_________________________________________ .-. _ .-. / \ | _____ | . o O| ALL YOUR B0G ARE BELONG TO US | ( @ @ ) \________________________________________ / \ / \ --- / | | --- --- | i i | b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! TH4 M4Y 1SSU3 � 1SSU3 X ! 1N Y00R F4C3! 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[b0g-10.txt] [ 0:. - [ ] :. ] [ 1:. - [ The Tao of TCP/IP ] [phlux] :. ] [ 2:. - [ Electromagnetic destruction for dummies ] [Joe-ph33r] :. ] [ 3:. - [ How to get laid on prom night ] [esd] :. ] [ 4:. - [ How to make a simple taser ] [nemesystm] :. ] [ 5:. - [ Introduction to the BASH Shell ] [fluid] :. ] [ 6:. - [ How to be the Funny Guy in Your Office ] [unknown] :. ] [ 7:. - [ Teleconf's explained ] [social retard] :. ] [ 8:. - [ Pulp Fiction - New Zealand version ] [xhaze] :. ] [ 9:. - [ The 7 REAL Answer to Wonders of World ] [Han D'seX0rz] :. ] [10:. - [ ImagINN Hotel Support Software Advisory ] [obz] :. ] [11:. - [ this_is_my_article_on_uber-messed-up-ness ] [odinoakie] :. ] [12:. - [ How to make your own custom wiener dog ] [5107H] :. ] [13:. - [ Diffusion of Technological Innovations ] [fcf] :. ] [14:. - [ guide t0 zer0-day payph0ne expl0it ] [thecl0wn] :. ] [15:. - [ Hax0r-rooms part 2 ] [DryGrain] :. ] [16:. - [ Leet Shell-Scripting, Part One ] [MagicTux] :. ] [17:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ ] ____________________________________________________________________ get your b0g at: http://www.b0g.org - official site! send your submissions to k-rad-bob@b0g.org ! gibb0r us your articles! send us anything >:/ send nudies, pics, and any cool stuff you can think of to k-rad-bob@b0g.org If I dont get mail I get upset, keep that in mind, do your part in making my world a better place to be. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1:. - [ The Tao of TCP/IP ] [phlux] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ First off, this article touches on a volatile subject. If the words spirituality, religion, or god make you feel queasy, skip this article. However, if you are an open-minded person, as every good hacker ought to be, then read on. To avoid any hostilities, when referring to a higher-power (Allah, Yahweh, God, etc...) I will substitute the variable $hp. Please insert whatever string you please to fill in for $hp. An idea came to me the other night when I was writing a shell script to automate some DNS tasks. I was knee-deep in the script when an interesting parallel hit me. Bear with me as I explain. People's minds operate basically like a PC. As a society we have common languages, or protocols for communication. We have different GUI's (faces and clothes, etc...) and different kernel builds (personalities). To take the analogy a bit further, everyone capable of communication has an IP address. We're subneted according to race, religion, income, nationality, or what have you. When it comes down to it, DNS (the phone company, governments, etc...) can't sort us all out. Just as every domain has an SOA (start of authority), humans have local leaders; for example your mayor, your mom, or your priest. These local leaders supply you with a hosts file. I know this sounds obnoxious, just keep with me here. This hosts file starts with the bare essentials. For example: mom mommy Leslie dad papa daddy Fred Freddie localhost me myself I phlux wickedbadass As time goes on, your hosts file grows and gathers information on networks (groups). For example a die-hard Israeli's host file might look something like this: 28.21.133-136.* muslims bastards 199.2.67.* family jenny localhost me herman Yahweh Or maybe a Muslim's would look like this: 199.2.67-72.* jews infidels localhost me ali NES Allah I think maybe you have seen my point by now. Both hosts point to the same address on the last line. However, the hostnames are different. This is the parallel I was speaking about earlier. In my studies, the similarity of monotheistic religions has always struck a cord with me. The only differences in the world's one true power have been its name, and the methods used to worship/understand it. What this breaks down to for me, is that $hp only has one IP address. The difference in us all is what we have assigned to it in our hosts files. We may interface with $hp on many different levels, but it is still the same thing, the same host. All of us connect on different ports, using different protocols. The key of all of this is to recognize, that we all have the same entry in our hosts file. I know this article is quite a stretch. But the message of tolerance is vital. In the coming future, as corporations buy our freedom and sell it back to us; as governments try to regulate what they do not own, as privacy is taken from us with a smile, we are going to need each other. The ones who understand how it all works, the ones who are not afraid of the .com's and .gov's, and you, the reader. We are approaching a time where knowledge will be more valuable than cash. Arm yourself well, and update your hosts file. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! http://www.b0g.org where fear meats joy b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 2:. - [ electromagnetic destruction for dummies ] [Joe-ph33r] :. ] [Joe-ph33r@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. neither I, b0g or anyone but yourself will be held responsible for anything you may or may not do. In short if you build one of these things drive around silicon valley doing drivebys on high-tech industry... I am not to blame, YOU are the one to blame. blah blah, yadda yadda. Warning: Many of the devices described in this article use high voltages and currents that won't just kill you, but will probably blow you apart too. Also these devices can emit electromagnetic radiation at high enough levels and frequency to be harmful to biological organisms. The devices described in this article are illegal to build in most countries and using them comes under anti-hacking laws in many. Introduction: Allot of people know that when a atomic bomb detonates it produces a powerful electromagnetic pulse via the compton effect, which can transfer enough power to electrical equipment near the detonation to disrupt/damage it. Now most people don't have a atomic bomb so if they want to disrupt/damage electrical equipment they will have to make do with something commonly called a 'EMP gun' also know as a RF/radio cannon or HERF gun. (though it is not quite HERF, it should do the job of frying electronics well). In this article i can going to explain how to construct 3 types electromagnetic weapon. One is a omnidirection RF burst device, another a RF gun and lastly a microwave gun. The basic idea of the RF weapon is to generate a high powered, burst of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation so enough power will be transferred via the electromagnetic radiation that it will disrupt/damage the target in some way. (commonly called EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference)) Which with computers this can range from crashing the machine, which is called a 'softkill', to totally fusing its IC's, which is called a 'hardkill'. One person has called these type of weapons 'a poor mans nuke' as a powerful RF weapon could easily give 'The Wall Street Crash' a whole new meaning. People make the common mistake of thinking that RF weapons are very different to EMP weapons, they are not. they are only different in one way, that a EMP does not have a radio frequency, and the pulse is usually a one spike, unlike RF weapons that generate a high powered sine wave for a very short time. Though both use electromagnetic radiation in very high levels to damage the target, so the in the end result either type of weapon will get a 'hardkill', though RF weapons have one big advantage over EMP weapons, in that because the radiation is at radio frequency, so the majority of the radiation given of by the weapon can be guided towards a target using a waveguide, where as the radiation from EMP weapon spread out in all directions, so 99.9% of it, is probably not being transferred to the target. Construction Methods: The are 3 easy ways to build a RF weapon: The first one uses a large high voltage capacitor bank to provide the huge alternating current to generate a RF burst, though unlike the other methods the frequency will be to low for the radiation to be guided effectively by a waveguide, unless you reduce the capacitance of the capacitor bank significantly or raise the voltage of the capacitor bank significantly, either of these things should raise the frequency significantly. The second a sparkgap discharge from a MARX bank to generate a RF burst. The third uses continuos directed microwave radiation, from a magnetron tube. [Method 1] [Omnidirection Destroyer] for constructing this RF weapon you will need: 1. A large high voltage non-polarized capacitor or capacitor bank. (capacitor bank == many capacitors hooked up in parallel). I am only saying to use non-polarized capacitors as the is less danger of them blowing up. The capacitors i used for the weapon design 1, in this article are a 5uF@20kV capacitor bank which would be approx 80cm by 40cm in size. Thought for move power if you can find higher voltage capacitors or/and giant ones, for example 50uF@50kV is even better! I would not go over 50kV though, as you will have big problems with insulation. An not under around 10kV as the pulse will probably be too weak. also the type of capacitor matter to and extent, as many capacitors will not be designed for this (well most) and won't work very well. You are probably thinking to yourself, where can i get mad-capacitors like that?#@? Well the are many answers to that, i myself have many high voltage capacitors (a 1.2uF@20kV bank in total) which i brought for a project from a army surplus store for around $35. You can buy new ones though they tend to be a bit expensive. If you get really stuck, you can always make a homemade capacitor out of a plastic dust bin, motor oil and a few other bits that you can find around the home, though it will be far less efficient than a manufactured one. I won't go into the construction in this article, though there are many sites on the internet that show you how to make high voltage capacitors out of junk. (I.E. plastic tubs, oil, tin foil, glass bottles, etc) 2. A coil, of the right dimensions. The dimensions of the coil depends mainly on the rating of you're capacitors as well as the resistance of the sparkgap. For the capacitors I am using in this example (5uF@20kV) a good coil dimension would be: 1.5 inside radius 3 turns of wire using well insulated (20kV for this) 12 AWG (american wire gauge, thats 2.0523 in diameter, or you can use thicker wire if you can find it). This allows the very high current to alternate very fast using the capacitor as a electrical storage tank, though the sparkgap will provide an additional resistance effecting the current in the coil. If you are using a different rated capacitor and don't fancy doing the math to work out how your coil will perform, the are many programs & spreadsheets out there that will do the hardwork for you. 3. A low VDC to high VDC step up circuit (for example 20 volts to 20,000 volts), as we are aiming to charge the capacitors a close to there rated voltage as possible (20kV). This is quite simple and can be made with the flyback out of the back of an old color TV and a we other easy to find bits this circuit is a very simple one and can be found here: http://www.bithose.com/serfaq/REPAIR/F_hvinvert.html (if it is not there now, search at http://www.google.com for 'simple high voltage generator') I would detail it with the circuit diagram, but I would have to include most of the document for legal reasons. All the parts for this are dead easy to find, and even if you have to buy all the parts new, it should not cost over $30. This is probably the most complex part of the device to build. (still simple though) 4. A trigged sparkgap switch (or a even better a SCR if you can afford one and find one high enough rated, though they are very expensive new and probably very under rated for this purpose) As the only real choice for switching the current, is a sparkgap. though sparkgaps can be expensive. You can make a quick and dirty mechanically triggered sparkgap yourself. You need these things: 1. A think plastic tube. Use a thick piece of drainpipe or something. 2. Two big metal balls (at least 3cm in diameter) that will easily fit inside the pipe (make sure that the balls have at least a 2mm smaller diameter than the inside of the plastic pipe). 3. Some flexible wire that is rated at 20kV+ (or whatever your capacitors are rated at) 4. A piece of string. 5. a thick small sheet of plastic (just big enough to cover one end of the tube) and some rubbery glue. 6. A car battery. This connects to the voltage step up circuit. take your pipe and seal up one end with the plastic sheet and the rubbery glue. then take one of your large steel balls and fix is to the bottom of the tube at one end, before you do this remember to fix the wire to the ball. Then fix the string to the other ball and the wire to it also... the whole thing should look something like this (cross section): 4�!3 �! !!!! �! !||! �! || !||! �! ||1 !||! �! || 3!||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! �! || ||! _�! || ||! / \ || ||!| 2 | || ||! \___/ || the idea here is that when the ||! || string is released, the top ||! || electrode (the ball) drops an ||! || the circuit will be closed as ||! || a spark forms (this at first ||! || provides a very high ||! || resistance in the circuit but ||! || the resistance quickly drops ||! || to a few milliohms once the ||! || spark has formed). ||! || ||! || the end of each wire goes to ||! || the capacitor bank. ||! || ||! || ||! || ||! ___ || ||! / \ || ||!| 2 | || __||__\___/___||___ |___________________| 5 Of course the are easier ways to make a sparkgap, but this is a simple easy one and pretty safe to. I think :/ Of course this is no where near as good or as efficient as a proper manufactured sparkgap, though it will do. If you want to make a sparkgap to your own design for this you can, this is just a suggested design, and not a very good one at that. -=Very Simple Circuit diagram=- These two wires go to the High voltage generator � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � -----CAPACITOR---------------------> TO SPARKGAP � � � � ----------COIL --------------------< FROM SPARKGAP As you can see this is a dead simple circuit, so it should make sense. as you can see the voltage step up circuit connects to the capacitor bank to charge it at 20kV. Then when the capacitors are fully charged the sparkgap allows the circuit to be closed and the energy stored in the capacitor bank to flow through the coil very quickly, and because the capacitors are non-polarized, the high current should alternate like crazy in the coil giving a radio frequency burst of electromagnetic radiation which will radiate from the coil in all directions. The final frequency of the pulse will be unregulated so will change rapidly as the voltage drops but it can go as high as somewhere around 300KHz though it really depends on the overall resistance of the circuit. Power levels (at Max not taking into account the resistance from the sparkgap and at Min taking a optimistic guess): Max: 1 gigawatts ph33rs0me, but perhaps unrealistic because of the added big resistance from the sparkgap. Min: 200 megawatts the burst will last for approx .2 of a millisecond Things to Remember: 1. Make sure the voltage you charge the capacitors with is lower than the rating on the capacitor, otherwise the dielectric will break down and damage to the capacitors may result. 2. the capacitors can sometimes recharge themselves a bit, so careful! 3. careful with what you discharge the capacitors/capacitor bank with as shorting with some objects may cause them to vaporize or explode, or something like that. (i don't really know what will happen, but it you can bet it will be bad!) 4. The discharge from the high voltage capacitors is totally lethal. 5. make sure your hook up wire is as thick as possible. Damage and Range of this weapon: I have not built or tested one of these and that is the only real way to know, though at a guess i would say that at the least this design should be able to totally destroy a computer as far away as 10 metres and at the most be able to destroy every electrical object in a office complex. [Method 2] [RF Pulse Gun]: This way is a bit less simple as the board RF frequency pulse is generated by a high powered sparkgap discharge, though unlike the last method, the pulse that is generated can be directed by a waveguide. For this design you will need: 1. a good sized MARX generator setup, use a some nice big chunky capacitors. You can see a home made MARX generator setup here with construction information: http://home.earthlink.net/~jimlux/hv/marx.htm as i won't detail it here. (If that link didn't work just go to http://www.google.com and type 'MARX generator' it won't take you long to find the simple schematic, though you have to get the values right for the sparkgap distance, resistor levels etc. If you want to get rid of the sparkgap jitter, and you can afford it, you can replace the sparkgaps with SCR's or triggered sparkgaps. If you are thinking of building a very compact MARX generator, EG&G make a very compact sparkgap, though they might only supply them to the US military i suspect. 2. A really thick plastic tube. These are easy to find, just use a bit of hosepipe or something. 3. A simple waveguide. This easy to build of a bit of sheet metal, though some calculations will need doing to determine best angle (again the is software about to work all this out). It should look like a horn type thing when finished. a waveguide should look something like this (cross section): / / / @ == emitter coil / / though the waveguide shown on the / left should be allot more concave | @ but my art-skillz are totally \ rubbish. \ \ \ \ \ the waveguide should basically guide the RF radiation towards the target, you can make the beam tight or wider beam, though the tighter beams will be more powerful and give the gun a greater effective range naturally. The waveguides ability guide the electromagnetic radiation also depends allot on the frequency of a pulse, as for instance a 500KHz pulse will take a waveguide 300 metres across to guide it in the right direction, where as a pulse of around 80MHz will only take a waveguide of 3 metres across to guide it effectively, though waveguides do tend to be inefficient at frequencies under 700MHz. The frequency of the RF pulse for this type of weapon will be very wide, though should easily output radiation in the 100MHz+ range so a waveguide will work. I would measure the RF given off by the sparkgap discharge using a RF meter then design a simple waveguide to suit the frequency range. 