============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 38 - 28th April 2002 URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Author : Steak & Phoenix, The dyslectic duo ============== Assorted Poetry by Steak and Pheonix ======================== sot By pheonix I�m just like every other drunken sot I sit on my arse and let my brain rot In between nips I exercise my lips But exercise my mind not Like any other drunken sot I sit on my arse and let my brain rot For tis nobler in my mind To rest my head and use my behind Memorise/summarise/plagiarise Hallucinate/resuscitate Dies Silly guys And their private school ties With their private school lives It�s hardly a surprise To find them playing with other private school boys toys dickhead ***** The neandothol behind me By steak Theres a neandothol behind me, i think he has no brain, he feels that air and oxygen, are simpley just the same, He really is a top class primate, it shows ultimatley in his talking, if you were to know him, you'd feel, he's nothing compared to steven halkin. Theres a neandothol behind me, he has no sony walk-man, so he makes do with tsshing his voice, like a halk trapped inside a tin can. The god of idiots would be proud, they've really created a masterpiece, they must have taken months, to put this guy together spliece by spliece. People like that disgust me, Sometimes i wish they wear'nt alive, I feel the world would be a happier place, if only they would just die i know though, deep down in my brain that i do not choose the fate of them i know that we are very diffrent and maybe they wish for me to condem But i don't care, i really don't, because i still feel bad, it doesn't matter really that much, he still really makes me mad. And in the end thats all that matters your own thoughts, not theres if you were in their bodys, you'd probally not like thier hares BOMBS! =] ***** Shall ye be Compared? By pheonix Shall I compare thee to fried rice? Thou art less boilt yet more flavoursome thou art not so hard yet more expensive you are more nutritious and not eaten by Asians. ***** Ode to coco the cat By steak Originally Published in Addendum issue #18 "Simple Sentient Steak" It must be hard on you, my dear sweet co-co, doing nothing all day, your such a beat do-do. eating, sleeping, walking, exploring, purring and squealing, doing nothing that�s boring. You find a nice spot, all hot in the sun, and just sit there all day, soaking up the fun. You do what you feel like, pure-ly for the heed, your such a little tyke, that is the life I need. At night you hunt, and torment your pray, and run and jump and hop, and play. You can see all the things, moving on the floor, they cannot escape, your ultra-fast paw. to be a cat. to be a cat. must be hard. ***** Your New Blue By pheonix New blue/grew too tall for/your hall so no/more hall boo hoo ***** We Apologise By pheonix we apologise4 t disruption 2 ur continuity we r atempting2 restor t situation 'normal' reality will resume as soon as possibl thanku t fault apeers 2 hav bn causd by a malfunction in time this is t responsibility of t distributrs futur dificulties can b avoidd by upgradng 2: Xistnce v2.0 Ordr now ***** We Apologise II There once was a man from Uganda, who... er, sorry, can't think of any more. ***** My feet are cold. By steak Im so amazingly utterly cold sitting here with out any hold Im so cold i cant feel my feet i used to be cool, now im no longer eliete And as i sit here on my ass and ponder was i meant to feel my feet, all down their a'yonder? or was i meant to feel nothing, nothing but sod is that the great plan for me, my 'loving' god? ***** An Anatomical Disaster By pheonix My foot's caught in my ear I fear and now it's rather sore; My knee's lodged past my earlobe and I hear it's rather poor. How it got in I'm sure I don't know! and if I did anyhow, what can I do about it now? I laboured and toiled to pull it out it gave a bit and with a shout I was certain that I'd found success, but sadly, rather less: I'd only freed a toe. My hand's still up my nose, I suppose, but that's all in the past, for my shoulder's shouldered in on the act and wandered up my backside. **** Floating in space with no hope By steak To float in space like a falling leaf almost to fly not at all like a slab of beef to fall for ever and ever getting less and less clever until one day, you run out of food and drink and you realise now that no mater what you do your up the dink to starve to death in the blackest of black without any hope of ever getting back to the living you knew before your cord was cut never to get back to your small little hut then it all happens at a moments notice your heart stops beating no more of the bliss now your are gone, to float for ever in the blackness of space there is nothing left, not even poetry ***** The Whole Story By pheonix We'll start our story at the end, go on to the middle then back again, but a story with no beginning is more than I can bear so we'll go back to the finish and start our story there. ***** STOP THIS, IT'S SILLY IT STARTED OUT AS A NICE LITTLE FILE ABOUT PEOMS AND CATS NOW ITS JUST GOT SILLY I MEAN WHY CAN'T WE HAVE A NICE FILES ABOUT NICE THINGS?? NO ONE ENJOYS A GOOD LAUGH MORE THAN I DO. EXCEPT PERHAPS FOR MY WIFE AND SOME OF HER FRIENDS. OH, YES AND CAPTAIN JHONSON COME TO THINK OF IT MOST PEOPLE ENJOY A GOOD LAUGH MORE THAN I DO BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT! ***** WE PROTEST! ERROR TO THE SYSTEM! DISCONNECTION TO THE SYSOP! FREE FATAL ERRORS! STOP PARALLEL PROCESSING! TURNIPS! TURNIPS! TURNIPS! My aunt, Kate, every year on unbelievable remedies owed wasteful nuggets. I never took everything right, pretentious remedies excepted. "Take a turn," it occurs nobody said. fatal protection error abort, retry, fail? ============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 38 - 28th April 2002 (C) Steak & Phoenix April 2002 ============================================================================