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:| _|\ \::::::::::. Dec 98/Jan 99
:::\_____\::::::::::. Issue 2
"Keygen Coding Competition".................................Ghiribizzo
"How to Use A86 for Beginners".................................Linuxjr
"Using the Gnu AS Assembler"...................................mammon_
"A Guide to NASM for TASM Coders"..................................Gij
"Tips on saving bytes in ASM programs"...................Larry Hammick
Column: Win32 Assembly Programming
"A Simple Window".........................................Iczelion
"Painting with Text"......................................Iczelion
Column: The C Standard Library in Assembly
"The _Xprintf functions"....................................Xbios2
Column: The Unix World
"X-Windows in Assembly Language: Part I"...................mammon_
Column: Assembly Language Snippets
"IsASCII?"............................................Troy Benoist
"ENUM, CallTable"..........................................mammon_
Column: Issue Solution
"PE Solution"...............................................Xbios2
+++++++++++++++++++++++Issue Challenge++++++++++++++++++++
Write the smallest possible PE program that outputs its command line
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by mammon_
Wow! This issue is huge. More than twice the size of the last; maybe it is time
to go monthly...
This issue has as its theme --such as it were-- the use of popular free- and
shareware assemblers. It began with my needing to write a GAS intro to
accompany my X-Windows article; shortly thereafter, Linuxjr emailed me the
benefits of his university training with his A86 tutorial (beginners: this is
for you! Linuxjr explains *everything*). I then appealed to Gij to allow me to
incorporate his Nasm 'Quick-Start' guiide, which I have used often...he posted
the condition that I edit it heavily ;)
I would like to draw your attention first to our new column: Assembly Language
Snippets. Originally this was an idea which I and a few others had; however, I
never received any contributions for the 'Snippets' section. Then I received an
email from Troy with the first one... I pulled the rest out of my various asm
sources and voila, a new column was born. This is something that is fully open
to contributions; asm snippets --and we will need lots-- may be emailed to
asmjournal@mailcity.com or mammon_@hotmail.com, or they may be posted to the
Message Board at http://pluto.beseen.com/boardroom/q/19784/
Basic format should be:
;Name: Name to title you with
;Routine Title: Name to title the snippet with
;Summary: One-Line Description
;Comaptibility Specific Assemblers or OSes this works with
;Notes: Any extra notes you have
I should point out here that freeservers.com is not very reliable; thus the
APJ home page is inaccessible more often than not. For this reason I have set
up a mirror on my own page, at http://www.eccentrica.org/Mammon/APJ/index.html
As for this issue's articles, we once again have two fine Win32 asm tutorials
by Iczelion, who maintains an excellent page at http://iczelion.cjb.net (with
a Win32 asm message board!). Ghirribizzo has supplied his fun Key Generator
Competition results (I can't say I was surprised when I saw the winner ;).
Larry Hammick --who also maintains an excellent, smoking-enabled page at
http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/hammick/-- has contributed a fantastic piece on asm
optimization. XBios2 has this time gone above and beyond, not only with the C
Language in Assembly but with his Issue Challenge as well... asm coders and
reverse engineers alike should read this.
As for the issue challenge, XBios2 did not provide me with one for next issue,
so I used one from a text I found on the Internet somewhere... he has been
emailed the text and can try to beat it ;) Also, I am going to be setting up a
page for reader responses to the Issue Challenges -- readers can anticipate the
solutions before each issue comes out, or try and best the solution afterwards.
Submissions can be sent to the same places as the Snippets.
Author Bio's? I know mainstream mags do this-- if you want one, send one. I'll
tack it onto the end of the article ... anything within reason: URL, email,
hobbies, perversions, favorite drink, favorite linux distro, etc.
Next Issue: How many articles on Code Optimization can I get? That would make a
great theme (with the foundation laid this issue)--anything from code theory to
PentiumII-specific optimizations would be welcome. Prospective articles, send
to me or post on the MB...no topic is unacceptable unless you can in no way
possible relate it to assembly language.
Enjoy the ish,
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Keygen Coding Competition
by Ghiribizzo
The competition was to write the smallest key generator for the simple serial
scheme I wrote as a trainer for newbies. I had a few reasons for starting this
� To give the newbies a chance to participate in a competition
� To give old hands the chance to brush up on their assembly skills
� To promote tight assembly coding
� To demonstrate the various different methods used to improve efficiency in
Well, I'm back from my short European jaunt and the competition is now closed.
I have greatly enjoyed the entire competition, from the coding of the crackme
and the chats with various crackers on IRC through to deciding the winner and
writing this document.
Analysis of the Serial Scheme
The serial scheme was kept deliberately simple as it was written for newbies to
train with. The scheme took a name of up to 16 bytes long and required a 16
byte serial number. There was a 256 byte lookup table that was indexed directly
with the ASCII values of the name field. The name was padded to a length of 16
(if necessary) using values hardcoded into the scheme. The 256 byte lookup
table was created using eight maximal 8 bit linear feedback shift registers
(LFSRs) in parallel i.e. producing one output byte per 'clock'. The LFSRs were
initialised to produce 'Ghir_OCU' as the first 8 output bytes. The table was
precomputed and it was not expected that the cracker recognise the nature of
the lookup table - although a post I made to the cracking forum about LFSRs
might have tipped the more astute crackers!
The rules of the competition required that some standard interface text be
included which strongly urged the use of service 9 interrupt 21h - though this
would probably be used in any case - and discouraged blank screens and other
unfriendly UIs from being used to save bytes. Also, the rules specified a range
of input to be handled smaller than the possible 256 maximum. Due to the simple
nature of the serial scheme, this meant that the lookup table could immediately
be stripped down to the input range.
I envisioned that there would be 3 �fights�. One to reduce the original
algorithm, second to reduce the packed table lookup algorithm and the last to
reduce the LFSR algorithm. As it turned it, everyone seemed to go for the
packed table option.
The Entrants
The following entrants have been included because they illustrate the different
ideas and methods used to reach the common goal of reducing code size. I didn't
realise that so many crackers would use the precomputed table method. Perhaps
word got out during IRC chats and everybody started using them? In any case,
this didn�t reduce the size cutting war as precomputation had its own routines
that needed to be optimised.
Ghiribizzo Alpha (223 bytes)
This was not an entrant as it would hardly be fair for me to enter the
competition knowing how the lookup table was generated! This keygen was
basically converted from the crackme and improved 'on-the-fly' by generating
the lookup table in code and tidying up routines where they were obviously
inefficient. No great thought went into this and the code size was just to give
myself an idea of what crackers would be aiming for. Aside from generating the
lookup table, the only other unusual feature of this keygen was the use of the
XLAT command instead of the standard indexing used in the crackme. I didn't
stop to check whether this used less space or not, but included it as newbies
may not be familiar with the XLAT instruction. As it happened, the XLAT
instruction was used in Spyder�s keygen.
From the size I got from this keygen, I tried to guess a required key input
range to put this size between thestraight table precomputation and the packed
table precomputation.
One thing to note is how I ended the program. I was quite surprised by the fact
that nobody else seemed to know that you could quit com programs with a ret
instruction. Further size savings can be made by using Bb�s trick of keeping DH
and also by tweaking the generator to fix some of the bitstreams produced to
give us the bits we need and save later processing.
Cruehead Alpha (244 bytes)
I got this from Cruehead on IRC when I asked to see what he had managed so far.
Although this version is unfinished it is still impressive. The keygen relies
on precomputing the whole table and reducing the keygen to a single table
The coding is very simple - almost seems as if Cruehead was typing the steps
going through his head straight onto the keyboard (perhaps he was?) the
resulting code is consequently very easy to understand and follow.
Bb #10 (230 bytes)
Bb has written an excellent keygen. He has put some serious hard work into this
including taking the time to calculate the dx offsets manually instead of just
using the �offset� feature that the compiler provides. It has been fun watching
Bb�s keygen progress as the first one I received was version 5 which was 256
bytes long. The keygen presented here is version 10. There are other nice bits
and bobs throughout this code. This makes it quite frustrating as in various
places so much space is blatantly wasted. Just take a look at the last 6 lines
of code! There shouldn�t even be 6 lines there! I�m sure Bb will learn a lot
from seeing some of the other keygens here and I�m sure he will do very well
should he enter the next competition.
Spyder (211 bytes)
Tidy, compact and elegantly coded. A little sparse in commenting (it seems like
Spyder coerced IDA to write the keygen for him ;-p). The table lookup is an
interesting piece of code.
VoidLord (247 bytes)
Another keygen using the idea of a packed precomputed table. VoidLord�s first
keygen. Let�s hope we see more!
Honourable Mentions
Special mention given to Trykka who managed to deduce how the look-up table was
created - but never sent in an entry!
The Winner
Well it looks like Spyder is the winner by quite a large margin. Incidentally,
I have just made a quick check that the keygens work. You might be able to bump
yourself up on the scale by picking holes in the other keygens :-)
kgen.com 211 Spyder
kg.com 224 Ghiribizzo (alpha)
kg10.com 230 Bb
kg9.com 233 Bb
kg6.com 239 Bb
kgvoid.com 247 VoidLord
kgcrue.com 255 Cruehead (alpha)
kg5.com 256 Bb
kgt.com 529 Serial Scheme
Final Words
There have been some excellent ideas in the keygens. However, none of the
keygens are as small as they could be. They all have some scope for improvement.
By combining some of the ideas given in the above keygens, we could create a
new smaller keygen. It will be interesting to see what the smallest possible
keygen would look like.
I hope that everyone who has taken part in the competition, or who has followed
it, has gained something from it. I hope that there will be more entries for
the next competition!
The Source Codes
; Ghiribizzo�s Keygen =========================================================
.model tiny
; The first part of the code is the table generator
; Note that we can actually do some �precomputing� by
; fixing some of the bits in the generator to produce
; the bits that we need. This will save some bytes
; in the serial section. I have not bothered to do this.
mov ax, 5547h
mov bx, 6869h
mov cx, 725fh
mov dx, 4f43h
mov di, offset PRD
mov si, offset PRD + 0ffh
;Save MSB
mov bp,ax
mov al,ah
and ax,0ffh
xchg ax,bp
xor ah,bl
xor ah,ch
xor ah,al
mov al,bh
mov bh,bl
mov bl,ch
mov ch,cl
mov cl,dh
mov dh,dl
;Store MSB
and dx,0ff00h
or dx,bp
cmp di,si
jle LFSR
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset startMsg
int 21h
mov ah,10
mov dx,offset NameInput
int 21h
mov si,offset NameBuffer
mov di,offset NameHash
mov bx,offset Table1
and al,3fh
or al,30h
cmp al,39h
jle keepit
add al,7
cmp di,offset stopbyte
jl MakeSerial
mov dx,offset NH2
mov ah,9
int 21h
StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keggen #1 ',0feh,' Ghiribizzo 1998 ',0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name : $'
NameInput db 17
NameRead db ?
NameBuffer db 'mk3 "![]ns)%3x#0Z'
nh2 db 0dh,0ah,'Serial Number: '
NameHash db 16 dup('y')
stopbyte db 0dh,0ah,'$'
; Cruehead�s Keygen ===========================================================
.model tiny
StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keggen #1 ',0feh,' Cruehead 1998 ',0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name : $'
SerialMsg db 0dh,0ah,'Serial Number: '
NameVar db 011h,0h,06Bh,06bh,033h,020h,022h,021h,05bh,05dh,06eh
db 073h,029h,025h,033h,078h,023h,030h,'$'
Table db 037h,035h,034h,031h,036h,032h,046h,044h,046h,044h,044h
db 031h,035h,035h,038h,035h,036h,046h,032h,045h,036h,030h
db 031h,039h,033h,034h,030h,046h,031h,042h,044h,030h,043h
db 036h,043h,035h,039h,045h,039h,033h,036h,043h,037h,035h
db 036h,044h,045h,036h,032h,044h,031h,037h,039h,030h,031h
db 042h,046h,043h,034h,032h,031h,035h,037h,034h,044h,032h
db 032h,032h,030h,043h,034h,030h,044h,044h,033h,039h,044h
db 043h,038h,036h,031h,038h,041h,037h,034h,046h,045h,041h
db 036h,044h,043h,041h,041h,039h,043h,037h
mov ah,09h
lea dx,StartMsg
int 21h
mov ah,0ah
lea dx,NameVar
int 21h
mov bl,NameVar[di+4]
cmp bl,0dh
jne noprob
mov bl,02bh
mov al,table[bx-020h]
mov NameVar[di+2],al
inc di
cmp di,0Eh
jne OnceAgain
mov word ptr NameVar[16],00a0dh
mov ah,09h
lea dx,SerialMsg
int 21h
; Bb�s Keygen =================================================================
; KG10 - Ghiribizzo KeyGen
; written by bb 12Sep98 1:30AM
; next revision 13Sep98 5:00PM
; yet more changes - 26Sep98 - late late night
; eat 3 more bytes 28Sep98
; comments where the evils lay
; I just knew that I HAD to make this thing 256 bytes of less. Beware: This
; is NOT an example of good coding practice! I almost wish I could do a
; "bytes saved" comparison for all the little hacks.
; I've gotten this to assemble under TASM. It MUST assemble as a 16-bit COM file,
; and even then I can't guarantee that the offsets will remain stable between
; various assemblers. Let me restate that: I CAN guarantee that this won't
; work for you when you try and assemble it yourself. :)
OffsetStartMsg EQU 52h
OffsetMySerial EQU 7fh
OffsetSerialMsg EQU 91h
OffsetMyName EQU 0a3h
StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keggen #1 ',0feh,' ----- bb ----- 1998',0dh,0ah
; There's no reason not to re-use this section of the StartMsg, since it fits
; perfectly though code had to be added to affix a linefeed
MySerial db 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name : $'
SerialMsg db 0dh,0ah,'Serial Number: $'
; previous change to MyName not needed anymore
MyName db 11h, 0h, 6Dh, 6Bh, 33h, 20h, 22h, 21h, 5Bh, 5Dh, 6Eh, 73h, 29h,
db 25h, 33h, 78h, 23h, 30h, 5Ah
; Not only does the full table not need to be used, but since it's basically a
; substitution cypher we can fit everything into these 96 or so bytes
; Also, the trailing commented-out 37h saves us one byte. It's the substitution for 7Fh,
; but since 7Fh is a DELETE when using 0a/int21h, it never gets accepted by KGT.COM or by
; this keygen. Therefore, it's useless and unneeded.
; NewTable db '754162FDFDD155856F2E6019340F1BD0C6C59E936C756DE62D17901BFC421574
; D2220C40DD39DC8618A74FEA6DCAA9C';, 37h
; and I missed the fact that it also only uses characters 0-9 and A-F
; which can be expressed in 4 bits, cutting the 96 byte table in half
NewTable db 75h, 41h, 62h, 0FDh, 0FDh, 0D1h, 55h, 85h
db 6Fh, 2Eh, 60h, 19h, 34h, 0Fh, 1Bh, 0D0h
db 0C6h, 0C5h, 9Eh, 93h, 6Ch, 75h, 6Dh, 0E6h
db 2Dh, 17h, 90h, 1Bh, 0FCh, 42h, 15h, 74h
db 0D2h, 22h, 0Ch, 40h, 0DDh, 39h, 0DCh, 86h
db 18h, 0A7h, 4Fh, 0EAh, 6Dh, 0CAh, 0A9h, 0C7h
; A note here: We're at <256 bytes and we fit snugly between 0100h-0200h in memory.
; Therefore, any offset to text that we need is going to have a constant value for
; DH, namely 01h. By initializing DH once at this next line of code, we never need
; to change DH again, only DL. We'll save a few bytes here and there because of it,
; though it's more work to find the offsets manually after assembly, and then hard-
;coding them in and re-assembling. I suppose there might be some construct like
; offset ( MyName AND 00ffh ), but I didn't really look into it. EQU will work.
mov dx, offset StartMsg
mov ah,09h
int 21h
; save a byte
mov dl, OffsetMyName
mov ah,0ah
; Now that we're through with the StartMsg, we can adjust MySerial to print a linefeed.
; I can save a byte here by using the AH register instead of a 0AH immediate value,
; since AH is now set to 0AH for the int21 get-string-from-keyboard.
mov [MySerial+10h], ah
int 21h
; 2 into DL for a division during the main loop
mov dl, 2
; We start at the END of MyName and work our way backwards, because we can avoid the CMP
; and simply check for the Signed flag when BP rolls over. We save a couple of bytes.
mov bp, 0fh
; Also, I shaved a few bytes out of this by using BP in place of BX, avoiding the PUSH/POPs
; which I shouldn't have done anyway since I didn't define a new stack for the application.
xor ah, ah ; need to clear ah and bh, unfortunately.
xor bh, bh
mov al, [bp+MyName+2]
sub al,20h ; if the sub sets carry, then we're probably the carriage return
jnc skipcr ; so we'll set ourselves = to something that has the same table
mov al, 03h ; lookup value as the carriage return.
div dl ;after the DIV, AL will be two table values, and AH will decide which
; one we should use
mov bl, al ; we need table lookup through bx, not al
mov al,[bx+NewTable]
test ah, dh ;since dh always=1,test ah,dh will save us a byte over test ah,01
jne skipshift ; if AH=0, use least significant nibble
; if AH=1, use most significant nibble by shifting MSN into LSN
; TASM assembles shr al, 4 as shr al, 1 four times.. we don't want that.
db 0c0h, 0e8h, 4 ; shr al, 4
and al, 0Fh ; strip off high nibble
add al, 30h ; and turn into printable [0-9A-F] character
cmp al, 39h
jle numnum
add al, 7
mov [MySerial+bp],al
dec bp
jns loop1 ; loop until bp flips
; save another "offset" byte
mov dl, OffsetSerialMsg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
; save another byte
mov dl, OffsetMySerial
; AH should already == 9, no need to specify it here.
int 21h
; End of the line
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
; Spyder�s Keygen==============================================================
; Ghiribizzo's Key Generator Competition entry by Spyder
; Sheesh you get assembler source and you want comments?