4. A low voltage DC to high voltage DC generator. If you actually need one of these depends on the voltage of the capacitors you are using in the MARX bank. So if you are using high voltage cap's you will need one. The link has been given in the construction details of the first design. I won't go into this one much, its not really that complex, though you might have problems with insulation if you are trying to build it as is uses very very high voltages. All you need to do is discharge the MARX generator through a sparkgap. The gap for the spark to jump is inside the pipe to stop the high voltage shorting over the nearby waveguide. (the sparkgap is at one end of the waveguide) Then the RF pulse is directed at towards the target by the waveguide. If you want an example of this look at the so called HERF gun at Infowarcon99 which used and ignition coil driver and sparkgap discharge to generate the RF energy. Though using a MARX bank the pulse will be a hell of allot more powerful, and toast a computer to 'extra crispy' levels. I have no idea what the effective range would be, as it depends allot on how powerful the discharge is from the MARX generator and to an extent how tight the waveguide is. If you want to see a example of a sparkgap RF generation weapon visit http://www.empherf.com where a chap called slava has built a RF weapon very similar to the one showed off at Infowarcon99, (infact almost a copy) though that only uses a ignition coil driver to provide the high voltage spark. The method using a MARX generator described above should be far, far more powerful than that, Oh yes. [Method 3] [Microwave Gun]: This is a very very simple way of building a Electromagnetic weapon, and will have a considerable range because of the high frequency. though the radiation given off will be around 2.5GHz so it will have harmful effects on biological organisms, so careful what you point it at as it will cook at long range and radiation can reflect back at you! Ok first you need to get your grubby hands on a microwave oven, so... Rip open the microwave oven, discharge all the capacitors then take out all the parts (intact, don't disconnect anything! and if you do have to disconnect anything to get the insides out of the case make sure you note exactly where all the wires went and reconnect them where you found them) take the magnetron tube, which should be positioned in a small cavity surrounded by a small waveguide at the top or side of the microwave oven and put a very tight long waveguide round it. (again you need to work out the best dimension here because i can't be bothered, though the horn should look like a very nearly straight pipe and won't have to be very long because of the wavelength) This should easily fry a computer at 50 metres very possibly much further if the waveguide is correct and you did not hack apart one of those old very low powered microwave ovens from the 80's. Oh you can point it at lightbulbs and they should light up too. The disadvantage of this weapon is that you have to have it plugged in at the mains, or have a portable generator with you. If you want to see what will happen to a computer when this microwave gun shoots it, put a calculator in a microwave oven and turn it on, at full power for only a few seconds. I advise against opening up microwave ovens through as they contain high voltage capacitors that even when the oven is unplugged, have easily enough charge to kill, also the microwave radiation produced by a device like this can cause deep thermal burns, blindness and other bad side effects. Though if you feel like having a try consulting the microwave oven repair FAQ at http://www.repairfaq.org to find out about how to take the insides of the oven out without getting yourself toasted in the process. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! K-R4D C4LCUL4T0R JU4R3Z Author: Trionix Release Date: Whenever the next b0g comes out Platform: Sharp Graphic Calculators Version: EL-9200 Ok, go to create a program, and name it k-rad. Input the following code: Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print "PRESS (CL) TO" Print "CLEAR ALL DATA" Print " " Print " " Print "PRESS (ON) KEY" Print "TO CANCEL" Print " " Wait 40 ClrT Print " " Print " " Print " DATA CLEARED" Wait 1 ClrT Print " " Print " " Wait 1 ClrT Print " " Print " " Print " DATA CLEARED" Wait 1 ClrT Print "REAL MODE" Print " 0." End This program is DAMN useful in exams. When the teacher comes round to clear the calculators of all data, simply run this program, and pass it to the teacher, they'll press the (CL) key, and presume that all formulas have been wiped, actually leaving the calculator just how it was when you gave it to them. U can store whatever programs u need for the exam, and they won't be deleted! Although the program isn't an exact representation of what the 'reset' button does, it's close enough, and if u have an examiner who is a stupid fuck, like I just did, u can get away with it. If anyone know how to highlight text, e-mail me, b0g@b0g.org, cheers, Tri b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 3:. - [ How to get laid on prom night ] [esd] :. ] [spin@plebian.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ subtl Well, it's about that time again. Prom is lurking around the corner for all of us American high schoolers. Mine is April 21. The number one priority of your night shouldn't be having fun with your friends, no sir. It should be getting laid (which is fun also, unless you're a complete fuckface). Now, obviously there are several ways you could attempt this. There are the subtle ways like "Hey, nice shoes - wanna fuck?" or "Here, take another drink!", then there are the esd ways. Sure, you could go ahead and do those first things, god knows I used to. But there are other ways my friends, and I will reveal them to you. First of all, dates are generally bad to bring to prom. Let's take my situation. Prom tickets are $25 a piece this year. Gas money is around $15 probably. Paying for dinner would be another $30 and a corsage would be like $20. Taking a date roughly costs me, oh, $90. And this doesn't even guarantee getting laid. Now, say I go with some friends. $25 for one ticket, no gas money, no corsage (I have no idea if I'm spelling that right) and maybe $10 for some food. $35. A total savings of $55. Whoo. Ok, so you get to the prom. What the hell are you going to do? Everyone's here with dates right? Wrong. Most of the people at proms now don't take dates. This leaves you with a nice selection of healthy, grade A, premium booty. Like I said earlier, you could get her drunk as fuck and nail her, but anyone can do that. You want to separate yourself from the desperate losers. If you do get a hot girl drunk -- and she's popular -- let's just say you'll be waiting a while to have sex with anyone involved with her for a while. So, use my technique. Pick a girl out that you like. Obviously, she can't be a virgin (unless it's a freshman of course, or an ugly bitch) because most likely she won't give it up. After you've selected your prey, er, girl, walk up to her and ask her to dance. This works incredibly well on freshmen by the way, because they're so naive. Heh. While your dancing, tell her she's hot tonight. Don't go for any of that cheesy Casanova shot, girls don't go for that as much as you think. She'll probably be trying to think of something to say, don't let her talk. Ask her who she came with. Basically, the main idea here is to talk while your dancing. Come off as relaxed and don't make it too obvious you're hitting on her (yet). If you just dance with her and stare off into the crowd, you're not going to get shit. While talking, you're going to have to come off as cocky, they like guys who are a little full of themselves. Ask her if she likes your tux. This whole convo is going to have to be improve on your part. If you're talking to a freshman you haven't really talked to before, she's probably not going to know what to say for the most part, so it's going to be your job to hold up the conversation. After the dance, ask her if she wants something to drink. If she says yes -- you're in, if not -- you're out. I could write a whole new article on how to redeem yourself if you messed up horribly on the dancing part, but I don't really have time. So let's assume she says yes. Sit down and chill with her for a while. While sitting, you're not going to be as talkative as the dance, but you still want to talk with her. Ask her if she's doing anything after the dance and if she isn't then see if she wants to come to your house or a friends house to watch a couple movies you rented (heh). The movies part is classic - works about every time. Assuming she says she'd like that; you're in. If she wants to go with you somewhere you're pretty much guaranteed a fuck. But, you're going to want to keep it cool for a while longer. When you get back to wherever you're taking her, you have a couple choices. You could do some of the things I listed above if you're feeling extremely horny - get her drunk, just ask her if she'd like to have sex or hell, slip her some roofies, whatever. Or you can test yourself and actually sit down and watch a movie. Out of those 3 things above, the 2nd one actually has worked for me on several occasions. Let's assume, however, you're sitting down to a movie you've rented. Scary movies are ok, lovey dovey movies aren't. Comedy is the way I go though. Believe it or not, her seeing you laughing will probably get you in better than anything else. After the movie has started - it's smooth sailing. If you fuck this one up; you're a moron and you'll never get laid. Happy hunting gentlemen. By the way � "If all else fails, and you've seen no pink, slip some roofies in her drink.." b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: AdiiiRT@aol.com To: prae@b0g.org Subject: I need the url i cant remember the full url to bog.org could you send it to me b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 4:. - [ How to make a simple taser ] [nemesystm] :. ] [neme-dhc@hushmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ [introduction] In this text I will be talking about how to make a simple taser from a flash camera. It is strong enough to incapacitate someone. This text starts with the most simple way to do it. The second part goes in depth on how this works, how to improve your taser, etcetera. [taser, quicky style] Take your flash camera, open it up. Make sure no batteries are in the camera. Locate the flash. Cut the wires right when they enter the flash. You should have a red and green one, but can also be red and black, etc. There can be a third wire that disappears into a little round cylinder. You don't need that, cut the wire off at the base of the cylinder. Now you need to either know how to solder or get someone else to do it. Get two pieces of conducting wire. Copper wire is good because it will push against the target and won't wreck the printing plate if pushed too hard. Where the wires disappear in the printing plate (green plate where everything is on), solder one wire off. Stick the copper wire in the hole and solder it tight. Repeat for the other wire. You should have to copper wires sticking out of the printing plate now. It should be plastic covered except for the ends. Put it back together and hook up a battery. If you have a throw away camera you probably can't put it back, then just tape it ALL up. Do it well or you will zap yourself. After you put it back together it works just as usual, push the flash button, or pull the switch, whatever applies to you and wait for the light to go on. It can be used even after having the switch over for a second, but it won't be as strong. Usually this will give you about 100 micro Farad at around 300 volts. Mine does 100 micro Farad at 330 volts and after loading it for two seconds it already is enough to make somebody's side feel like something smashed into it. Yes, we know this by testing. To test if yours is working charge the flash and then hold a screwdriver with a PLASTIC handle against the two wires. You hold the plastic part, the metal parts of the screwdriver touch the wires. If you did it right it will give two sparks. Your screwdriver might have two black singe marks. My friend has one that will actually weld to the screwdriver everytime. [how it all works] First the most interesting part: the shock. How do you know how strong your particular camera can zap someone? When you open your camera there will be a big cylinder. It will say something like: 100�F/300V. That is a capacitor. The higher the amount of Farad's the stronger the zap will be. The higher the voltage, well you know that one. =) What happens when your flash camera makes a picture is this. The batteries go through some electrical components to boost it's electrical power from a 1.5v to something around 300v. It then enters the capacitor which stores the power. The micro Farad's being how much of it stores. Then when the wires connect, the circuit is shorted and the capacitor releases what it has stored. There are two types of capacitors: polarized and non- polarized. Flash camera's have polarized because it needs to go in one way and leave the other. Last time I checked Radio shack they only had the non- polarized type. You can recognize it the easiest like this: polarized capacitors are usually cylinder shaped and non-polarized are disc shaped, ie: flat. Real stun-guns/tasers work with a high voltage (in the fifty-thousand range) and a low amount of amps. It is not voltage that kills a person, but the amperage of it. [how to improve your taser] You might get bored of your taser after a while, so here are some things you can do to improve your taser. Capacitors I was wondering if I should mention this, but full disclosure should not just count for vulnerabilities in software. There are some big capacitors in old TV's. Now you should know that TV's hold their charge for years and years and have enough power to kill you, so you will want to stay away from TV's if you don't know what you are doing. But here goes. If you want to get rid of the biggest risk do the following. Open the back of the TV. There should be something looking like a suction cup attached to the back of the screen. Carefully take it off by its plastic and then hold a screwdriver against the metal part in the suction cup. Make sure you do it well. Oh and some sparks may fly. That was your biggest problem. Now look at the printing plate. You will see a lot of cylinders. Locate the ones that say something about �F's and V's. Then decide which size you want. I have seen ones anywhere from 4�f/35v which is very tiny, to 200�F/250v and a huge one the size of my fist that said 25000v, but that was in a special casing and that is just too much for anyone in their right mind. Now make sure the capacitor is discharged and solder it off. Then open up your camera and remove your old capacitor. Locate on which side the colored line with the small rectangles along the side of the capacitor is. That is the plus, put capacitors in wrong and they break. Then solder the new one in with the plus on the right side. If you can find a few capacitors that are equal in volts, you can hook them up in parallel. That means that they are both hooked up in the same place, like this: + ...... . and | is wire or printing plate | | = is capacitor = = | | - ...... Don't do it like this or it will likely mess up, ie: no full discharges or multiple delayed discharges. + ...... | = | = - ...... Don't bother with attaching a 9v battery instead of a 1.5v battery: it won't work. The circuit will just cut out on you and not do anything. If your old capacitor said 300v, don't expect your new 500v capacitor to be charged at 500v. The components before the capacitor dictate the voltage. The more your capacitor holds the longer it takes before it is fully charged. Use a multimeter to get reliable measurements on the exact voltage. Usually it is about 30 volts more than the capacitor says it holds. I do not know why a capacitor holds higher voltages than it says on the outside, but I'm just stating facts. greetz, nemesystm - http://dhcorp.cjb.net b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: dix_denver@yahoo.com To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: 666 i have a few number of master card but it just the number. My question is how to know the master card's owner ? please resend my e-mail. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 5:. - [ Introduction to the BASH Shell ] [fluid] :. ] [markus@fluidenterprises.