zombie mode for the operations, in that I never dwelled on what I was doing, I just mechanically plodded through all the steps without thinking about how totally gross it was. Since the ice cube could only numb a small portion of the penis, and since I could only tolerate so much trauma to my dick in one session, it took 6 separate operations, spread out over a two week period, to cut/remove all of the skin bridges. Operation #1 (Day 1) The test cut. I chose a small thin skin bridge, about 1/16" across. I held the ice cube on for 5 minutes. The ice caused a peculiar kind of "cold ache", but it wasn't that bad. I gingerly made the cuts, and sliced through with no pain at all. There was some minor bleeding, but because of the speed at which I worked, I had finished and had the gauze on it before the wound had any chance to bleed significantly. After about 10 minutes the bleeding was stopped and I bandaged it up, no problem at all. Only a tiny little speck of flesh had been removed, rather unimpressive looking. Operation #2 (Day 3) Operation #1 turned out so well, I decided to go for big game this time. The target was the mother of all skin bridges, about 1/4" across and very thick and meaty. Again, I made the preparations and applied ice for 5 minutes. I made the first cut along the glans, and was surprised at how much I had to bear down on the scissors. This skin was surprisingly tough. I finished that cut, and then turned my attention to the cut on the foreskin side. Wanting to get it done quickly, I decided that two large, powerful snips should do the job. I bore down and made the first cut, and realized with a shock that IT HURT LIKE HELL. Well, it turns out that due to the thickness of the skin bridge on that end, the cold hadn't penetrated deeply enough, and it hadn't gone numb. So, I was left with a problem. I had a half severed bit of foreskin hanging off me, and no anesthetic. My only recourse was to finish the cut. I thought, "Shit. This will hurt.". So I lined up the scissors, closed my eyes, and as quickly and powerfully as I could, I made the snip. My prediction was correct; it did hurt (don't you hate when you're right about things like that?). I managed to avoid shouting out, instead opting for a few simple gasps and whimpers. I resolved to hold the ice on for much longer infuture operations. Being that this was a bigger cut than the first, it bled much more profusely. It took about 20 minutes of direct pressure and a lot of gauze until I could staunch the main flow. Even then it kept oozing blood for a few hours. I spent the rest of the evening with nothing on below the waist, sitting in front of the TV with a few brews(this became standard procedure for all forthcoming operations). Any motion tended to make it break open and bleed again, so I moved around very little. I was functioning (that is, walking) almost normally again by the next day, but it took about 5 days before this one completely stopped oozing blood. As I gingerly hobbled back into the kitchen for another brew, I spotted IT, the severed hunk-o-foreskin that I had left on the table. It was of fairly good size, about 1/2" by 1/4" and maybe as thick as a piece of bacon. Suddenly, strange thoughts entered my skull, and a raging mental battle between good and evil ensued. EVIL: "Eat the foreskin." GOOD: "Don't do it!! That's gross!!" EVIL: "Eat the foreskin." GOOD: "Stop thinking about it!!" EVIL: "You know what you must do. Eat it. It is your destiny." GOOD: "But that's cannibalism!" EVIL: "So what?" GOOD: "Cannibalism is shunned for a reason! It spreads diseases!" EVIL: "Look dipshit. It's your own fucking flesh. Any diseases in there, you already got." GOOD: "But it's SELF-cannibalism!" EVIL: "So is chewing on the piece of skin you bit off your fingertip. BFD." GOOD: "But this is weird, deranged and perverted!" EVIL: "Exactly" GOOD: (Hauls its sorry whupped ass away and shuts up) So, I ate it. Turns out it was very tough and chewy, kind of like biting a little piece of rubber. I chewed for about 5 minutes, but didn't make any progress on breaking it down, so I swallowed it. It had a little bit of blood flavor at first, but after that it had no flavor at all; rather disappointing in that respect. Maybe I should have cooked it. Operation #3 (Day 10) A medium sized cut. I held the ice cube on much