; Only one nibble of each byte in the original key table holds useful
; information. Only key table entries in the range 20..0x7F and 0x0D are
; needed - those 60 nibbles are packed into a 30 byte table, 0x0D is handled
; as a special case.
; The rest is just space concious assembler with a few wrinkles to save
; bytes. I worry I may have missed some pattern in the key table, could it
; be generated or derived? Otherwise I'm pretty happy with the result.
seg000 segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:seg000
org 100h
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:seg000
public start
start proc near
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset StartMsg
int 21h ; Sign on
mov ah, 0Ah
mov dx, offset Buffer
int 21h ; Get name
mov si, offset BufferCont ; Set up for loop
mov di, offset Serial
mov bx, offset Key - 10h
xor ax,ax
mov cx,10h
; cmp al,0dh ; don't need this because we arranged the data
; jnz skip0 ; before the key table to give the right code
; mov al,'p' ; for this out of range case
sar al,1
jc skip1
sar al,4
and al,0fh
add al,'0'
cmp al,'9'
jle skip2
add al,7
loop loop1
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset SerialMsg
int 21h
int 20h
start endp
Buffer db 11h ;
db 0 ;
BufferCont db 'm'
db 'k'
db '3'
db ' '
db '"'
db '!'
db '['
db ']'
db 'n'
db 's'
db ')'
db '%'
db '3'
db 'x'
db '#'
db '0'
db 0dh, 0ah, '$'
StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keggen #1 ',0feh,' ----- spyder ----- 1998',0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name : $'
db 0 ; A crucial spacer
Key db 075h, 041h, 062h, 0FDh, 0FDh, 0D1h, 055h, 085h
db 06Fh, 02Eh, 060h, 019h, 034h, 00Fh, 01Bh, 0D0h
db 0C6h, 0C5h, 09Eh, 093h, 06Ch, 075h, 06Dh, 0E6h
db 02Dh, 017h, 090h, 01Bh, 0FCh, 042h, 015h, 074h
db 0D2h, 022h, 00Ch, 040h, 0DDh, 039h, 0DCh, 086h
db 018h, 0A7h, 04Fh, 0EAh, 06Dh, 0CAh, 0A9h, 0C7h
SerialMsg db 0dh,0ah,'Serial Number: '
seg000 ends
end start
; VoidLord�s Keygen============================================================
; OCU Keygen #1 | VoidLord 1998
; Category: newbie (this is my first keygen)
; Solution:
; for the every possible input char (20h-7fh) the "serial" char is stored in the
; Table. Since the output chars can only be 0-9 and A-F, we can store two chars
; in one byte, reducing the table size to 48 bytes.
seg000 segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:seg000
org 100h
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:seg000
start proc near
mov ah, 9 ; DOS - Write starting message
lea dx, StartMsg
int 21h
mov ah, 0ah ; DOS - read Name
lea dx, Serial
int 21h
xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
mov al, [Serial2+bx] ; the output will be in the same buffer
cmp al, 0dh ; end of input string (odh) ?
jne no_cr
mov [Serial2+bx], '1' ; the output char will be '1'
jmp finish ; the remaining chars are OK already
push bx ; now we should translate the namechar
sub al, 20h ; to the serial number char, using the
mov bx,ax ; lookup Table
shr bx,1 ; we have two chars in one byte in the Table
and al, 1
jnz odd ; is this char "even or odd" ?
mov al, [Table1+bx]
and al, 0fh ; if even, use the lower 4 bits
jmp end_l
mov al, [Table1+bx]
mov cl, 4
shr al, cl ; if odd, use the higher 4 bits
pop bx ; translate the number to the hex char
cmp al, 10 ; is it digit 0-9 or letter A-F
jl digit
add al, 7 ; if letter, add 7
add al, '0' ; if digit, just add '0'
mov [Serial2+bx], al
inc bx ; process next input char
cmp bx, 10h
jl loop1
mov Serial, ':' ; complete the output string
mov Serial+1,' '
mov ah, 9 ; DOS - Print solution
lea dx, SerialMsg
int 21h
mov ah, 4Ch ; DOS - QUIT with EXIT
int 21h
start endp
StartMsg db 0dh,0ah,'OCU Keygen #1 ',0feh
db ' ----- VoidLord ----- 1998'
db 0dh, 0ah, 0dh,0ah,'Enter Name : $'
SerialMsg db 0dh,0ah,'Serial Number'
Serial db 11h, 0
Serial2 db 67, 57, 69, 55, 52, 53, 50, 53, 56, 55
db 68, 50, 69, 54, 49, 54, 0dh, 0ah, '$'
Table1 db 87, 20, 38, 223, 223, 29, 85, 88, 246, 226
db 6, 145, 67, 240, 177, 13, 108, 92, 233, 57
db 198, 87, 214, 110, 210, 113, 9, 177, 207, 36
db 81, 71, 45, 34, 192, 4, 221, 147, 205, 104
db 129, 122, 244, 174, 214, 172, 154, 124
seg000 ends
end start
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How to Use A86 for Beginners
by Linuxjr
-Basic Dos knowledge like copying and renaming files and such
I am writing this paper for I find plenty of tutorials and books all about
assembly and how to write programs and how to do loops, if/else statments,
etc... But one thing I did not see plenty of is tutorials on how to set up the
assembler of choice that you grow fond of, for instance nasm, a86, tasm, masm
GAS, etc.
So I am writing about a86 and I'm using my college notes and experience I
learned from my Assembly class. I hope this will help you enjoy a86 and
encourage you to learn how to manage up to x286 opcodes and 16-bit code
before you start tackling with 32bit and Windows programming in assembler.
This is a sort of warning that you will only be able to write DOS programs
but you have to learn how to crawl before you can walk, and you have to learn
how to walk before you can run. I hope to show you how to set up a86, how
to write a few simple programs with the template I use, and how to do some
basic stuff in assembler.
I took a college course on Assembly a couple of months ago, and I was happy to
learn the internals of the system and how to manipulate the registers for some
awesome results. The assembler that we used was a86 by Eric Isaacson. This
is a shareware program, meaning you get to play with it before buying it. To
get this assembler go to - http://www.eji.com/a86/ - and you will see where to
download the programs. It is in a zip file and you just unzip it with your
favorite program like winzip or pkunzip. You should also download d86, the
debugger, for use with your a86 programs. Once you downloaded them, unzip the
files to a directory such as c:\a86, or even put on a floppy disk if you are
worried about space.
Getting Started
Let's get into it: you've got the assembler and the debugger, what next? First
of all, we have to make a text file since all asm source code is nothing but a
plain text code that has a bunch of operands and functions to do what you want
your program to do.
I start all my a86 programming by opening up my template.asm, which what I
got from school; it is a useful template and it makes a good dos .EXE when you
compile it with the supplied batch file. Cut the following code and save it in
a text file called template.asm:
X--------Begin Cutting here--------------------------------------------
;============================== EXTERN ===============================
;=========================== STACK SEGMENT ===========================
sseg segment para stack 'STACK'
db 100H dup ( ? ) ; allow 256 bytes of memory for
; use by our program stack.
sseg ends
;============================ DATA SEGMENT ============================
dseg segment para 'DATA'
dseg ends
;============================ CODE SEGMENT ============================
cseg segment para 'CODE'
; Begin the Code segment containing executable machine code
program proc far ; Actual program code is completely
; contained in the FAR procedure
; named PROGRAM
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg
; Set Data Segment Register to point to the Data Segment of this program
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
;=============== Rest of MAIN PROGRAM code goes here ==================
mov ax,4c00h ; terminate program execution and
int 21h ; transfer control to DOS
program endp ; end of the procedure program
;============================ PROCEDURES ==============================
cseg ends ; End of the code segment containing
; executable program.
end program ; The final End statement signals the
; end of this program source file, and
; gives the starting address of the
; executable program
X--------Stop Cutting here--------------------------------------------
Now we have a template to use, and this is just one out of many templates you
can make for your assembly programs. Now let's begin to have fun. These few
programs will get us going for a basic feel of how to set up a basic hello
What we will learn from this example is:
1) The basic mechanics of editing the template file to get an ASM source code
file, assembling and linking it, and possibly fixing syntax errors.
2) Nearly all of the programs have loops in them, having different formats.
3) The operation of several INT 21H functions: 01H, 02H and 08H
(character input and output), 09H(string output), and 4CH(program termination)
4) The operation of the DOSIOLT procedures: inhex16 and outhex16, and how to
assemble and link a program that uses them.
5) Both string and numeric variables will be demonstrated.
Creating an ASM file for the Message Program
To become familiar with the process of creating an assembly program, you will
create a simple program that prints a one line message. As with most
programming languages, Assembly programming starts with a plain text file
containing the program instructions to execute. Ordinarily, a programmer would
have to type in the entire source file from scratch. But 8086 assembler
program files contain a large number of setup directives and declarations
which are essentially the same for every program. It will be easier to start
with a file that has all the necessary directives and declarations already in
it, and just add to it the actual program parts.
The file template.asm is that a template which contains all the necessary
pieces of a program, except for the actual program itself. Make a copy of the
template.asm file, and name it something appropriate: message.asm is a good
choice. The file extension must be ASM. You will edit the new file to create
your first program. DO NOT EDIT template.asm itself!!!! You will use this
template file as the start of your assembly programs so it should not be
alterated(until you get advanced enough to play around with it ;-).
We will be using EDIT in a dos box as our editor, though you can use notepad or
Ultraedit to edit your assembly files as well.
The Comments
All of the progras that you will write should have a descriptive set of header
comments at the top. Any text AFTER a semicolon is considered a comment. The
top of your new program file should already have the basic outline for this
comment. Edit in your message.asm file to have something like this :
; PROGRAM : Message Program
; AUTHOR : Your Name here
; PURPOSE : This program simply prints a one line message
; to the screen
; PROGRAM OUTLINE : Use INT 21H Function 09H to print the message.
This is just an example to help you know what you want to do, and to have a
reference if you were to walk away from a project for a year or so...the header
will make a nice reminder of what you were trying to get this program to do.
The Ram Variable
The program that you will creat in this part requires a variable. You will
create a string of characters labeled message. The part of the file where all
data is placed is the Data Segment. Look in your ASM file for the following
dseg segment para 'DATA'
dseg ends
Change this part of the code so that the message to be printed is defined.
The result will look like:
dseg segment para 'DATA'
message db 0DH, 0AH, "WHOPPEEEE!!! My first Message.", 0DH, 0AH, "$"
dseg ends
The HEX values are the two-byte sequence for a DOS newline(CR-LF). The first
characters of "0DH" and "0AH" is ZERO, no capital O. Note that there is NO
semicolon before "message". Do not allow this part to break over two lines.
THE Code -
Now locate the part of the code where the program code goes. It should look
like this:
;========================Main Program================================
program proc far ; Actual program code is completely
; contained in the FAR procedure
; named PROGRAM
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:sseg
; Set Data Segment Register to point to the Data Segment of this program
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
;=============== Rest of MAIN PROGRAM code goes here ==================
mov ax,4c00h ; terminate program execution and
int 21h ; transfer control to DOS
program endp ; end of the procedure program
;============================ PROCEDURES ==============================
cseg ends ; End of the code segment containing
; executable program.
end program ; The final End statement signals the
; end of this program source file, and
; gives the starting address of the
; executable program
All of the code for your program Should REPLACE the comment:
"Rest of Main Program code goes here".
Here is the code you will use to print out the message:
;Print the message
mov dx, offset message
mov ah, 09H
int 21H
This code just calls the DOS Interrupt used to print strings to the screen.
Interrupt 21H is a general starting point for many useful DOS calls. The
sub-function used to print strings is Function 09H; this value must be loaded
into the AH register before calling. Also, Int 21H Function 09H requires the
address of the message be placed in the DX register. The above code performs
these two initialization tasks, and then calls the interrupt.
Take careful note of the semicolons which start the comments. Also, do not
alter any of the other part of the code.
These were the only two changes you needed to make.
Assembling with asm86.bat
Now we have written our first asm file. To assemble with a86 you could try to
use the switches from the manual that is included with the a86 package, or
you can make things easy by using this batch file, which is designed for
programs that use the template file. Here is the batch file:
@echo off
REM This is a simple batch file to use a86 and link:
if exist %1.asm GOTO FOUND
echo %0 ERROR : %1.asm -- FILE NOT FOUND
echo Usage: %0 file [link-file]
:-- Assemble the program
echo a86 +O +S +E %1.asm
a86 +O +S +E %1.asm
::-- IF there is a second file name, assume it is a OBJ file,
::-- and link it to the %1 name.
ECHO link %1+%2;
link %1+%2;
echo link %1;
link %1;
and save this as asm86.bat.
All this does is 1) create an object file (+O), 2) suppress the creation of
the symbol table .sym(+S), and 3) copy the errors to a the filename.err instead
of writing in your file(+E).
To assemble the message.asm with the batch file, type
asm86 message
If there were any errors, you will have to edit the asm file to fix them. The
error messages displayed by the assembler should indicate the line number and
cause of the problem. Since you are just copying pregenerated code, any errors
will simply be typos.
Once all of the errors have been corrected, a pair of files will have been
created. The will have the same base name as the original asm file, but will
have different extensions:
OBJ- Object file. Contains the basic machine code, but does not have any
references to external procedures. This is, effectively, an intermediate file
which is used by the linker to produce the final executable file.
EXE- Executable file. All external references resolved. Completely runable.
To run the program just type Message and you will see the line appear on the
This was a simple Hello program. What you probably want is another example or
two to try out, and that is what we shall do. The next Program that won't be as
long but will have plenty of info.
CharLoop Program
In this part, you will create a simple program that asks the user to enter a
character, and prints it out again. It does this repeatedly, until the user
hits the ESC key. Dos funtions 01H and 02H are introduced with this program,
and it is the first program containing a comparison loop.
Again you should start by copying template.asm to a file called charloop.asm.
Edit the charloop.asm template so that it has the following changes:
Create two messages by adding the following lines to the Data Segment part of
the program (see the message program instructions, if you don't remember how
to do this):
prompt db 0DH, 0AH,"Enter a Character: $"
outmsg db 0DH, 0AH, "You Entered: $"
Now add the code which will put the following "pseudocode" into effect:
prompt for and read a character
Print the character back out with a message
While the character read is not esc
Which will turn out to be the following assembly code:
;Print the prompt
mov dx, offset prompt
mov ah, 09H
int 21H
;Read a character into AL
mov ah, 01H ;(01H - with echo; 08H - no echo)
int 21H
mov bl, al ;save character in BL
;Print the final message
mov dx, offset outmsg
mov ah, 09H
int 21H
;Write the character to the screen
mov dl, bl ;put character in dl
mov ah, 02H
int 21H
;Loop back, only if the character was not esc (1BH)
cmp bl, 1BH
jne char_loop
;End Repeat
Note how the two new DOS interrupts are called. The Function number is always
placed in AH before calling, and the INT 21H instruction is used to invoke the
interrupt. For Function 1H, which reads a character to the screen, the DL
register must be initialized with the appropiate value.
Note also that the character must be stored somewhere throughout the whole
loop, and it can NOT be stored either AL or DL -- AL is modified by Function
02H, and DL is modified when DX is set to the address of teh strings. So BL is
used to store the character, and the value must be transferred between AL, BL
and DL during processing. This kind of juggling happens often in assembly
programming. Get this program running to watch another good program going ;-).
CharLoop Program without Echo
In CharLoop program above. Function 01H was used to read a character from the
keyboard. It does more than just read a character, it also echoes it back to
the screen. This way, when you type something, you get visual feedback of what
you have done.
Function 08H works exactly the same as Function 01H, except for this echo
feature: Function 08H does NOT echo the character after reading it.
Create a new program which is exactly the same as CHARLOOP, except it should
use Function 08H to read the characters, instead of Function 01H. Write and
run the program to see how it works.
NumLoop Program
This program will work in a similar fashion to the Charloop program above, but
it will read and print numbers. Since there is no DOS interrupt to convert
ASCII characters to numbers, your code will have to do this. Fortunately,
there are already procedures to do this. A few extra steps must be taken to
use them, but it will be much easier than writing the code from scratch. See
the info about DOSIOLT for details on how to use thes procedures.
DOSIOLT Procedures
Here is a description of the DOSIOLT procedures:
This procedure reads a HEX number in character format from the standard input,
and converts it to a word. Spaces or Tabs may precede or follow then number.
DOS int 21H-0AH is used to read the input string, so it must be terminated by a
RETURN. Both upper and lower case letters A-F may be used. If the number typed
is larger than FFFH, the upper bits are lost. If anything unpredictable is
typed(like non-HEX chars) the function will return junk.
Inputs: None
Outputs: AX- the word-sized number read.
Modifies: AX, flags
This simple routine prints the four 'nibbles' of AX as ASCII digits.
Four digits are always printed.
Input: AX- the number to be printed
Outputs: None
Modifies: Flags
This simple routine prints the two 'nibbles' of AL as ASCII digits. Two digits
are always Printed.