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Intro The bourne-again shell, or bash for short, is quickly becoming a very popular shell. The bash shell has many great features, including many advantages the the C and Korn shell have. Bash has command-line features which usually get lots of notice. Another major feature is its job controls. Bash has become so popular that it is usually used as the default shell for linux operating systems. Basics To execute a command in bash, you have to supply the directory and executable name. If I wanted to execute party in my /root/personal folder, I'd do /root/personal/party. People quickly found this inconvenient so the programmers developed a thing call working directory. You can navigate directories using the 'cd'(change directory) command. If you are lost, typing 'pwd' will show you your current working directory. In order to know where your going, your going to have to see what's in the directory. That can be accomplished by using the 'ls' command. There are special characters in bash as showed in the table below character | function ======================== . | means the current directory .. | means the parent directory ? | represents 1 character of anything * | represents infinite characters of anything These 4 will now be explained with examples. If you were in /root/personal and you wanted to execute party which was in the directory you were in, you couldn't just type party. If you just type party, it'd search in your PATH locations, which are defaultly set to /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/sbin and /sbin. Instead you'd have to do './party' meaning in the current directory, run party. If you were in /root/personal/mail and wanted to run party, you could do '../party', which would mean in the parent directory(the one right before it) run party. If you were in /root/personal and type 'cd ..' it would take you to /root. Now for the ? and * examples. If you had the following files in a directory: baaaaaabby beebby bibby bobby and bubby If you typed 'ls b?bby' you'd be saying list all the files which start with a b, then have any character, then ends with bby. ls b?bby will list: bibby bobby bubby If you did 'ls b*bby' you'd be saying list all the files which start with a b, then have any amount of any characters, then ends with a bby. ls b*bby will list: baaaaaabby beebby bibby bobby bubby The * character is useful for when you want to see all the files starting with a certain letter, or to see all of a certain of file. Examples: ls h* ls *.c If you ever want to goto your home directory or use it, you can use ~. If your username is joesmith and you type 'cd ~' it would take you to /home/joesmith(or where-ever your home is) Bash Input/Output By default, executables take their input from the keyboard, and print there output to the screen, but this can be changed. If I wanted to redirect the output from the command 'ls' to a file, I'd do 'ls > file'. That would direct all the information the ls would print to the screen into the file "file". If you wanted to input all the contents of a file into a command, you can use the < command. Such as "more < file" that would take everything from file and put it into the more command. If you wanted to see all the info from ls in the more format, you could do it in two commands like this 'ls > file' and 'more < file'. Or you could use a | and do it in one command 'ls | more'. That takes the output from ls and puts it as input for more. Another example of using the | is 'cut =d: -f5 < /etc/passwd | sort' That would grab all the names from the passwd file and sort them out. Background/Foreground Normally when you run a program it has full control over the terminal until the program is done running. Then it throws you back into the shell. Well, this OS isn't called multi-tasking for nothing. If you want to run a program in the background so you never have to deal with it, put an & at the end of the command. Example: bash# tar xvf big_file.tar & [1] 2486 bash# The [1] means it's job number 1 and the second number is the process. I'll go into details with processes later. What we just did is move the program into the background. But what if we want to see what it's doing, well, we can use the foreground command('fg'). bash# fg 1 Now the program is running in the foreground at the terminal. If you wanted to stop the program from running, you could do. bash# kill %1 The process is now killed. Instead of using %1, you could have used 2486 (the process ID). If a program was running in the terminal, and you wanted to kill it or put it in the background, you could use CTRL+Z. If we did CTRL+Z while tar was un-taring it's file, we'd see [1]+ Suspended tar xvf big_file & Right now the program is paused. If we wanted it to goto the back ground we'd us bg 1, foreground, fg 1, kill it, kill %1. Processes To get a list of all the processes currently running, use ps (or ps -aux for more info).Remember, if the list flies by too quick, you can use ps | more. If you see a process there you'd like to kill, you can use the kill command. If that doesn't work, they you can use kill -9 BASH Environment Varibles In this part of the BASH Shell tutorials we'll look at BASH Environment Varibles, how-to edit ~/.profile and ~/.bash_profile and how to set and use some common varibles. Sample .bash_profile To understand how the .bash_profile works, lets first take a look a mine: fluid@fluidenterprises:~/$ more .bash_profile # Set environmental variables SHELL=/bin/bash EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin MANPATH=/usr/man:/usr/X11/man PS1='\u@\h:\w$ ' PS2='> ' # Run any commands mesg y fluid@fluidenterprises:~/$ Let me go through this file line by line. The first line "# Set environmental variables" is a comment, all comments in bash, sh and makefile scripts start with a #. The second line "SHELL=/bin/bash" is your default SHELL. Set it to your favorite shell. The third line "EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi" is your default EDITOR. Programs will run EDITOR when they need you to edit a file, therefore set EDITOR to your favorite text editor. The fourth line "PATH=/directory:/directorytwo" is the PATH's your shell will use when searching for a command. If you ran the command "vi" the shell would search through each of those directories, in order. If it found a program called vi in one of those directories, it'd run it, if it didn't find any program called vi, it would reply command not found. The fifth line "MANPATH=/directory:/directorytwo" is the path's your shell will use when searching for a manpage. It'll search each of those directories in order until it finds or not finds the man page. The sixth line "PS1='\u@\h:\w$ '" is what your prompt will be, if you notice in the above example my prompt is fluid@fluidenterprises:~/$ \d = date \h = host name \s = shell name \t = time \u = user name \w = working directory The seventh line "PS2='> '" is what your prompt will be when your using more then one line as the prompt. The same commands as above work for it. The tenth line "mesg y" just runs the command mesg with the y argument, which means people are allowed to request talk sessions with you and they can write to you. All of the command the above .bash_profile could be typed in manually everytime you logged in. Using .bash_profile makes that a lot more conveniant. Markus "Fluid" Delves markus@fluidenterprises.net http://www.fluidenterprises.net b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: playaray@excite.com To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org can u tell me 1.how to install text messagibg onto my nokia 5160 so i can recieve them and write back. can u tell me how 2 phreak a gte qualcomm b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 6:. - [ How to be the Funny Guy in Your Office ] [unknown] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ 10. Keep telling the same person that they have bad breath even if they don't, and then punch them in the face. 9. Announce in a meeting that you have AIDS. After everyone gives you the sympathy remarks, tell everyone how you're just kidding and tell them that they are all a bunch of queers. 8. Before a meeting, fill your mouth with custard. Then during the meeting, put one finger in the air and make like you are hocking up a big loogie. Then spit the custard into a clear glass and hand it to the person next to you and say, "Beat that." 7. Inform a male co-worker that he "wouldn't make a good hooker." Then piss in his coffee and tell him that he needs a good "ass fucking." 6. Always walk around with a big smile on your face and keep one hand down your pants. 5. Answer every question asked to you with "Fuck if I know!" Then call the person a racial slur that doesn't even match their race. 4. Brag about the fact that you own a gun, and keep playing with your nuts. Get them really sweaty, and then walk around shaking everyone's hand. 3. Shit on the floor in your office and when someone comes in and sees it, tell them it's the fake plastic kind. When they try to pick it up, and realize that their hand is full of shit, laugh and point. 2. Run down the hall with your dick out while pissing all over and yell, "It won't stop! God help me! It won't stop!" Then, when it stops, look down and say, "Oh." 1. Ask to borrow someone's pen. Bring it to the bathroom and stick it in your ass. Return it and tell the person to smell it. When they tell you it smells bad, be like, "It should! I had it in my ass!" b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! /\_/\__/\ / \ .-�����`-. | .'����'. | .-�����`-. / \ \/ O O \/ / \ | \ 0| C |0 / | | |�\/'. `-\ O /-� .'\/�| | | \ � /�''-..'.____.'..-''`\ � / | | /� /::::::::b0gman::::::::\ �\ | |/ �� '-.___..:::::::..____.-'�� \| | .---./:::::::\ .---. | |/ / .�:::::::::`. \ \| | .' /:::::::::::::\ '. | \/ / /:::.'������'.::\ \ \/ \ / /:::/ \::\ \ / \| __\::/ \::|__ |/ / \/ \/ \ \____| |____/ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 7:. - [ Teleconf's explained ] [social retard] :. ] [cyber@sy.mail22.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Part ONE: The Know how. And what you need. 1. COCOT pay-phone: these are the easiest thing to find... some people say they cant, but about 75% of payfones are COCOT fones, what they are, are personalized pay-fones, owned by a company, achool,etc. if your in high school, the pay-fones at your school are COCOT ones, your school gets the money. gas stations,schools,etc. best place to find them. a way to find out for sure... is too look for the 'network telecommunications' box attached to it ( alittle box about 1foot x 1foot , ugly ass color brownish green, also used for beige boxing,tapping,etc. ) 2. name,number,address. ahhh, the most important piece of material... the most easiest way to do this is... get your fone book and rip out a page or two, bring a pen, and on the way to the COCOT circle some names, that u feel comfortable saying. its always good to have a name u might have to spell out for the op. makes it sound more real,etc. 3. making things realistic.... to do this you cant act like a robot, dont have things planned out to say either. you must play it cool, make noises,cough,hit the fone,apologize for things etc. its called SEing ( social engineering...) its the most important part. be very polite, have a realisitc voice please... and dont fuck up... its that easy.. i always end my calls by saying: --------------------------------------------------------------------- social: alright is that it? op: yes sir, thats everything. op: you are aware of our #0 options, etc. social: yes i am... oh and what was your name again? op: anna social: thank you very much anna, you were allot of help. op: thank you sir, and thank you for using at&t op: *click* social: from the people for the people ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. can of jolt! and yes this is needed ( uma exceptions for vodka/gin/etc. ) ahhhhh wasnt that elite? SEing is common sence... just play it cool and all should be fine. ok now how to do this from the start. you have selected the COCOT and have a print out of this... now pick up the fone and dial 1-800-232-1234 ( easy # to remem but wright down ) it should go like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------- you: *dialing 1-800-232-1234* op: hello, at&t teleconfrencing , anna speaking, how may i help you? you: hi yes, i would like to set up a new folder please. op: ok 1 second please... you: ok op: am i speaking to the host? you: yes op: your name sir, please. you: jim jones op: ok mr.jones, may i have your home fone #? ( NOTE* this is the COCOT payfone number... not the address u picked... if the fone does not have the number listed, before u do all this call your local op by dialing 0, tell them you need someone to call u back and its urgent at that fone, and that u need the # for it, or act like a bell employee and u need her to read back the #) you: yes i do, 1-707-707-7070 op: ok one second, let me varify this number... you: ok ( NOTE* ok here is the mid point, and most important.... shes calling the security to check to see if the # is ok for billing... if she comes back and says she sorry but cant bill back, either hang up and start over, or if u have other #'s, tell her she should try your other home # and that knowone is home, try to convince her its ok to bill to it... this might get confusing if its your first time , so i would hang up...) op: ok mr.jones everything looks good. op: may i have your address? (NOTE* here she is just filling out a profile one you, dun worrie ) you: yes, 1234 east hwownzme st. , bumsville IDAHO, 35689 ( yes that is the ZIP code ) op: ok, thank you. op: ok your folder is made mr.jones, the folder ID is 456456890 (NOTE* this will always be a 9 digit #, wright it down) you: ok thank you. op: did you want to start a confrence today? you: yes op: ok and the time you: today at 4pm EST op: ok, and how many participants ( pardun my shit spelling ) you: 10 with the port exspantion please. (NOTE* trust me from a long time of doing this , if it gets over 10 ppl it sucks, everyone interupts each other,etc. the port expan is so if more then 10 ppl do come in it will let them in ) op: ok, and for how long will this be. you: 3 hours please (NOTE* dont be retarted and start one for like 64 hours, be realisitc please ) op: ok, i have a tele-conf set for monday sept. 10 at 4pm EST, 10 ppl with the port exp. you: thats correct. op: ok the dial in # is, 1-888-789-0000, the host pin is 455455 and the guest pin is 676676 (NOTE* the dial in # will always be 888, and it changes everyday, and some times everyother day.. the pins will always be 6 digits. the person who starts the conf uses the host pin when they dial the 888# and it asks for the pin. the others use the guest pin, ask her if she can read back the #'s just to make sure u got the right #'s ) you: ok, is that it? op: yes it is sir. you: thank you. and what was your name again? op: lisa you: you were very much help lisa, have a good day. op: thank you for using at&t op: click* you: click* --------------------------------------------------------------------- ( NOTE!!!!!!!!*********** the above will not always be what will happen , but that is the original way it happens, im not responcible if you get caught, NEVER EVER EVER CALL FROM YOUR HOME WITH THE HOST PIN, IF U DID, YOUR SCREWED. i would never call from my house with the guest pin, but its ok) - The Social Retard of The Swing Youth ( http://crack-is.for-kids.com ) b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: sadist111@hotmail.com To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org I like hacker programm.I am study in Mongolian Tekhnical university. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 8:. - [ Pulp Fiction - New Zealand version ] [xhaze] :. ] [kyuss@vodafone.net.nz] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ JULES -- okay now, tell me about the bestiality bars? VINCENT What so you want to know? JULES Well, fucking animals is legal there, right? VINCENT Yeah, it's legal, but is ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean you can't walk into a restaurant, pull out a sheep, and start fuckin' away. You're only supposed to fuck in your home or certain designated places. JULES Those are bestiality bars? VINCENT Yeah, it breaks down like this: it's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it and, if you're the proprietor of a bestiality bar, it's legal to sell it. It's legal to carry it, which doesn't really matter 'cause -- get a load of this -- if the cops stop you, it's illegal for them to screw you. Screwing you is a right that the cops in New Zealand don't have. JULES That did it, man -- I'm fuckin' goin', that's all there is to it. VINCENT You'll dig it the most. But you know what the funniest thing about New Zealand is? JULES What? VINCENT It's the little differences. A lotta the same shit we got here, they got there, but there they're a little different. JULES Examples? VINCENT Well, in New Zealand, you can buy goat in a movie theatre. And I don't mean no side of the road goat either. They give you a farm goat, like in the country. In Auckland, you can buy deer at MacDonald's. Also, you know what they call a Quarter Pounder Fish in Auckland? JULES They don't call it a Quarter Pounder Fish? VINCENT No, they got the metric system there, they wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder Fish is. JULES What'd they call it? VINCENT A Slippery Fuck. JULES (repeating) A Slippery Fuck. What'd they call a Big Mac? VINCENT Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it 'His Big Mac'. JULES What do they call a Whopper? VINCENT I dunno, I didn't go into a Burger King. But you know what they put on dogs in Christchurch instead of vasoline? JULES What? VINCENT Mayonnaise. JULES Goddamn! VINCENT I seen 'em do it. And I don't mean a little bit on the side of the plate, they fuckin' drown 'em in it. * * * TO BE CONTINUED * * * b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ####################################################################### # # # # # C A S H M O N E Y R E C O R D Z # # # # and # # # # C I S C O S Y S T E M S I N C . # # # # -PRESENTZ- # # # # {{{{ keepin it real at the NOC }}}} # # {{{{ pimpin' cisco's ain't easy }}}} # # {{{{ 24/7 Cisco Husslahz }}}} # # # # BRONC BUSTER (as "IOS Hacker") # # DMX (as "Network Engineer") # # Juvenile (aka Juvie, as "Security Officer") # # B.G. (as "Solaris Admin") # # Jay-Z (as "Bigtyme Tech Support") # # # ####################################################################### --------------{{{{ G R E E T Z }}}} AttRiTion.oRG haXOrZ uNiTeD HNN #pHraCK #FatKiDs #LiNuXsEx --------------{{{{{ S H O U T Z }}}} tRu_pLaYa_69@aol.com s8r_4_Life_69_420@hotmail.com XxXxXx_aCiDiC_DeMoN_haCkEr_420_69_xXxXxX@yahoo.com aLL trU CiScO haCkErz Who keEp iT rEaL WeRd uP yO -------------{{{{{ F U C K Y O U Z }}}} gRiD CaNN ziP- sYnNeX SwOpE McX k-RaD-bOB jeNNy_2000_1999_6969_4_U_4_eVR@hotmail.com -------------- I'm a digital cowboy... bronc's my name. My janitor skills, they gained me fame. An rloxley groupie, yes it's true. A nambla man, I like little boys too. sportin' them ciscoz thruout da land, coding with one, whacking with tha other hand. I route dem hos... and narq them kids. Spreadin' mah love, and sufferin' from GRIDS. -- SHAKE YA BEWT-AY THEY CALL ME FRUIT-AY BUT WHUT CAN AH SAY? I'M JUST PLAIN GAY. -- I'm ridin' through compton with a cisco in the trunk. Chillin' wit mah homeboys like that pok�-faggot bonk. My GSR runz Solaris Cause im a real G With mad