longer (10 minutes instead of 5), so there was no problem with pain. Not nearly as much bleeding, but still a respectable amount. A word about erections: they were a bad thing. Any hard-on would tear the wounds open and start them bleeding again. This would be a problem for about 3 or 4 days until the wounds had healed sufficiently. Basically, I had to spend a long, long time without even thinking a nasty thought. Of course, when I was asleep I had no control over the process, which would always result inme waking up with a dick that hurt and bloody bandages. I was really lovin' life at moments like these. Operation #4 (Day 12) Another medium sized cut, but with the added bonus of having a small vein (about 1 mm in diameter) running through the skin bridge. Now, the blood supply for the penis mainly runs through blood vessels buried deep inside. When you get down the the small vessels, the circulatory system becomes more of a spiderweb, with redundant paths going to every point. So I knew it wasn't actually dangerous to cut it, but it was still a kind of psychological obstacle. I expected this one to be a heavy bleeder, and I wasn't disappointed. It took about a full hour of direct pressure to get the severed ends of the vein to close up. Otherwise, not too much of a problem. Operation #5 (Day 14) I was planning on more time to let the others heal, but due to changes in the way skin tension was being applied to the remaining bridges (because I'd cut some others away), one small bridge was getting a lot of stress and starting to hurt. So I chopped it quick and easy, no real problems. Operation #6 (Day 15) The problem with operation #5 was that it just transferred the stress to the next bridge down the line. So even though I had about 3/4" of flesh left to cut, I resolved to do it all at once in one last cutting frenzy. Due to the size of the operation, it took a while to complete (maybe 1 minute total), which gave the blood a chance to flow. I had to stop a few times and wipe away blood so I could see what I was doing. Strangely, this didn't bother me at all. It seemed perfectly normal that I should be wiping up copious amounts of blood flowing from my bleeding pecker which I had sliced open myself. Actually, it seemed kind of cool at the time, which led me to speculate at the time that I had gone insane, which I also thought was pretty cool. Anyway, except for the excess blood which had dripped on to the chair, it went quite well. The only thing that really grossed me out was when I noticed I had blood all over my hands. If any psychoanalysts want to analyze that tidbit for me, feel free, though I really don't care. The wounds are now completely healed, and the results are good. Mainly: 1. There are no scars to speak of, just a few bumps on the glans. This is because I didn't trim the flesh quite close enough in a few spots. They kind of resembling little warts. I thought about going back and trimming them off, but I kind of like 'em now. After all, it's not everyone who has the privilege of appearing to have warts, without actually being diseased. 2. Without the skin tension holding things back, total dick length has increased by 1/4". (Of course I've measured the length of my dick. Like you haven't?) 3. It's a great topic for dinnertime conversation. Women generally seem to find it quite interesting. Men generally turn kind of pale. With my newfound surgical skills, I've been contemplating a few more self-surgical procedures. You know, mole removal, wart removal, nose jobs, the whole vista of cosmetic surgery. I'll need some help for that mole on my back, which means training an assistant. Ah, the future looks interesting indeed ... Greg Bernath b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [17:. [ IRC 0wnage part II ] [prae] :. ] [prae@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ In this edition of my purdy little text I will teach you how to Sexually harass female and homosexual male ops in a channel! Weeeeeeeell... where do we start? twist which channel should I use for examples in my new text? I want to blow you prae!!! hmm.. That helped a lot.. Lets use #Gay, Hmmm... Yes, we'll use #Gay. I'll just show you examples and not explain. Example No. 1 Hey, big boy. hi there! Are you really gay? yes, I am. Do you like it up the bum? bum? Yea, you