Input: AL-the number to be printed
OUTPUT: NoneModifies: Flags
Each of these procedures is invoked with the CALL instruction. Any
inputs(registers) must be initialized before the call; any outputs(also
registers) are set by the procedure, and contain the appropriate value after
the call.
For example, to print the 1-byte value "2F" to the screen:
mov al, 2FH
call outhex8 ;Prints: 2F
To Print "2AC5"
mov ax, 2AC5H
call outhex16 ; print 2AC5
To read a number from the keyboard:
call inhex16 ;The ax register now contains the number read
Since the code for these functions does NOT appear in your ASM file, two
special steps must be taken in creating your executable file. The first is to
declare the names of the procedures as external procedures. This informs the
assembler that the code has been written elsewhere, and you didn't just forget
to write it.
The extern declaration should come someplace early in the ASM file. Although
it doesn't matter greatly where it goes, most programmers will put these
declarations outside of all of the segments. The template file given has a
spot for externals, marked with a commment.
The format for the declaration(in this case) is:
extern procedure_name:far
A86 USERS: The A86 Assembler uses the older version of the extern
declaration, which is spelled extrn. If you are using the a86
assembler(asm86.bat), make sure you spell the name of the instruction
procedure_name is the name of the procedure that you will use in the program.
The name only needs to be declared once in this way, no matter how many times
it is used. But if two or more DOSIOLT procedures are to be used, each must
have a separate declaration.
You should NOT place these extern declarations in your code unless you are
actually using the routines. The linker may place the code for the procedure
in your final executable even if it is never called.
A special step must be taken in linking (the second half of the compilation
phase done by asm86.bat) to link the code in DOSIOLT. Fortunately, asm86.bat
can handle the extra file fairly automatically. Just include the DOSIOLT on
the command line, after your asm file name.
Example: assuming you have written a program in a file called "calc.asm" which
contains calls to the DOSIOLT procedures. To assemble and link the program:
A:\> asm86 calc dosiolt
If you get an "Undefined Symbol" error, it is because you mistyped, or
forgot, the extern declarations for the DOSIOLT procedures. Make sure
these are correct.
If you get an "Unresolved External" error, it is because you forgot to put
"DOSIOLT" as the second file name; i.e. you typed: asm86 calc instead of
asm86 calc dosiolt.
This program will illustrate the use of two of the DOSIOLT procedures, and also
the use of variables, rather than registers, as places to store information.
The outline of the program is as follows:
Loop forever
Prompt for, and read a number into the variable NUMBER
IF number = 0, then break out of the loop
print Number, with an appropriate announcement.
End Loop
Your program will need a prompt string, a response string and a word-sized
variable in the Data Segment:
prompt1 db 0DH, 0AH, "Enter a number: $"
response db 0DH, 0AH, "You Entered: $"
number dw ?
Number has been declared as a word-sized variable, with no initial value. The
Code can now use the name "Number" just like a register name( in most cases).
The code for the program is:
;Print the first prompt
mov dx, offset prompt1 mov
ah, 09H
int 21H
;Read a number into AX and put it in NUMBER
call inhex16 mov number, ax
;If number = 0 the exit the loop
cmp number, 0H
je end_number_loop
;Print The second prompt.
mov dx, offset response
mov ah, 09H
int 21H
;Print the number
mov ax, number
call outhex16
jmp number_loop
Note that the inhex16 reads a number into AX, and outhex16 prints the number
AX, yet this code went through all the trouble of storing the number in the
variable, rather than just leaving it in AX throughout the loop. WHY?!?
Because AX was needed in between the reading and printing of the code. Again,
this kind of juggling between registers and variables occurs often in assembly
Since two DOSIOLT procedures are being used, they must be declared. At the top
you will find the EXTERN part of your program template; add these lines to the
extrn inhex16:far
extrn outhex16:far
Those are all the changes needed.
Don't forget to include the DOSIOLT file on the command line when compiling,
which will be --- asm86 numloop dosiolt
I do apologize for the length of this but I got to excited when I was messing
with these old files and playing with these procedures in dosiolt.obj file.
If you want to try to use these files, you can email me at
and request the dosiolt.obj to use with the numloop; I will be more than happy
to send it.
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Using the Gnu AS Assembler
by mammon_
Using the Gnu AS Assembler
GAS is the GNU project port of the Unix AS assembler; it is available as part
of the binutils package which is included with any of the GNU compilers (for
example, GCC). GAS support is built into the various GNU compilers, and so GAS
can be invoked by invoking the compiler on a .S (asm source) file; however it
can also be run on any source file (for example, .asm files) by using the 'as'
The GAS documentation is available on Linux installations in info (.gz) format,
and is viewed using the command 'info as' or 'info -f as.info'. For the
novice, a crash course in info: Info files are designed in a tree structure,
with each page or section being considered a 'node'; h gets help, q quits
info, SPACE scrolls down the screen, DEL scrolls up the screen, b jumps to the
beginning of the node, e jumps to the end of the node, n jumps to the next
node, p jumps to the previous node, g jumps to a specified node, m jumps to a
specified menu item, s searches the info file, and l steps back 1 node.
The sections of the most interest in the manual will be the Directives
('g Pseudo Ops'), Symbols ('g Symbols'), Constants ('g Constants'), and
Sections ('g Sections') nodes. For more immediate references, the Intel 386-
specific topics can be consulted: 'g i386-Syntax', 'g i386-Opcodes',
'g i386-Regs', 'g i386-prefixes', 'g i386-Memory', 'g i386-jumps'.
The AT&T Syntax
GAS uses the AT&T syntax, which is known to be confusing for those used to the
Intel assembler syntax. It has been said that the AT&T syntax is less ambiguous
than the Intel, and thus it has its own appeal.
One of the most obvious differences in syntax is that the registers in the AT&T
syntax are prefixed with %. Thus, 'eax ax al ah' would be written '%eax %ax %al
%ah' for GAS.
Opcode Format and Order
Unlike the Intel syntax which uses the format 'opcode dest, src', AT&T syntax
uses the format 'opcode src, dest'; thus the command 'mov eax, ebx' in Intel
would be 'mov %ebx, %eax' in AT&T. In addition, the opcodes in AT&T syntax all
take suffixes to specify the size of the operand (note that these suffixes can
be ignored usually, as GAS will guess the operand size by the size of the
register being accessed)-- thus one would add 'w' to an opcode to specify a
word operand, 'b' to specify a byte operand, and 'l' to specify a long operand.
The Intel 'mov' opcode would then be specified in AT&T syntax by using 'movb',
'movw', or 'movl' as circumstances warrant. Note that this carries over into
far calls; as the 'FAR" keyword is not present in GAS, one must prefix (not
suffix) the call or jump with "l": thus a 'far call' becomes 'lcall', 'far
jmp' becomes 'ljmp', and 'ret far' becomes 'lret'.
Immediate and Absolute values
Immediate values are prefixed with a $ in the AT&T syntax, while in the Intel
syntax they are unmarked. Thus a 'push 4' statement becomes a 'push $4' in
AT$T. Also, an absolute value is prefixed by a *, while in Intel it would be
Memory Referencing
This is the part that is most likely to cause trouble for those used to the
Intel syntax. Intel uses the following syntax for memory references:
where BASE is the register used as a base in the reference, INDEX is a register
used to calculate an offset, SCALE is the multiplier used to calculate the
offset from the INDEX register, and DISP is the displacement from the BASE or
INDEX register. Some examples from the GAS manual:
[ebp - 4] [BASE DISP] (Note: DISP is -4)
[foo + eax*4] [DISP + INDEX*SCALE]
[foo] [DISP] (Value pointed to by 'foo')
gs:foo SECTION:DISP (Contents of variable 'foo')
AT&T syntax uses the following syntax for memoory references:
As with the Intel syntax, all of these are optional (and it appears that BASE
and INDEX are rarely used together). The GAS manual provides the following
examples equivalent to the above Intel examples:
-4(%ebp) DISP(BASE)
foo(,%eax,4) DISP(,INDEX,SCALE)
foo(,1) DISP(,SCALE) (Note: the single comma is intentional)
Note that you must provide commas within the parentheses whenever you skip an
element (e.g., if you do not use BASE).
To illustrate, here are some examples of memory references mixed in with asm
opcodes (from http://www.castle.net/~avly/djasm.html):
__AT&T______________________ __Intel_________________________
movl 4(%ebp), %eax mov eax, [ebp+4])
addl (%eax,%eax,4), %ecx add ecx, [eax + eax*4])
movb $4, %fs:(%eax) mov fs:eax, 4
movl _array(,%eax,4), %eax mov eax, [4*eax + array])
movw _array(%ebx,%eax,4), %cx mov cx, [ebx + 4*eax + array])
Labels & Symbols
Labels in GAS are the same as in other assemblers: the name of the label
followed by a colon. All symbol names must begin with a letter, a period, or an
underscore. Local symbols are defined using the digits 0-9 followed by a colon,
and are referred to using that digit followed by a b (for a backward reference)
or f (for a forward reference); note that this allows only 10 local symbols. A
symbol can be assigned a value using the equals sign (e.g. 'TRUE = 1') or by
using the .set or .equ directives.
GAS allows most of the standard assembler directives; what follows are the most
commonly used.
Pad the section to a specified alignment (e.g. 4 bytes); this directive takes
as an argument the alignment sized, as well as an optional argument specifying
the byte used to fill the pad areas (default is 00).
.ascii, .asciz, .string
Each of these directives takes one or more strings separated by commas; in the
.ascii directive, the strings are not terminated, in the .asciz and .string
directives the strings are zero-terminated.
.byte, .double, .int, .word
Each of these directives takes as an argument an expression (for example,
value1 + value2) and defines the specified number of bytes (byte, int, word,
etc) at the current location to the result of the expression.
.data, .section, .text
The .section directive allows segments or sections of the target program to be
defined for the linker. The .section directive takes a section name, as well as
section flags (b = bss, w = writable, d = data, r = read-only, x = executable
for COFF files; a = allocatable, w = writable, x = executable, @progbits =
data, @nobits = no data for ELF files). The .data and .text directives are
pre-defined .section directives for data and code sections.
.equ, .set
Each of these sets the first argument (a symbol) with the result of the second
argument (an expression), for example
.equ TRUE 1
sets the Symbol TRUE to the value 1.
The traditional EXTERN directive is available but ignored; GAS treats all
undefined symbols as externs.
.global, .globl
These directives define global (exported) symbols; each takes as an argument
the symbol to be made global.
.if /.endif
GAS provides the usual IF...ENDIF directives for conditional assembly; the .if
directive is followed by an expression, and all code between the .if and the
.endif directive is assembled only if that expression returns non-zero.
This directive includes a file at the current location; it takes as an argument
the name of the file in quotes, for example
.include "stdio.inc"
Assembling a Program
A GAS program can ge assembled by invoking GCC with the O2 (optimize: level 2)
option. Note that all GAS programs must have a .text section and a global
"main" label.
Here is an example of a 'hello world'-style program in GAS:
; gashello.S ==========================================================
.ascii "Helloooo, nurse!\0"
.globl main
pushl $message
call puts
popl %eax
; EOF =================================================================
This can be compiled with the command
gcc -02 gashello.S -o ghello
or with
as gashello.S -o gashello.o
ld -o gashello gashello.o -lc -s -defsym _start=main
Note that it is much easier to use GCC than to use AS, as you will have to
explicitly specify the librarys to link to (hence the -lc parameter) when you
call LD.
The Int80 "pid.asm" program from last month's Liux article would be written for
GAS as follows:
.global main
.asciz "Getting Current Process ID..."
.asciz "Done!"
.asciz "Error in int 80!"
.string "%d\n"
pushl $szText1
call puts
popl %ecx
mov $20, %eax
int $128
cmp $0, %eax
je Error
pushl %eax
pushl $szOutput
call printf
popl %ecx
popl %ecx
pushl $szDone
call puts
jmp Exit
pushl $szError
call puts
popl %ecx
; EOF ====================================================================
This can be compiled in the same manner as the previous example; note, though,
the need to use decimal numbers when calling interrupts (the 0x?? syntax for
specifying a hexadecimal integer causes the opcode to not be recognized by the
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A Guide to NASM for TASM Coders
by Gij
The basic function of any assembler it to turn asm into the equivalent binary
code file; that's true for TASM, NASM, and any other assembler.
The differences arise in the special features each assembler offers you. For
example, the MODEL directive exists in TASM, making it easier for the coder to
reference data variables in other segments. NASM does not have an equivalent
directive, so you have to keep track of the segment registers yourself, and put
segment overrides where they are needed. This does not mean that NASM doesn't
have good SEGMENT or GROUP support; in fact it has both, though they are not
quite the same as in TASM.
It's a different way of coding, and it may seem to require more work, but after
you get used to it it's easier, because you know exactly what's going on in
your code. NASM actually gives you the closest possible idea of what your asm
source code will become once it's compiled.
TASM is chock-full of directives; looking at a small reference for TASM 4.0,
there are at least a few dozen directives TASM uses, and you have to know
quite a bit of them by heart. NASM on the other hand has very few directives.
Actually, you can write an asm file that will assemble just fine without using
a single directive, although I doubt it will be useful in most cases.
NASM is also less ambivalent towards syntax, which leaves less room for
software bugs, but makes it more strict when assembling. I actually think NASM
is easier to learn then TASM since it's much more straight-forward.
Your NASM Bible is of course the accompanying docs, you can get them in a
separate package from the same place you got the binaries for NASM. All in all
I think you will find NASM to be just as capable as TASM if not more so.
Although it's missing some features TASM has, you can always mail the author
and ask for a feature, and you just might get lucky when the new version comes out.
ASM code is usually the same in any assembler ( AT&T syntax is an exception )
but there are a few subtleties that TASM coders should look out for. The docs
that accompany NASM have a nice list of them, and I'll mention the most
significant ones here.
DATA offset vs DATA contents
TASM uses this syntax to move
mov esi, offset MyVar
lea esi, MyVar
LEA is used to load complex offsets like "[esi*4+ebx]" into a register. TASM
supports LEA even when used with a simple offset like "Myvar".
NASM on the other hand only supports one way of loading a simple offset into a
register (the LEA form is only valid when using complex offsets):
mov esi, MyVar
This ALWAYS means move the offest of MyVar into esi.
On the other hand, This:
mov eax, [MyVar]
Will always mean move the contents of MyVar into eax.
However, using LEA to load a complex offset is valid in both TASM and NASM:
lea edi,[esi*4+EBX] ; valid in both assemblers
NASM also support a SEG keyword:
mov ax,SEG MyVar
This moves the segment of the variable into ax.
Segment Overrides
TASM is more lax in it's syntax, so both of these are valid code:
mov ax,ds:[si]
mov ax,[ds:si]
NASM doesn't allow this--if you specify a variable inside the square brackets
all of the specifiers should be inside the square brackets.
So this is the only valid option:
mov ax,[ds:si]
Specifying operand size
TASM coders usually have lexical difficulties with NASM because it lacks the
"ptr" keyword used extensively in TASM.
TASM uses this:
mov al, byte ptr [ds:si]
mov ax, word ptr [ds:si]
mov eax, dword ptr [ds:si]
For NASM This simply translates into:
mov al, byte [ds:si]
mov ax, word [ds:si]
mov eax, dword [ds:si]
NASM allows these size keywords in many places, and thus gives you a lot of
control over the generated opcodes in a uniform way. For example, the following
are all valid:
push dword 123
jmp [ds: word 1234] ; these both specify the size of the offset
jmp [ds: dword 1234] ; for tricky code when interfacing 32bit and
; 16bit segments
It can get pretty hairy with operand size being this final, but the important
thing to remember is you can have all the control you need, when you want it.
TASM has special directives for declaring a procedure and ending it. Why?
A procedure is just another code label you CALL instead of JMP--NASM got it
TASM uses:
ProcName PROC
xor ax,ax
ProcName ENDP
while NASM just uses:
xor ax,ax
To declare a procedure PUBLIC, just use the GLOBAL directive:
GLOBAL Procname
xor ax,ax
Local Labels
Those of you that know C also know that a member of a struct can be referenced
as StructInstance.MemberName. This is rather similar to the way NASM allows
you to use local labels. A Local Label is denoted by prefixing a dot to the
label name:
This won't give you an error on multiple definitions of label, but you can
still jmp to a certain label like this:
jmp Label2.local
...so it's local, and in a way it's also a global label.
ORG Directive
NASM supports the org directive, so if you are coding a COM file you can start
org 0x100h
org 100h
(NASM allows both the asm and c methods of specifying hex, so both of the
above are valid.)
Reserving Space
Once again, here NASM uses a different syntax then that of TASM.
In TASM you would declare a 100 bytes of uninitialized space like this:
Array1: db 100 dup (?)
NASM uses its own keywords to do this; these are RESB, RESW and RESD,
standing for REServeByte, REServeWord, and REServeDword, respectively.
To reserve 10 bytes, you would use RES? keywords like this:
Array1: RESB 100
Array1: RESW 100/2
Array1: RESD 100/4
Declaring initialized space is much like TASM, but arrays are different.
Array1: db 100 dup (1)
Array1: TIMES 100 db 1
TIMES is a handy little directive, it instructs NASM to preform an action
a specified number of times, in the example above I preform "db 1" a 100
times. TIMES can be used for virtually anything; for example:
TIMES 69 nop
will put 69 nops at the current point in the file.
The $ (current location) symbol is supported by NASM, and can be used to
specify the 'count' operand to TIMES, so this is valid:
mov ax,1
xor ax,ax
TIMES $-label1 nop
This expands to TIMES (label2 - label1), and will put as many one-byte nops
after label2, as the byte count between label1 and label2.
