FEBRUARY, 1986 i os. t.:xi r. ns w at, v r ; 1 im, r mrs vms — the series continues In I n I iil'ikii iiinl Bin- I u 1 1 1 1 1 i if T'li r'nii - hi.irk rr% II’a: VMS ( hVfi’il -li. N\iIltTi v ;'i |i nils .-ill t v/ p ■ r \ n • ' 1 1 1' u - ^ | h - . Yojccm' win* > in . i ■" 1 1 1 1 liniiL t : criiif J ji iViii -m i. iSm. v I in- .J^FX'i'il' it !hfl pkysicil nii: nil in mul ux'ih'iIi n ^Mirny nv-.i LiYik* I'll - p';ic!k”j’ S i 1 1 ■ ■ i. j% ir •JXCJJ-x i '-1 irOliilliCiii iVi!'. iih?i s lui .1 IiiijV m si!i- s ^.^1 .j-t T||i; -“i|l ij] ^i;m; lei '! >■! K.ltfKi. i'i 1 1 1 ! u. .■ v 1 1 f. in rn’i Mk* V A X K-fi'Hl jin - kt i-. I Ii.ti .-. re ;ir f^i 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 - : 1 77 IKK 7 ■ •j ’id I fH ■■ i>: 1 1 1 1 1 *. foniiiK v .mi! M ili’n iiic n'..i iL^ III.: hi VMS. r^HKyiB hi i •jHTMiiH*; v:.'R m.: 1 1 :■ I'm'.'AoM! I OEM I hWAuik t'lJiTrtnn'iCpijOnv Rcv'iuiCH * A X -’VS-IS. VfnM, 4.2 I Hi IfWflWlftO lopln rtf, Wr^irt-jai . 01 J 1 X MP-S 1 1:20 1 1 1 hi mnlMetialwIreilhOft^iii^. JtM.tV SMS IS..W.2T 2 Mlrntt ilnw In’ll 'uflroblii lii^n VHu h« r -c I ««*■ ntl it '.v-mv r 5 A 'l 1 1 : | ■ 1 1 1 -iniM.hlii' !.-■■ :ny yjiycvlrd "by (jin' (if :mi imzI^Kidv. interactive or lideiiaWnatl ree. Enlericl 1 1 ■ l: i n-i reeuire yh: c-wr to follow rite pi mnpK ■ il ■ he ■:v--n~ fee irfnm'in.iiin. Vnnsmer.iriivr Icyj.rw nre jhi l-.'i r u ■ rn_ 1 1.- cf, 1 . 1 ■. I y hy Uif sy-.ierm mdien: 1 1 ■= i - 1' imemciicm I sipes ii'l li .c. .iii if\* I'i I viiii 1 Tins i\ i.vv.uk'J h y o. \iscr who a. d i r s c I . omiecird io i 31 D , ;il-iir: I tniiii omu.l: dial-up lines: 3 ) Remits: ftcmiicr ir^jiw. nro |h-i1i --i-j. iI i,-, j nude on cr a (Kl^ods . 'I'i Network: Nctm-ecis logj™ nre iii lAmis-rHC.iw oslhcyo x at yoaiplihbssd juivrudt'a'.tywl-ycn .1 MsEi'.ioirn-jo. ''lira, sjcircij in a du KKiij '.'tri'jiillM.T midccr prrfi:nr.>i a iKLVi-od: irink ori.i rymiv:r- iK ik-iio-urfliiii; ilhiy aro k-Mh reidnion Lli* sima nclwiirk: f 1 Jlaioli: A H: :r ii logjA aiMJJjti! XMMTili.Tji. li i i. i.ilo.Tiili': pm-iEiiur:- p: n'l” n ■;>: il npjtn ri fn ir li i 1 --, k i-.--. inil'utcd hy ?. ukt iinunhy luni: n) Su hprriv^ Su’hpiAivtt ! • 11 ■- kk alwviivs i*Aininwrhr(i\TC . i '. h r 1 1 1 1 h ■ -. nlyo .1 1 1 1 " -.i I a. mm'-i ■: (J 1 1 rr j, l ' ll l' . '■ i'"j- h’M rn .'1 1 fi ( Onl rj'u >■ . 1 1 1 [ :i ■. 1 m;i . :■ l~ll ! t-z r I 'I f.; ■: ary I' ; ■. V ' ij[ yi a ry(W i'i miyyiik Vipn pyriniULTE d in it 1 '.' iiivcH fil« i, ic-iwnrk. nr .1 1 Ma.oho3 prcwii logiinvhich cm he {pcatal hv Ihe uwr m r liir.-i .riir-ML i M.-r- nr ohniiVlerjrii'. c n.ic» tnnh MA Oner e veui '.r, .v I ■ ■*- ■ .. j ■ 1 v i 1 pim.v%i fcirinord (fphiiKird or .1 V'.’ i .'m ■ r r, .rc t "h 1 il 1 rn til l A r 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 k Hcnjnn'iJYirin n 1 i-i r y. liinii r-i ■, a no ui vr 1 1 i A rrj ;i yi-.ibk loccw-- Ore n.iic (hire A h diffftftHirvTiClwr-r-ii i.k‘!.r.:ll : ml nnimm IHVyCTIII r>; Il I n . 7 : : IT'.' T'i 1 1 ir cry 1 hr- 'ii-ai-yilAfiiiiT. and vMAnkiRi a( l c™ni L - art rhMdcleriii k. nf i»aftHhpph|i»U:nii w l-rrc ymir mate. I ■spriBmF’ KJI^ [.INK r\rn IL-U KI I 1 MnWTOttK DKCM. 41 R. EIKLTP^K KKPOKT.;Sf PmwoM: R.\y HOST I ISk w 1 n HMhVV SE.rA uB:^. DSCMAI 1 . ht:i poksk rfjm>r ns*. Ai yryj hnvi svm icscS . wo rn reh u ^ -.mi i hr .i-.; i .i-.. i,iv.’ir:,in( ;i‘-j ^J&wnnl II non-." Ol I'hf^O ti (rfk lir m.i'nrx, ’v.ki;i| m;:, 1.1 r ; nunMn-. - iil ,1 !■. Li ic. mifiJir M.M Ts PrifCH-nriJ Swuril? I’fljpviXirds i'Jir S; 1 *.■*; *.■: 1 1 Sv rhe u«r cr micnn'iric.i v ;;r >:i i.hxl \y, ih.- fc vLU:ir.. Uslt -kIccIoH pr.-iT^OTiis r<.\|iii:o ,i minimum livii.:li i>‘ .r urii. i’-. \i;- prevent uso i'-^ M'Vnlii’if i'i'i ■■ s - r ri - ki.i i-iv ll i- > i*-x Ann ' iiiihI'jlv I k' lx - 1 1 1. - : ; i i,i; ; I :v-s u - Y ' lti]> • illci i In- 1 1 v:-. ;i ■. 1 1 1> i.’.^-il mndc'iiily 'rcp.iciiiXd olr.rjok'rv re>cnhlii:^ I ": .-.j A ' 1 pOsswCXtS-s r h:'.\! I'" 1 1 >; ■:h;injjcd uKyjl c-. erv .lit dnys rii it ,i r r one-ans .‘i 1 1 ;. | ■ i ■ I whm or p-: m J r% s-. i. .m . i.! i| die niajL’n:y ui ijsc-n. A \vsren: jXi^vVnril s. re^ii: :i\\ p- n in.i i-.. - i -- -jl i i r d wTitrt re^.Nctinf aflfwi lo ;• [tin k’lilnr w-.ii ! iink I l-i r iimjchi mi mv ■■ y hi n-,-.- pfiiVswords n:.i;. ho rccuireil .1 primnn,' p^-tf+feij /hkI . ek y *-j r;is%M.x«r:l. I hixo nor cncijuiiiercd rhis; yi*i. N:: I elii'M^hi I vrim'i. jiim mriii ..milij Liipubi iiiic. nf ihc VM n ,1 .. I' ill"*- 11 K.jri. r. ( h'. »w (yjfffiip. ;il lyr v,vw«ly Hy '■ vpirot vn wur. (hi uicrnmii psis-i-w .ir.l jHhl^MTtiphi llh' L '' 1 1 : mayaslt i looi!