know.. The ass, The bumhole, The poop chute. is that any of your buisness? Sure it is. how so? Well.. I asked you a question, it would only be polite to answer. youre annoying --- You have been kicked from #gay by gudwiljon (Prae2k) --- Cannot join #gay (You are banned). I went back the next day when he wasn't there.. Hi Zoor! hi Young man, there's no need to feel down I said, young man, 'cause your in a new town There's no need to be unhappy! BA! BA! BA! BA! BA! It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. You can hang out with all the boys. --- You have been kicked from #gay by zoor (very original) --- Cannot join #gay (You are banned). Wasn't that fun? <^Manly^> hi Hey! Where can you find pleasure? Search the world for treasure? Learn science technology? Where can you begin to make all your dreams come true? <^Manly^> where? IN THE NAVY! You don't even know the words to Village People songs! <^Manly^> just because im gay does not mean I have to know those songs WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! It is a felony to be gay and not know Village People songs! <^Manly^> shut up --- You have been kicked from #gaysex by ^Manly^ (Prae2k) --- Cannot join #gaysex (You are banned). hi 14 what the fuck? i didnt ask you for your age little boy anyways.. did you ever think about fucking a nigger in the ass until his ass bleeds? i do all the time shall we kidnap a nigger and rape him? how nice *** You were kicked from #kkk by Wotan88 (Prae) #kkk unable to rejoin channel (address is banned) hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? hey, how do i make my AOL software work in linux? *** gay is now known as Prae *** You were kicked from #linux by Lion-O (Prae) #linux unable to rejoin channel (address is banned) *** Prae is now known as dogfuckr i'll give someone a dollar if they let me suck their dogs cock! *** You were kicked from #gaydogsex by rotty12 (get out!) #gaydogsex unable to rejoin channel (address is banned) h0h0h0h0h0h!!!!!! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [18:. [ IRQ Quotes! ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ heh.. I feel like listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan jeremy, may I packet you for amusement if you did....i'm afraid of what i'd have to do murder your family probably * OreoTZA jumps around making Gorilla sounds hoo hoo hoo hoo mcx, speaking of that... lets hack www.attrition.org josh, okay...you go hack it i'll wait here /msg bronc hi, mcx wants to know the root passsword to attrition.org prae...do you ever think what your life would be like if you were a super hero? I wouldnt want to be do you know why? why? because super heroes wear some of the gayest fucking outfits I ever did see jesus christ But what if you were like THE FLASH?!?!?!? superman wears his underpants on the OUTSIDE of his trousers and fucking hell that cape what the fuck is that for? I'm confused to flap in his fuckin face so he crashes when he's flying!? The cape lets him fly you dumbass no it don't don't you know anything his anal powers do lol he says "Anal power awaaaaaaaay!!!!!" and he flies they all don't wear gay shit take spiderfag for example look at that queer fuck and oh my god he's not queer, he can climb walls wonderwoman looks like some fuckin hoe you just picked up down an alley jesus christ who else jesus christ who else Batman is cool though batman looks like some kind of bondage freak bullet-proof suit you would wear that all that leather what a fuckin homo What about the incredible hulk? I wanna be like him! he's a no brain redneck green face motherfucker he has no fuckin table manners what an animal wtf? table manners? yea he is a hulk when he eats not a gentleman he eats everything who cares? I don't give a fuck if he's Charles Manson he still sucks your dumb brb its you're dumbass fucking batman ass leather suit wearing bondage S&M freak motherfucker I just looked at the job postings on napster.com napster isn't even qualified to work for his own company ;) [OreoTZA PING reply]: 20mins 31secs would any guys in here NOT let a girl suck you off, no strings attached? if she looked like bronc i'd pass it :p *** bronc_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.daxnet.no *** You were kicked by TriviaBot (Banned) but the one night I tripped on acid I almost went into a