Making Structs
I fought long and hard to get structs going, the docs were a bit vague, and
it took a while to get it, here it is.
Using a struct is divided into 2 parts, declaring the prototype, and making an
instance. A simple, 2-member structure would be defined as follows:
struc st
stLong resd 1
stWord resw 1
this declares a prototype struct named st, with 2 members, stLong which is a
DWORD, and stWord which is a word. It uses the reserve directives because it's
a prototype, not a real struct. You can use istruc to make a real instance that
you can reference as data in your code:
istruc st
at stLong, dd 1
at stWord, dw 1
*Note: it's important to put the label on a different line.
This creates a struct named mystruc of type st; the "at" keyword is used to
assign initial values to the members of the struc (i.e., at the reserverd bytes
of memory).
The notation for referencing members is not like in C. This is because of the
way structures are implemented; in NASM, each member is assigned an offset
relative to the beginning of the struct:
istruc st
at stLong, dd 1 ; offset 0
at stWord, dw 1 ; offset 4
The notation for referencing a member is therefore:
mov eax, [mystruc+stLong]
This is because mystruc is a constant base, and the member is a relative offset
to it. It's similar to referencing a data array.
One thing I should mention: If you declare structs prototypes as above, the
member names/labels will be global, so you will get collisions if you use the
same member name in your code or in another struct prototype. To avoid this,
precede the member names with a dot '.', and then reference them in relation to
the prototype's name in the instance declaration. For example:
struc st
.stLong resd 1
.stWord resw 1
istruc st
at st.stLong, dd 1
at st.stWord, dw 1
And this is how you reference the members in code:
mov eax,[mystruc+st.stWord]
This may seem confusing; you should understand that "mystruc" is the base of a
particular instance, and "st.stLong" is an offset relative to the start of the
struct, so in pseudo-code it translates into:
mov eax,[offset mystruc + (offset stWord-offset start_of_proto]
mov eax,[offset mystruc + 4]
...which gives you the correct offset for the stWord member of the "mystruc"
struct instance.
Using Macros
This is a large part of the nasm docs, and a bit too much to get into in depth
here. I'll try and cover the major issues.
There are 2 types of macros, one-line and multi-line, all macro keywords are
preceeded with a '%' character.
An example of a single-line macro:
%define mul(a,b) (a*b)
...which would be reference in the source code as follows:
mov eax,mul(2,3)
This will be converted into:
mov eax,6
You can invoke other macros from within a macro:
%define fancymul(a,b) ( a * triple_mul(4) )
%define triple_mul(a) (a*3)
mov eax,fancymul(2,3)
This becomes:
mov eax, ( 2 * ( 3 * 4 ) )
These are not very useful examples, but i'm sure you can see the potential.
Multi-Line macros are much the same as single-line macros, but the syntax
is a bit different:
%macro name number_of_args
So, for example, if you wanted to make a small asm effort-saver you could write
the following macro:
%macro prologue 1
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,%1
...and then you can use it in your code like this:
prologue 4*2
This would set up a stack frame and reserve room for 2 DWORD local variables.
You'll notice that args supplied to the macro can be referenced as %1....%n,
similar to DOS and Unix shell/batch programming.
This is just a quick taste, there's more to be learned about NASM macros: the
docs are your friends.
Including files is easy, If you want to include .inc's into your asm file
you can use:
%include "win32.inc"
If you wish to include binary files, you must use a different keyword:
INCBIN "data.bin"
Conditional Assembly
NASM also has support for conditional assembly:
%include "win32.inc"
%include "toolhelp.inc"
%include "messages.inc"
This way you can control the inclusion of files defining on the command line:
"nasmw -dINCLUDE_WIN32_INC"
or by commenting out the %define line. The body of the %ifdef will be processed
only if a macro/define named INCLUDE_WIN32_INCS is defined.
Externs, Globals and Commons
When Coding a multi-source-files project, writing a dll, or calling API
functions you need to declare various symbols/data/functions a certain type
to make them available to the Assembler and you.
There are 3 types of symbols in NASM: EXTERN, GLOBAL and COMMON. Their
invocation is all the same:
EXTERN symbol_name ; use this to define API calls for use
GLOBAL symbol_name
COMMON symbol_name
They all must appear before the actual symbol is defined/referenced. If you
have experience in asm/c, their use should be clear -- EXTERN declares an
external reference ofr the linker to resolve (an "import"), GLOBAL declares a
symbol to be globally/publicly available (an "export"), and COMMON declares a
variable to be of Common data type (i.e., all instances of a COMMON variable
are merged into a single instance during compilation).
NASM 0.97 also has IMPORT/EXPORT extensions to the .obj format, for writing
DLL's; read the docs for more info.
Specifying Segment Type
You can declare segments much the same as you would in TASM:
segment .data use32 CLASS=data
segment .text use32 CLASS=code
segment Gij use16 CLASS=code
This is a good way to set segments straight for linking. Note that Nasm does
not require certain segments to be present: you have full control over the
segmentation of the program.
Output Formats
Nasm supports a plethora of output formats; depending on what you are trying
to accomplish, you should read the docs for special extensions to each type.
The output format is chosen using "nasm -f type" on the command line, where
type can be bin, obj, win32 and others.
Each linker likes different formats--tlink likes obj for example, while
LCC-WIN32 likes the win32 format...investigate on your own to find the best
output format for your linker.
*tip: when assembling into the "obj" type, make sure and use the special
"..start:" symbol to specify the entry point for the file.
In Closing
That's all for now. This is intended to be a 'quick-start' guide for TASM
coders who want --or need-- to move into NASM; it is not a substitute for the
NASM documentation. If you need to reach me, my e-mail is gij bigfoot.com
Enjoy NASM!
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Tips on Saving Bytes in ASM Programs
by Larry Hammick
The programmer's word for craftsmanship is "optimization". This term refers to
conservation, either of program size or execution time. It's time includes not
just CPU clocks, but the time consumed by peripherals (e.g. disks, at load
time) and by the operating system calls. This article is concerned with the
conservation of size, or bytes. Size may refer either to the program file size,
or to the size of the memory the program uses. The two are not always identical.
In all the illustrations, we assume that 16-bit code segments are involved. The
syntax we use is that of MASM 5.1; the difference from other assemblers is
1. Avoid uninitialized data.
An instruction like this:
OutputHandle dw ?
is usually a waste of space. Depending on the memory model (i.e. depending on
whether we have CS=DS, and the like), there are several ways to omit these two
bytes from the program file and the memory image.
If DS is the PSP segment, use:
OutputHandle equ word ptr ds:[5Ch]
or similar, for a value other than 5Ch. Any program may safely use any part of
the PSP from 3Ch to 07Fh, plus the word at 2Ch (environment segment). When the
program is finished with the command tail (bytes 80h-0FFh), it can reuse that
area as well. Other parts of the PSP should not be modified, because they may
be needed by DOS when the program exits. However, in the case of a TSR, the
stay-resident part of the code (e.g. an interrupt handler) may use any part of
the PSP after the TSR exit has been executed. In such cases, the PSP makes a
handy buffer of 100h bytes with ORG 0.
If DS=CS, you can define uninitialized variables like this:
OutputHandle dw ?
InputHandle dw ?
ORG OutputHandle
Go: mov ah,30h
int 21h
mov OutputHandle,ax
or, equivalently:
OutputHandle equ word ptr ds:[Go]
InputHandle equ word ptr ds:[Go+2].
If DS is a dynamically allocated segment, or if it is part of the stack, there
is this trick:
OutputHandle equ word ptr ds:[0]
InputHandle equ word ptr ds:[2].
Allocating file and memory space just for uninitialized variables wastes a few
bytes here and there. Much worse, for file size, is to put whole buffers and
stacks in the file:
ReadBuffer db 1000h dup (0)
Stack db 40h dup ("--Stack!--")
Examine a few commercial programs under a hex editor or debugger to see how
common this practice is. Worldwide, the quantity of disk space thus wasted must
be astronomical. Moreover, such "data" gets copied from disk every time the
program is loaded, even though it has no meaning! Perhaps assemblers and
linkers will someday be smart enough to avoid this. For now, we do have EXE
packers such as PKLite to compress blank data blocks, but the latter can be
avoided entirely as follows.
If DS is a dynamic segment or part of the stack:
BufferSize equ 1000h
ReadBuffer equ 0
WriteBuffer equ ReadBuffer+BufferSize
mov dx,ReadBuff ;rather than mov dx,offset ReadBuff
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h
If the program will be small enough for the code and all data to fit in one
segment, it is desirable to have CS=DS. Then you can do:
ReadBuffer equ offset EndOfCode
WriteBuffer equ ReadBuffer+BufferSize
... ;code instructions
mov ah,4Ch
int 21h ;exit
EndOfCode label byte
This practice is not quite safe for a COM program, because DOS will load a COM
file into less than 64K if no larger block is available or if memory is
fragmented. For an EXE, the EXE header can be adjusted to prevent the program
from loading into too little memory.
2. Put related data together.
An example:
CursorPosition label word
CursorColumn db 0Eh
CursorRow db 8
You will be able to load or save both variables with one instruction:
mov dx,CursorPosition
Another benefit:
and CursorPosition,0FF00h
jnz NotAtTop
The AND instruction sets one byte and tests another, at the same time.
3. Avoid forward references.
Forward references in source can result in worthless NOP's getting assebled.
This is another illustration of the principle that assemblers are pretty dumb.
mov cx,MsgSize ;(1)
Msg db "Hello",0Dh,0Ah
MsgSize equ $-offset Msg
MsgSize is a constant word. But MASM doen't know that when it assembles the
instruction (1). So it provides 3 bytes for MsgSize, and later fills in the
constant word followed by a NOP byte. One solution:
db 0B9h ;opcode for mov cx,immed
dw MsgSize
Msg db "Hello",0Dh,0Ah
MsgSize equ $-offset Msg
4. Use cheap opcodes.
4.1 XCHG AX,Reg16
These 8 instructions are each just 1 byte. Don't use either MOV AX,CX or
MOV CX,AX unless you need the same value in both registers. AX is special in
this respect; instructions such as XCHG BX,CX or XCHG SI,DI are two bytes.
XCHG EAX,Reg32 is two bytes (in 16-bit code segments), whereas MOV EAX,ECX etc.
is three.
To put AH=0, the instructions
xor ah,ah
sub ah,ah
mov ah,0
occupy two bytes each. But if you know that AL > 0, the instruction CBW has the
same effect (except that it leaves the flags unchanged) and is only one byte.
Likewise, CWD can save over XOR DX,DX. CDQ is a 2-byte opcode but still better
than XOR EDX,EDX, which is 3 bytes.
4.3 JCXZ
This instruction does not require a preliminary flag-setting instruction. So,
you might prefer
xchg ax,cx
jcxz Mylabel
or ax,ax
jz MyLabel,
saving one byte. Be aware that JCXZ is a relatively slow opcode.
4.4 INC Reg16 and DEC Reg16
These 16 opcodes are just one byte each. The opcodes INC Reg8 and DEC Reg8 are
2-byte. So use INC CX instead of INC CL if there is no possibility of carry
from CL into CH. If CX is known to be 0, INC CX saves a byte vs. MOV CL,1, and
2 bytes vs. MOV CX,1. Similar tricks apply to going from -1 to 0, to decrement-
ing from 1 to 0 or from 0 to -1.
4.5 Prefer the accumulator to other registers.
The following opcodes, among others, are cheaper for AX or EAX than for other
general registers.
MOV reg,mem
MOV mem,reg
ADD reg,mem
5. Be flexible on flow control.
Block-structuring is very sensible in high-level languages, but in ASM it is
little more than a pedantic habit. In ASM, a routine may have more than one
entry point and more than one exit (RETN, RETF, or IRET). Several routines may
share exit code or entry code. A routine need not return at all. A few examples
of how this can save bytes:
5.1 Discard return addresses that won't be needed.
This sort of thing appears often:
Mysub: cmp al,3
ja StcRet
StcRet: stc
call MySub
jc Ret1
Ret1: ret
Better is:
Mysub: cmp al,3
ja DontRet
DontRet: pop ax ;discard return address into some unneeded register
call MySub ;returns only if input is okay
5.2 Reuse exit code.
If you see this more than once in your source:
pop bx
pop dx
pop ax
make a label at POP BX, and use a jump to that label from each other occurrence.
If this happens more than once:
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
consider a subroutine:
SaveRegs: pop si ;store return address in an unneeded register
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
jmp si
5.3. Consider CALL instead of JMP.
The CALL instruction can be used instead of JMP to pass a near address at
almost no cost.
mov ah,30h
int 21h
cmp al,5
jae EnoughDOS
call ErrExit
db "This program requires DOS 5+",13,10,0
ErrExit: pop si ;"Return address" actually points at data.
ErrExitLoop: lodsb
or al,al
jz Exit
int 29h
jmp short ErrExitLoop
Exit: mov ax,4CFFh
int 21h
In the above example, the routine ErrExit writes an ASCIIZ string from CS:SI,
then exits.
The offset of a jump table can sometimes be passed in the same way.
call SmartJump ;does not return
db 3
dw Handle3 ;Handle3 and Handle7 are near code addresses
db 7
dw Handle7
db 0 ;terminator for the table
SmartJump: ;input is a jump table index AL.
pop di ;"return address" actually points at the jump table
SmartJumpLoop: cmp byte ptr[di],0
je NotFound
je Found
scasw ;cheaper than incrementing di twice
jmp short SmartJumpLoop
Found: jmp word ptr es:[di]
NotFound: ...
The above example assumes ES=CS.
5.4 Short jumps are cheaper than near jumps.
You can often save a few bytes by arranging your source so that jumps are short
rather than near.
If this occurs:
cmp al,5
jne Not5
jmp CantRun
jmp CantRun
and CantRun is not reachable by a short jump in either instance, you might
still save a byte like so:
cmp al,5
jne Not5
JmpCantRun: jmp CantRun
jmp short JmpCantRun ;2-step jump
6. Registers are cheaper than constants.
You should never write this (6 bytes):
mov si,StringSite ;a 16-bit constant
mov di,StringSite
Instead (5 bytes):
mov si,StringSite
mov di,si.
Another illustration:
MyByte db 11h
mov MyByte,0 ;a 5-byte instruction
mov MyByte,bh ;4 bytes, and equivalent if bh is known to be 0
mov MyByte,al ;only 3 bytes.
7. Code can be used as data.
Here are two examples of a slick technique known as self-modifying code.
ErrExit: call WriteMessage
db 0B8h ;code for MOV AX,Immed16
ReturnCode db ?,4Ch
int 21h ;exit from program
The label ErrExit can be reached by JMP's from several points in the program.
Before jumping, the code pokes in a suitable value of ReturnCode, depending on
the type of error condition encountered. The above example uses part of the
instruction MOV AX,4Cxxh as a variable, saving bytes.
mov ax,252Fh ;get INT 2Fh vector as ES:BX
int 21h
mov OldInt2F,bx ;this example assumes CS=DS at this point
mov OldInt2F[2],es
mov dx,offset OurInt2F
mov ax,252Fh ;set INT 2Fh vector to DS:DX
OurInt2F: cmp ax,1211h ;a function that we want to control
jne short JmpOldInt2F
... (handle this function)
JmpOldInt2F: db 0eah ;opcode for jump to immediate far address
OldInt2F dw ?,?
This manoeuvre saves bytes versus JMP DWORD PTR OldInt2F; again, the method is
by putting the variable (OldInt2F) right inside the code. Device drivers and
other TSR's should use this trick, but I don't know of a single one which does
(except my own, naturally).
Safe use of self-modifying code requires some awareness of on-chip instruction
caches. It's no good to modify code in memory if what will get executed is
already on the CPU. The following trick, however, is quite safe. Instead of:
ErrExit2: mov al,2
jmp short ErrExit
ErrExit3: mov al,3
jmp short ErrExit
ErrExit5: mov al,5
ErrExit: mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
ErrExit2: mov al,2
db 3Dh ;opcode for CMP AX,immed, to disable the following
ErrExit3: mov al,3 ;2-byte instruction
db 3Dh
ErrExit5: mov al,5
ErrExit: mov ah,4Ch
int 21h
8. Miscellaneous byte-savers.
Since the instruction sets of the x86 CPU's are so elaborate, there are many
more ad hoc ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle bytes. The following are only a
8.1 After a loop, CX is 0. Thus
mov cx,1234h
MyLoop: ...
loop MyLoop
mov cx,56h
is wasteful. The last instruction should be
mov cl,56h.
8.2 Use conditional MOV's.
cmp VideoMode,7
je BlackAndWhite
mov dx,0B800h
jmp short Either
BlackAndWhite: mov dx, 0B000h
The above code wastes bytes. Better is:
mov dx, 0B800h
cmp VideoMode,7
jne GotVideoBase
mov dh,0B0h
The improved version has one jump instruction instead of two, and in this
example saves an additional byte by resetting only DH, not DX.
With the Pentium, Intel introduced a useful set of conditional mov's right into
the instruction set.
8.3 To test the high bit of a register, avoid the constants 80h and 8000h.
For example,
test dh,80h
jnz MyLabel
is 5 bytes, but
or dh,dh
js MyLabel
is 4. The latter instruction also leaves more information in the flags.
TEST DH,DH or AND DH,DH have the same effect as OR DH,DH.
8.4 To determine if several variables of the same size are all 0, OR them
together, and the zero flag will tell you. To determine if they are all -1,
AND them together and increment the result.