-.:ra rid. up. m r.n : c; rn rcrihcr- pafM*unl. N mavdump ™n irvlo hri applicatin'ii jircijjiaiyi m a nipy pict- y VV a device nn: fcineicf error I n aAy ■.my. i hi. fi i't V yn I yo ■ i I' iii 1 11 cmini; aiv;i». 10 1 h: o|i«i ni nip. xyir((rti. A passible wayacoianil (his is lo hanp up anl rill hnr-l irte SIMM fill .;ci'il 7 (i| x and ar oyrirul-v afier Lh: iniii’ I Ippaft sro-.'i i i r- nr r- r in. will prevvni' 1 lit uysLem rrixn casoiI ine iSc secu rr!y pmpftnr,. lo^jii . - r: i r - . I V. applift i ■ ui psbjtnoi. it lIcIikl :hai (here is nnt e iievicr rAsigjiKl in i In: ^-r "i Cfnfstian. Th-w niLjJsl Kive lo he :ri*r! a fsw i lines, cine? riniir.jp nwy be lt. yial. V! WC likely. I Hill n-al be possible to break oul of Ihe progrjfn ii« 1 f afier Ipjjuu, hiyjSsvl i'.( i hi yiimu ir. I "nil M'A II 1 1 1 1 ..I I - a "v. liiyh 1 1_ | 1 1 1 1 1 -. I hi' n ‘■r; I ' I ; r I V 1 | lOls rl-.ll ! '-.1 IS ark. 1 . 11 1 ' '■ L'~ Tii'a'.'iTiI i rll ~ I . I ■■ Ihtm iim|’- I' liiy-'ihxl h rr 1 1 ; ■ 1 .1 1 7 :i| lyyaiae ia. sihieh is hiounip.i-ihiil he riiiaiiO^Mi.chr-AiA 1 . ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ - h i* ■ ■ | ■ i ■ | ; iby user :.ll=J rayierisl Ais .n (hi ( -Vl . IIUI 11 ! \ n «.\.LI lly III e i.hmy. 'A H,; I irr r M’-i IJ 1 -..' i hr sS'sir u i n ; 1 1 : ; 1 1 - l -r . i ■' . I r' ri IH ■ 1 1 : ■ I :r I Vu A K; i 1 y\yn| | !■ I.' :.'I ri 1 1 ■ ij . .j h ; i r ; 1 1 : . i r !■ iiLO.k '1 I j 1 lt mi iv 'i'Vl-'Ti VC-A i ini ii.\. Miaul ■, ii uy-J a f.A r ■; 1.(1 ire ni J If. iii llflCll plli'jorl Sioanly 1 earmrs Sceuritv !■■■" X MS i( bisrcl rui ■ l.r- refeivurv rra • :u ihirMVpc I iiiltr h coriiepi i h; rd'ereme man mi- iv i' v cyiii mi 1 stvvnly point fij-(h( fsill'minij: 11 S jhjro:-- irxer.. iuntyt.r-- fijtcli joV: 2 ) si\y. lly peolcol am. aotess Lonlrol lists; a) heturiis .liirSn Mir rrrri r-m.y iruMii.iii \yv;mi imdiAln vivrv dtlempe hv.i sahjer-i isi^iiiinmcss :r- n si I ij is; i ]>y jirtdiCit dslv;iiit.ypE of V\l a is lir. flexibilay I hr sj-sirm i-.i lmm ■ rmn l hrassj; isi iinalitRcal ur : ^jiore a iride ranLs: isfrAuea r sy fru in r-. h-m i -niiiiyh Ii " i >■ h;iyt ir. ilitvall sicni ha iyaore i he impmn.ini iwi Ii is |sys.\ihk ('>i"f,'l(vi ; |l. -j 'is. yr a sT a o: "he nits, nmiitd. It mIsm iinssib'y ii.i | il y peiu'iAl ec rijr.riiL'id passwords, er no jusawmi i.h in i": A'l-Cfes yndtv ton hi yh.sbal ijc liniiled. I hr nsr lug yrm In- ipporiftj. usci only far a coal ksv:p(.hf-, nr hr s'li plrisvil ,i\ .i s. yMiiis. yysairyl look l irally. ihe srcrypiioh sysihm am’ he ■M i isutyd ■-■. : n r:. netdod. defau line io unooctrirt ■m2ir-: ml in nn I m- f hi fi his ihe fsslhiwirm vr-mriiy iammiCs i I ■ 1 ary designed io preytris unauiherijeil iic. ir-.-. oi ia:M|:yi mp; I J l a rnn , idcw a ssv.sn af passn'Hid cantrnls and aocesis Inmls lliril :il". ni ih; syy.uil> inanauer loi^en.-HCirmsc/filiehysiem .in :r» at i.irr i % wii'-i a r«*liniUr rec’dirtRvent ■>: feeitimaiei raeriesi: .bi krtps a. es isslsil lop nl all iiiterayaoirs ro dial uijesl onahle ust;s cam h; ehrillen^sl -tml dra,' iiiiir -iirs.l. 11 Siiypai Is- j.a (Ticrvptiar stvssri i hi: al!cr*s ej stem :vu rttgtwr" iii.TCsiis- ysnjir.il;;, \ i.hal are ns'etw-ary far .i;.:( , -s to prp,^nnhsirslAiiilaiwt. Ii.- ynf i ypliytn r> L (';ia ...J VAX provies .io .iilil .iiiii'iil lyiyl , il ^cdifny. InaA'/s yi ,|;y ; i L : ri r soiuniy lei i u cs .’.rc sarfi irr.i imslrer-i ni 1 1 . i lasers ■|- r y cnervplioo ss’-.k-.m atcladoH o i lie sijiei ni nr -sr-. 1 1 i-i jr;.. kape wiuld probahls - ny-y slop ih.stse fern- so imia icaiivl. I hr- ;.-i i |ii. 'ijeil J.>is nut dive a suffiyisrdy s iamplrh i Irjiral-.m io la- ny'si.-akalilc.-i.llhoj^li il saey d slawdown erkaik m«.( piilL’Ill H I . I T 1 1 v,’ IX . Intmial Hfttirtlv VAX V M ^ CE-iormifiOx :icoo^<. i r> i> 1 1 h A % r x hy ^iijli/LiiK Iwu pru:oi - l ion mrohankn!!-: Atco^s lonirnl I r-.!v lAfLsX uiiU vk'/r S ■ J ■/ 1 1 ■ ifkMU>m Cc-i:;- ( 1 J 1 CX 1 . ii lakts. (hr r an ir.Jj ihti , jyi mf si ith user pnhi'jyt)es. lor aoensa iLcNurnncri-l f.isK: Mr I (..'[. pi^ idcalifich bo aoerifv users. Thm are iloree r pes: il I Is penlift ■■ tTypriod yin iW I.- -J ■ I iyjyni il;yc.l:oa code ihat uniqasis idem fir-. l'lcIi i.mci om dll’ \yrtera: <| Gireril kitmiflen are defmeH hr. ihe aeeiirny ■rm- mipyi ms iPk.; \ye-irn riphls UalAhj.-ie (p LdeMi^vj^roupAof uSHVssn line ssainn T ' bs\ :iri-iJyf :hiJ idenl liens ds viribc srerain ivpc-j. nf iiscrm h.iwrt om ; yir yew ui' f-j; sysLym .