IOS extensionz That'z why niggaz hate on me I keep it real with rloxley He gives me kiddy porn I skewl his channel New hackerz are born (Chorus) -- SHAKE YA BEWT-AY THEY CALL ME FRUIT-AY BUT WHUT CAN AH SAY? I'M JUST PLAIN GAY. -- Bronc: Nigga I got these ciscoz iced up enough While my lil rloxley's on the bus puttin out cigarette butts But me personally cowboy I don't give a fuck And I'ma always show love to my cut Hit the solaris console tha bitch up The Cash Money motto we got to hack til we throw up Nigga point the cisco out guaranteed I can hack Wootay I'm tattooed and barred up Enterprise 10000 iced up, Rolex bezelled up And my MCSE is platinum plus Earrings be trillion cut And my IOS 12.9-PRE4 be slugged up My heart filled with anger cause nigga I don't give a fuck Stack my Catalyst 6000z up Cause one day I'm a give this hacker life up Porn I don't discuss A nigga outta line gone get his motherfuckin head bust Cisco Money Millionaires plus Don't touch sum'in nigga you can't fuck Fifty inches Flatscreen is a must By the year two thousand I'm gut out my bus (Chorus) -- SHAKE YA BEWT-AY THEY CALL ME FRUIT-AY BUT WHUT CAN AH SAY? I'M JUST PLAIN GAY. -- I be that nigga with the CCNA on me If it aint faster than OC3 it don't look right on me I be fuckin niggaz bitches all in they home Niggaz be like, "Look at that Cisco on all that chrome" CCNPz held by everybody thats in my click Man I got the price of a Cisco GSR 'round my neck and wrist My nigga Baby gettin' a special built server A Cisco Ultra Enterprise 12000 B-14 I know you niggaz can't believe that I can't wait to see ya haters face when ya see that Man look at that Niggaz claim linux just to stand on side of me Folks say take that iPaq off boy ya blindin me All day my Cisco PIX bling bling bling Can see my Serverz from a mile bling bling (Chorus) -- SHAKE YA BEWT-AY THEY CALL ME FRUIT-AY BUT WHUT CAN AH SAY? I'M JUST PLAIN GAY. -- Chorus: bronc Y'all gon' make me hack the planet up in HERE, up in here Y'all gon' make me DoS yahoo.com up in here, up in here Y'all gon' make me crack RSA up in HERE, up in here Y'all gon' make me lose nuke up in here, up in here If I gotsta bring it to you cowards then it's gonna be quick, aight All your firewallz up in the DMZ before, suck my dick And all them other hackerz you run with, get done with, dumb quick How the fuck you gonna cross the bronc with some bum shit? Aight There go the nuke.exe click, nine five one shit All over some dumb shit, ain't that some shit Y'all hackaz remind me of DEFCON, cause everytime you come around, it's like (what) I just gotta get my dick sucked And I don't know who the fuck you think tryin to skewl but I'm not him, aight hacker? So watch what you do Or you gon' find yourself, nuked like someone else and we all thought you nuked yourself But that couldn't have been the issue, or maybe they just sayin that, now cause they miss you Shit a hacker tried to diss you That's why you cryin, lookin at the logoz of yo` cisco certs UUnet/Security Response Team tellin the truth and it hurts Chorus Off the gibson I leave hackaz soft in the brain cause hackaz still want the fame, off the name First of all, you ain't rapped long enough to be fuckin with me and you, you ain't leet enough So whatever it is you runnin on that got you think that you broncman I got IOS source, should I smack him with my dick and the NIC? Y'all hackaz is lamerz, not even good nukerz What's gon' be the outcome? Hmm, let's add up all the client trin00z You hack, you're twisted, your linux a hoe You're broke, the Cisco 2600 ain't yours, and e'rybody know Your old h4x0r crew say you stupid, you be like, "So? I love my solaris shell, I never let it go" I'm tired of weak ass hackaz whinin over kernelz that don't belong to them, fuck is wrong with them? They nuke it up for real hackaz like my mans and them who get it on with tha catalyst the strength of the nukez with them, MAN Chorus I bring down networkz so heavy it curse the 'net No more hackin` - nuke it in the dirt instead You keep ircin` - lest you tryin to end up red Cause if I end up fed, y'all end up dead Cause youse a soft type hacka Fake ./hack type hacka Puss like a soft solaris hacka Hacker iz a hacker, blood's thicker than water We done been through the IDS and we quicker to slaughter The bigger the backbone, the more udpkillz we brought out We run up in there, e'rybody come out, don't nobody run out Sun in to sun out, I'ma keep the routerz out Nigga runnin his mouth? I'ma blow his broadcast out Listen, yo' ass is about to be offline You know who gon' find you? (Who?) UUnet/Network Abuse Hotline CERT & NIST wishin your soul farewell but it's hard to digest with the size of the hole in your firewall b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 9:. - [ The 7 REAL Answer to Wonders of World ] [Han D'seX0rz] :. ] [terry@craniumpie.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Prae never leaves his room or wherever the pc is so he never meets any black people. 6. Pr0n stars didn't used to get paid. Once the pr0n industry really started taking off, the stars realised that other people were making money off of the pics and videos of them fucking. So they all started complaining to the people who shoot the videos and take the photos and demanded payment. They were hot chicks and guys with big dicks so they 0wned and got paid. 5. Do you honestly think that the general public would be enthralled with a movie that consists mostly of *nix screens? I know most of you would but the script kiddies and parents that want to see what their children get up to on the net would rather watch some pretty visuals than see the real thing. And their garbage file sounds uber secret and pr0n would prevent kiddies from using the net and that's their target audience. 4. Gay people are controversial and stuff so if boy bands (and I use the term 'boy' loosely) admitted they are ass creamers (the phrase ass creamer is (c) Jenosyn-) then their record sales will drop seriously and girls won't think they're cute anymore and they'd have to sell records on their musical talent and everyone knows they have none of that. 3. Money. That, and the fact that apparently being in Playboy and Playmate of the Year and all that shit is quite an achievement in the n00d ch33q industry, so, like all good secretaries, they're sleeping their way to success. I dunno bout the big cock theory, and frankly, I don't wanna know. 2. Pussy smelling like tuna is a natural aphrodisiac (in THEORY, that is) just like some animals start stinking when they're horny. It's a way of attracting a mate and letting him know she's horny. But nowadays people don't like the smell of pussy. Heck who cares pussy is pussy =) 1. When you masturbate and your cock gets ready to cum, it opens up some tube or other in your cock and juices start filling up. After you've cum your tube thingy is still open so you gotta pee to close it. I think. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: ricjack@ocsonline.com To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org where can i get the b0g.exe that i need to mask an mirc? thanks cathy b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [10:. - [ ImagINN Hotel Support Software Advisory ] [obz] :. ] [mr_o@disinfo.netm] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ FOREWORD: This advisory probably would have never been released but a friend of mine brought up the point that it might be worth something to someone, so I said what the hell. Besides I was looking for something to do at the time while on a long trip I was on so i thought i'd lay a lil cerebrum terd on ya. But before reading further by doing so you agree that any content contained within this article are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. Neither I, nor any of my collegues or affiliates can be held responsible in any way for any misuse of any information contained herein. This is released more as to be a public consumer protest for such pathetic security that costs innocent people allot of trouble in their everyday lives that could be done without. All information given is true to the best of my knowledge and even though more than likely would never be released by the original creating company, can be used as somewhat of the only known technical information paper I've ever seen for the software and may be treated as which for reference if needed. yada yada yada, basically just dont get all pissed off an remember fux0r luvs yew... ;oD SUMMARY: Circumstances allowed me the opportunity to perform a personal audit on this software over a rather short period (so I knew someone that owned some properties, big deal.) of time but my findings do deserve recognition none the less, ya, atleast maybe, heh. A copy of this document has been sent to many of the larger companies which employed the use of this software upon time of publishing. This software was sold both to commercial and private hotels both in the United States and oversea's from the time of its creation up until about 1995 or so and can definately still be found in the industry today. Though the larger chains began an upgrade to a new system in (1999-'00) but I'd bet the farm there's still many extablishments still using it and its presence is still considerable. At the time my 'test facility' was in a larger metropolitan area and first- hand knowledge existed that many other hotels within the chain, also pretty busy establishments also used the software. Which is another story you will hear a little about later. The ImagINN software was sold by a company of which I dont recall so they probably wont hear about this though I know sun micro had something to do with it. Anyway in the early `80's Tharaldson Corporation owned facilities bought a huge contract on hundreds of copies for all their hotels in the chain. Examples of Tharaldson owned franchises would be Days Inn, Comfort Inn, Motel 6 and several other chains they would lease the trademarks etc. from. At the time (1997-`98) they owned well over 300+ hotel facilities around the world and had (pretty shitty) networks of sorts connecting all of them. This advisory effects all versions of the ImagINN Custom Hotel Support Software that is still widely used in many Tharaldson owned locations as well as many leading competitors both private and chains as it was sold as commercial support software all over the U.S. and over sea's. Points of full information will be brought to attention on many vunlerabilities in the system and effects on further exploiting them to their full extent. Let it be known that I in no way support the misuse of this information, and am doing this as one way of exposing such security threats as they are and see about fixing them. They need to be brought to attention sometime don't they? Hopefully this will cause some immediate upgrade or something. ASSESSMENT: ImagINN was created for hotel support for tasks such as guest checkin/checkout & user info., housekeeping details, Billing Information, Corporate Utilities etc. created in I believe it was '85 or some such shit and has been, and will be in use by many facilities in the united states and abroad for a good while (however after 2k the majority will be over seas.). You can tell wether or not your system is ImagINN if at the idle screen a little sqare resides in the lower righ-hand corner with the current logged in accounts account name in it. I was told it runs on a variant of good 'ol D.O.S. and programmed in delphi though dont quote me on that. It will more than likely be a old, slow, weak, machine x286 or below for sure and is made to run without often restarts. No logs of any sorts are kept besides shut-off & start-up events which can only be accessed by higher access accounts. It works on a hierarchial structure as most systems do and permissions are set per user categorized by sequential levels such as listed below. ----------------------------- 01 - Front Desk 02 - Housekeeping 03 - Utilities 04 - Audit 05 - Travel Agents 06 - Guest History 07 - City Ledger 08 - System Ops. 09 - Manager Reports 10 - Password & Sys Maintenance - ______ 11 -.................| 12 -................|[ These are reserved for other services that more than likely wont be running on the console 13 -................|[ and are reserved for them only. You might find these in a large establishment with many 14 -................|[ workstations running off a network or other features the software has as added options.. 15 - ______|[ If you have any curiousity, yes, much trouble can be caused here as well but we wont discuss it in this. ------------------------------ In order for an account to have permissions to that specific resource it must be given those permissions through these access levels. Example, say I was a newly hired employee for the front desk position, i would be allowed the levels of 01, 02, and maybe even 03 under my account. With just this amount of access I can look at all guests in house info., dirty/clean rooms, bills per room etc. and so forth which isnt all that helpful because obviously if you fuck anything up from your account it will be noticed as last used writes are replaced by the last user of the particular resource. Now we get to the meat of this puppy. The developers of ImagINN werent too clever in the fact that they coded in two backdoors into all versions of the software as 'tst' or test accounts (my guess is the first development team got replaced or some shit and they just forgot about them, who knows...) which allow access to areas they really shouldnt... ------------------------------- Account: Mickey Mouse Login: Mickey Password: Mickey Access: 01, 02, 03, 06, & 08 -------------------------------- Account: Minnie Mouse Login: Minnie Password: Minnie Access: 01, 02, 06 --------------------------------- That's right, I shit you not, these accounts are real and do actually have those permissions. So now between our good friend Mickey and his bitch Minnie we have access to all the other front desk peoples stuff, all of housekeepings and a few utilities but thats not where the first prize lays. You will notice that number 06 which gives you access to the guest history, this is your first morsel. The guest history can go back as far as two to three years sometimes, and with our good friend mickey, an attacker can simply browse around the virtual cornicopia and copy down previous guests full information (Name, Address, *Credit Card Info., etc. things required for carding) with it also being harder to trace being able to go back that far. Ok so the attacker literally has hundreds of full, fresh, virgin, c.c.'s just ripe for the picking, so moving on... Lets get into a little bit of money laundering now shall we, or atleast of course completely in the hypothetical sense. For our good friend Mickey we also see the great number 08, and as we see in my list above, number 08 is a good thing. However don't get too excited as its not as special as you would think the name represents, but it is helpful. From here you can easily go to the ledger the system keeps of outsourced labor and work and is responsible for keeping all the financial information (bills paid, bills due etc.) for each contracter. Synopsis, say the hotel gets re-wallpapered, well the information of the company doing the labor would be entered and all accounts and payment information would be under that companys ledger to be paid out at the end of each month by the corporate offices. Well it is as you might know by now quite easy to obtain a post office box these days and not too much more challenging to get it anonymously. Using the information just given and all one would have to do is enter in a bogus but legit sounding company in as its own ledger and set it to pay out whatever amount at the end of each month (an obvious note, ridiculous amounts are more than likely to be inspected, but still considerably large amounts would get through. $500 max) and you can keep doing it until it gets noticed or said attacker could just change accounts every couple months or so, whatever. Ok so lets take a look at what we've accomplished in a very small amount of time with very little effort indeed. Given ourselves a huge amount of full, fresh, untainted cc's for our disposal, allowed an easy way of co-worker combat, and setup a little way to make some extra cashflow on the side. Hmmm, please an attacker much? Yes, I'm pretty sure its safe to say yes. Next we move on to the next little "flaw". This one is the same as it is in many programs, thats right, I speak of none other than the infamous default passwords and permissions. The setup crews in most cases contracted to setup these systems would leave default accounts & their passwords for their clients and more than likely are still the same for whatever system your auditing. Accounts listed are permenant with the only thing changeable are passwords and permissions, and are as follows... Oh and remember everythings in uppercase as you'll notice by messing with the program. --------------------------------- Account: Corporate Support Login: Corp Sup Password: Diamond Permissions: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, & 10! Note: a *nix example, if an acct. has a uid of zero, and a group id of zero, it's root, right? well this is basically the equivelant. And also the first acct. you might wana try when ya dial in to this thang. ;ox ---------------------------------- Account: Credit Cards Login: Crt Crds Password: Polish Permissions: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 Note: all its missing is password permissions but we'll get to that... ---------------------------------- Account: Direct Bill Department Login: Dir Bill Password: Edison Permissions: 01, 04, 07, 09 ---------------------------------- Account: Financial Statements Login: 01, 04, 09 Password: Stanza Permissions: 01, 04, 09 ----------------------------------- Account: Marketing Login: MRKTG Password: Fraction Permissions: 01, 06, 09 ----------------------------------- Account: Training Department Login: TRG DEPT Password: Magnet Permissions: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 Note: that's right, another acct. with way too many permissions... ------------------------------------ Now I'm not going to say that they will be the same on the system in question but with the little bit of research I did I'd say it's a pretty damn good