9. Postlude
Intel makes their excellent CPU documentation available free, from:
It is in Adobe PDF format; you will need the Acrobat Reader, also free, from:
If all else fails, you can try to wake me up at:
Regards from Vancouver,
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A Simple Window
by Iczelion
In this tutorial, we will build a Windows program that displays a fully
functional window on the desktop.
Download the example file here.
Windows programs rely heavily on API functions for their GUI. This approach
benefits both users and programmers. For users, they don't have to learn how to
navigate the GUI of each new programs, the GUI of Windows programs are alike.
For programmers, the GUI codes are already there,tested, and ready for use. The
downside for programmers is the increased complexity involved. In order to
create or manipulate any GUI objects such as windows, menu or icons,
programmers must follow a strict recipe. But that can be overcome by modular
programming or OOP paradigm.
I'll outline the steps required to create a window on the desktop below:
1.Get the instance handle of your program (required)
2.Get the command line (not required unless your program receives command
3.Register window class (required ,unless you use predefined window types, eg.
4.Create the window (required)
5.Show the window on the desktop (required unless you don't want to show the
window immediately)
6.Refresh the client area of the window
7.Enter an infinite loop, checking for message from Windows
8.If messages arrive, they are processed by a specialized function that is
responsible for the window
9.Quit program if the user closes the window
As you can see, the structure of a Windows program is rather complex compared
to a DOS program. But the world of Windows is drastically different from the
world of DOS. Windows programs must be able to coexist peacefully with each
other. They must follow stricter rules. You, as a programmer, must also be more
strict with your programming style and habit.
Below is the source code of our simple window program. Before jumping into the
gory details of Win32 ASM programming, I'll point out some fine points which'll
ease your programming.
You should put all Windows constants, structures and function prototypes in an
include file and include it at the beginning of your .asm file. It'll save you
a lot of effort and avoid typing errors. Most of the time, you can use include
file from some Win32 asm examples. I have used windows.inc from Steve Gibson's
Small Is Beautiful exampleand made some additions of my own.
Use IncludeLib directive to specify the import library used in your program.
For example, if your program calls MessageBoxA, you should put the line:
IncludeLib user32.lib
at the beginning of your .asm file. This directive tells MASM that your program
will make usesof functions in that import library. If your program calls
functions in more than one library, just add an includelib for each library you
use. Using IncludeLib directive, you don't have to worry about import libraries
at link time. You can use the /LIBPATH linker switch to tell Link where all the
libs are.
When declaring API function prototypes, structures, or constants in
your include file, try to stick to the original names used in Windows include
files, including case. This will save you a lot of headache when looking up
some item in Win32 API reference.
Use makefile to automate your assembling process. This will save you a lot of
; =============================================================================
include windows.inc ; .386 and .model are already
declared in windows.inc
includelib user32.lib ; calls to functions in
user32.lib and kernel32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
.DATA ; initialized data
ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0 ; the name of our window class
AppName db "Our First Window",0 ; the name of our window
.DATA? ; Uninitialized data
hInstance HINSTANCE ? ; Instance handle of our program
CommandLine LPSTR ?
.CODE ; Here begins our code
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL ; get the instance handle of our program.
; Under Win32, hmodule==hinstance
mov hInstance,eax
invoke GetCommandLine ; get the command line.
mov CommandLine,eax
invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT ; call Winmain
invoke ExitProcess,eax ; quit our program. The exit code is
; returned in eax from WinMain.
WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:SDWORD
LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX ; create local variables on stack
mov wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX ; fill values in members of wc
mov wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
push hInstance
pop wc.hInstance
mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1
mov wc.lpszMenuName,NULL
mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
mov wc.hIcon,eax
mov wc.hIconSm,0
invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
mov wc.hCursor,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc ; register our window class
invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,\
ADDR ClassName,\
ADDR AppName,\
mov hwnd,eax
invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,CmdShow ; display our window on desktop
invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd ; refresh the client area
.WHILE TRUE ; Enter message loop
invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
.BREAK .IF (!eax)
invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
mov eax,msg.wParam ; return exit code in eax
WinMain endp
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
mov eax,uMsg ; put the window message in eax
.IF eax==WM_DESTROY ; if the user closes our window
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL ; quit our application
xor eax,eax
.ELSE ; Default message processing
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
WndProc endp
end start
You may be taken aback that a simple Windows program requires so much coding.
But most of these codes are just *template* codes that you can copy from one
source code to another. Or, if you prefer, you could assemble some of these
codes into a library to be used as prologue and epilogue codes. You can write
only the codes in WinMain function. In fact, this is what C compilers do. They
let you write WinMain codes without worrying about other housekeeping chores.
The only catch is that you must have a function named WinMain else C compilers
will not be able to combine your codes with the prologue and epilogue. You do
not have such restriction with assembly language. You can use any function name
instead of WinMain or no function at all.
Prepare yourself. This is going to be a long, long tutorial. Let's analyze this
program to death!
include windows.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
We must include windows.inc at the beginning of the source code. It contains
important API function prototypes, structures and constants that are used by
our program. The include file , windows.inc, is just a text file. You can open
it with any text editor. The first two lines are .386 and .model directives, so
you don't have to specify these two lines at the beginning of the source code.
Next are several macros that its author (Steve Gibson) frequently uses. The
remaining of the file contains important structures, constants and function
prototypes. Please note that windows.inc does not contain all structures,
constants, and function prototypes of Windows. It just holds the most
frequently used ones. You can add in new items if they are not in the file.
Our program calls API functions that reside in user32.dll (CreateWindowEx,
RegisterWindowClassEx, for example) and kernel32.dll (ExitProcess), so we must
link our program to those two import libraries. The next question : how can I
know which import library should be linked to my program? The answer: You must
know where the API functions called by your program reside. For example, if you
call an API function in gdi32.dll, you must link with gdi32.lib.
This is the approach of MASM. TASM 's way of import library linking is much
more simpler: just link to one and only one file: import32.lib.
ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0
AppName db "Our First Window",0
hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
Next are the "DATA" sections.
In .DATA, we declare two zero-terminated strings(ASCIIZ strings): ClassName
which is the name of our window class and AppName which is the name of our
window. Note that the two variables are initialized.
In .DATA?, three variables are declared: hInstance (instance handle of our
program), CommandLine (command line of our program), and CommandShow (state of
our window on first appearance). The unfamiliar data types, HINSTANCE and LPSTR,
are really new names for DWORD. You can look them up in windows.inc. Note that
all variables in .DATA? section are not initialized, that is, they don't have
to hold any specific value on startup, but we want to reserve the space for
future use.
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov hInstance,eax
invoke GetCommandLine
mov CommandLine,eax
invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
invoke ExitProcess,eax
end start
.CODE contains all your instructions. Your codes must reside between : and end . The name of the label is unimportant. You can
name it anything you like so long as it doesn't violate the naming convention
of MASM.
Our first instruction is the call to GetModuleHandle to retrieve the instance
handle of our program. Under Win32, instance handle and module handle are one
and the same. You can think of instance handle as the ID of your program. It is
used as parameter to several API functions our program must call, so it's
generally a good idea to retrieve it at the beginning of our program.
Upon return from a Win32 function, the function return value, if any, can be
found in eax. All other values are returned through variables passed in the
function parameter list you defined for the call.
A Win32 function that you call will always preserve the segment registers and
the ebx, edi, esi and ebp registers. Conversely, ecx and edx are considered
scratch registers and are always undefined upon return from a Win32 function.
The bottom line is that: when calling an API function, expect return value in
eax. If any of your function will be called by Windows, you must also play by
the rule: preserve and restore the values of the segment registers, ebx, edi,
esi and ebp upon function return else your program will crash very shortly.
The GetCommandLine call is unnecessary if your program doesn't process a
command line. In this example, I show you how to call it in case you need it in
your program.
Next is the WinMain() call. Here it receives four parameters: the instance
handle of our program, the instance handle of the previous instance of our
program, the command line and window state at first appearance. Under Win32,
there's NO previous instance. Each program is alone in its address space, so
the value of hPrevInst is always 0. This is a lefover from the day of Win16.
Note: You don't have to declare the function name as WinMain. In fact, you have
complete freedom in this regard. You don't have to use any WinMain-equivalent
function at all. You can paste the codes in WinMain next to GetCommandLine and
your program will still be able to function perfectly.
Upon return from WinMain, eax is filled with exit code. We pass that exit code
as parameter to ExitProcess which terminates our application.
WinMain proc Inst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:SDWORD
The above line is the function declaration of WinMain. Note the parameter:type
pairs that follow PROC directive. They are parameters that WinMain receives
from the caller. You can refer to these parameters by name instead of by stack
manipulation. In addition, MASM will generate the prologue and epilogue codes
for the function. So we don't have to concern ourselves with stack frame on
function enter and exit.
LOCAL directive allocates memory from the stack for local variables used in the
function. The LOCAL directive is immediately followed by :.
So LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX tells MASM to allocate memory from the stack the size of
WNDCLASSEX structure for the variable named wc. We can refer to wc in our codes
without any difficulty involved in stack manipulation. That's really a godsend,
I think. The downside is that local variables cannot be used outside the
function they're created and will be automatically destroyed when the function
returns to the caller. Another drawback is that you cannot initialize local
variables automatically because they're just stack memory allocated dynamically
on function start. You have to manually assign them with desired values after
LOCAL directives.
mov wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
push hInstance
pop wc.hInstance
mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1
mov wc.lpszMenuName,NULL
mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
mov wc.hIcon,eax
mov wc.hIconSm,0
invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
mov wc.hCursor,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
; register our window class
The inimidating lines above are really simple in concept. It just takes several
lines of instruction to accomplish. The concept behind all these lines is
window class. A window class is nothing more than a blueprint or specification
of a window. It defines several important characteristics of a window such as
its icon, its cursor, the function responsible for it, its color etc. You
create a window from a window class. This is some sort of object oriented
concept. If you want to create more than one window with the same character-
istics, it stands to reason to store all these characteristics in only one
place and refer to them when needed. This scheme will save lots of memory by
avoiding duplication of information.
Remember, Windows is designed in the past when memory chips are prohibitive and
most computers have 1 MB of memory. Windows must be very efficient in using the
scarce memory resource. The point is: if you define your own window, you must
fill the desired characteristics of your window in a WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX
structure and call RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx before you're able to
create your window. You only have to register the window class once for each
window type you want to create a window from.
Windows have several predefined Window classes, such as button and edit box.
For these windows (or controls), you don't have to register a window class,
just call CreateWindowEx with the predefined class name.
The single most important member in the WNDCLASSEX is lpfnWndProc. lpfn stands
for long pointer to function. Under Win32, there's no "near" or "far" pointer,
just pointer because of the new FLAT memory model. But this is again a lefover
from the day of Win16. Each window class must be associated with a function
called window procedure. The window procedure is responsible for message
handling of all windows created from the associated window class.
Windows will send messages to the window procedure to notify it of important
events concerning the windows it 's responsible for,such as user keyboard or
mouse input. It's up to the window procedure to respond intelligently to each
window message it receives. You will spend most of your time writing event
handlers in window procedure.
I'll describe each member of WNDCLASSEX below:
typedef struct tagWNDCLASSEX {
UINT cbSize;
UINT style;
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
int cbClsExtra;
int cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR hCursor;
HBRUSH hbrBackground;
LPCSTR lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR lpszClassName;
HICON hIconSm;
cbSize: The size of WNDCLASSEX structure in bytes. We can use SIZEOF operator
to get the value.
style: The style of windows created from this class. You can combine several
styles together using "or" operator.
lpfnWndProc: The address of the window procedure responsible for windows
created from this class.
cbClsExtra: Specifies the number of extra bytes to allocate following the
window-classstructure. The operating system initializes the bytes to zero.
cbWndExtra: Specifies the number of extra bytes to allocate following the window
instance. The operating system initializes the bytes to zero. If an application
uses the WNDCLASS structure to register a dialog box created by using the CLASS
directive in the resource file, it must set this member to DLGWINDOWEXTRA.
hInstance: Instance handle of the module.
hIcon: Handle to the icon. Get it from LoadIcon call.
hCursor: Handle to the cursor. Get it from LoadCursor call.
hbrBackground: Background color of windows created from the class.
lpszMenuName: Default menu handle for windows created from the class.
lpszClassName: The name of this window class.
hIconSm: Handle to a small icon that is associated with the window class. If
this member is NULL, the system searches the icon resource specified by the
hIcon member for an icon of the appropriate size to use as the small icon.
invoke CreateWindowEx, NULL,\
ADDR ClassName,\
ADDR AppName,\
After registering the window class, we can call CreateWindowEx to create our
window based on the submitted window class. Notice that there're 12 parameters
to this function. C function prototype of CreateWindowEx is below:
DWORD dwExStyle,
LPCSTR lpClassName,
LPCSTR lpWindowName,
DWORD dwStyle,
int X,
int Y,
int nWidth,
int nHeight,
HWND hWndParent ,
HMENU hMenu,
HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPVOID lpParam);
Let's see detailed description of each parameter:
dwExStyle: Extra window styles. This is the new parameter that is added to the
old CreateWindow. You can put new window styles for Windows 95 & NT here. You
can specify your ordinary window style in dwStyle but if you want some special
styles such as topmost window, you must specify them here. You can use NULL if
you don't want extra window styles.
lpClassName: (Required). Address of the ASCIIZ string containing the name of
window class you want to use as template for this window. The Class can be your
own registered class or predefined window class. As stated above, every window
you created must be based on a window class.
lpWindowName: Address of the ASCIIZ string containing the name of the window.
It'll be shown on the title bar of the window. If this parameter is NULL, the
title bar of the window will be blank.
dwStyle: Styles of the window. You can specify the appearance of the window
here. Passing NULL is ok but the window will have no system menu box, no
minimize-maximize buttons, and no close-window button. The window would not be
of much use at all. You will need to press Alt+F4 to close it. The most common
window style is WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW. A window style is only a bit flag. Thus
you can combine several window styles by "or" operator to achieve the desired
appearance of the window. WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style is actually a combination
of the most common window styles by this method.
X,Y: The coordinate of the upper left corner of the window. Normally this
values should be CW_USEDEFAULT, that is, you want Windows to decide for you
where to put the window on the desktop.
nWidth, nHeight: The width and height of the window in pixels. You can also use
CW_USEDEFAULT to let Windows choose the appropriate width and height for you.
hWndParent: A handle to the window's parent window (if exists). This parameter
tells Windows whether this window is a child (subordinate) of some other window
and, if it is, which window is the parent. Note that this is not the parent-
child relationship of multiple document interface (MDI). Child windows are not
bound to the client area of the parent window. This relationship is
specifically for Windows internal use. If the parent window is destroyed, all
child windows will be destroyed automatically. It's really that simple. Since
in our example, there's only one window, we specify this parameter as NULL.
hMenu: A handle to the window's menu. NULL if the class menu is to be used.
Look back at the a member of WNDCLASSEX structure, lpszMenuName. lpszMenuName
specifies *default* menu for the window class. Every window created from this
window class will have the same menu by default. Unless you specify an
*overriding* menu for a specific window via its hMenu parameter. hMenu is
actually a dual-purpose parameter. In case the window you want to create
is of a predefined window type (ie. control), such control cannot own a menu.
hMenu is used as that control's ID instead. Windows can decide whether hMenu is
really a menu handle or a control ID by looking at lpClassName parameter. If
it's the name of a predefined window class, hMenu is a control ID. If it's not,
then it's a handle to the window's menu.
hInstance: The instance handle for the program module creating the window.
lpParam: Optional pointer to a data structure passed to the window. This is
used by MDI window to pass the CLIENTCREATESTRUCT data. Normally, this value is
set to NULL, meaning that no data is passed via CreateWindow(). The window can
retrieve the value of this parameter by the call to GetWindowLong function.
mov hwnd,eax
invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,CmdShow
invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd
After successful return from CreateWindowEx, the window handle is stored in eax.
We must keep this value for future use. The window we just created is not
automatically displayed. You must call ShowWindow with the window handle and
the desired *display state* of the window to make it display on the screen.
Next you can call UpdateWindow to order your window to repaint its client area.
This function is useful when you want to update the content of the client area.
You can omit this call though.
invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
.BREAK .IF (!eax)
invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
At this time, our window is up on the screen. But it cannot receive input from
the world. So we have to *inform* it of relevant events. We accomplish this
with a message loop. There's only one message loop for each module. This
message loop continually checks for messages from Windows with GetMessage call.
GetMessage passes a pointer to a MSG structure to Windows. This MSG structure
will be filled with information about the message that Windows want to send to
a window in the module. GetMessage function will not return until there's a
message for a window in the module. During that time, Windows can give control
to other programs. This is what forms the cooperative multitasking scheme of
Win16 platform. GetMessage returns FALSE if WM_QUIT message is received which,
in the message loop, will terminate the loop and exit the program.
TranslateMessage is a utility function that takes raw keyboard input and
generates a new message (WM_CHAR) that is placed on the message queue. The
message with WM_CHAR contains the ASCII value for the key pressed, which is
easier to deal with than the raw keyboard scan codes. You can omit this call if
your program doesn't process keystrokes. DispatchMessage sends the message data
to the window procedure responsible for the specific window the message is for.
mov eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp
If the message loop terminates, the exit code is stored in wParam member of the
MSG structure. You can store this exit code into eax to return it to Windows.
At the present time, Windows do not make use of the return value, but it's
better to be on the safe side and plays by the rule.
