------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Issue# 75 : Zircon's first issue! 26th June 2002 Author: Zircon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Tuesday June the 18th, if I recall correctly, when I first opened an email from my good friend steak. In this email he offered me an intriguing proposition. It was as I sat at machine 12 situated in the VCE computer bay within the walls of my school library. To the knowledge of sue, my English teacher, I was working on my most recently assigned English folio peace. This was to be an informative essay. Although the majority of my brain sells had assigned them selves to checking my emails on the extraordinarily slow computers running an even more extraordinarily slow internet connection, any left over brain sells not needed for this task where contemplating as to what topic I would research for my informative essay. Usually I would use my infinitely* faster (but still not fast enough) home computer to check my emails. However my mother had occupied the only Internet facilities homely available the night prior to the day in description. I was therefore left to check my web based mail service during my English class. *The use of the word infinity is an over exaggeration as it is not logically possible for my computer to be infinitely faster than another, especially if my computer is still not fast enough. I have used this word to create greater impact. It also sounded good. The email questioned as to whether or not I 'Zircon' would be interested in making a regular contribution to the greatest ezine known to any carbon based life form in this solar system or the next, 'addendum'. I was truly honored that the marvelous publisher 'steak' viewed me as worthy to write material to be published and presented alongside the works of him and phoenix. I personally did not see how I could be presented side by side with two of the greatest minds I have ever known, but who am I to argue with one of them. I replied to the email stating my thoughts on the question. I said that I was truly honored by the proposition even though I did not view myself worthy. And that I would 'give it a shot' despite my lack of time, writing skills and the presence of good quality writing material. So you now read my first contribution to 'addendum'. It seemed the most appropriate way to start off my contributions to addendum would be to produce an introduction to myself. Phoenix did this and I think it is the best way to start off. Steak did produce an introductory to himself but much to his regret he had already published numerous addenda therefore losing the effect of a 'self introduction'. I plan not to live with the same regret. Ok lets get started with me. Lets see now, I was born in Victoria Australia on the 8th of the 2nd of the 1,985th. My mum is also an Aussie! My dad however was born in the land of England. So I guess you could say I was half Aussie half Pommie! But if you get all technical about it my dad was also half n half so would that make me a quarter? God only knows! Anyhoo back on track my surname (which I got from my dad by the way) is Talmadge. My pop (my father's father) says that if you trace this back it seams to have originated from Normandy, France. Now the Normans as the people of Normandy where called were a French-speaking people who had descended from the Vikings! However back in those days it wasn't pronounced 'Talmadge' it was pronounced something like �Ta-le-mack�, which in French roughly translates into 'knapsack' cool hay? So yeah anyway back on track! Umm... Oh yeah! That's right I was going to tell you about my family. Yeah that's right! Um well it's really quite complicated actually, you probably can�t be bothered listening to all the details so I'll just give you the gist of what's going on. Ok? To start with my mum and dad are divorced. I live with my mum, her ex-boyfriend, my little brother 'matt', my littler sister 'Rhiannon', our dog �Makala� (more like a rat if you ask anyone who�s seen it, but she be cute!) And 'Sasha' our cat (she hardly ever comes inside anymore because of the dog and kids! LOL don't blame her). Ok that half is done. Every second weekend I go over to me dad's place where he lives with his wife Meg, her sister Fran and their dog bobby. I also have an older sister 'Becky' who lives with two other girls. Then there is the rest of the family tree!!!! Maybe I'll come back later when I'm bored and give full details of the rest of my family, Then last but not least my wonderful girlfriend jess and her lovely family. Ok enough about everyone else this is about me! I am currently doing year 12 at Ferntree Gully Collage. I am studying English (because I have to), physics, mathematical methods, visual communication and design, and of course specialist mathematics (by correspondence, this is killing me!). I am also on the student representative council for my school, I am a VCE supportive friend, and I am a part of the real men read program at Ferntree Gully North primary school. I enjoy playing guitar, doing just about anything on a computer, playing war games, computer games, spending time with family and friends, spending time with jess, playing pool, listening to music, rolerblading, and a load of other stuff! Anyway I think I have bored you enough for today so So long, and thanks for all the fish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum (C) Zircon June 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------