bet. See when the software was installed it more than likely stayed the same without changes from defaults as to the fact that regular hotel staff in most likeliness wouldnt have the first idea on how to change such things. Let alone the motivation to do so. Ok, so obviously the most important of them is Corporate Support. This account allows you full access to the entire system and is meant for when corporate support teams do required work on the system. Now the first thing I would recommend doing is taking advantage of that beautiful number 10, where you can go and view all accounts and passwords for the system including permissions and other information about them in plain text, hell you even have the option of printing them all out in a nice and neat little form. This in a way is how this advisory and the silent tactics archive orignally began, with me finding this form I had printed out a good while back and finding it again in some of my old notes while cleaning and remembered what information I could, & now I'm starting to like it and think I'll publish many more articles on various subjects, but back to this one. This account also holds all corporate information for the premises including but not restricted to, names & information of area and regional managers, location information, events & notices, perhaps other secluded information that might come into handy. But it also allows access to all area's of the support system, most vital being the Credit Card Information information module & Direct Billing. This would allow the attacker to obtain any and all affiliated corporate credit information among other things. This would mean that say Sprint or some other established company has a support team or something staying at the hotel often enough for them to just have it set up through a direct billing process using saved authorization and account information allowing anyone with a little bit of wit and some patience to read some commands and they could easily setup a second pay-out account on top of the hotel extracting, money for bogus stays. Either that or they could just replace the hotels information all together and the company would be billed correctly for their stay at the facility, only the pay-out would go to the attackers pre-setup, anonymous acct. on a nice & neat, usually automatedly created check made out to your bunk co. until the hotel figures out they haven't been getting their money. With the other way setup a pay-out account could easily be setup charging the company for smaller amounts at time of payments to be paid-out to the attacker at an unnoticable sequential amount so as not to bring attention to themselves quickly. I mean damn you would think this would be enough, and your right. The rest of the various methods of mayhem possible with the other accounts and access's are up to the attackers imagination. Perhaps they might create themselves a personel 'super user' account with complete access to anything and everything connected to that system that is accessible. Or perhaps it will be left merely to co-worker rivalry or something of the same pettiness with no real harm done. I'm sure your already asking yourself "well how the hell did this asshole get this far if he was just sat down behind a lobby desk after hours an let go to work?" and well, yes I could easily extend the content of this advisory to much further limits detailing various methods of attack from a console on such a system, but I don't think a lion tamer would give his lions the rest of his meat, until he was positive he would have more to give them when it came time. So accept the meat how it is and be glad it's there at all... Fools do not learn from wise men, wise men learn from fools. So quite basically by now the system is the attackers bitch more or less, waiting to carry out their bidding. You would think the information to this advisory would end there, of course not, you forget who punched this sucker out. As any even minimally experienced cypherpunk would know, the passwords used on one system by someone, are quite often the same used on other systems the user uses. This tells us what? that perhaps further mischief may be achieved with the crisp clean plain-text login/password form that just recently printed off? Well if you said no, your a moron, if it was yes, good for you. During this time and probably still to date the Tharaldson corporation was connected internationally to every facility owned by them, from corporate to the hotels themselves. It was an older complete text based messaging system used for making/cancelling reservations, as well as serving the general purpose of exchanging administrative information throughout the network. Anything from updates and event scheduling crap to higher up corporate private lines and meeting rooms and what not which are kept indexed on the system. This system works the normal routine of the login/password scheme as a majority of anything of standard security goes. Starting off with a text based screen, using the printed out login/password list grab your district manager, manager's information, the person you think would have the highest access and punch in their info. The local manager, and facility manager have full rights to the system with rights of one through ten by default on the Imag system and would be one's of choice. On their private network of well over 300+ hotels, servers, and hell everything else connected like corporate machines and outsourced marketing agencies etc. general havok could be caused on these permissions alone. I do apologize though because you wont be hearing of my adventures through that system today, because well honestly I dont have close to enough info. on it anyway, but oh well. CONCLUSION: Unfortunately today we arent really forced, but enticed into allowing things of automation to play a large role in our everyday lives. Nobody likes to admit it but there are many flaws in this new way, and especially in the way of security. It as a subject that remains unnmentioned and ignored, but as a reality brings much unneeded, unnecessary bullshit. When you think of how many people within a days time whom you know nothing about yet unwillingly or unknowinglingly share your complete information. Information that without the systems they are based upon mean nothing, but now leave you vulnerable with or without awareness. Protection efforts are to little and don't recieve the proper attention. The media and the general security community are seemingly centered and trained on publicised systems alone. Blaming millions and millions of dollars in loss upon internet banking theft with hackers and the whole shabbang. Do you really think they lose all those millions of dollars when their website's get defaced for their things that are their own fault? Yet what they forget to remember are the people you come in contact daily an exchange that information with. The inhouse stuff exposed to testing every day by one continuous user that's bound to find flaws in a system through experience, difference is what they do with them. Intentions of anyone will always remain unknown unless the technology is created to read peoples minds or something of the sort. I'd be willing to bet more money than the major corporations of america lose every year that a very large percentage gets caught up in the exchange. Their own infamiliarities with their sheep comparable staff lead to their own loss as well as their patrons and affiliates. Hopefully some day I can help make things better like that, would be coo. Anyway as I said I will be releasing several more of these advisories on many subjects for much used corporate inhouse/outsourced systems and other subjects so look for them. I just hope that security quits being such a disgraceful topic as if it is. Its a matter that should be addressed appropriately and handled accordingly. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: rlcrace@csionline.net To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: help! Can you please send me the patch for mirc so I can get into talk City with I love My Mirc but I cant get into Talk City. Thank you b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [11:. - [ this_is_my_article_on_uber-messed-up-ness ] [odinoakie] :. ] [kenny@hektik.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Friday, November 17, 2000 9:56 : i have two bowls to smoke and a 40 to drink and plenty of dexedrine. it's time to pack the bong. 10:00 : bong = packed...ready to smart smoking. grabbing my liter and getting at it :) 10:06 : well i'm done with that :) i'm feeling great....and winamp is playing Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine.mp3 um bob what the hell i dont have skills I HAVE WINDOWS LIKE 98 SKILLS AND I GET HIGH AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU??? SUCK MY CLIT BISCH MONKEY. oh i burned my finger on mi lighter it sicked?????? ouch** [[hping that wiinApm will play bob';s drumming next cuz its a cool song ;))) !!! BOB!!!!!! [] R u GOING TO 2600 THIS YEAR>??????????? THAT SLIKe THE ELITE THING TO SAY!!!! CUZ IT GETS US HACKERS HYPED UP :)))) ok right now im totally like talking to this chic man she like lives close to my house and we talk online and like we have sseen eachother before but now im like hey you hhave 3 tropical birds so like sup>?? and now we dont see eachother but see i just told her high and then i was like i want to get your birds high Hello :) and shit like so now she is confused.....im pretty sure....actually :( so now..... im confused hey i was trying to make sense oh wait no thats not it SON OF BITCHQ whoa dude tak is all underground and shit man he is gettinr ROUTERS dude he will have routers@$(@& [[AKF ""r00T0rZ@($***"" U HIJAx0RSz ouT HTER E:)))) I SMELL YOUR PRIDE LIKE A NIGEROOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so now this song came on and like im like um hello i dont know what you are saying T(TALKS TO WINAMP**) L ok this is dedicated to face i may ask you??? {{{{{{8-(|) oopS U GUYS IM FUCKING THIS hardl aorticle up jesus i forget to BUT THE TImes nso you will SEE ITS TIME NOW SI::: �10:26!!!!! << [DE AOL]� >> it;'s still 12:26 sprry i typed that pretyty fast:)oMG I HAVE MORE DRUGS I GOTTA DDo OK 10: 27 :: this is <))) IM A POTATOT!!!!! b0g means ham in nroSK! and bob ate bog this morning :<<<< i will SNIFf his article into the sea :-D ADK DUDE i need to i havbe more dfurgs.... im going to l[ike um....uiim gonna SHIT oh yeah do drugs and see what sgoing on in >.....BOG.. ok like 10:28... signing offf CPL LANCE HODGE ((((((((ODIN)))))) :) ok UPDATEE 10:@3 ITS UM TAK IS STILL GOING TO CARD STUFF HE IS S GOING TO CARD A DILDO TO JPs HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPK IM SENDING INSTANT MESSAGES TO THIS CHICK!!!!! "16/F/SC Jessi is my name Living is my game I stand 5 feet 4 inches tall Make me mad - I'll put your head on my wall. However, I am really, really sweet; I like new people to meet. Look into my dark hazel eyes And you shall see no disguise. So send me a chat request; I'll please you, I'll do my best. Just keep one thing in mind If you ask me to cyber, I'll kick your behind. ~*Written by Jessi*~""":: "" THERE ;((((( im gonan puikeITHISNK I JUST BROKE MY TEOOTEH??? SHIT OHH BTW I TOOK A ADEXEDRINEE! :L UPDETE!!!!! TIEM SI 10:32 @@@@@@ NOVEMBER I THINK so loike TAKK AND B0ldd aRE NINCHAS!!!!!!!!!! ....... iTz Tr3w oK Sssenmse like my hand s howwww now have controol over mmmy body they are detachedj esus chrits i dont want to me tbyte tupe nE img cant movwe them thoguh PPPPPPPPP shit i cant move them im twitchin gjesue if i can stant up and i woudl get my 10 and drink i need to calm down the dexedrin kicked in aanwow i am all stiff and shit sjjjjjjesus help mee me me me help im stiffening up my nekc its foing to breka SHITSHITHSITSHITHSI SOMEE INT I SOMEONEE IS STHERE> HERE JEFUCk noo non on ono I CANT BE SCCUAT jesusss ANGELS ARE FLying AROUYDN AROUND HELPTHIS SI BULSTHI! sh00p sh900p tAD h0EWp OK SITS 10:37 LOOK AT THIS SHIT FROM ((((CHANNEL BOG)))))))))) <-MY FRIENDS :)!!!!!!!!!!! I LOB JEW D00dS! :)))) lol yeah LOOK AT HOW MANY TIMES TAK LAFFS :`<> <-ANiMe!! hahahaha dude yo tomorrow night were chilling TAK SAYS YO VERY MCUH *^^**!!~ <----- KiTTeNWe LuB joO DeWD0RZ yo k and drinking where? HE"S SLIEK GONAN LIKE HWEY WEN R E WON GONAN GET HIGH ON ZIMAS MOFO~~~ :)))) <-----DADDIO!!!!!!!~~~~~ ........................................... **DRY GRAIN MAKES FOONIES ...#""""""#................................ ..." ~ ~ "................................ ..( 0 0 ).. /------------------------\.. ...| <> |... | tak will have sex with |.. ...| /""\ |...< a_kitten, blueberry, |.. lol *HEHE ...| ____ |... | justagirl, jericho, jp |.. ...|| ||... | and rloxley at defcon! |.. ....\����/.... \------------------------/.. ......||................................... hahahhhahahaha TAK** i only get to lox and clue **TAk ;p; **********MEEEEEEEE <3 :)))) n E 1 JUANTA DeFcOn WIF ME?? GIBB0r ME E-MAilZ to KENNY@HEKTIK.ORG WILL PAY FULL TRIP IF JeW GIBZ ME MAN LUBB <3 KeNNy <3 seems lIKE PPL ARE liek talking about defond again AND SI OKNLEY 10:42?! JESUS ..... ok sio likfe ...... hmm OK AND PPL R SAYINMG JA JA>. n e cute gurlz out theere i want to havbe sex with a cute girl :( please dont u think i deserve it...my hands are nt posssed by the dexedrine demond anymore :)))) **BONIS)) UMS IT 10:45 LOOK AWT TAK;;; * [[[[8-[|] gets 15 routers <[[[[8-[|]> lol <[[[[8-[|]> imagine that <[[[[8-[|]> i would be king cisco *** [[[[8-[|] is now known as KingCisco K???????????? ^^^^^^^^^^^------SPLAIN ??? THE WORDS ON THE IRC WAS FLOATING :((( IM HUNGRE GETTING FOOD IM GONNA SMOKE A BOWAL AFTER IM DONE EAT!!~ KingCisco> :P0(0 :) EVERYONE IS MAKING COOL CISCO SKILL AND LIEK DOING TAH TECHNO!!!!! ITS NEW AND LOOK AT KING SISCIO HE IS LIKE SEE THAT :P-)() sHIT ITS LI A KING CISCO PASSWORD DUDE FUCK OFF LOL ITS LIKE MD-5 ENCRYption u HACKERS!!!!!!!! TELL MI WHICH OF TEH PROTOCLS (ROUTING) CAN HAVE thAT >? :L) *L* IM A SKICTO NINJA MEYSLTUE)) OH BTW i forgot hahah GOT U EXICTE OH WATI THIS ARTICLE SI FULL EF MUCHO GOOD HACKERING MAETERLIAS< BROTHERLY LOVE AND LIKE TECHNOCISCONINJAHACK2600gaypridE {{{{{{{8- 9|) whatever we smoke we smoke it in this bay CHAD U EWNT SOME DEXEDRINE??? baby yes odin. come over now ***TAK N CHAD R GONAN GHIT TEH BONGER!!!))) IM DOOK ANOTehr DEXIE ANIT I HAVBE MY BEER RIGHT HERE INC ASE I GET EXCITED Agina and like then i could drink more beer and I WILl nack my bow another one #2)) when im gdone ok SI 1):56CHADICAL SAYS OLO INSTEAD OF LOL :)))) swwing mad trails, high piched noises and feel like im gon LOL HAHAHAHAHA wyrthhtgyjftkug HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH ZHTAT SHIT RHYMED!_#*(!@)( AN ELITE BLACK NINJA DE LOS CCNP!#)(@* me speak fine engrish on this canal yesterday it was an ircop you said anal what's your title? dEXEDRINE HAHAHAHA TAK @ OLO JAJA flower power mario is so cool JAJAH he gets flower power then he shoots fire balls *L* OMG THIS IS SO SO FUNNNY SHIT iM gong to hit my beer and bong now SI 10:59 L@L '' hello?????WTF11:12 PM im pretty lsot .babies in my cereal 11;18 oh my god i am feeling damn good :) 11:19 OIMG SOMEONE WIN NUKD ME THAT SUCKDE! LOLOL NO EXPLAINS NEEDED?!?! iF U NEED EXPLAINS ON TSITH THIST U SHOULD EMAMLLI ME TO : KennY@hektik.org! THC *** Now talking in #gaydogsex *** Topic is '(No Pics/Netsex) Dogs & the guys that like them on top' *** Set by W on Fri Nov 17 16:08:27 lol *** KingCisco has left #gaydogsex nere 12hAVE piczx of dogs doing NETSEUCK?S ?? what u fafgz r gsay/'..???????? AFAgite!@ *******LOOK WERE I WAS WAS LLIOL DONT TELL MY MOMMY:) 11:38;l. my head sfetls realyf uncny possed by black ladies craving penis 11:56 HAHAH HAHAHAH HAHAH AH AH AH AHAH :))))))) LOLOLOLLLLOOOOOOOOOLL ok im doing great. listening tio this sonhg Hallucinogen byh talk Porkenfold its a bAD ass song ;) im very veryf ucked up mrithg nwo 12:21 : muy monitor is breathing aand hjumpoing aorund and the lights are soungisg relalyh cool and with this mucis is grart iim havbing a grat e timeM thansk frugs sssss 1q2:L234 i keep getting cant directly connect to user...i wonedr if my brain is thiking like it is high and id doesnt get it......like it cant connect..u know function??> i can feel thje flor moving and my heart is racing....it tastes liek i puked but i dont see any pouke. i can feel the blood moving through my body. im occassionaly feeling numb and slipping in and out of realityu 12:28 getting flash back so of from when i woke up in the hospital bed in detox......this is not cool 12:34 tired :L( TIRED BUT FEELING GOO DL)))) 12:36 beer tastes lie k orange juice 12:37 12: 38 it seems like looking up and looking down are two seperate worlds... oik IM OGnnnntnao pas out or pukee it is 12:#9 ORANGES TASTE DELICIOUS 12:41 :) ok this is enough logging i dont think anything that cool is going to happen anymore, oooim so fried ive sen it al but in case something dfoes happen ill open it up and tlel u guyys ok ! so like this is tedicated to TAK- COZ UR MY HOMEI`````1 OD1UM- CAWK U MY DOAG!!! K-RAd-BOI L cuz u R MAKING IT THE ARTICL EOF THE YEAR AWAYRD::::?>>>?> PRAE_ CUZ I U DROPPE DMY PERMA BAN THX GOD LOL LIK omg ???? its poretty hard to do much of anything even keeping my eyes open and walking was a HELL OF A TESK jseus um oh yeah i am cooking spaghetti 12:49> KnEEd Gn3w GrAyphOx QaRd KNEED GARY FOX PPERT fsssssss im xo so tired annd lost i dont care bu tmy breath smells good ;) fell like im ogna puek seein trails on everything hihg piched noises just farted adn it is so warm trouble living there is some problem with beingn alive im so worn out i need some wrest.g oing to put the last bit ofmy beer in the fridge and drink the pepsi and go to bedl {{{{8-}____ drinking poeosit i feel good like i am floting :) eyes closed imo nline :)just tired now 1:30 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Hey, Here is the designers you need, these guy's are amassing, and cheap.They are giving away a free corporate logo design to any one who buys a 10 page website for $ 5,000 us. This could be a savings of up to $ 30,000 Don't worry they have excellent references apparently their a high end firm, six years in the biz ,so call them up and ask them for the free sample design. They won the award last year for best new entry on the internet, and I know for a fact they have a monthly payment plan, like so cheap, totally interest free so call them here's their number. 