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
This is our window procedure. You don't have to name it WndProc. The first
parameter, hWnd, is the window handle of the window that the message is destined.
uMsg is the message. Note that uMsg is not a MSG structure. It's just a number,
really. Windows define hundreds of messages, most of which your programs will
not be interested in. Windows will send an appropriate message to a window in
case something relevant to that window happens. Thew indow procedure receives
the message and react to it intelligently. wParam and lParam are just extra
parameters for use by some message. Some message does send accompanying data in
addition to the message itself. Those data are passed to the window procedure
by means of lParam and wParam.
mov eax,uMsg
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
xor eax,eax
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
WndProc endp
Here comes the crucial part. This is where most of your program's intelligence
resides. The code that responds to each Windows message are in the window
procedure. Your code must check the Windows message to see if it's a message
it's interested in. If it is, do anything you want to do in response to that
message and then return with zero in eax. If it's not, you MUST pass ALL
parameters for default processing by DefWindowProc. This DefWindowProc is an
API function that processes the messages your program is not interested in.
The only message that you MUST respond to is WM_DESTROY. This message is sent
to your window procedure whenever your window is closed. At the time your
window procedure receives this message, your window is removed from the screen.
This is just a notification that your window is now destroyed, you should
prepare yourself to return to Windows. In response to this, you can perform
housekeeping prior to return to Windows. You have no choice but to quit when it
comes to this state. If you want to have a chance to stop the user from closing
your window, you should process WM_CLOSE message. Now back to WM_DESTROY, after
performing housekeeping chores, you must call PostQuitMessage which will post
WM_QUIT back to your module. WM_QUIT will make GetMessage return with zero
value in eax, which in turn, terminates the message loop and quits to Windows.
You can send WM_DESTROY message to your own window procedure by calling
DestroyWindow function.
[Reprinted With permission from Iczelion's Win32 Assembly HomePage]
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Painting with Text
by Iczelion
In this tutorial, we will learn how to "paint" text in the client area of a
window. We'll also learn about device context.
You can download the source code here.
Text in Windows is a type of GUI object. Each character is composed of
numerous pixels that are lumped together into a distinct pattern. That's why
it's called "painting" instead of "writing". Normally, you paint text in your
own client area (actually, you can paint outside client area but that's another
Putting text on screen in Windows is drastically different from DOS. In DOS,
you can think of the screen in 80x25 dimension. But in Windows, the screen are
shared by several programs. Some rules must be enforced to avoid programs
writing over each other screen data. Windows ensures this by limiting painting
area of each window to its own client area only. The size of client area of a
window is not constant. The user can change the size anytime. So you must
determine the dimension of client area dynamically, at runtime.
Before you can paint something on the client area, you must ask for permission
from Windows. That's right, you don't have absolute control of the screen as
you were in DOS. You must ask Windows for permission to paint your own client
area. Windows will determine the size of your client area, font, colors and
other GDI attributes and send a handle to device context back to your program.
You can then use the device context as a passport to painting on your client
What is a device context? It's just a data structure maintained internally by
Windows. A device context is associated with a particular device, such as a
printer or video display. For a video display, a device context is usually
associated with a particular window on the display.
Some of the values in the device context are graphic attributes such as colors,
font etc. These are default values which you can change at will. They exist to
help reduce the load from having to specify these attributes in every GDI
function calls.
When a program need to paint, it must obtain a handle to a device context.
Normally, there's two ways to accomplish this.
call BeginPaint in response to WM_PAINT message.
call GetDC in response to other messages.
One thing you must remember, after you're through with the device context
handle, you must release it during the processing of a single message. Don't
obtain the handle in response to one message and release it in response to
Windows posts WM_PAINT messages to a window to notify that it's now time to
repaint its client area. Windows does not save the content of client area of a
window. Instead, when a situation occurs that warrants a repaint of client
area (such as when a window was covered by another and is just brought back in
front), Windows put WM_PAINT message in that window's message queue. It's the
responsibility of that window to repaint its own client area. You must gather
all information about how to repaint your client area in the WM_PAINT section
of your window procedure, so the window procudure can repaint the client area
when WM_PAINT message arrives.
Another concept you must come to terms with is the invalid rectangle. Windows
defines an invalid rectangle as the smallest rectangular area in the client
area that needs to be repainted. When Windows detects an invalid rectangle in
the client area of a window , it posts WM_PAINT message to that window. In
response to WM_PAINT message, the window can obtain a paintstruct structure
which contains, among others, the coordinate of the invalid rectangle.
You call BeginPaint in response to WM_PAINT message to validate the invalid
rectangle. If you don't process WM_PAINT message, at the very least you must
call DefWindowProc or ValidateRect to validate the invalid rectangle else
Windows will repeatedly send you WM_PAINT message.
Here's the steps you perform in response to a WM_PAINT message:
Get a handle to device context with BeginPaint.
Paint the client area.
Release the handle to device context with EndPaint
Note that you don't have to explicitly validate the invalid rectangle. It's
automatically done by the BeginPaint call. Between BeginPaint-Endpaint pair,
you can call any GDI functions to paint your client area. Nearly everyone of
them requires a handle to device context as a parameter.
We will write a program that display a text string "Win32 assembly is great
and easy!" in the center of the client area.
include windows.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0
AppName db "Our First Window",0
OurText db "Win32 assembly is great and easy!",0
hInstance HINSTANCE ?
CommandLine LPSTR ?
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov hInstance,eax
invoke GetCommandLine
invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
invoke ExitProcess,eax
WinMain proc hinst:HINSTANCE, hPrevInst:HINSTANCE, CmdLine:LPSTR, CmdShow:SDWORD
mov wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
mov wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc
mov wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
mov wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
push hInstance
pop wc.hInstance
mov wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1
mov wc.lpszMenuName,NULL
mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName
mov wc.hIcon,eax
mov wc.hIconSm,0
invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
mov wc.hCursor,eax
invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,ADDR ClassName,ADDR AppName,\
mov hwnd,eax
invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL
invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd
invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
.BREAK .IF (!eax)
invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
mov eax,msg.wParam
WinMain endp
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
mov eax,uMsg
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
mov hdc,eax
invoke GetClientRect,hWnd, ADDR rect
invoke DrawText, hdc,ADDR OurText,-1, ADDR rect, \
invoke EndPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
xor eax, eax
WndProc endp
end start
The majority of the code is the same as the example in tutorial 3. I'll explain
only the important changes.
These are local variables that are used by GDI functions in our WM_PAINT
section. hdc is used to store the handle to device context returned from
BeginPaint call. ps is a PAINTSTRUCT structure. Normally you don't use the
values in ps. It's passed to BeginPaint function and Windows fills it with
appropriate values. You then pass ps to EndPaint function when you finish
painting the client area. rect is a RECT structure defined as follows:
RECT Struct
left LONG ?
top LONG ?
right LONG ?
bottom LONG ?
RECT ends
Left and top are the coordinates of the upper left corner of a rectangle Right
and bottom are the coordinates of the lower right corner. One thing to remember:
The origin of the x-y axes is at the upper left corner of the client area. So
the point y=10 is BELOW the point y=0.
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
mov hdc,eax
invoke GetClientRect,hWnd, ADDR rect
invoke DrawText, hdc,ADDR OurText,-1, ADDR rect, \
invoke EndPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps
In response to WM_PAINT message, you call BeginPaint with handle to the window
you want to paint and an uninitialized PAINTSTRUCT structure as parameters.
After successful call, eax contains the handle to device context. Next you call
GetClientRect to retrieve the dimension of the client area. The dimension is
returned in rect variable which you pass to DrawText as one of its parameter.
DrawText's syntax is:
int WINAPI DrawText(HDC hdc,
LPCSTR lpString,
int nCount,
LPRECT lpRect,
UNIT uFormat);
DrawText is a high-level text output API function. It handles some gory details
such as word wrap, centering etc. so you could concentrate on the string you
want to paint. Its low-level brother, TextOut, will be examined in the next
tutorial. DrawText formats a text string to fit within the bounds of a
rectangle. It uses the currently selected font,color and background (in the
device context) to draw the text.Lines are wrapped to fit within the bounds of
the rectangle. It returns the height of the output text in device units, in our
case, pixels. Let's see its parameters:
hdc handle to device context
lpString A pointer to the string you want to draw in the rectangle.
The string must be null-terminated else you would have to specify its
length in the next parameter, nCount.
nCount The number of characters to output. If the string is null-
terminated, nCount must be -1. Otherwise nCount must contain the number of
characters in the string you want to draw.
lpRect A pointer to the rectangle (a structure of type RECT) you want to
draw the string in. Note that this rectangle is also a clipping rectangle,
that is, you could not draw the string outside this rectangle.
uFormat The value that specifies how the string is displayed in the
rectangle. We use three values combined by "or" operator:
DT_SINGLELINE specifies a single line of text
DT_CENTER centers the text horizontally.
DT_VCENTER centers the text vertically. Must be used with
After you finish painting the client area, you must call EndPaint function to
release the handle to device context.
That's it. We can summarize the salient points here:
* You call BeginPaint-EndPaint pair in response to WM_PAINT message.
* Do anything you like with the client area between the calls to
BeginPaint and EndPaint.
* If you want to repaint your client area in response to other messages,
you have two choices:
Use GetDC-ReleaseDC pair and do your painting between these calls
Call InvalidateRect or UpdateWindow to invalidate the entire client
area, forcing Windows to put WM_PAINT message in the message queue of
your window and do your painting in WM_PAINT section
[Reprinted With permission from Iczelion's Win32 Assembly HomePage]
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The _Xprintf functions
by Xbios2
This is the second article I write on the C standard library, and perhaps some
ask: "Why should this interest us?" or, more gently, "What's the philosophy
behind these articles?". Well, here is why I write these articles:
- For C programmers that want to know what happens behind the HLL 'curtain'
- For asm programmers who wish to get ideas
- For asm programmers who need a C command but want to keep their code 'slim'
(actually the code section is intended more as source to compile and use than
source to read and understand, that's why it's not always well-commented in
a tutorial-like manner)
- For me, to better understand reverse-engineering and assembly coding.
Ok, now go for it....
How the various _printf functions (_Xprintf) work:
The _Xprintf functions call the ___vprinter function, with four parameters:
1. output function address
2. output function parameter
3. pointer to format string
4. pointer to arguments list
Parameter 1 is a pointer to a function that outputs the resulting string (to a
file, stdout or to memory).
Parameter 2 is passed to the function pointed at by parameter 1, together with
the string pointer and its length.
Parameter 3 is 'forwarded' by _Xprintf exactly as received by the user.
Parameter 4 is either 'forwarded' (by the _vXprintf functions) or points to the
stack (for 'normal' _Xprintf functions).
Functions that send output to a file or to STDOUT also lock/unlock the stream.
Besides that, all the 'dirty job' is passed to ___vprinter.
How ___vprinter works:
[the disassembly of ___vprinter would show this better, but is far too large]
1. Read (next) char from format string
2. If char is NUL, finish
3. If char is not a '%', output it verbatim', loop back to [1]
4. If char is '%' and next char is also '%', output a single '%' and loop to [1]
5. Process the string up to a 'type_char'
If everything is ok, output the result, loop to [1]
If there is an unknown char, output the rest of the string verbatim, finish
It is interesting to notice how ___vprinter does it's output:
All output is performed character by character. To do this ___vprinter calls a
nother routine (let's call it _storechar) passing it two parameters: the
character to store and a pointer to an 80-byte string in the stack of
___vprinter (actually in the C source that must have been a pointer to a local
structure, because _storechar also modifies locals after those 80 bytes).
_storechar writes the character in the sting and if the string is filled up, it
calls a second function (call it _writestring) that calls the function whose
pointer was passed to ___vprinter. Before returning, ___vprinter calls
_writestring directly to output whatever bytes where left. _writestring is also
responsible for setting a flag that will cause ___vprinter (and consequently
_Xprintf) to return -1 instead of the number of chars output.
This way to perform output has the advantage of printing long strings without
allocating much memory, while printing small strings using the output function
only once. Actually this is the only advantage it has. Even if this solution
was written well (which is _not_), it would still be awful in _sprintf and
_vsprintf. In _(v)sprintf chars are written in the local buffer first, then,
when this fills up, the second function (_writestring) is called, which calls
a third function (included in the same .OBJ file with _sprintf) which finally
calls _memcpy. With careful re-writing of sprintf, this could be achieved just
by a simple, one-byte 'stosb'. Then printf and fprintf could be implemented
atop sprintf. The problem here is that those functions should 'know' how much
buffer space to allocate. Maybe the solution to this could be to leave
allocating buffers to the user, by just giving a sprintf function (actually
Microsoft thought this before me, and they give only wsprintf and wvsprintf
in the Win32 API).
This article will actually focus on a vsprintf function, with all the format
specifiers in Borland C (EXCEPT floating point numbers, which would (and maybe
will) require a separate article. Also keep in mind that UNIX has a rather more
complicated Xprintf set, which I'm glad to ignore :)
This is not exactly 'clear' code. This is because it was not written from
scratch, but is the result of hand-optimization applied to the disassembly of
___vprinter (Actually Borland could sue me for this, but they'd really have a
hard time trying to show that my code resembles theirs :)). That is, starting
from an uncomprehensible but working source code, I kept changing the source
code and compiling until I got a better source code (yet still uncomprehensible
:). That's also a reason the code is poorly commented. Anyway if you're just
interested in a simple _sprintf function, skip to the code section. For the
curious, here are some differences my version has:
- A self-contained procedure
That is, there is only a _sprintf function, which calls nothing, while
_sprintf involves: ___vprinter, ___longtoa, ___strlen, plus three other
functions called by ___vprinter (_storechar, _writestring and another one
that converts pointers into hex)
- Much smaller code
- Much less stack used
- Probably faster code (actually it is not a speed-optimized version, but yet
it must be much faster)
- It's home-made, and brand-new :)
Well, as I said, you're not expected to understand it at once. Yet, if you
insist, read and enjoy...
; sprintf.asm ============================================================
.model flat
getarg macro register
lea eax, [a_argList]
mov edx, [eax]
add dword ptr [eax], 4
mov register, [edx]
Null db '(null)',0
align 4
jumptable dd offset BlankOrPlus ; 0
dd offset HashSign ; 1
dd offset Asterisk ; 2
dd offset MinusSign ; 3
dd offset Dot ; 4
dd offset Digit ; 5
dd offset h_shortint ; 6
dd offset d_decimal ; 7
dd offset o_octal ; 8
dd offset u_unsigned ; 9
dd offset x_Hexadecimal ; 10
dd offset p_pointer ; 11
dd offset unknown ; 12 = f_floating
dd offset c_char ; 13
dd offset s_string ; 14
dd offset n_CharsWritten ; 15
dd offset formatLoop ; 16 = Ignore character
dd offset unknown ; 17 = Unknown char
dd offset Percent ; 18
; ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
xxlat db 0, 17, 17, 1, 17, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, 2, 0, 17, 3, 4, 17
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
db 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
; @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
db 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 12, 16, 12, 8, 17, 17, 17, 16, 17, 16, 17
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
db 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 10, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
; ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
db 17, 17, 17, 13, 7, 12, 12, 12, 6, 7, 17, 17, 16, 17, 15, 8
; p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL
db 11, 17, 17, 14, 17, 9, 17, 17, 10, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
_vsprintf proc C near uses ebx edi esi, a_output:dword, a_format:dword, \
local v_width:dword, v_prec:dword, v_zeroLen:dword, \
v_sign:dword, v_strbuf:byte:12, v_strLen:dword
mov esi, [a_format]
mov edi, [a_output]
mainLoop: lodsb ; get character
cmp al, '%' ; test if it is '%'
je short controlChar
stosb ; if not, just copy it
test al, al
jnz short mainLoop ; if char is not NULL, loop
jmp EndOfString ; jump if char is null
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
controlChar: xor ecx, ecx ; set stage to 0
or eax, -1
xor ebx, ebx ; no flags set
mov [v_width], eax ; no width given
mov [v_zeroLen], ecx ; 0
mov [v_prec], eax ; no .prec given
mov [v_sign], ecx ; 0, no sign prefix
formatLoop: xor eax, eax
cmp al, ' '
jl unknown ; char below ' '
movzx edx, byte ptr xxlat - ' '[eax]
jmp jumptable[edx*4] ; we jump with the char in AL
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
n_CharsWritten: getarg eax
mov edx, edi
sub edx, [a_output] ; calculate length
test ebx, 16
jnz short nchars_short
mov [eax], edx
jmp short fw_mainloop
nchars_short: mov [eax], dx
fw_mainloop: jmp mainLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Percent: cmp byte ptr [esi-2], al ; al='%'
jne unknown
jmp mainLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; flag characters
HashSign: or ebx, 1
jmp short chkflags
MinusSign: or ebx, 2
jmp short chkflags
BlankOrPlus: or byte ptr [v_sign], al ; ' ' will become '+'
chkflags: or ecx, ecx
jnz unknown
jmp formatLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asterisk: getarg eax
cmp ecx, 2
jge short asterisk_prec
test eax, eax
jge short width_positive
neg eax
or ebx, 2
width_positive: mov [v_width], eax
mov ecx, 3
jmp short fwwB
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
asterisk_prec: cmp ecx, 4
jnz unknown
inc ecx ; set stage to 5
mov [v_prec], eax
fwwB: jmp formatLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dot: cmp ecx, 4
jge unknown
mov ecx, 4
inc [v_prec] ; set .prec to 0
jmp formatLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Digit: sub al, '0' ; convert ASCII to value
jnz short digit2
or ecx, ecx
jnz short digit2
test ebx, 2 ; we come here if width=0n
jnz short fwwC
or ebx, 8
inc ecx ; set stage to 1
jmp fwwC
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
digit2: cmp ecx, 2
jg short digit_prec
mov ecx, 2
cmp [v_width], 0
jge short digit_width
mov [v_width], eax
jmp short fwwC
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
digit_width: imul edx, [v_width], 10
add eax, edx
mov [v_width], eax
jmp short fwwC
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
digit_prec: cmp ecx, 4
jnz unknown
imul edx, [v_prec], 10
add eax, edx
mov [v_prec], eax
fwwC: jmp formatLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
h_shortint: or ebx, 16
mov ecx, 5
jmp formatLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
o_octal: mov ecx, 8 ; radix
test ebx, 1
jz short unsigned
mov byte ptr [v_sign], '0'
jmp short integer
u_unsigned: mov ecx, 10 ; radix
unsigned: mov byte ptr [v_sign], 0 ; no sign
jmp short integer
x_Hexadecimal: mov ecx, 16 ; radix
mov ah, al
xor al, 'X' ; AL is the char ('x' or 'X')
mov bh, al
test ebx, 1
jz short integer
mov al, '0'
mov word ptr [v_sign], ax
jmp short integer
d_decimal: mov ecx, 10 ; radix
or ebx, 32
integer: getarg eax
test ebx, 16
jz short integer_cnvt ; if not short, don't change
short_integer: test ebx, 32 ; is integer signed?