\n Ad . cnrflifls. of nih' or niivr- Actima ( i eirml I ic Hairiest ACTsl. I Nets' are diree iy|rf-s i'-I ilir-w I S- Nlcrii iy- Ai'.'f- "he i.s.t.Tij!' Ihe type ofaccess mllrra-iaj isi n ptii i k yr-r. u -e r or eroaporiisers. Aiiiess ysiaes are: K I- A I ). WK 1 1> . KK K.-ri 1 li. LI hi .LIL. COMROI .. ihH NOh f.: 2 \. r>rfji-:! pi (ilcy'iiyin .-V- Ei: Thia: dcIlniT- she slrfaali pr-nlereirhi fey n mliT:ii ;.‘ h'r-, only, \ Sys.yd(s- rslr.rni ALT. Uradhony lor i his e. e' 1 1 |M :i'. i:lr-. ,m : ■ I :h ■ m- -umap.- wh. r e.o obieel ■(■ ae-icrtiOil. This will o cri r r. i. . . .s i;i . s i<. p. . ■ I ■ 1 1 - syfyirhy 1. 1 1 i l . ■\ firms na 1 , hr jtentcmio .1 m hr-rn mi immImi hin ijixl . r.- . >■ . i. mim-. yhe I >;> 1 1 : ■ r.y Us'tvss (vpsa RE:al> VKI i l.. I.M.L'M i l'. dki F"n : .ysi (.'ONTrtOL. Alarmt ire also issusd fisr th: hit I'y'l sM in fAI| (IKK Of ijivsyallyinipls t -srr J J 1 1 r i N 'i j. 1 1 iv. l cmJ i\ s. ai I'liral m i. ■ ■ (■Or'lk.T yirslalirKru. c-ieh user vie- a li IL'. f.ieh ss sicre ohjpci alsh l‘cjk:iji nevOyiahryJ II 1 C. ifinrsi lo he Ihw S ISCof ils os*, v-i I m nn ■ i ys ■ i r.m ys .Jr -dial dy iirws whjo is nll.iw'iii m-hai is pe of .iltcess. Alssi irvnimiiw iiirliicr wax ihe presieaina pin nn ohjeene ffysiem, ClwAer.. Cl r nip. and M .al.l IX'pendir^ rri thtsy', ipy proiivi irm rs yje (srn pioml OrrJ rs acis’ss ir. ill.iw .1 ika io reJiyl, *i Ik-, y.syyjly. y.r Jylcls on objecL. \Vhro yuo Icy; m. il v mK'mi il i-i . whiyh in y ia s-o'.'i "ryyiliihdaiabasy"are ;opi(ein:n.i rrdrs lla Ital rail "f vruc rr.'ocss. Tht riplrts I n e. ihe simeiarv- ih.n VMS aw. in iKArina all preecclisiei chsreks. Audrt I'rmll li e Ks'ariiv kye kaiiiii- il mmaiEmrrJ.. .nisi iluiA * hip Ii. I. ji ’ iiuijy*- .Ji',i.dsei.leL L ; lo- l r ie hacker. Fla^ crsLes cam mien an ispt'imi.n isi point heck: x.'jew ein isoLne j v-j i : : aiieirnpimp lyi eKeterJ OyVfvs ry-slriyliyer- I ~1 hi >l*i n: . i a 'i resAi ' a ir-r-rmMil ■: hirmyii i\(hKslm.yiyyJ. -oi 'f naillipk 'aiyTy di'CHs- todes are .Kiemrmfy'i (J: .'ia; im;. iK'lcur-vsIuii luaftiunssanisoihal iifitr ihe hi. r .1 on a s. |-' ' " ibli. 1 1 1 : iu ji i y! ifileall. (a oiler ihe xecariii hij. A iermir.il yj.fi' Ik -diNjysil-.yJ as am aii*lil alarm crsrwle and all pmJapihjy fxvnit. ft re e i-,|: a'- l a it. i he cahMsile Some nrnrs. syiyh m. y. _ r i.s, 1 1 1 l,ijpn failurtss and uses of privilege "' f nlw.y.., ami able. Olher everts, suy'h ah sudcc»kuI or unsnecerussUl ritiem'pc. e jsiMi jiyveos in rfnsilive f.jes. cm he -ielecle-n hy lawrs or secariis n'm iijpeio loi auULrinp. Forrsanple Ihe ownerflfasreb.iisvri file iihygTiieiWif an ACL. Cal is- reu'.restiap (huL oil anoesses to (hai file Ih rihdiied Wlwilijr swfitfi(is' ryi jyu-i tlihl aud. 1 ! is anochersonry. It Could Happen To You! A hi^a rrc slo ry is umoLding m New York t.'ily, one which ly pillcs bnf h 1 lacker Ingcnuil y and 0 OTporUte indifference to the awfiHj# Customer, li 1 1 star led when lluckei A net Hacker H on a loop a unic where. At l/i ret they got altmp quit; well, cxchunghtg li 11 ki nds of informal ion . Over t ime L hoveve r. [ [acker li got more Lin'd snore obsessed. while Hacker A wanted to pet on with n ntmna] hie. B would noi stop ea Iting A., wh ic h Ic'd A to tell B ihai i f be didn't stop he Hie rug him. he would got'Thc author Sties on his ease. Well, B didn't and A did And ihal’s where the trouble really started, For i be lust COu pie of years. a 3m col every few m inures, A L $ phone has been i inging . Al 1 he other end is e idler R n r someone Or something that B has programmed. Sonsetimes nothing is said; sometimes a threat is ulcered; sometimes the calkrjusl laufclia. A aiid his family huve been trying, literally for years, to put an end to this. At lirs! they drnpiy changed the number ro an unlisted CMC Within nn hour, 11 had found 1 he new ow. So they Lrietl ter change it again. New York Telephone refused. Hither they would have to pay Lin exorbitant fee this time, or the niunhei would not be f hanged. I hey said i: was impossible Lor somebody to find out their number so fast he must have been i li Id by somebody in She family. This scene was repealed Si number of Limes, with Ah family DIAL BACK SECURITY A computer security device tbsil ss often referred to as lacing foolproof is the dial kook system In the ease of a dial hack system, a computer has n dial up access numhei where users may enter iheir user I E ls and then their passwords I hen thev hang up or are disconnected