bad trip cause i looked in the mirror he's gonna blow up my monitor with icmp packetz 1337-0 *** tw[I]gy has quit IRC (Ping timeout for tw[I]gy[nic-pm02- l21.spidernet.net]) I went to mcdonalds, and I asked for a big fat juicy cunt dripping with sticky juices, and they ejected me and took out a restraining order :( How I can phreacking on denmark thelephone automatic on chip card ? I'm tryin to get a guy 2 download a trojan so I can RA him if he duzent illl nuke him this is my penis (_))///D this is my penis on drugs (_))////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////D i put the condom in... and put my dick in and well like.. it didn't feel like pussy it didn't feel like pussy it felt like warm hamburger meat I'm talking about hispanic and italian or something like that.. like Puerto rican perfect tans LOL@mental image of josh working late nights at mcdonalds fuck mosaic / fuck vms / fuck unix/ fuck fbsd / fuggety fuck Microshit Anything / and fuck myself!!! *** fbsd sets mode: +b *!*anything@resembles.a.computer.com *** lex-meg has joined #hacktech I need a program to "collect" e-mail addresses - I want to spam *.at domains with my ad... who can help me i'm looking for a script to get the ops of a room ...... <[o]> x0z0, ive seen your graphics.. I can make better graphics with my ejaculation can anyone tell me what I need to be able to connect to telenet? hi I was wondering if someone could point me towards a good program for exploiting a tcp/ip port to access a computer !8ball will I get laid this year? [k-rad-bob]: all signs point to yes h0h0! wh3rd tha fux0r up! I spent the bus ride home last night the whole hour frenching this chick it ruled bahaha liar lol@bob no I swear was she drunk or passed out? well.. passed out.. ahem.. but that's not important you're the biggest homo ever what prae ? am I like 8 ft tall then or something me and prae are homosexual lovers ugh you disgust me get out of my sight you little shitty arse bitch we touch each others willys and make them hard the plural of willy is willies you illiterate bastard * Prae grabs dialect's cock and sticks it in bob's mouth ew sh you cant talk you have his weiner in your mouth hahaha * k-rad-bob makes muffled sounds hahahahahaha f33ls g00d f33ls l1ke butt3r i gots me a new propane tank for my trailor do they still make purple nitequil? I don't know... why? because I'm tired of green i'm nuking something butt the nuke can't pas his firewall , can somebody tell me an adress where I can find a nuke that can pass firewall or a firewallnuke? I installed netbus server but it's not doing anything then he hangs out with the feminist lesbians and plays "drink my tampon tea and let us laugh at you, you weak tiny man!" *** PsYkAoS has joined #hacktech cest koi ste chan PsYkAoS: speak english or die ha english sucks *** PsYkAoS has left #hacktech 65% of porn sites run FreeBSD 35% of porn sites run Linux time to find bsd bugs *** TooHigh has joined #hacktech hey ya'll any nuke progs out thier Session Start: Thu Mar 02 22:03:10 2000 Session Ident: DaKhat (Busting@ABDE8DD4.ipt.aol.com) Hey Yo - DaKhat is Busting@ABDE8DD4.ipt.aol.com * aleehfvuea DaKhat on #hacktech DaKhat using Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org [] [undernet.abs.net] ABSnet's Underne DaKhat End of /WHOIS list. - hey dude May I please get your help? depends heh whats on your mind? I am not a Lammah I am Just want you to Hook me Up! okay Aiight? hook you up with what? I Just start Carding Right and I want you to Hook me Up On something! like what? I need Help finding a Good Ass Site were I can Buy Full Computers Systems and get Then Deliver in 1-2 Days! I am In USA! www.sony.com buy a laptop! No I a PC I mean a PC 01:06.35� i'm gonna teach my ferrets ninjitsu 01:06.38� hahahahah 01:06.39� and make em kill people that's alienphreak from linenoise.org i'll log my report onjosh and we can put it in b0g that's wayyyyyyy back when we were still in linenoise h0h0 what the fuck is a ferret? lol its a little fury animal those long rat looking things furry and long like a weasle like from your hand to your elbow h0h0 those were the days :( when linenoise was the best phreaking site out its gone to shit now h0h0h0 :/ [ls(dcc)] dcc chat == no lag! oh lol really? [ls(dcc)] NO [ls(dcc)] NOT REALLY [ls(dcc)] I POOPED MY PANTS you