jnz short short_signed
and eax, 0FFFFh ; zero extend 16 to 32
jmp short nosign
short_signed: cwde ; sign extend 16 to 32
integer_cnvt: test ebx, 32
jz nosign
or eax, eax
jns nosign
neg eax
mov byte ptr [v_sign], '-'
nosign: lea edx, [offset v_strbuf + 11]
or eax, eax
jnz short ltoa
cmp [v_prec], eax ; eax is 0 if we are here
jnz short zero
mov byte ptr [edx], al ; value 0 with .0 prec
mov [v_strLen], eax ; means no string
jmp printit ; so output no digits
zero: cmp byte ptr [v_sign], '0'
jnz short ltoa
mov byte ptr[v_sign], 0 ; we don't want 0x0, nor '00'
; convert EAX into ASCII
ltoa: push edi
push esi
xor esi, esi
mov edi, edx
mov byte ptr [edi], 0
ltoaLoop: xor edx, edx
div ecx ; ecx is the radix
xchg eax, edx
add al,90h
adc al,40h
or al, bh ; switch case if needed
dec edi
inc esi
mov [edi], al
xchg eax, edx
or eax, eax
jnz short ltoaLoop
mov eax, esi
mov edx, edi
pop esi
pop edi
mov [v_strLen], eax
mov ecx, [v_prec]
or ecx, ecx
js noprec
; A precision was given
sub ecx, eax
jle short skipzerolen
mov [v_zeroLen], ecx ; if prec>digits then
; add (prec-digits) '0'
jmp short skipzerolen
noprec: test ebx, 8
jz short skipzerolen
cmp [v_width], 0
jle short skipzerolen
; we come here if width=0n
mov ecx, [v_width]
sub ecx, eax ; EAX=[v_strLen]
jle short skipzerolen
mov eax, dword ptr [v_sign]
or al, al
jz short setzerolen
dec ecx
shr eax, 8
jz short setzerolen
dec ecx
js short skipzerolen
setzerolen: mov [v_zeroLen], ecx
skipzerolen: mov eax, dword ptr [v_sign]
or al, al
jz short finishint
dec [v_width]
shr eax, 8
jz short finishint
dec [v_width]
finishint: mov eax, [v_zeroLen]
add [v_strLen], eax
jmp printit
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Pointer: same as %.8X
p_pointer: getarg ecx
lea edx, [v_strbuf]
push ebx
mov ebx, 7
loopPointer: mov al, cl
shr ecx, 4
and al, 0Fh
add al,90h
adc al,40h
mov [edx+ebx], al
dec ebx
jns loopPointer
pop ebx
mov byte ptr [edx+8], 0
mov [v_strLen], 8
jmp printit
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
c_char: getarg eax
lea edx, [v_strbuf]
mov [edx], eax ; stores char (rest of EAX is
; not important)
mov [v_strLen], 1 ; set length to one char
jmp printit
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
s_string: getarg edx
or eax, -1
test edx, edx
jnz short strlen_I
mov edx, offset Null ; Pointer 0 prints 'Null'
strlen_I: inc eax
cmp byte ptr [edx+eax], 0
jnz short strlen_I
cmp eax, [v_prec]
jle short setLen
cmp [v_prec], 0
jl short setLen
mov eax, [v_prec]
setLen: mov [v_strLen], eax
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; we must arrive here with EDX pointing to the string to print
; and it's length in [v_strLen]
; left pad with spaces IF necessary
printit: test ebx, 2 ; Is it left justified?
mov ebx, [v_width]
jnz short printPrefix ; if yes, don't pad left
mov ecx, ebx
sub ecx, [v_strLen]
jle printPrefix
mov al, ' '
rep stosb ; >>> left pad
mov ebx, [v_strLen]
; print one- or two-chars PREFIX
printPrefix: mov eax, [v_sign]
or al, al
jz short padZero
stosb ; print the sign prefix
shr eax, 8 ; AL=AH, AH=0
jz short padZero
stosb ; print the sign prefix
; pad with zeroes IF necessary
padZero: mov ecx, [v_zeroLen] ; we are sure that ecx>=0
sub [v_strLen], ecx
sub ebx, ecx
mov al, '0' ; ECX=[v_zeroLen]
rep stosb ; >>> pad with 0s
mov ecx, [v_strLen]
sub ebx, ecx
xchg esi, edx
rep movsb ; >>> copy string
xchg esi, edx
js short skipRightpad ; refers to SUB EBX, ECX
mov ecx, ebx
mov al, ' '
rep stosb ; >>> right pad with ' '
skipRightpad: jmp mainLoop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; If an unknown specification character is found, _vsprintf enters the
; following loop. This loop copies verbatim all the rest of the string
; (from the '%' on)
unknown: mov al, '%'
scanback: dec esi
cmp [esi], al
jne short scanback
copyrest: lodsb
test al, al
jnz short copyrest
; ---------------------------
; return the number of chars written
EndOfString: mov eax, edi
sub eax, [a_output]
dec eax
; EOF ====================================================================
::/ \::::::.
/| \::::::::.
:| _/\:::::::::.
:| _|\ \::::::::::.
X-Windows in Assembly Language: Part I
by mammon_
The sensible way to write programs for X-Windows is to use a toolkit such as Xt
or Gtk; the easy way would be to use a scripting package such as Python or
Tcl/Tk. Modern assembly language coders, however, are known for sacrificing
ease and sensibility in the name of curiosity and execution speed; it is in
this spirit that the potential for programming X-Windows in assembly language
will now be investigated.
X-Windows Programming
Like other GUIs, X-Windows uses an event-driven programming style in which an
application registers itself with the system, displays its main user interface,
and waits for system events signalling that the user has interacted with the
program. There are four main 'levels' of X-Windows Programming: XProtocol,
XLib, Xt or 'toolkit' programming, and scripting.
X-Windows consists of the X Server which handles graphics output, keyboard and
mouse input, event signalling, and commands sent from client programs (Window
Managers, applications). Clients communicate with the X Server using XProtocol,
which consists of byte streams exchanged between the client and the server --
in a sense, like the packets that a network client exchanges with a network
server. XProtocol is virtually useless for application programming, for the
coding overhead for each server request makes development impractical. The
details of XProtocol requests can be found in '/usr/include/X11/Xproto.h'.
The equivalent of the Win32 API in X-Windows is XLib. Even if one uses toolkits
for application coding, there is no way to escape XLib coding. XLib serves as
an interface between the client programs and the X Server; essentially, it is a
library of XProtocol functions exported for use by applications.
Toolkit programming is similar to using class libraries (like MFC, OWL, or VCL)
on the Win32 platform. There are a number of toolkits available, such as Qt,
Gtk, Xt Intrinsics, Athena, and the Motif toolkit. Each toolkit consists of
extensible widgets (like resources in Win32) that define basic window types:
buttons, scrollbars, dialogs, edit windows, etc.
A wide variety of scripting languages are available for the Unix platorm, and
many of these have windowing toolkits that enable them to produce X-Windows
applications. The most popular are Tcl/Tk, Python, and Java; needless to say,
these programming methods may not be implemented in assembly language.
The XLib Programming Model
An application written for the XLib interface demonstrates the basic principles
of X-Windows programming as a whole. These principles make up a 5-step method:
Step I : Connect to the Display
The first step of an X-Windows application is also the most simple: a call is
made to XOpenDisplay; the result --returned in eax of course-- is a pointer to
a Display structure. This should be saved, as it will be required for just
about every subsequent call:
p_disp = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
Note: I am providing the sample source in C for this section; the assembler
reconstruction will be presented later.
Step II : Initialize Application Resources (Colors and Fonts)
Before a window can be displayed, it requires a Graphic Context (similar to the
Win32 DC); before the GC can be created, it requires that the colors and fonts
to be used by the window be initialized.
The simplest way to do this is to use the XLoadQueryFont and the WhitePixel and
BlackPixel macros:
mfontstruct = XLoadQueryFont( p_disp, "fixed");
WhitePix = WhitePixel( p_disp, DefaultScreen(p_disp));
BlackPix = BlackPixel( p_disp, DefaultScreen(p_disp));
Once again, the values are saved for later use. Note that a more complex method
of allocating colors will be used in the assembly code later; there, a handle
to the default X Windows colormap is obtained via a call to XDefaultColormap,
and XAllocNamedColor is used to allocate white and black pixel values: this
accomplishes the same as the above code, but without using the macros.
Step III : Create Window(s)
There are four things that must be done to create a window: the window itself
is registered with the X Server and given a Resource ID, the GC is registered
with the X Server and given its own Resource ID, the window must specify which
events it will respond to, and finally the window must be mapped into the X
Creating the window requires a call to XCreateWindow or XCreateSimpleWindow.
XCreateSimpleWindow, used below, requires the display, parent window, x and y
screen coordinates, window width and height, border width, border pixel value,
and background pixel value. XCreateWindow, used in the assembly version, is
passed the display, parent window, x & y, width & height, border width, color
depth, window class, visual attribute, value mask, and an XSetWindowAttributes
structure. A handle to the created window is returned.
Main = XCreateSimpleWindow( p_disp, DefaultRootWindow( p_disp ), 100, 100,
100, 50, 1, BlackPix, WhitePix);
Creating a GC is not strictly necessary; however doing without one causes the
application appearance to be unpredicatable (I found that the background of my
window became transparent). A GC is created by calling XCreateGC, which is
passed the display, window handle, value mask, and a GraphicsContextValues
theGC = XCreateGC(p_disp, Main,(GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground), &gcv);
Input events are selected using the XSelectInput function, which is passed the
display, window handle, and the ORed values of event masks:
XSelectInput( p_disp, Main, ExposureMask );
Finally, the window is mapped onto the display (and therefore displayed) with
the XMapWindow call, which is relatively self-explanatory:
XMapWindow( p_disp, Main );
At this point, the procedure must be created for each child window (buttons,
scrollbars, etc); the following shows the creation of a button with its own GC,
and selection of the Exposure and ButtonPress event masks:
Exit = XCreateSimpleWindow(p_disp, Main, 15, 1, 60, 15, 1,
WhitePix, BlackPix);
XSelectInput(p_disp, Exit, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask );
XMapWindow(p_disp, Exit);
exitGC = XCreateGC(p_disp, Exit,(GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground),&gcv);
Note that a separate GC is not needed for each window if they will be sharing
the same background, foreground, and font colors.
Step IV : Event Loop
The event loop is the 'meat' of the program, where the application responds to
user events. This loop calls XNextEvent to get the next system event, and
responds to the ones sent to its windows. The following loop catches the Expose
event and draws text into each window using XDrawString on the initial exposure
of each window (xexpose.count ==0). In addition, when the Exit button is
pressed, the while loop exits and the application terminates.
while( !Done ){
XNextEvent(p_disp, &theEvent);
if( theEvent.xany.window == Main){
if( theEvent.type == Expose && theEvent.xexpose.count == 0){
XDrawString(p_disp, Main, theGC, 1, 40, msgtext, strlen(msgtext));
} }
if( theEvent.xany.window == Exit){
case Expose:
if( theEvent.xexpose.count == 0){
XDrawString(p_disp, Exit, exitGC, 2, 11, extext, strlen(extext) );
case ButtonPress:
Done = 1; } } }
Step V : Clean Up and Close Display
At this point the application is over; the various handles must be freed, the
windows destroyed, and the display closed. The functions typically used for
this are demonstrated below:
XFreeGC(p_disp, theGC);
XFreeGC(p_disp, exitGC);
XUnloadFont(p_disp, mfontstruct->fid);
XDestroyWindow(p_disp, Main);
Note that sll of the functions, structures, and messages used above are defined
in '/usr/include/X11/Xlib.h', './X11/Xutil.h' and './X11/X.h'.
Inline Assembler With GCC
Due to the presence of the GAS assembler within GCC, inline assembler is pretty
straightforward. In GCC, the 'asm' keyword is used to prefix a block of asm
instructions; the format of 'asm' is as follows:
asm( statements : output vars : input vars : modified registers);
Note that the last three parameters are usually used only if you are writing an
entire function in assembly language, or if you are modifying registers that
you do not save (it is better to save all the registers that you will modify,
if they contain values that will be needed later).
The asm statements are passed directly to GAS, and thus they need to be in a
format that GAS will recognize. For this reason, multiline asm statements will
require a newline (and, optionally, a tab) after each statement, like so:
asm( "
statement1 \n
statement2 \n
statement3 \n
: "g" (outvar)
: "g" (invar)
: eax, ebx, ecx
or, as I have used below:
asm( "statement1 \n\t"
"statement2 \n\t"
"statement3 \n\t"
"statement4 \n\t");
Other than that there are no real restrictions. Structures do not pass well
between C and GAS; if you need to reference specific structure variables from
inline assembly code, it is better to place those variables into temporary C
variables, whcih can then be accessed from the assembler block as normal. The
following demonstrates this:
fid = mfontstruct->fid;
asm( "
push fid\n
push mainGC\n
push p_disp\n
call XSetFont\n
add $12, %esp");
More information on the GCC inline assembler can be found at:
Avly's Programming Page (http://www.castle.net/~avly/djasm.html)
CodeX Software (http://www.gameprog.com/codex/tut/att_asm.html)
Brennan's DGPP Resources (http://brennan.home.ml.org/djgpp/) [Currently Down]
The XHell Sample Program
In order to be able to use the C header files for X-Windows, the following
program has been written in C for GCC, using C code for the data declarations
and assembler for the 'meat' of the program. In Part II of this article (next
issue) I will convert this program to the Xt model and implement it in NASM.