from the computer and the very system 1 hey j issi u;i I leci w ill call back on a p rea era ngfrj u umber after u short period of lime The hacker cannot penetrate this because afirn he discovers liic working 1I>; password Combination. he cannot do anything but liung up and wail for i he computer to en'l mu io the preriTranged number . E] is extremely d[ffleu3i I'm- a hue Iter In receive a call at that prejivniigiid number, unless he laps into th'cleublc-patr at the home o t office ol the person who owriv the account anti then uses a portable computer and modem while squatling in a sewer , oil :i telephone pok, or perhaps in hushev I he number il sell' is not specif ied when the rail Is it'd I luted. '■Mil a i sun ie prsw ■ ous. t ime. usua I ly when i he liccuj n't was ‘ irst set up. Many companies icK oil d inl-hack systems for protection inti will v»ti 13c LiTonnd smiling. Ic>s1 i : nuvatj'g over how secure Iheir systems are liow lodlprdof they are. But these systems arc potentially vtiEncuihle. ’I he.se vul lie rabili lies an; (luelo the phone' sysiLui ;oid the mtjdemsuscd. aed make ii a.l I loo pots ible fm ;i hacker to comieel i o i la- cu I lhack ca II and I mi! i he modem into thinking, it hud dialed the fegiLim.alc user How Scant' older telephone swi Ichos use culler do ntro I w her t - 1 he call is only disconnected if the caller who originates .he call hangs up I his nwai.s that a modem entile not hang up on a cell (a usually a local caller w'hiy dialed inLd the computes. She modem would go "on hOuk". and the computer would think Ilia! it liung up, htd the caller would still bo there the second it pick ed up agai n 1 o m» ke ms otiigoi ng cal I. I jut' modem might ilUl no I ice that they were si ill tlwre and would at I em p! So dial :i nd t he n wg i i nil i tl t he cal I Went r':i i oi i e.h and lor a modem to pick up. After a short period of time an nnswti inns' COuld he vent, and (bey would he connected ro the system simply by noi hanging tin. Lt- changmg their number pradically li dozen times and having ro pay the fee for most of them. 1 1 reached the point where R wuu id call them before they received their new number Lo tell them wl«i i I he new num ber wou Id be. t his wasn't all B had also managed to charge outrageous amounts in the family's phene bill. He would call their answering machine coiled on a long si isi a rice trunk and make it sound lo the operator as if someone hud said "ye.s"‘. Then h.o'd It' me i he cdnnecl inn open for hour s l le abo managed to place tbsrd party lm! 1 -,. uciiig iheii number as the billing number. Their bill was tnmageous anti the phone eomiVmy insivLcd that they were responsible tor i Then seivwe was disconnected w Iwn t hey didrA pay and Imfsiy tlsey are slowly paying hack the hnpc debt. Meanwhile 11 has tried to get the unthoriiies tu look at A (whose add rcss and phone number he has), with only lukewarm interest. Tl»e Ffi'l yiys it has an eye nn him. hm won h L help B dea I wit h the phone company To this l I ■ i v it conLinues. E'he calls kocp cOifiiii.e und J1 is powerless lo do anyth ing. A k nows . : he phone system ! ike the buck of h is hand and lie can uni ke it do a Imosi a nyt liing. The phone company dots uOt wanl Lo admit this and. On nuinv levels , is. ineapji hk o l u ndcrsla nd ing it LIil-uimcI ves. The result: an iunucent vi-ctim pets il 1'rom both ends. Of course, some modems inoarponne dial (one detection befom dialing und ringhaek rierocrors Thne will not dial until ■Ivey "hear" a dial tone and l hen li ring, but these cmtlri he hyikd with a record in e. nf a dial tone or a l ine.. Bnrnc modems will even try to pick up :i ringing line and iittcmpl to- make n n ontgdmg m 1 1 or. it . I li is eou k! be uxd bv li sysleni punt' i ra I or io break dial kook security even or joint control or called pm iy control switches. A pemrntor would merely' have to dial in on the dial-mu lihe.'just ns the modem w;i,s about lei din I out. The sh me tcchniqtic of waiting lor dialing locumpktc and then snpplvipg an LstLswerhaek enuld be used as well as the ivcordpd dial tom technioue. falling dw dial-oist line would wink well in cases where the iiLudcm has disabled au;n-an:-,wor because it was aboul to pick up (answer) tin; phone in order In stun dialing Liven carefully vvrirten software can he fooled By tin? rinu w indow pi oh lorn . Many COs actually w ill oorinecl an inco-m i ng ■vflll to li i lie it the lino gms off hook just as tilt call CLunes itt without Lirsl having put the 