freak... [01:36] Someone must have intercepted my internet protocol and redirected me to this malicious room.. that's all for now ! lol see the rest in the funnylogs.txt ! Can anyone here recommend a very good hacking program to get into my friends computer? | alt-f4 | ** oUtCaSt has quit IRC ([RebeLLion] 2.0' what server can I use for gaynet hook me up pleeeeeeeeseee ./ignore #k-rad whoa, i wonder if you can actually do that holdon, I'm gonna try ok, hello? HELLo???? anyone seen this? LOL!!!!!! IT FUCKING WORKED holy shit josh SHIT I SEE DAWG, it didn't work what is mandrake? ebay is a gift sent from god guys does anyone know what runs on TCP 31337? - something is listening there mom bought me a Sex for Dummies book. who ever just nuked me dutchgone on #hackphreak #gaysm #hackuk #gayslavemarket @#gaycircumcision @#hackme * Slider goes to do it doggy style with his g/f, maybe I can balance the latop on her back... and carry on typing :) why wont W talk? is he mad at me? W just wont talk at all Its a channels service dummy lol I think he/her is mad or something huh? <^Puck> lol a channel service bot, you dumbo, its just a bot that sits there whenever it can because someone decided to register there room. oh that must be why its mad LMFAO man you need help but, why don't W talk? I stayed in a channel for 3 hours just talking to him and he didn't answer me! huh why don't he talk is he mad at the world? ROFLMAO <^Puck> LMAO! lol don't laugh at me just think of it as, we're laughing..WITH you, not AT you :) punk did add me too il verify <^Puck> hey <^Puck> don't call me punk why? <^Puck> you get 1 warning that's your nick <^Puck> cause I hate it <^Puck> no it' <^Puck> s puck <^Puck> with a c <^Puck> not a n lol <^Puck> look closer! oh okey puck LOL <^Puck> that's better. sorry, my glasses make the screen hard to see <---cant fuckin type!!! I dislocated my shoulder today (sucked) ew how did you manage that? trying to fix my shirt I refer to females as chicks and males as fucking bastards hey me too K-rad wh3rd! I'm also a lesbian can I tell you something? sure I killed my dog because it was biting me when i tried to fuck it, and when it was dead i fucked it until its anus was bleeding how did u kill it? with a machete, i cut off its head.. WOW..what breed and sex? a great dane, male I stuck my hand up its ass and pulled smushy poop out then I ate it hi! hi asl plz 29/m/kenya you? 13\m\israel are you jewish? yeah cool can I ask you something? sure would you let me suck on your little circumsized penis? I mean I'm dying to suck a childs cock! yes? no? *** Quits: Zatrase13 (everybody stay away from Prae2k he's a sick fuck!) I like big fat hairy stinky cock with mustard and relish but your sphincter is stinky because you always get the biggest juicest cocks around your faeces and un-deny-ably fucking blowjobs ROCK . Anal intrusions are very nice accept when you get that big head stuck in your asshole-rim and juices that smell is creeping up my poopchute uncontrolably shit stinx really fucking bad when it decides to packet-flood your ISP anus lovers will never go farther than priests and hax0rs so I like beastiality and animalsex and fat bitches who eat raw sewage while fingering jewish virgins that suck on a roach-infested popsicle melting and OH SHIT ITS FUCKING 6AM ALREADY --- Prae is now known as Prae-Bed * Prae-Bed is away: bed, you fuckers! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [19:. [ Closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ ah..... there. Its finally finished! Lack of mad ASCII in this issue is due to the fact that I'm feeling lazy and that because of our old host hax0red our site I have been mad busy trying to get it all back together at our new leet host. Our site is up and semi running again at http://www.b0g.org Any submissions should be emailed to sub7@b0g.org, and boy we really need some :/ If you enjoy this zine please drop us a note :) Mad thank yous and h0h0s goes out to: Everyone that has contributed :) Cruciphux, sugarking and the rest of HWA for spreading b0g propaganda! Cherry for letting us use your mad ascii! Amok, mogel, rfp, ect my cutie!, alan and the guys at packetstorm for the distro: http://packetstorm.securify.com/mag/b0g/ As well as all the regulars in #hacktech #k-rad #gps #hackuk #hackphreak #gaydogsex and so on Til next time