// xhell.c ============================================================
/* ==================== Global Variable Declarations ===================== */
char *msgtext = "You are in XHell",
*extext = "Exit XHell",
*m_font = "fixed",
*app_name = "xhello",
*window_title = "XHell",
*szWhite = "white",
*szBlack = "black";
XFontStruct *mfontstruct;
Display *p_disp;
Window Main, Exit;
GC mainGC, exitGC;
XEvent theEvent;
Font fid;
Colormap cmap;
int Done = 0;
unsigned long pxBlack, pxWhite;
XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
XColor pixBlack, pixWhite;
XGCValues gcv;
/* ================ Start of Main Function ==================== */
/* ===== Connect to Display ===== */
asm( "push $0\n\t"
"call XOpenDisplay\n\t"
"movl %eax, p_disp\n\t"
"add $4, %esp\n\t");
/* ===== Setup Colors n' Fonts ===== */
asm( "push m_font\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XLoadQueryFont\n\t"
"add $8, %esp\n\t"
"movl %eax, mfontstruct");
/* ===== Prepare Main Window ===== */
fid = mfontstruct->fid;
/* ===== Create Main Graphics Context ===== */
// Obtain Colormap Handle
asm( "push p_disp\n\t"
"call XDefaultScreen\n\t"
"add $4, %esp\n\t"
"push %eax\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XDefaultColormap\n\t"
"add $8, %esp\n\t"
"movl %eax, cmap");
// Allocate White and Black Colors
asm( "push $pixWhite\n\t"
"push $pixWhite\n\t"
"push szWhite\n\t"
"push cmap\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XAllocNamedColor\n\t"
"add $20, %esp");
asm( "push $pixBlack\n\t"
"push $pixBlack\n\t"
"push szBlack\n\t"
"push cmap\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XAllocNamedColor\n\t"
"add $20, %esp");
xswa.background_pixel = pixWhite.pixel;
asm( "push $xswa\n\t"
"movl $1, %ebx\n\t"
"shl $1, %ebx\n\t" //CWBackPixel = 1 << 1
"push %ebx\n\t"
"push $0\n\t" //CopyFromParent = 0 (X.h)
"push $1\n\t" //InputOutput = 1 (X.h)
"push $0\n\t" //CopyFromParent = 0 (X.h)
"push $1\n\t"
"push $50\n\t"
"push $100\n\t"
"push $100\n\t"
"push $100\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XDefaultRootWindow\n\t"
"add $4, %esp\n\t"
"push %eax\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XCreateWindow\n\t"
"add $48, %esp\n\t"
"movl %eax, Main");
gcv.font = fid;
asm( "push $gcv\n\t"
"movl $1, %ebx\n\t"
"shl $14, %ebx\n\t" //GCFont = 1 << 14
"push %ebx\n\t"
"push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XCreateGC\n\t"
"add $16, %esp\n\t"
"movl %eax, mainGC");
pxBlack = pixBlack.pixel;
pxWhite = pixWhite.pixel;
asm( "push fid\n\t"
"push mainGC\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XSetFont\n\t"
"push pxBlack\n\t"
"push mainGC\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XSetForeground\n\t"
"push pxWhite\n\t"
"push mainGC\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XSetBackground\n\t"
"add $36, %esp");
asm( "movl $1, %ebx\n\t"
"shl $15, %ebx\n\t" //ExposureMask = 1 << 15
"push %ebx\n\t"
"push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XSelectInput\n\t"
"add $12, %esp");
asm( "push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XMapWindow\n\t"
"add $8, %esp");
/* ===== Create Child Windows ===== */
asm( "push pxWhite\n\t"
"push pxBlack\n\t"
"push $1\n\t"
"push $15\n\t"
"push $60\n\t"
"push $1\n\t"
"push $15\n\t"
"push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XCreateSimpleWindow\n\t"
"movl %eax, Exit\n\t"
"add $36, %esp");
asm( "movl $1, %ebx\n\t"
"shl $15, %ebx\n\t" //ExposureMask = 1 << 15
"movl $1, %ecx\n\t"
"shl $2, %ecx\n\t" //ButtonPressMask = 1 << 2
"or %ecx, %ebx\n\t"
"push %ebx\n\t"
"push Exit\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XSelectInput\n\t"
"add $12, %esp");
gcv.foreground = pxBlack;
gcv.background = pxWhite;
asm( "push $gcv\n\t"
"movl $1, %ebx\n\t"
"shl $14, %ebx\n\t" //GCFont = 1 << 14
"movl $1, %ecx\n\t"
"shl $2, %ecx\n\t" //GCForeground = 1 << 2
"or %ecx, %ebx\n\t"
"movl $1, %ecx\n\t"
"shl $3, %ecx\n\t" //GCBackground = 1 << 3
"or %ecx, %ebx\n\t"
"push %ebx\n\t"
"push Exit\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XCreateGC\n\t"
"add $16, %esp\n\t"
"movl %eax, exitGC");
asm( "push Exit\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XMapWindow\n\t"
"add $8, %esp");
/* ===== Event Loop ===== */
while( !Done ){ //Implemented in C to save space ;)
XNextEvent(p_disp, &theEvent);
if( theEvent.xany.window == Main){
if( theEvent.type == Expose && theEvent.xexpose.count == 0){
asm( "push $16\n\t"
"push msgtext\n\t"
"push $40\n\t"
"push $1\n\t"
"push mainGC\n\t"
"push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XDrawString\n\t"
"add $28, %esp");
if( theEvent.xany.window == Exit){
case Expose:
if( theEvent.xexpose.count == 0){
XDrawString(p_disp, Exit, exitGC, 2, 11, extext, strlen(extext) );
case ButtonPress:
Done = 1;
/* ===== Close Display ===== */
asm( "push mainGC\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XFreeGC\n\t"
"add $8, %esp\n\t"
"push exitGC\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XFreeGC\n\t"
"add $8, %esp\n\t"
"push fid\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XUnloadFont\n\t"
"add $8, %esp\n\t"
"push Main\n\t"
"push p_disp\n\t"
"call XDestroyWindow\n\t"
"call XCloseDisplay\n\t"
"add $8, %esp");
; EOF =================================================================
As you can see, producing an XLib program in assembly language is rather
unwieldly. The code produced is primarily data manipulations and C calls; there
is not a lot that assembly has to offer, even in the event loop. In fact, the
only real optimization --aside from overhead added by the compiler, which in
the above case we do not bypass-- is in the use of straight calls rather than
the macros my original C "hello world" relied on.
While this in itself is somewhat of a triumph --for by coding the C application
in assembler you learn exactly how much superfluous code there was to get rid
of-- it is not enough. In the next issue, I will cover Xt programming in
assembler, which will use widgets/resources rather than create windows from
scratch, therefore placing the bulk of the code in existing system libraries
and therefore making the resultant application much smaller.
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by Troy Benoist
;Summary: Routine to test whether value in AH is ASCII or not (0-127d = ASCII)
;Compatibility: All DOS versions
;Notes: 4 BYTES! Input: AH=value to check.
cmp ah,80 ;8DFC80 Compare value in AH to 128 and set flags.
salc ;D6 Set AL=FF if CF=1, or set AL=0 if CF=0.
by mammon_
;Summary: A NASM macro emulating the C 'ENUM" command
;Assembler: NASM
%macro ENUM 2-* ;Usage: ENUM int SYMBOLS
%assign i %1 ; where int is the number to begin enumeration at [0]
%rep %0 ; SYMBOLS is a list of Symbols to define
%2 EQU 0xi ;Example: ENUM 0 TRUE FALSE
%assign i i+1 ; this EQUates TRUE to 0 and FALSE to 1
%rotate 1 ;Example: ENUM 11 JACK QUEEN KING
%endrep ; this EQUs JACK to 11, QUEEN to 12, KING to 13
by mammon_
;Summary: Error Handler to demonstrate call-tables
;Notes: The EQUs define offsets from the start of ErrorHandler. Thus,
; at offset 4 ( one dword from offset 0), etc.
; Each entry in the call table contains the address of the
; code label listed there...so, in order, ErrorHandler contains
; the addresses for the functions ERROR1, ERROR2, ERROR3, and
; The code to call an error handler uses as its base
; call [Errorhandler]
; or, call the function whose address is stored at location
; ErrorHandler. By adding the EQUs to this base, one gets the
; offset for each function within ErrorHandler.
;------------ Here lies the Call-Table
;------------ Here ends the Call-Table
;Handlers for various errors; offsets to these are stored in the Call-Table
...Code to Create File...
...Code to CHMOD File...
...Code to Display Disk Full Message...
jmp Exit_Program
...Code to Display Unknown System Error-Code...
jmp Exit_Program
;Code to call Various errors
call dword ptr [ErrorHandler + ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
call dword ptr [ErrorHandler + ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY]
jmp dword ptr [ErrorHandler + ERROR_FILE_DISK_FULL]
jmp dword ptr [ErrorHandler + ERROR_FILE_UNKNOWN]
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PE Program Displays Its Command Line
by Xbios2
The Challenge
Write the smallest possible PE program (win32) that outputs it's command line.
The Solution
This problem looks like the one about the 11-byte .COM program solved on the
previous issue. Yet the method used to solve it is entirely different. This is
because while .COM files include just raw code and data, the PE files include a
header with information on the file. It is this header that must be 'tweaked'
to get a small file.
Before going on, some things must be cleared:
1. This article relies _heavily_ on "The PE File Format" by B.Luevelsmeyer
(whom I really thank). You are advised to find the .txt and read it. Of course
Microsoft provides it's own documentation but they would hardly ever say 'this
seems to be ignored' for their own format.
2. If you think that PE (Portable Exexutable) is the format introduced by win95
you're wrong. Not only was PE created for winNT, but it also seems that win95
is not 100% PE compatible. Anyway, this article has been written for winNT, and
I don't think anything will run in windows 95.
3. This article was based on a 'trial and error' method. Some solutions exist
only because they work. So don't ask why... (Actually the trial and error
resulted in two BSODs, thus proving that a program can crash windows NT without
even running it's own code)
4. No, I'm not paranoid. I just like pushing things to their limit :)
Now, on to the solution...
The code to print the command line looks like this:
----------------- normal.asm -----------------------
.model flat
extrn GetCommandLineA:proc
extrn GetStdHandle:proc
extrn WriteFile:proc
dummy db ?
call GetCommandLineA
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
loop1: inc ecx
cmp byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0
jne short loop1
push esp
push ecx
push eax
push -11
call GetStdHandle
push eax
call WriteFile
end start
some comments on the code:
- the .data? section is present because I can't make TASM work without any data
- there is no ExitProcess. In it's place there is a simple 'ret'. This is
because the entry point is actually called by kernel32 with the following piece
of code:
call [ebp+8] ; [ebp+8] holds the entry point address
push eax
jmp label:
label: call ExitThread
This program compiles under TASM to 4 KB long. Those 4096 bytes are divided
like this:
Dos Stub 256
PE Header 248
4 section headers 160
padding 872
code 50
padding 462
imports 132
padding 380
reloc 16
padding 1520
This means that we have:
16% header
5% code / data
79% padding
It seems that TASM can't create anything smaller. So, the code will have to be
written by hand in a hex editor. Actually you don't have to worry, as you'll
only have to write 192 bytes for the final program (believe it or not!).
In order to shrink the file, the following steps must be taken: Remove Padding,
Use a Single Section, Remove the DOS Stub, Tweak the PE Header, Squeeze the
Code, Squeeze the Imports, and 'ReAssemble' the Program.
1. Remove padding
By changing the 'FileAlignment' field in the PE header, all the padding can be
discarded. (Actually it seems that win95 won't allow this)
2. Use one section
TASM creates the following sections:
.code : code
.data : initialized and uninitialized data
.idata : imports
.reloc : relocation info
-The .reloc section is not needed, as only DLLs get relocated
-The .data sectionis only present because I can't have TASM create a normal
executable without a data section.
-The .idata section can then be merged with the .code section. Remember that the
name of each section does not depend on what the section contains, since the OS
finds things like imports, relocations or resources from the directory in the
PE header.
3. No DOS stub
All compilers that compile PE executables create a DOS stub that displays a
message like 'This program must be run under Win32'. Yet this is NOT required
by the PE format. What PE needs (as seen in [ntdll.dll]RtlImageNtHeader or
[imagehlp.dll]ImageNtHeader) is:
0000| 4D5A **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
0010| **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
0020| **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
0030| **** **** **** **** **** **** ???? ????
where ???? is the offset of the PE header from the beginning of the file
4. Tweaked PE header
The PE header consists of the following structures:
WORD Machine ; >> 014Ch for Intel 386
WORD NumberOfSections ; 1 for this example
DWORD TimeDateStamp ; *
DWORD PointerToSymbolTable ; *
DWORD NumberOfSymbols ; *
WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader ; >> 70h (Opt. header + directories)
WORD Characteristics ; >> 0102h for 32bit executable
WORD Magic ; 0B01h
BYTE MajorLinkerVersion ; *
BYTE MinorLinkerVersion ; *
DWORD SizeOfCode ; *
DWORD SizeOfInitializedData ; *
DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData ; *
DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint ; >> ???? RVA of entry point
DWORD BaseOfCode ; *
DWORD BaseOfData ; *
DWORD ImageBase ; >> 00100000h for this example
DWORD SectionAlignment ; 2
DWORD FileAlignment ; 2
WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion ; *
WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion ; *
WORD MajorImageVersion ; *
WORD MinorImageVersion ; *
WORD MajorSubsystemVersion ; >> 0004
WORD MinorSubsystemVersion ; >> 0000
DWORD Win32VersionValue ; *
DWORD SizeOfImage ; >> ????
DWORD SizeOfHeaders ; *
DWORD CheckSum ; *
WORD Subsystem ; 0003 for win32 console application
WORD DllCharacteristics ; *
DWORD SizeOfStackReserve ; 00100000h
DWORD SizeOfStackCommit ; 00001000h
DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve ; 00100000h
DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit ; 00001000h
DWORD LoaderFlags ; *
DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes ; 2 data directories (Exports & Imports)
...a number (actually 2) of the following:
DWORD VirtualAddress ; 0 for exports, ???? for imports
DWORD Size ; 0 for exports, ???? for imports
...a number (actually 1) of the following:
BYTE Name[8] ; * (Anything we like)
DWORD VirtualSize ; ?! (h.o. word must be zero??)
DWORD VirtualAddress ; >> ????
DWORD SizeOfRawData ; >> ????
DWORD PointerToRawData ; >> ????
DWORD PointerToRelocations ; *
DWORD PointerToLinenumbers ; *
WORD NumberOfRelocations ; *
WORD NumberOfLinenumbers ; *
DWORD Characteristics ; *
So the raw hex data for the PE header are:
| 5045 0000 4C01 0100 **** **** **** ****
| **** **** 7000 0201 0B01 **** **** ****
| **** **** **** **** ???? ???? **** ****
| **** **** 0000 1000 0200 0000 0200 0000
| **** **** **** **** 0400 0000 **** ****
| ???? ???? **** **** **** **** 0300 ****
| 0000 1000 0010 0000 0000 1000 0010 0000
| **** **** 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
| ???? ???? ???? ???? **** **** **** ****
| **** **** ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
| **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
- ???? means that the value is needed but has to be filled in later as it
depends on the code
- **** means that the value is either completely ignored or it can be set to
any value without raising an error
- the main difference between this and a 'normal' PE header is that the size of
the optional header is 70h (112 bytes) instead of the standard 0E0h (224 bytes).
This is because there are only 2 directories instead of 16. This seems to be
the minimum number of directories possible, as there seems to be no way of
running an .exe that has no imports.
5. Squeezed code
Even though the code we have is already tight, it has one major drawback: It
invokes three API functions. To realize what this means just think that the
names of the functions are included in the imports section as normal ASCII
which means that only the names would take 36 bytes...
The solution here (since those functions are needed) is to call the functions
directly. This is possible because kernel32.dll is never relocated so the
function entry points are always the same (for a given version of windows).
For NT4 those values are:
GetStdHandle: 77F01CBB
WriteFile : 77F0D354
GetCommandLine is a special case since it has the format:
GetCommandLineA proc near
mov eax, [77F4657Ch]
GetCommandLineA endp
so the final code will look like:
----------------- code.hex -----------------------
A17C65F477 mov eax, offset CommandLine
BEBB1CF077 mov esi, offset GetStdHandle
33C9 xor ecx, ecx
51 push ecx
41 inc ecx
803C0800 cmp [eax+ecx], 0
75F9 jnz -07
54 push esp
51 push ecx
50 push eax
6AF5 push -11 ; StdOut
FFD6 call esi ; GetStdHandle
50 push eax
B854D3F077 mov eax, offset WriteFile
FFD0 call eax
C3 ret
6. Squeezed imports
[Comment: read a text on PE format to better understand what's going on]
As mentioned earlier, the PE file must have an imports directory in order to
load properly. Yet, since we call API functions directly, we only have to
specify one dummy import. A good choice (since it really has a short name) is
'Arc' from 'gdi32.dll'. To specify this imported function we should need:
OriginalFirstThunk ; *
TimeDateStamp ; *
ForwarderChain ; *
Name ; >> ???? RVA of ASCII string 'gdi32.dll',0
FirstThunk ; >> ???? RVA described later...
IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR full of zeroes to specify end of imports
OriginalFirstThunk ; *
TimeDateStamp ; *
ForwarderChain ; *
Name ; 0 This is checked to see if it is the end...
FirstThunk ; *
'FirstThunk' is the RVA of a 0-terminated list of RVAs, one for each function
in the specified DLL. For this example we only need one RVA followed by a null
dword. This RVA will point to a structure IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME:
WORD Hint ; *
BYTE Name[...] ; 'Arc',0
By putting all this together we would have:
| **** **** **** **** **** **** -dword 1-
| -dword 2- -dword 3- 0000 0000 **** ****
| 0000 0000 **** ****
dwords 1 and 2 are the two RVAs for the IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR. dword 3 is the
RVA to the IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME. So, dword 2 is the RVA of dword 3. We also
need space for the two strings 'gdi32.dll',0 and 'Arc',0.
There is a way to use even less bytes for the imports. Just remember that the
imports are examined after the file has been mapped into memory. So, since
memory is allocated in blocks, after the end of the file there will be a space
full of zeroes. So by placing the three dwords in the last 12 bytes of the file,
there is no need for the two zeroes.
7. 'Assemble' the program
The values marked as ???? will be:
Offset of PE header : 00000010
AddressOfEntryPoint : 00000002
SizeOfImage : 000000C0
Imports RVA : 000000A8
Imports Size : 00000028
Section VirtualAddress : 00000000
Section SizeOfRawData : 000000C0
Section PointerToRawData: 00000000
Dll Name RVA : 00000098
Dll FirstThunk RVA : 000000BC
Dll Function Hint/Name : 000000AE
Notice that the Section data and the Header (DOS and PE) are the same thing.
The section RVA is 0, so file offset and RVAs are the same. The code will be
broken in three pieces, connected by two jumps. The final result will be:
0000| 4D5A A17C 65F4 77BE BB1C F077 33C9 EB08
0010| 5045 0000 4C01 0100 5141 803C 0800 75F9
0020| 5451 EB06 7000 0201 0B01 506A F5FF D650
0030| B854 D3F0 77FF D0C3 0200 0000 1000 0000
0040| 0000 1000 0200 0000 0200 0000
0050| 0400 0000
0060| C000 0000 0300
0070| 0000 1000 0010 0000 0000 1000 0010 0000
0080| 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0090| A800 0000 2800 0000 6764 6933 322E 646C
00A0| 6C00 0000 0000 0000 C000 0000 0000 0000
00B0| 4172 6300 9800 0000 BC00 0000 AE00 0000
Blank bytes are meaningless, and can be set to any value.
Wrapping Up
Well, if you managed to read up to here, and understood what happened, I guess
you need no more explanations. I just gave an idea (actually MANY ideas). Maybe
on another article I will start exploring the possibilities this 'experiment'
showed me...
Next Issue Challenge
Write a routine for converting ASCII hex to binary in 6 bytes.
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