2(! \\/.. rinpi ng volTa^e out he line to ma ke il i in g. Tin; i in g \ til lage i n ma ny i e lephoric central til t ice\ is supplied Lisynclironotedy lvl-iv h wcondv to every lino on which there is an incoming call Lhal has r.ot Ivccn ariswered. so an ncomi ng eon be a ns we red i n some exists before a r ing ea n he doweled. Ill is rnguits that a modem that picks rp the .ine to dial out just as our pentlinia- dials in may not see any ring voltage and may i he refove htive no way of f: nowi ng i hut :L is connected I n a n meouiir.a call And even if the switch always mips before Connect i r.g a r, i neomi ng cull. mosL modems have a wi ndow j ust ■is they arc going off hook lo iiriuinaLca eu II when they will ignore imnsionfs (such as Tinginp. vn Ituge) ua the assumption I hat they origjnntc from ihe goittg-eff-honk proctss I r is itri puss iolc tu- say wi Hi any ccr ta in I y i hat when a modem goes off hook and tries 10 dial nut on a line which can accept incoming calls it really is connected to l he switch and actually: making an outgoing call, A 5 it3 because ;t is relatively uiliy for a system pcnetralor to fool the Lore detcelittg eiTcrilry in a 1 0 ft Onlimied <-•» paer 1 6) ►vac 2 Lizr ■ ird WHO 6 !fo OPER 0"i J l-r n 0 || I' U j| [‘cenagers Abuse’" Party Line Not 1 !iWC*'U:mt ISv.i l'.;s' ncc I Lu-d -1 I CC n i go -i : - ;■ . ::d telephone ClVi! U'-ny XL' r , .-K.'i. 1 , >.x H'l'i smile C.-likl"! Lie'll lc solicit nc: x arid a : range il rug: dea Is. E'he w 1 vice , k rn ha i i .i ■■ i i A W 1 1: I" N . htld been ill iiy.'i ne ids x oope i a: ion . ask mg : :-..:n i i,ss po ala ng w ith anyone who p iced ■ ■ : obscene cal 1 In them." :i dfitiKti.ev mi ul . 'mien he’d cji Ii i he person feyck and c ngage i r. a tpri.ydrai.iion fiildt) iiriih vvlc and lewd hinguage. In some L-yses, he wo. ild evenddnloti ihc woman ae;im. asking her u> the language used in the Cji I ■ 'J'l ic aaiS w z re made for some 1 ype ot‘ ss'x aril gni i.i.lie.i l ion. " Aucaorii ies were I rostra loti imtil late Not em.be r w hen a cose was opened eoncern ng it wenriwu heir u. snhjectcil to lurassiag calls A "r m p” was pSnccd o-n her telephone lies allowing; the ■rails lo h< t r ; i !.: i.l , j"hf si is peea made a m ndoni tall to this, woman and New Jersey He I was able m imee it to him, Ac •rn est i ion oi the dcL'eadant wa s tlwn hegiul that i ne lurlcri i •enle;i I oi a co m i - tstuhori/t'el device dh his phone line thre. prii'ts uuliill rtifinbfii oa I ietl -i urn that Idea Lion [k aown a « a pe:i TCjr sKt], (>p|[oe' said the subiceL woold "lire off "as many as two m in tee calls a minit ic until lie encou nte red a vt 1 o atria s voice I Iim t apficaicd to him. The Scoop on Pen Register* Vv V.ui. 'll'- A < ongresstonal surrey tins found dam indicating thm heySeral law eidonccment agencies (such as tlic FBI and Lhe IRS) instilled sorrel eVeclronis; devices to fccoul telephone iiiLinliLis that wclo dialed from >.4(0 lelcpluuios n a ncocni 1 2'iJioti i h period- L n like leSepfidne U't ps u ud noon'll bogs, w h icli record actual conversations, ihcse devices a re not CC^ercd by tlif Federal and sltHC lasvs mstriaiDg electronic stirecitlancc, and Lhe SupnJilK Court has ruled tincir use docs not viola Lc the Constitution's '.xi i.'t 10015 iiuji i n'sl ii if! 1 1 ipoi ( iovcinmciil searchc ■■ led era I and sinic w cetiippiiii; laws generally require sIk police to obLain a - r il waifiint nefore installing Lhe niUTC pn- igsiLneillaiicc dew ices and in rnaVi- uinui! public reports rtnuinisi mug live Ltnul nunibr- : J icLeEvepLinns lm c ich Lap, ihc number ut p^'iipk' \cti- : h;i vvo 'veri owecliuafii talking, uid ihu number ol people iridicieil I lsi nisirmcc. i i tie I'JkJ lalendar year. I c\lcr;i! agents tshtaineil wurrtiiiis toe mps and hugs riviL were operated Lrum onb so iV^Jdajs As a result, 50.14? ivsoiis were inerhenn] ni-king S?6;'7'?5 coiwc-rsar.n is I his i esu IlclI in 7'J5 a r rests. Ill tin: 'os', lew SC.IIS like SupreillC- t'bun h:i M luuiilcd udW Ci •j^v-ril iii'( i\ii>i'is liolilie.j! I lint M il irtlVi-nTiation. cullut'tcd by '■ Sw: simple r tit imber-rei i Mil i r -'ri : ,cs . I , ic.v m u requ ire any '.cg.i I rimicci.ii-*. largely because Hit- cuurt t"o: Jnled t:,:u wIikIi riuu heis iso ::: dialed from a teleoluuie was fan loss menliriu ■ lla’ii ii. s' it r;i i conversations.. 