1-604- 623-4883 bye, Dave b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [12:. - [ How to make your own custom wiener dog ] [5107H] :. ] [psyber26@tacoshell.wi2600.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Maybe not all of you are interested in how to do this, but I can assure you that one day in your life, when you least expect it, this will come in handy. If anything, this is a great way to pick up chixxx. Now, onto the text. In this article, I will be teaching you how to create your own wiener dog. Along with that, I will describe exactly what you will need, and how to put your new found knowledge into use. Things you will need: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.) A dog (non dachshund). 2.) A muzzle. 3.) A saw. 4.) Goggles. 5.) A place to do this. Now, the dog you will want to do this on should not be your own. Many people will ask questions as to why your dog looks different. If you do choose to do this on your own dog, come up with some good excuse like your neighbor ate its legs off, because that one always works. I prefer getting a stray dog, because less people notice when they turn into stubbly wiener dogs over night. Muzzles make dogs quiet. Otherwise, dogs yelp a whole bunch, and if they do so you may instead become too annoyed with this sound and just 'put them to sleep' instead of turning them into a piece of art. The saw is needed for the conversion. I know a few guys who used to use sanders, but the noise of grinding bone can sometimes be too much to work with, and this is why a saw is what I suggest. NOtes to muzzle users: if you have a band saw, or something else that is really noisy, you may not need something to quiet the dog, as this will (should) easily outweigh the output noise of a whining dog. Goggles are a definite yes. If it wasn't for these babies, I surely would have slipped up on many occasions and made a real mess! But seriously here, a friend of mine, can no longer make wiener dogs because he didn't wear goggles like I told him to. A bone splinter shot up from the band saw and damaged his right eye and damaged it permanently. Due to this, his perception hasn't been the same since, and he hasn't managed to be successful in these endeavors since. Although you know, I know, and many others know, turning long legged dogs into wiener dogs is completely ethical. But sadly, even in modern times there are sick fucks stuck in the middle ages out there that go against us at every whim. Until they learn to grow up, we must practice our arts in hidden places, be they in our basement, the woods, or in a far off cave. A favorite of mine is in abandoned warehouses, but sometimes these have those crazy homeless in there. Sometimes they are freaked by what you are doing, but sometimes they are willing to help you out. Then again, sometimes they're just looking to score some free food. What to do next: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you have everything you need, we can get moving on this. 1.) First you want to restrain the dog. The reason for doing this is so that he won't squirm, and mess up your project. A ex-friend of mine suggested beating the dog into submission, but the point of this isn't to harm our best friend. Muzzle up the dog in the case of it becoming bothersome. Also, if it gets mad, it can't bite you. I don't know why it would be mad if you're turning it into a wiener dog, but I'm still learning on this topic. 2.) Put your goggles on. These will definately protect you against flying objects, such as chunks of flesh, bone splinters, and spraying blood. Sure, it may be fun to get soaked your first time, but sometimes fun comes at a cost. 3.) Get an axe. Or a saw for that matter. The axe is swift, but you have more feel for what you are doing with the saw, and you feel like you've accomplished much more when you are finished. 4.) Put the dog on a flat surface, as this makes the job that much easier. 5.) This isn't required, but sometimes music helps. A favorite of mine is "Who let the dogs out?" by the Baha Men. If not, the "Lady and the Tramp" soundtrack is also rather exquisite. 6.) Now that you are as prepared as can be, start sawing away. I suggest going slowly, as this is your first time. Going slow ensures safety, and you will learn more this way. By going slow, you hear the ways the bones are made, and how tough they are. If you understand how this is by taking your time, it will make your next experience at this all the more pleasurable. 7.) Keep working on this at your own pace. You'll get the hang of it. Make sure to cut above the knee, because if you don't, the little stub remaining just makes it harder for them to walk. What to do when finished: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you are finished, I suggest you bandage up the stubs. You don't want your new found friend dying of blood loss now, do you? Of course not. Clean up the mess, so when your neighbors come over to see your new pet, they won't have a clue that it's not a real dachshund. Reasons: ~~~~~~~~ Why are some people just not content with the way most dogs look like? Why would anybody want to make a wiener dog from a 'normal' dog? For me, it's mainly the rush I get from doing this. I also have a great appreciation for canines, and the beauty they bring to this world. That, and I have a love for things that are so small they look funny. Just like midgets, whenever I see one, I just have to laugh. Same with wiener dogs, they're just hilarious. It sure is funny as hell to see one of these things try walking on their stumps, like an ex-nam veteran with one leg. Take this knowledge and let it spread like a disease. Remember, don't do this at home, because you will be caught. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: jserfilus@hotmail.com To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org je suis haitien le telephone portable est tres envogue dans mon pays cependant je veux les activer en phreaking je crois que vous allez m,indiquer comment ou ce que je peux fairepour la reussite,,,,merci....j.ys. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [13:. - [ Diffusion of Technological Innovations ] [fcf] :. ] [fcf@dephocus.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things . . . Whenever his enemies have the ability to attack the innovator they do so with the passion of partisans, while the others defend him sluggishly, so that the innovator and his party alike are vulnerable... -- Niccol� Machiavelli, The Prince. Ladies and gentlemen; I don't believe that anyone in this chamber would move to disagree with the idea that BoW is an annihilation of mind, committed from the very depths of the darkest parts of the stupor sole. For them, there is no line between what is good and what is lacking quality. Their life is a circus; nothing more than an immaculate cerebral blockage towards a life in reality. Brotherhood of Warez has changed their way from superiority to exposed identity. The modern desiccated swamp, b0g, has always been my preferred e-zine. Although I have written for b0g previously, I felt responsible to write again. At first, I thought of writing an article about BoW, but decided to write about the diffusion of technological innovations in its place. Hitherto, there isn't enough interesting about BoW to write an article about. I don't know if this article is of any interest for the b0g readers, and if any flames ought to occur, mail me at fcf@dephocus.com. Enjoy anyways... and, congrats to k-rad-bob & whoever in b0g!#@! ... ( as of writing for a modern e-zine, I've chosen to focus on the innovation of technology... if there is any interest toward me writing about social innovations, let me know. most below is theoretical ... ) What is Diffusion? ... Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. It is a special type of communication, in that the message are concerned with new ideas. Communication is a process in which participants create and share information with one another in order to reach a mutual understanding. This definition implies that communication is a process of convergence (or divergence) as two or more individuals exchange information in order to move toward each other (or apart) in the meanings that they give to certain events. We think of communication as a two-way process of convergence, rather than as a one-way, linear act in which one individual seeks to transfer a message to another in order to achieve certain effects. A linear conception of human communication may accurately describe certain communication acts or events involved in diffusion, such as when a change agent seeks to persuade a client to adopt an innovation. But when we look at what came before such an event, and at what follows, we often realise that the event is only one part of a total process in which information is exchanged between the two individuals. For example, the client may come to the change agent with a problem, and the innovation is recommended as a possible solution to this need. The change agent-client interaction may continue through several cycles, as a process of information exchange. So diffusion is a special type of communication, in which the messages are about a new idea. This newness of the idea in the message content gives diffusion its special character. The newness means that some degree of uncertainty is involved in diffusion. Uncertainty is the degree to which a number of alternatives are perceived with respect to the occurrence of an event and the relative probability of these alternatives. Uncertainty implies a lack of predictability, of structure, of information. In fact, information is a means of reducing uncertainty. Information is a difference in matter-energy that affects uncertainty in a situation where a choice exists among a set of alternatives. By differences in matter-energy we mean inked letters on paper, sound waves travelling through the air, or an electrical current in a copper wire. Information can thus take many forms, as matter or energy. A technological innovation embodies information and thus reduces uncertainty about cause-effect relationships in problem-solving. For instance, adoption of residential solar panels for water heating reduces uncertainty about future increases in the cost of fuel. Diffusion is a kind of social change, defined as the process by which alternation occurs in the structure and function of a social system. When new ideas are invented, diffused, and are adopted or rejected, leading to certain consequences, social change occurs. Of course such change can happen in other ways, too, for example, through a political revolution, through a natural event like a drought or an earthquake, or by means of a government regulation. Some authors restrict the term "diffusion" to the spontaneous, unplanned spread of new ideas, and use the concept of "dissemination" for diffusion that is directed and managed. I'll use "diffusion" to include both the planned and spontaneous spread of new ideas. Technology Innovations ... A technology is a design for instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in the cause-effect relationships involved in achieving a desired outcome.* A technology usually has two components: (1) a hardware aspect, consisting of the tool that embodies the technology as a material or physical object, and (2) a software aspect, consisting of the information base for the tool. For example, we often speak of (1) "computer hardware" consisting of semiconductors, transistors, electrical connections, and the metal frame to protect these electronic components, and (2) "computer software" consisting of the coded commands, instructions, and other information aspects of this tool that allow us to use it to extend human capabilities in solving certain problems. Here we see an illustration of the close relationship between a tool and the way it is used. The social embedding of the hardware aspects of a technology is usually less visible than its machinery or equipment, and so we often think of technology mainly in hardware terms. Indeed, sometimes the hardware side of a technology is dominant. But in other cases, a technology may be almost entirely composed of information; examples are a political philosophy like Marxism, a religious idea, a news event, a rumour, assembly-line production, and quality circles. The diffusion of such software innovations has been investigated, although a methodological problem in such studies is that their adoption cannot be so easily traced or observed in a physical sense. A number of new products involved a hardware component and a software component, with the hardware purchased first so that the software component can then be utilized. Examples are VCRs and videotapes, cameras and film, and compact disc players and CDs. Often a company will sell the hardware product at a relative high price in order to recover profits. An example is the Nintendo gameplayer, which was once sold at a fairly low price (about $100), but with each Nintendo video game sold at a relative high price (about $60). This is sometimes called a shaver-and-blades strategy. Some innovations only have a software component, which means they have a relatively lower degree of observability and thus a slower rate of innovation. Such idea-only innovations have seldom been studied by diffusion scholars, perhaps because their spread is relatively difficult to trace. Even though the software component of a technology is often not so easy to observe, we should not forget that technology almost always represents a mixture of hardware and software aspects. According to our definition, technology is a means of uncertainty reduction that is made possible by information about the cause-effect relationships on which the technology is based. This information often results from scientific R&D activities when the technology is being developed. A technological innovation usually has at least some degree of benefit for its potential adopters. This advantage is not always very clear-cut, at least not to the intended adopters. They are seldom certain that an innovation represents a superior alternative to the previous practice that it might replace. So a technological innovation creates one kind of uncertainty (about its expected consequences) in the mind of potential adopters, as well as representing an opportunity for reduced uncertainty in another sense (reduced by the information base of the technology). The latter type of potential uncertainty reduction (from the information embodied in the technological innovation itself) represents the possible efficacy of the innovation in solving an individual's perceived problem; the advantage provides the motivation that impels an individual to exert effort in order to learn about the innovation. Once such information-seeking activities have reduced the uncertainty about the innovation's expected consequences to a tolerable level for the individual, a decision concerning adoption or rejection will be made. If a new idea is used by an individual, further evaluate information about its effects is obtained. Thus, the innovation- decision process is essentially an information-seeking and information- processing activity in which the individual is motivated to reduce uncertainty about the advantages and disadvantages of the innovation. We distinguish two kinds of information in respect to the technological innovation. 1. Software information, which is embodied in a technology and serves to reduce uncertainty about the cause-effect relationships in achieving a desired outcome. 2. Innovation-evaluation information, which is the reduction in uncertainty about an innovation's expected consequences. Technology Clusters ... An important conceptual and methodological issue is to determine the boundaries around a technological innovation. The practical problem is how to determine where one innovation stops and another begins. If an innovation is an idea that is perceived as new, this boundary between innovations ought to be determined by the potential adopters who do the perceiving. In fact, this approach is used by diffusion scholars and by market researchers in positioning studies. For example, a California study of the diffusion of recycling found that households that recycled paper were also likely to recycle bottles and cans, although many families only recycled paper; presumably the two recycling behaviours represented two innovations that were part of an interrelated cluster of recycling ideas. A technology cluster consists of one or more distinguishable elements of technology that are perceived as being closely interrelated. Some change agencies promote a package of innovations because they find that the innovations are thus adopted more rapidly. An example of a technology cluster was the package of rice- or wheat-growing innovations that led to the Green Revolution in the Third World countries of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In addition to the so-called miracle varieties of rice and wheat, the cluster included chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and thicker planting of the seeds. Past diffusion research has generally investigated each innovation as if it were independent from other innovations. This is a dubious assumption, in that an adopter's experience with one innovation obviously influences that individual's perception of the next innovation to diffuse through the individual's system. In reality, a set of innovations diffusing at about the same time in a system are interdependent. It is much simpler for diffusion scholars to investigate the spread of each innovation as an independent event, but this is a distortion of reality... * This definition of technology as information is based upon Thompson (1967) and Eveland (1986), who stress the uncertainty-reduction aspect of technology, and thus the important role of information, a view of technology that has not been widely recognised. Technology is information and transfer is a communication process, and so technology transfer is the communication of information (Eveland). b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! Odin�s rap i'm as bad as lang when i eat the marhsmellows out of the lucky charms box lang be singin shit that he thinks that rocks little does he know there's a new thug in town this brotha's white, he ain't brown yo my name is hoss, the motha fucking boss aka odin but you know how it goes with either handle i'm getting the hos woman come runnin to me like i was the king thats when i show them girls my funky spring AND FUCK THEM WITH IT FUCKERS FUCK YOUR FRESH RHYMES woomen i mean fuc k u i could rap *** sharkbyte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) ryano's databases are reaching their armageddon i wanna watch them splode like ryano splodes sockets and nodes candy rocks, logbox, fried chicken and watermelon *** langdonx has joined #lost cotton balls, cotton swabs. pick the cotton, it's my job i'm a slave rose from the grave come back to finish my duty, little did langdon know i wasn't through wit him this nigga risin from his grave is gonna bust his skull into a cave with my farming tools langdon will be skewled ill beat the fucker to a pulp and stuff him up, no joke *** logbox sets mode: +o langdonx *** langdonx changes topic to '*** Added *!