1 5 owes er. tsfficiri ■■ ul me I 1 organ intil 'oils shell as the A: c.c-'ic.! n C hi il I iberties Union nod A I S: I Jstnpriscal’.'l fcaie coriieiidcd th-.ii a record ol what numbers a person di ils, die lengLh of each conversation. ,ird i lie Lisnei they we in made cam pros iile a ictealine port rail ol who someone’s Iricnds and astociiiU's ire aaii what are the large I'-- daily habits. These number-reCOrding devices were used even helare the eiinipiilcrera; they kepi imck of die r iur.i>ci of clicks as a dial •i pi.n bar k i a to alocc . A pe r- wtm kl ina kc a tr'ia i k fot each cLic k . w iiigh aceouriis for the name "pen register". Rcpoi lets Stca] Swiss Phones I ■■'fl'l l'J lliwill 11 Reporters cm e ring 1 he VS Sovct summii ai Ciencva bocsLed i ho p i of its of tlu- Swiss Lclc plicme company by spcml i ug ab-au: f.1 null oti i,.' hii ihcii smricS. The money spent on telephones and Ides messages will mean a nci profit ol S5i>! j,CRMj fur the staie-ouned pnsia! and leleeosntminkaUPris sen ice, mid Oscar ( iada . custor.ic-' rein ! uvns d i rector Bin Hie profits will he reduced hi the money ii will take In icplrux: titu telephones iho: a: ^appeared . L 'A'c -in- Up to 5(1 ii issi.iij, j'.h.LnUs v Ihi and uiic stii! ciitntLi ng. " fiada said. " 'lie, piLibah i; viere kepi a« souvenirs." I'lit: ? tvporicrs made Id.piki. plume tails, I ;6cX> lit" Ihcai s. . d : , find ilssov w ci e b.’ 7 tc U.s calls represent itig 1 ,6i I full pages i'i I di I hivuiv ol ; s vi iisji i ission i < ne. ( kiti a s;i id : he ■.!.•:■. res d id i kji ifCe' i o a -.i ng !c corn plaint a boul .ts Mm li Ini service and eieu rece'.eiij a liitei ol ilianks anil , onguiuiki I ions run i t. N NccreUi ry . a' S ne Gen r gc I V Nh liLl? Pav Phone Causes Panic r I ■■’■!■■■.! \i»% Sirt •- A lickLiig sound (rain a ie'*plmnc sent SI travelers scurrying behind tick cl eoisntetu at the Monroe f| .tiuisLnui) Regitvivi I AiipoU to shield lluiiiisclves from what they though i was a hum a, [Jut i he i ii k i ip itist men nt i ha t : Ivc ldepbntie’s coin box wn s lull iif i|u,'irieis, nicktssi and dimes, police said. Mun roe pobee, airpuit KCitci’y iTilleers. atul Lhe Vlonixv bomb squad approached Lhe phone cautiously, incase :l bomb had been pkuitdl insliic. A slightly cnibarmsscd police spckesnuin mid il was the "tola lii'ei . " a me c Ira ntsui 1 ha t clicks when i lie coin bos: In a -p:iy pbojic kis been lllksd u^. J-ll TH/S MONTH'S MAIL Dear 26Wi My high schnol has a PDF- 1 with 4S V'T 1 0 1 terminals. ITvey iinj w;ry tu IucIluU CjnrObiibJy just ignorant') to give out any sort of Information. They fed that the system's use is orite- for learning Basic and Pascal no expcrmiciUftlibn. Bui this should is: expected. 1 ha ue iru] aired many i.inw'i a bo ul oonl ml lanj* the cu rstt r and tlie graphites onV ] LQ| terminals, mid they have thiwa reived and warned me not to play with 1 hi nps \ dn n't k :■ ow ] a m request ing information on where \ can Kouire it: format wti on the VI 10 I terminal (books. Com panics, ete.l. II you eon Id [inh ivi jhi> information t a in positive many readers would . nd it uselnE. Artful Dealer Dear Dodger: Perhaps one of our erudite /voders vril/ send us such a fist. !n any t vt.se, \ :■ rm r.v b is fan i ,i Sinr prolyl an i ■ • o tie fJi at h re eds i h p ftaeker tmtlriet. Dear iJdfli?; ] J eTe arc some notc^ on the schema ties you pu hi ished in your Ckrolux I9K5 iaw; for a “blue box'". A> The power supply I hat repu laics the t fcV input (o 10 V output is uni necessary, While the dual battoiy arrangement will provide kin juer operating time bdwee a batteix eh. nigcs, ii is possible to operate this; device wit h a 1 ,9V hat lery, I won Id. however. reeommcntl the use rd'lbf.li power 'alkaline bill leries. It) ! lie variable resistor t Ira i. controls I he to mng of tire f SX) ID tone is limit led from the schematic. It, should be tin the wire between the 1 70Ci and 2 r'H >: ) res isrm Incut ions. £ "I T he fitttS chip, made by Intersil, is no longer carried bv many Radio Shacks, ! undersnmd that stores will not be restock i nj» 1 hi s chip a fi fci ihd r current stock is depleted I woii hi recommend ti^u people noauire this chip from Advanced ( \>ir!pi.ii«r Produr-te Inc. fS!XKH5dK2TO) 01 aeivst of ft 7?e:ieb. D) The adK . 1 5 tn ni Tesisto r is snid by R ad io Shack m. Si .49 apiece (PN 271-.5 lisngrr rraopnizer ahh/i i i-wtunt:,- for ■. i t\ytri't taath?t tii'i.ipli' !v w!t. y. Anvlhcr upstate: we have tern InM h i its lris\) thti-i- a/tlw i Ik rf Ifiere it a itti.Kiaki ■ ,'ri ics.ti ninitth'.t flat is prtigratn for r.M < -■ : mid that “only one nine aiitr/i/ hr,:ak the dial-tom' ' Note: this program prnduitff. MF is men and ntn toiseh ri.w: 1 - 1 ;. We hm-e irnlintted in past iisiscx how they ran hr u\ < : d. We hope fMiS, 1 the prop. rat i r.v n •(> i h ed fit 1 1 \ ou , if vote hstvc other pi op n:?, 1 m . p la ti:\ fen e , r i '< stein i'i ■: sh pi . tie w efi as profiles of yt/itr fawivise e \te mk'rx send them alone to its. Dear MW: VT ui r T Jecom he- issue conla i n i up i he HF5S niua hei s.mi v-:;d i n mid-month. I cal led all the numlyirs in rrn :m~.i CMfo i ivatsi lines, suirielo dial phones. I would appieeialc morti information next time as to liiw-haek Of wl i at ever answering, system is i n use. I' dkw in I hah Dear 260 We siibscri lied to Compute! mo re than a year apn . To date, w<: !iave not received a single Compute/ lassie. Vou COntmenLed a btm t Co in put ri in yo ii r i ss-u e 2- 1 5- c vein ) times, we crun plained to Compute/. And several times wc weie Ccntlacled by Mr. John Reynnlris, each time wilb a dumb excuse and assurance lhat the issires were fonhcom ing. Wc wui on “i i lie Only ones stung by Cs impute i. At least a dOFCil uf out readers informed us- ol si mi hi cxj^fiecicex with Compute!. 1 am convinced chat Cnnipmrl wii ^. , is ,i n 11)1 si i np operation . Consider: 1) £pri-yr.y, , ci' advertised for more than a vrfn in most issues ol Computers and Tiled s' u nits, Radio !'■ Icet ronies. 15 VI bi., and other Ofir'njWter nui^ixines Wc ran :i rough survey of their advert is mg a nd came i o i he conclusion I hat £ \ impute l spf:nt close tei S J fk'kCOO cm tid verlising atone! 1 1 -or most ofl hi s period . Arfir.urj-.v'i' also had 4i col 1-fnec lumdiei 2) L >uri ng th is cm i re c irne. ( "nmpipel never produced 4i s ing le ■v-ne 1 hat we know of I A1 Lcasl five i if Oti i tenders slated to me that they complained m the Postal Inspeecor and to Ihe mapjFinfs about Computer*- lack of fnltllimertl . None of these five people received any kind ol response trem. the Postal Service or the i naga/Lnc s. and CiwnpuseT* .id -.till pi-iswied many months laLer I In the dccndeyplus lint! wc-Ve beer, in the mail order business, w; Itji w seen a lot of mail order II piis lose thei r adve it ising w i: bin th ree monl h's ol' i lit o nsec of non - fulfillment corn phi inis tei the m a gad no-:.. T he sire ol i i ympaief?. njseratinaL :ok 1 lire 41 pp 4 i rent flaunt ing bi the law wit h imp .i i id y very si rongly impl ice that C ompuH'l was, part of a government seam. W r c suspcel rhai this scsiiti was cinvdticaed Jor two reasons: l> To compile lisls of folks involved in and interfiled i:i ph i euk ing of all cyptes. 21 to purpssscly rip o|f folks interested in phieak ng to diSe'mjrate if, cm from subserthlng to future legitimate phi euk ing publications. I n damatg: pub liout ions such as those p i bd need by £ ' o n cu me it ron it* Co. , 2lf (JfJ . a nd oc lie r Leeh ntilogica! uni i-esi ah Id.hmer.t puhl ical ions. J ciJan J, Williams-, f'oiisrinn'rlJ'onLcs tux Den r Headers: ft )■ htipe tint ii ,-j i ,'i'i i.i true, httt w i? also pits eornplv/nis front f veple v ho reeeh'eit tiisihnip nane than promotional materia/. Jki - tin! tan fete ire eeen that n-iwi h. fleer the in st vstr . i 'e en I lei I th e tiff i. vo/C oti . p j t e I s e 1 v ro ! t fmi'.v ami pot the shine t ryes of restxittses that Mr. Wtlfipms pot. We hope that ear rentiers can invest iyate shir nisi tier on their iTn o, or perhaps even visit Compucel'j t.ffiee in Von j \'uys, < atifdrnia. Thrv ran he reached toll! tee over eihriite:- h y end hie Vfifh/m and enter hyp "2< 'O.M PUTFJ "after the tone {cent tinned ofv ja ige 3-}ii) 3-12 The 2600 Information Bureau Oil -14-1-240-800: Ml -44- 5 -240-8020 STHRLTWf DIALING INSTRUCT 1CN3 Oil -44-1 -2(S"0O3O ML'W-l-Mfi-8031 D1 1-44-1 -240-903? Oil- 44-1 -246-3033 311-44-1-240-3035 Q11-44-3-24A"80AO 1L1-94-J-240-3O03 Oll-U-iMnSOO: 201- 023-0150 M-4B+-H2S 202- 224-3:31 ?02‘224-BS4l J02-23-BiDl 2D2-22S-JW0 202-222-2020 505’-?25-J CV? 202-225-7400 J02-22S-7430 202-252-4 33? 202 - 270 - 9:50 2 : 2 - 275-2103 202-27 W30 1 202-287-4091 2C2-28:-4;0O 202-3+3-5 ]M 202-343-23 54 202-343-702: 202-347-3222 2M-S57-20CO 2:2-357-2020 202-357-3555 202-313- 1347 202-393-4 1 M 202-393- 4 fO? ?02 jt 2i-19?l 252 -420 -0k 5 202-447-2 ,50 rx 447 - 32.3 202-454-1414 252-456-2150 202-456-234? i[Ls:oh sports report t EL.:CC 1 TRAVEL L !I,E ‘£LECCh TRhVEL LIKE TELECGH TW'JIL LihJ TELECOM TRACE; LIHE LDiJDCF. RAD 1C ’[LECC* fiftClNS U'h'jL EREREE.HClti Jr&wr 1 . PDK FiPtfT St □ c !