*hostez@pool- to ignore list' u needed ops to do that buuuuur[ u [hear my rhumes asshoel dick weed? ill put you in the dirt like a motha fuckin seed that came from my fat sack of weed then ill let you rot, smoke you up there's a lesson to be taught dont fuck with this nigga im a mad grave digga putting fools like you in the dirt since 98 i dont hesistate you aint nothin but my bait ill take off your head and lay it on my bed make you give me 4 hours of love and my dick is red you know b0g issues are pretty funny except that you talk too much about "masturbation" and when half of the articles are about "masturbation" it's not so funny anymore masturbation is life hackers need to get they masturbation on so, you think of some different content that everyone can do easily. just like i gotta make anotha song pac cuz im a nigga rappin fool old school rhymin is my tool, i'll use it on you so you best watch out cuz when i rhyme you're going down no doubt either with my axe, knife, maybe my gun any way is fun, watch a nigger go down dont smile or frown, sport a straight face you're a disgrace to my race and that's why i've made you into paste *SPLISH SPLASH I WAS TAKIN A BATH* or maybe a soup, either way will do but who cares nigga, YOU aRE THROUGH tress sup homez we cool dont fear my gear is packed away it's safe to come my way but don't go astray cuz you wont last to long becuz by the end of this song you won't be around for long im unpackin my gear as we speak gonna bust a cap in your chest and watch you leak mad ounces of blood watch you suffer b0g scares me ;/ we psychotic motha fuckas you dont be messin with us til we gain yo trust hey joe sieve what be goin down so for now sit back and watch what we say cuz when we say shit we say it the ghetto way yea.... allo day every day hell 24/7. none of us go to hell, we all go to heaven right. flyin high in the sky when the guy with cocaine comes by we hope in his car and go for a ride do b0g guys do any stuff together in real life? like meet and do cool shit together?? seekin out niggas who be destroyin us little did they know we got their address and we gonna break down their door, call they mommy's a whore odinoakie calm the fuck down you be dissin my raps? nigga wont be dealin wit yo crap for much longer anyway * odinoakie starts diggin anotha grave you are "nigga"? w.t.f. yeah that's right, imma full of anger and full of fright gonna place yo body in my half-ass grave watch your body decay while i blast away my day high on cocaine, niggas gone insane *** Maddy_awa has quit IRC (0wn3d) raping the neighborhood dogs and killing the little kid's pet frogs then i come here and i read b0g listen to little bitches like you whine about their new gateway and look what he turned into. while i'm sitting here watching time go by gotta be at work by 5 so i gotta fly b0g will be back like the terminator yo its understandable that i nigga cant always be aroun d my hos know that and so should you thats why you provide me with logs so i can read that shit when i get back home and the ho is starving for my bone *** console` has joined #b0g :( there goes my career as da rappa b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [14:. - [ guide t0 zer0-day payph0ne expl0it ] [thecl0wn] :. ] [theclown@hackcanada.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ hi kids. when i'm n0t busy being a lamer, i enj0y hacking the planet. mainly with my ph0nes and my sekret teleph0ne utility belt. n0w, we here at hack kanaduh have super p0wrz and skills bey0nd c0mprehenti0n, s0 we kn0w h0w t0 hack. this is h0w i al0ne figured 0ut h0w t0 hack, nay, phreak if y0u will, any payph0ne that y0u, the average lamer, might see 0n the street s0mewhere. 0k. first, y0u pick up the receiver and insert m0ney int0 the h0le. i have als0 f0und that making y0urself cum int0 the h0le w0rks f0r this as well. anyways, then y0u dial a teleph0ne number 0f y0ur ch0ice. my fav0urites are the l0cal ph0ne sex linez, my hack kanaduh krews's's's pagers and cellular teleph0nes, and s0metimes even the teleph0ne c0mpany. i like calling them and talking t0 0perat0rs. i then write ab0ut m0re c00l expl0its cuz ima hacker. and this is the way 0f the hacker. back t0 the expl0it. 0nce c0nnected, y0u speak int0 the receiver. magically, it will seem y0u are talking t0 the pers0n y0u dialed. fjears0me. n0w, take heed. 0r was that weed? 0r e? fuck, n0w my raver trash ass cann0t remember. 0h well. this expl0it is brand new and super elite, s0 d0n't g0 ar0und telling pe0ple ab0ut it. 0r else the f0ne c0mpaneez ar0und the w0rld will catch 0n and that means n0 m0re fun f0r us f0lk. pr0ps t0 my b0ys in hack kanaduh and all y0u 0ther mad elite lamers in kanaduh that think y0u have skills but c0uldn't amm0unt up t0 my super stealing lying bad ass. A M A D M 0 T H E R F U C K I N G N E T T W E R K E D P R 0 D U C T d00d! that was alm0st a pie-rah-mid! i em elite b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! Santa's Therapy Song by chris` G G G x Em Em x x x Em Have a merry fucking christmas, x x C C C x D D x x x D and a happy new years too, G G G x Em Em but if you get on my nerves C D there's lots of ways to kill you. (Follow Same Format..) I can impale you with an antler, or choke you with my joy. I can stab you in the back with.. a poorly manufactured toy. I can shoot you with a shotgun, or this crossbow that I found. Or maybe I'll just dig a hole and bury you in the ground. Have a merry fucking christmas, all the boys and girls. All this happy-jolly shit, makes me want to hurl. (Break from music, say this part in a santa-typed voice). Kiss my ass you pansies, Fuck you and your toys.. Strumming G x x G x G x x x G x x Em x x Em x Em x x x Em x x C x x C x C x x x C x x D x x D x D x x x D x x (Back to music.) This upcoming Christmas, don't ask me for shit. Instead sit down at your PC, and look at b0g a bit. Even though Santa hates you, kids, He'll come through for you. You'll get your presents at midnight, when Rudolphs shits on your roof. G Em Have a merry fucking christmas C D and a happy new years too, G Em Santa needs some therapy, C D so he doesn't kill the jews. Merry Christmas everyone! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [15:. - [ Hax0r-rooms part 2 ] [DryGrain] :. ] [drygrain@techie.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ I was inspired by Tak's article in b0g #9, and i'm building myself a haxor room. Its under the foundation of my house, and i'm working on the tunnel and saving up for waterproof tarp and insulation/drywall/bricks etc.as of writing this article ive gotten 2 whellbarrowfuls of dirt out of the ground. for the february or march article im gonna have a logbook of the progress ive made, and if i dont you can stuff my dick full of weed light my balls and puff.i live in a one story triplex apartment thingy. Here is a diagram: ______________________________________________ ______________________ | | | | / | | | | / | Mexicans | Old bitch | My house | My backyard / | | | | _ / | | | ||_| / | | | | / |_____________|_________________|_____________|_______________/ There you go. Its on a big cement foundation. The little square in the backyard is the lovcation tha6t Im digging the tunnel at. After about six feet of going straight down, Im going to head toward the house and if the foundation is still there, I'm going to keep going down along it until it ends. The room will be seven feet from roof to floor. Im going to line it with tarp when I get it all squared off and haul all the dirt out. I will compact the dirt on the walls ceiling and floor until it is hella hard, and then drive 3foot spikes into the corners of the tarp to hold it on. Then I will put brick along the walls from top to bottom and lay plywood on the floor, against the brick, and on the ceiling. I will have the plywood held on the ceiling by laying it on top of the brick but under the tarp. Then for the final step Ill put drywall on the walls and paint it ninja style. then ill furnish it with desks and puters and fans and shit. for power i will run a cable up the side of! the tunnel through a nearby window into the house. ive got about 400 6 outlet power surge strips, and ill hook them up to each other allot in the room so there will be like a billion outlets, im gonna get a minifridge and shit there too. To prevent it from flooding, remeber how I said it would stop after 6 feet and go toward the house on a flat plane? here ill draw a diagram: | outside | my house _____________ _______|____________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___________________________________ | | | | | | | | grate---> |_________ | | | | | | | | h4x0r r00m | | | | | | | | | | | | me haqq0ring | | | | ---> 0 | |_____| | |\/ | ^ | |/ | water trap| | /^\ | |___________________________|__|___| Not only will the water trap be there, but on the top of the tunnel, flush with the ground, I'm going to have a hinged and handled piece of plywood with plastic or tarp on it covering the opening so that rain doesnt just go straight in the room. At the bottom of the water trap, through the grate, Im going to toss sponges and silica gel and shit down there. Also down the side of the tunnel there will be a bundle of cables, it will consist of bigass phone cord extention cord and a hose. the phone is for my comp/phone (duh) the power is for lamps, comps, fridge, etc, and the hose will have a tist thing at the end so u can turn it on and off w/o going outside. I think thats like all i have to say so bye!@#@#!#!#@!#@!#@!#@!#@!#@!#@!#@!# b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: nobody To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: eh what's up dud ? very impress with recent exploits . Trying my hands on a few things , come on lets try and make some , I Have been trying to crack into banks but to no success . please give advice and lets make money for this group of hackers , impress with the site keep it up Edw edward@my.host.net - Internet Cafe, please do not reply to this address - b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [16:. - [ Leet Shell-Scripting, Part One ] [MagicTux] :. ] [magic.tux@gmx.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Cheers go out to WIZKID for correcting one of my articles and making me look really stupid - Thanks man! Before WIZKID gets a chance to make me look really stupid again, I'll correct myself: No. 10 in my getting good grades in school article was meant to be "bribe your teacher", not "blackmail your teacher". I was just kind of weird. First, I'd like to start with some great quotes: 'A true friend stabs you in front' - No idea whose this is 'So many untalented people are making so much money in the music business these days' - A Spice Girl 'Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You can do it, but it dies in the process.' - No idea here either What is this really weird article about? It is about writing neat shell-scripts. About using dialog boxes in your shell scripts. First of all, to be able to get the full advantage of this article, you should be using either the Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) or the Bourne Again Shell (/bin/bash). These usually come with Linux and various other Unix clones, though Solaris (aka Slowlaris) (as far as I know) doesn't come with bash, stupid as it is. So if you don't have it, be smart and search for it yourself. You can probably find it almost anywhere (including http://www.tucows.com *hint hint*) You have to be on a Unix clone by the way (*DUH!*). Also, of course to be able to use the dialog boxes in your shell scripts, you'll need the program/library that enables you to do this. You can download it at: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/shell/ The most recent version (at time of writing this article) is: dialog-0.6z.tar.gz (Actually, seeing as the last update of dialog was a few years ago, I think 0.6z will remain the most recent version for quite a while) So, once you've got that installed you can proceed to the rest of the article. I recommend editing the 'colors.h' file before installing, otherwise the colors used will look really crappy. Also I recommend taking a look at the examples that come with it in the 'samples' directory. My scripts are based on them, just that I improvised. *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have managed to install dialog, this article is now over! Ok, sorry about that ... it was meant as a joke, but it was, I guess, just too cheasy. That's my humor for you... While looking through some packages, I found this interesting think called 'dialog' that was supposed to enable you to use dialog boxes in shell scripts. Well, after playing around with it for a while I decided to document it. Here it is ... I didn't get everything to work, maybe you can though. So I'll just write about what I managed to get to run. You can also sort of see this as a simple guide to shell scripting. Let's start with taking a look at our options here ... dialog version 0.62. Display dialog boxes from shell scripts * Usage: dialog --clear dialog --create-rc dialog [--title ] [--separate-output] [--backtitle <backtitle>] [- -clear] <Box options> Box options: --yesno <text> <height> <width> --msgbox <text> <height> <width> --infobox <text> <height> <width> --inputbox <text> <height> <width> [<init>] --textbox <file> <height> <width> --menu <text> <height> <width> <menu height> <tag1> <item1>... --checklist <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1>... --radiolist <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1>... --gauge <text> <height> <width> <percent> Now guess how I got this. Yes, exactly! I typed 'dialog' at my prompt =) I recommend reading the manpage of dialog, too. (man dialog ... stupid!) There's the first options ... dialog --clear I have not found any particular use in this For some awkward reason I have never managed to get dialog --create-rc <file> to work dialog --title <title> This just gives the dialog box a title. dialog --seperate-output This makes the output of a --checklist different dialog --backtitle <backtitle> This puts a neat-looking Title on the background So, let's start with a msgbox as it is the easiest to use. I'll use '$' as the prompt, because I am absolutely certain that you are not leet enough to have the '#' prompt. $ dialog --msgbox 'Hello World!' 5 30 Now let's advance it to try out some different features $ dialog --title 'My areet Hello World Program!' --msgbox 'Hello World!' 5 40 Make it even leeter $ dialog --title 'My areet Hello World Program!' --backtitle 'b0g 0wnz!' --msgbox 'Hello World!' 5 40 (put that on one line) Notice the differences? Let's write a little script that uses the msgboxes we just learned about and a yesno dialog box Seeing as I'm a very religious person (LOL!) and I've been thinking about death lately, I will use all sorts of weird examples with death, throughout this sacred article. By the way, you may need to change those little numbers to fit your screen. -----------------death-------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh if dialog --backtitle 'Death' --yesno 'Do you want to die?' 5 30 then dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Thanks! You will now die!' 5 30 else dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 fi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try it out ... quite areet, huh? So, how does this work? The yesno dialog box has an exit status of 0 if 'yes' is answered and 1 if 'no'. so the if checks if the exit status is 0. If it is it puts a msgbox saying 'Thanks! You will now die!'. If it doesn't return 0 it puts a msgbox saying 'Die anyway, Biatch!' Well, also the yesno dialog box returns 255 if escape was pressed ... but we don't want to get into that now. Actually ... I will give you an example (just to make this article seem longer, of course!): ----------------death_modified----------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh dialog --backtitle 'Death' --yesno 'Do you want to die?' 5 30 case $? in 0) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Thanks! You will now die!' 5 30 ;; 1) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 ;; 255) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Why did you Biatch press ESC? Die!' 5 40 ;; esac ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet again, very simple ... =) $? is the last return value of a program by the way. Next there's the infobox ... which really sucks. Don't use the infobox unless you can get it to work properly. The problem with it is that it doesn't wait for a confirmation (like you pressing the 'Ok' Button), it just opens and closes. So you don't even manage to see any of it. Now comes the inputbox ... Let's try it out (wee, I love examples!) -------------death_modified_yet_again--------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh dialog --backtitle 'Death' --yesno 'Do you want to die?' 5 30 case $? in 0) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --inputbox 'Please enter your name:' 8 30 2> /tmp/name.$$ case $? in 0) name=$(cat /tmp/name.$$) rm -rf /tmp/name.$$ dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox "Thanks! You will now die, $name!" 5 50 ;; 1) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 ;; 255) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'DIE NOW BIATCH!!!' 5 30 ;; esac ;; 1) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 ;; 255) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'DIE NOW BIATCH!!!' 5 30 ;; esac ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next comes the textbox ... Let's try it out with 2 examples -------------death_file_1---------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh cat << EOF > /tmp/death_file_1.$$ This is the Death-File *SCROLL* *SCROLL MORE* *SCROLL FOREVER* *SCROLL YET MORE* *SCROLL MORE AND MORE* *SCROLL* *SCROLL* *SCROLL* *SCROLL* *OK, ENOUGH SCROLL* OOPS, YOU ARE DEAD NOW! EOF dialog --backtitle 'Death' --textbox "/tmp/death_file_1.$$" 8 30 rm -rf /tmp/death_file_1.$$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, first this program uses what is called 'Here Document' (cat << EOF) to cat text into /tmp/death_file_1.$$ ($$ is the pid of the current process) and then it uses a textbox to show the just now generated text file. ------------death_file_2--------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh if [ -z $1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 <filename>" exit 0 fi dialog --backtitle 'Death' --textbox "$1" 8 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all let me explain the variables $0 and $1: $0 is the program name, $1 is the first argument passed on the command line. $2 the second, $3 the third ... Then if [ -z $1 ] checks if $1 = 0; If so, it tells the user the correct usage of the program. so to use it you'd type: $ ./death_file_2 <filename> Next on the list are menu dialog boxes ... So let's take a look at another leeto example =) ---------------death_menu-------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh dialog --backtitle 'Death' --menu "What Operating System do you use?" 20 50 12 "Windows" "Bill Gate's Nasty Work" \ "Unix" "Unix or a Unix clone)" "Other" "Some other Operating System ..." 2> /tmp/death_menu.$$ case $? in 0) OS=$(cat /tmp/death_menu.$$) rm -rf /tmp/death_menu.$$ case $OS in "Windows") dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Go fuck Bill Gates ... no wait, DIE!!!' 5 45 ;; "Unix") dialog --backtitle 'Death' --menu "When do you want to die?" 20 50 12 "NOW!" "Die right now" \ "Later!" "Die in a few seconds" "Never!" "Never die" 2> /tmp/death_menu.$$ case $? in 0) WHEN=$(cat /tmp/death_menu.$$) rm -rf /tmp/death_menu.$$ case $WHEN in "NOW!") dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Thanks! You will now die!' 5 30 ;; "Later!") sleep 3 dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'You had 3 seconds. Now, DIE!' 5 35 ;; "Never!") dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'DIE NOW BIATCH!!!' 5 30 ;; esac ;; 1) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 ;; 255) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'DIE NOW BIATCH!!!' 5 30 ;; esac ;; "Other") dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Hmm, just die!' 5 30 ;; esac ;; 1) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'Die anyway, Biatch!' 5 30 ;; 255) dialog --backtitle 'Death' --msgbox 'DIE NOW BIATCH!!!' 5 30 ;; esac --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now that script is sooooo areet. Try understanding it your self 'cause it's actually quite simple and I'm too lazy to explain it now. So, this now leaves us left with the checklist, radiolist and gauge to explain. However, since I am lazy^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hwant to leave you some challenges to solve on your own, I'll leave you to discover these marvelous things. Maybe I'll put it in 'Leet Shell-Scripting Part Two'. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! There are those that seek the power of hacktheplanet.exe, and those who know it. <YASITH> do you know about how can i get some password in hotmail ?? <YASITH> or do you know who knows ?? <esd> the gazoo knows <esd> koo koo kachu <esd> kacuuuuu <esd> kachuuuu <YASITH> who is gazoo? <esd> the aLmighty hax0r <esd> ever heard of hacktheplanet.exe? <esd> he made that <esd> him and tak <YASITH> no <YASITH> where can i get it ?? <esd> you can get it at the grocery store <esd> and a couple fast food places <esd> in the vending machines <YASITH> jejejejeje <esd> ask digi where to get hacktheplanet.exe <esd> or rloxley <YASITH> i was banned from the channel but i only want to know how can i get it <YASITH> if you have it, can you send it to me ?? <esd> i don't have mine anymore, i had to delete it because i couldnt figure out how to use it <esd> go to #zt and ask for it. i think someone in there has one. try msging the ops <esd> ok? <YASITH> ok <YASITH> thnks <esd> np (*** Now talking in #zt) *** Joins: YASITH (charro@du-148-235-125-42.prodigy.net.mx) <YASITH> someone have the hacktheplanet.exe *** YASITH was kicked by SaraLee (no msing ops) *** zT sets mode: +b *!*charro@*.prodigy.net.mx b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [17:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ <visje> does have aney one the program hack attack cam you send it to my???? <Zorglub> will php work on old browsers? <kidjess> and Im curious about .. defcon <kidjess> everyone says that girls that go there are just sluts though <tgpretend> i'm sure your not a slut. <k-rad-bob> translation: god i hope shes a slut <chris`> how come im 6'5'' but my penis is only like 7 inches? <chris`> thats fucking BULL SHIT <Foxdie> prae are you homosexual, or just a platonic guy? <tak_> i just wrote <tak_> t <tak_> a <tak_> k <tak_> on my stomache <tak_> with blood <tress> i wanted to get a vibrator to stimulate my genatial regions with <odinnn> i used to be scared i would turn into a mexican if i ate too much mexican food <tress> i got my panties on my head <tress> so i can piss freely onto the floor <twist> i always hear piano music <twist> as if someone was randomly banging away at the keys <twist> and people chanting <pinkboi> i tried explaining to my mom what I was doing and why there was nothing but text on the screen <k-rad-bob> "mom im on irc, its a virtual meeting place where you pick up scene whores and harras rloxley" <mouser123> I think Im interested in doing some harmless hacking...can anybody help me out? <Zeal> what's cmos stand for? <TimmYboY> Bios <Zeal> wtf? <Zeal> u fik bastard! <TimmYboY> well <TimmYboY> same as bios <Zeal> no it's not!!! <Zeal> complimentary <TimmYboY> er <TimmYboY> whatever <Zeal> metal-oxide <Zeal> semi <Zeal> conductor <Zeal> bios: <Zeal> basic <Zeal> input <Zeal> output <Zeal> sytem <Zeal> system <TimmYboY> yea <TimmYboY> look <Zeal> u thick cunt!!! <{QBee}> umm <{QBee}> we used to email each other <{QBee}> and then <{QBee}> i didnt hear from you in ages <JumboJim> hmm, which email address? <{QBee}> and then i sent you an email messin about askin if you were still alive <{QBee}> and then you sent one back sayin <{QBee}> summut like, "dont threaten me little bitch....fuck off and gimme some space " or something along those lines <ss> hi there search pws for whitehouse.com msg me for help [22:54] <cjmonkey> cjmonkeys staNDARD procedure for acquiring hoe [22:54] <cjmonkey> s [22:54] <cjmonkey> 1. Lure hoes into coming with you [22:54] <tak> lol [22:54] <DryGrain> ok i can dig it, all u guys will have to do is carry buckets of dirt out, and mabye bring me a gatorade every hour or so [22:54] <cjmonkey> ie - "I am fucking loaded come check out my BMW" [22:55] <tak> gatorade [22:55] <tak> lol [22:55] <cjmonkey> 2. blind fold hoe [22:55] <tak> hahahahahahahaha [22:55] <tak> im fucking loaded [22:55] <DryGrain> lol [22:55] <cjmonkey> 3. put hoe into your honda civic [22:55] <DryGrain> lol [22:55] <cjmonkey> 4. drive hoe to underground pad [22:55] <cjmonkey> 5. make sure she doesn't peek [22:55] <cjmonkey> 6. walk her down the stairs [22:56] <DryGrain> we are gonna close and lock the entrance then hotbox the first room to mad hell [22:56] <cjmonkey> 7. make sure she doesn't trip in those heels you dumbass! [22:56] <cjmonkey> 8. remove hoes skirt/pants and shirt [22:56] <tak> oh ya [22:56] <tak> word [22:56] <tak> make an indoor door [22:56] <tak> =] [22:56] <cjmonkey> 9. remove blindfold [22:56] <DryGrain> right [22:56] <DryGrain> so you have to open 2 doors to get to the 1st room [22:57] <cjmonkey> 10. if you don't know what to do by now, you don't deserve this [22:57] <cjmonkey> THE END <zoom> anyone here understand nigger talk ? <Lanze> can I remove auto-away without having to recompile bx? <occifer> my penis was fat <occifer> not to long ago <occifer> so i employed a well known chineese remedy <occifer> you simple tug and pull at it for a couple of minutes <tak> can ibe like van halen <chris`> you fuckers are the reason i cant wake up in the mornings. <chris`> that and my obsessive masturbation problems. * tak_ kisses lil-a *** LiL-A has quit IRC <jes-linux> on my old puter my hard drive is full <jes-linux> I have 64 mb of ram <jes-linux> its full <negrox> I finger my ass to get hard. <G4yHaCk3r> Hello b0yz!! <ciscoboy> ive got a bush above my penis <wh0rde> just because i like anal sex with people of the same sex doesnt make me a homo :/ <tress> hrrrmmm, they have the internet on computers now <FBI-d00d> Ok where the guy thats been hacking hotmail? <twist`> sorry, i dont like sex:( <Prence> i think the dog just has a big penis and she thought it was mine and one thing led to another <Prence> im masturbating to kidjesses pictures <Prence> dont tell <dialect> one night i masturbated so much that i had nothing left at the end of the night to shoot <k-rad-bob> i manage to fit two eggs in my anus <xenophobe> wouldn't it be cool to see little boys getting anal bombed by horses? <solarisx> I AM A HAQQER!!!! <solarisx> wait!! <solarisx> vince <solarisx> what is the best RAM type? <solarisx> i forgot the names of them :\ <vince`> theres not much diff between pc100 and pc133... so pc100 sdram would be good <solarisx> 100meg of ram? <vince`> 128+64? <solarisx> is that what pc100 means? <vince`> no, pc100 is the bus speed on the ram <solarisx> whats a mobo? <solarisx> :/ <vince`> motherboard <evilgh0st> k-rad-bob: I have seen sixty year old homosexual men today and a giant piece of shit in a urine coated toilet. <evilgh0st> k-rad-bob: What kind of kinky freaky-deaky fetish do you have man? <Hypah> W is sure in a lot of channels <ODIN0RE> SOME GUY ON CNN JUST SAID GAGA <ODIN0RE> and i was like whoa if he coulda said jaja <Foxdie> when I was younger and my mum used to bathe me, there'd come a point when my mum would pull my foreskin back to clean there. I don't think I could do that to my own son *** Wu_Rza (~email@adsl-pool37-113.chicago.il.ameritech.net) has joined #php <Wu_Rza> People in here program in php or is this for something else? <Camo> tress does UK stand for YOU CRANE? <k-rad-bob> hacker666 i dont see why you insist on keeping that awful script <k-rad-bob> it gets you banned in every channel you join <HaCkeR666> it has a nuker in it <dethl0k> omg, I hate gay terrorists <HaCkeR666> i uploaded this virus into his computer microphone softwarE and whenever he says my name it will attack <k-rad-bob> hacker666, just out of curiosity, whats the name of the script your using? * HaCkeR666 using <<caNon>> �c��Pt by Adi Surya� Free copy at http://adisurya.virtualave.net <prence> lol <k-rad-bob> im so getting that <prence> me too <HaCkeR666> hehehe <prence> we can be hax0r buddies <HaCkeR666> we can become the hax0r trio <prence> rofl <HaCkeR666> we can go on dalnet. this will be our names: HaCkEr666, SpEEdHaCkeR, and WaReZHaCkEr *later that night* <SpeEdHaCkEr> YAYAAYAYAYAYYA <WaReZHaCkEr> <JulieLez19> hi everybody.. I`m a 19 year old girl from norway.. I`m looking for mature sexy ladies..30-45..??? plzz msg me... <WaReZHaCkEr> omg <SpeEdHaCkEr> OMFG!@# *** WaReZHaCkEr is now known as anne32 <SpeEdHaCkEr> ROTFLFLFL -> *JulieLez19* heisann <anne32> !%@ <anne32> i would plunge my cock so deep inside her it would take a fucking team firemens to get me back out <anne32> holy fuck <anne32> hahaha i sendt her lusta's pic saying it aws me <anne32> hahahaha <SpeEdHaCkEr> ROFL <SpeEdHaCkEr> haha <anne32> is she fucking hot or what? <SpeEdHaCkEr> yes <anne32> for the first time in my life i wish i was my mom <anne32> i would lick her skin off <Enclaved> ans i was like "and who are you!" and she said "read the topic" and it said "cops/fbi/military" and i got a little affraid so i spoofed my IP and then nuked her a crap load of times, just nuked her like crazy till she got kicked of IRC! <^CaFFeInE> hey i need some help someone i know stole my laptop and sold it for $5 i want pay back but the only way i can do that is to pst his phone number on homosexual web site and put really good daels over the internet with his number plz help me out his phone # is 616-659-4944 he lives in sturgis,mi 49091 and his name is mike s. <Access1> where i can find a good bnc ?????? <Access1> hi <solarisx> i have the bnc.tar.gz <Access1> can you ship it to me air mail ?? ?? <k-rad-bob> i made an avi of me jacking off <k-rad-bob> then i jacked off while watching it * linKnee is afk: PUKING <twist`> prae i get ops in #unix now <twist`> op me <Prae> no <Prae> what a stupid attempt <k-rad-bob> What a poor effort twist <tak> she got a 50,000.00 scholorship <tak> and is like a finalist for 120,000 <bob-afk> for what? <tak> good grades and stupid smart people shit <occifer> and i was like <occifer> oh <occifer> then i was like <occifer> can u pull this saftey pin out of my finger then? <occifer> and shes like what <occifer> then i showed her, and shes like <occifer> word. <Pseudo`> what training does one need for being a private investigator? * Prae___ is playing Bon Jovi - It's my life.wav (mp�) [37.4Mb] (2hrs 43mins 46secs) (32kbps Stereo) <thep0et> my mom keeps saying "lick me my pussy nugan" <thep0et> my dogs name is nugan <Kremnul> where can i buy human urine on-line so I can pass a drug test? <S4M0> dude, when i was like 8 or something, i was on the floor.. on my back, trying to see my asshole.. and i was sucking air in with my asshole.. and farting it out.. when my brother walked in on me.. and i lost control of my stomach and a fucking turd popped out and landed on my chest. <mandoman> is there a software version of the unix operating sytem for windows? <Fly_kEaT> ok so what time now in russia? <amsea_> 17:06 <Fly_kEaT> am or pm? <cybzx> can someone write me a kernel in mirc? <Jeffwey> i will buy a camoflouged condom so u wont see me coming <blinkchik> can i become a bot and how?? <jonboi> i heard that you can connect to mirc in notepad....this true? <Mikkel> If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you woke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody? <Celestya> i dont think so <Mikkel> Wanna go camping? <^GoMeZ_Uk^> i am not a slut i just like sex <^GoMeZ_Uk^> im pregnant and i dont know who the father is <^GoMeZ_Uk^> i slept with 4 guys in 1 nite <outcaste> When I was single, I used super sensitive condoms. <outcaste> They were so sensitive that they'd stick around and talk to the chiq for an hour after I'd gone <Shaggy> how do i msg an irccop? <[smiley]> shaggy why do you need a 'cop' <Shaggy> cos i just saw a robbery <Malice> of a channel? <Shaggy> no i saw a house across the road being robbed <Shaggy> and seeing as im using the phone i thought id tell and irccop <NaZZaX> whos that hairy guy mikey <_Mikey_> that's MY WIFE, FREAK!!!! <NetShadow> this is going to sound pitiful... but can you tell me how to use a washing machine? <nailhead> Ya, How come there's albinos in all races but theres no ppl that are the opposeite? like "alblackos" or sumpin? <lenox> i had this semi-rabid cat at my old house <lenox> and it used to love to chew up socks <lenox> so one day he got outside and was running around <lenox> so i take off one of my socks and bring it outside <lenox> and i go "socky...socky" so the cat will come back <lenox> and after a while these two chinese girls walked by and heard me say that *** odinoakie has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <lenox> and they were like "you fucker!" <lenox> and i didn't get it for like a half hour <bob-afkkk> this chick on icq is trying to cyber me <bob-afkkk> i hate it when that happens <bob-afkkk> i never know if its one of you guys <hyrax> i put on a sweater in front of my computer and it crashed <xristiann> anyone can help me to crack a hotmail psw? <xristiann> i am a girl <Prae_> but i sent bob a dvd 3 times and it didnt get there <Prae_> lovers caught on tape <bob-afkkk> im fucking pissed off about that <Prae_> im the one who fucking payed <Prae_> im pissed off more <bob-afkkk> the very least they could have done was to give me a call and said "WE STOLE YOUR PR0N HUHAHUHAHUHUA!!!!!" <twist> I masturbated to a dreamcast game once <twist> It was a fighting game, and 2 of the chicks had very large breasts <twist> and their breasts jiggled when they moved <sceptre70> i am 18/m/surrey and i just watched a porn and i am tired of jacking off i am willing to do anything sexual with a female so msg me if ur interested i don't mind chatting either <detro> some guy taught me how to make crack once <detro> he was homeless though <sp0nk> r u english? <tak> yes <sp0nk> I listened to Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag <sp0nk> they suck a bit <sp0nk> but .. what's a dirtbag? <odinoakie> i had a dream that the "esc" key was racist <odinoakie> and when you pressed it a black person died <odinoakie> i know you probably din't wanna hear that negrox_ <Camo> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/netmeeting/images/video.gif <--netmeet does not have this clear photos <Camo> stupid microsoft trying to trick me F I N Thats it kiddies. End of the road. Maybe if someone actually contributes articles you wont have to wait seven months for the next issue!%#@ Gratitude to those that contributed, both those that made the final cut and those that went to dev/zero, better luck next times foo�s! Greets to everyone in #b0g , everyone that visits http://www.b0g.org , phrack for not putting out another issue, b4b0 for not putting out another issue, fida for trying to be cool like us. anicon, mystic, dragonfly, draco and the rest of my uberleet UT clan, Tool for putting out a new album, mr bungle for rocking my socks, all the chicks in this world that wouldnt slap me silly if I made a pass on them and of course you for reading this. T H E E N D <k-rad-bob> ma petite amie a eu le sexe avec mon meilleur ami hier :---( <k-rad-bob> j'ai aliment� ses testicules � mon chien