< EcatfS oh an SUlTH i jf 1 rr n joint Econgik [$ifl Her at e F L no- Activity (Lei! S«1AtJ FlCbr Ac t i t v I Rep : Hid Itgi i-l^t j>E> F3H ' Rep Legislative ?3P Bttan-iE Ear dEA Ev E-nt & house Fi n&r Activity House Flacr Activity Rep Jobilin*-C*pl at Energy Christian /ipy-jage Line JobslinF-Gavt Printing Ofi Jobilsnt-G«tfa] Ac: during Treasury Dept-Sejunti es T ree Pur v E-ept Auction Dates m Jobs 1 i ne-C-ept r f I n t ar i ar lire Dept cr Inter icr 252-456-2352 S02-45t-42i0 202-472-27 ■? Oie! -A-Phenosanon Si A I -A- 1u PEuft i5*j t Isoni ihl Energy Rep Cpas E: Highlights lept Df Ecarc Sc&hdAit Hb«p •EE(pni Ffivip* BsjL/tSP'ce Rev pi i r e-Deot Trans Hail Parts Into C£ Prea Joasl me-Ceat ?f Ogr. Sotl Gra in SuMPrv jjhi t-f hauls Presidential Press Cf 'ICE FrEsiSei-l'i Da:i r Sced-ik CIA Ir teU ejeng b init;hcd First Lady's O'ea i '■ Schedule He^lina-Ogit [h tduiitLBn 202-400-0353 202-572-3540 202-533-5M2 202-523-0079 202-5454700 212 -545.-o7 50 202-032-0^52 202-132-0530 TiN 1 I bV L D.j -.'jli 202-o4?-010l m-in-m iUi'b J v *.'.' -. I"7-7'55-5055 202-755-7395 232-£‘?9-52m 202- 935-2900 J03-J42-+4S2 2B-242-6B52 203- 327-50W. 207-7 il-7930 25A-527-5C35 I06-64J-23S1 200-722-5003 212-240-7170 2J2 -Jb 9-5! ;i 252-309-7003 212-370-4304 ?1 2-394-1 1(j J 212-553-0097 212-590-7001 2J?-u54‘9*77 212-730-3377 212-777-7600 ? 1 7 - 79 i-S 0 l 7 2I2-B07-L257 212-947-7522 2L2-97&-2J27 212- 901-1610 2:3-2:4-4914 ?|3-277-0 ',74 1 13-3 31 ->437 213- 372-4244 213-571-4523 2 1 3-04 2-2700 2ll-6b4-7b44 2!3-003-ti94 113-742-0000 2 13-765" LOCO 1 13-7 15-2005 Event? i Hi chi i ght Hpbpli ie-7e( 1 Trade Ccfti. h*vbi i ne- C-s-d Polity Nish Press! ine-!Tept .ahar PFRTPGCN Per tag an F02 f'EHS ' in? Jots! ! ne-Dppt . ai ii s tF oObsi :ne-Dept a^ last toe CF-LP0f 37F- M'EMTC? JabsLnf Ftd j.n+5 Ctn:*' Jobs line- hup .ept Jabkne-EF.4 PUD bipNtliot ftasb Er i r:g jpr vj ee 9 ate' 1 aa t e JH i V CF hAWDR: LWJV 3F HARTFORC OOLII! ?] CNtEF 3 Rectever Ope." Tjne VdioE C' Cieiter. T &-ie 111 USSR Cent bi Nlitf fit:. yVLBUR KE'S/F, SPENCE SCHOOL 2cn;ng Rt: CCShCS b v CCSHCE. Iff C [STY HV SThTE IOL.E02 wm RAP3C 00^4 H'f 5”TE lCLLEOE 0SC btn >Sfi teEd Lire CHELSiO SBWRE IT' I-OLCOr HE~HEP{ P r t . ft. Etocn 2u-alep Iial-O-Hthipst IJNlHOjh LNEhOBh JOfcEP S4TPHIC RESSPS-5 LYDIA COLLEjE I'lai -0- Safi a I.EMskne- 5svt Pel 3 C - Lft ' O110 11 LIST DF mi JUICERS IJIKta 213-T90-JO j(i 213-5(5-397: 2L3-fl0R-7i36 213- 935-1 I li 2l**334-i7« 22 4-330 -523i 2:4-647-2541 2;4-l5!-J46l 214- 6-9! -9929 1] 4-74I-1I<95 21 i-7 t2- 1354 2] 4-..42-l4 jj 2 14-7 tj *243i 214-742-3:39 2l4-742-39?9 214- 995-50-55 215- 397^1129 2l5'503-9!l3 215-504-0572 217-429-9532 215-234-7121 301-357-1452 351-456-1205 3W-E8J-il5i 301-002-6157 301- 08I-6150 303-232-0555 303-299-2 1 ll 30 3-3 71 -: 25 1 •■•53-447 ‘25 45 3:3-4-99-7111 303- 970-2121 354.7,aj.a g 'j 304 - 340-151 1 3 54-340 -9555 304-340-9551 354-340-9552 3(!4-34!-4553 3 54- 340-95 34 304-34S- < :-455 304-I4&-9^b 304-340-5957 154-34S-4959 502-97 3-0: c0 355- 994 -2 laC 302- 914-2331 302-994-55 b0- 3C , 5-5-94-5903 302-904-5904 F I S porcvit: ciol^h-j-i* i:erj5o:ri 0fll4-]ty FEve-per Si g nus ai 0 2 a p Ic-:e Inf o r n tier Oata-'El Pay FPany je SP5 di'-t AT,'! BELL, SCUThfcEE'ERN SLl, SCJTi- 4ESTEF H NT?!!-; ieREi'IT IPICKIHE. '/H370. 1C0CE0 Data-Tfil unkbChh FP30C'5 PT.flh- T JC CITY IPS1HC Hal -0-PrcpLi late Itdjr.a n,i» J.abpLjne-bE:l CtEan't Adp'a Jobs line-hit I Inpt 0!i HI th H?3O0& HP3000 HP35CC- HP3:00 jEPEral ’pleahonp TiiME JC PENHV CREDIT CPSD RSTSVE. CDCI5 JS BLR'PU OF S’ WARDS BftNE '.'3700 death?' LCha ' 1 eptcH : E/tEnjed deathpr Lnarlstan 41 1 ca r ri Er -a r mi ts tusy 911 dirr:pr tktullS buPy I fcl-rc; pr Derrjfr Pec CoSe ta Be aroceeSEd by 950 925 hot Beibti Cam?.' Fee. Polarity ReyErser h 1 1 Ci re a: t p i jsy Re: r Terhnu} Inffico-I-ty Ret ( Carrier IndE Nat AEcCesary Foipinc Pa'R Her Ritng Cata-Te! Fading ler']?' Call Ret £j Tr,rfrj(h Re: PayehcnE Inst, Sec LiN RfilEr^bt? fit; 26i)0 (ISSN 0749-3K51) Editor and PoblisSier T*eruy Six Hufidrod Associate Editors Eric Corffty Diivd ‘"l iidefmg ’1 Exocutiva Director Helen Viciory BBS Operator r i.i r 1 1 I ■-! i, :l i Writers: ftsm Esatuv. Mr Fteoch, Emmaeot Goldstein, The Kiel 5 Com pony, Lord Porsakisr, Mike Sfi erne. The Shadow, fife rit Switchman, and the uSu^l dr-onvmtKis b-jnch. J| -- i - ..l-.i 1 1 | '• ■ ■-.■ ' . .. 1 1 1 ■.■ i n 1 1 . , i r- ■>. 1 1 .i i . ■xvn' \\ SI'MSC'KI 1' rn IV l< 4 1 1 v si ,nli. SV ' . it.ii*-,-. i::, til-: mil si'l!6C' M v. r .J. M , 1 .1 S |.,„.,l. i v-.i irsj, i i.M'l lO'. I . :Plt . ->mhi OHS: lll’i.^iiisi prUrl.'KTlSINy l>lHARlMr\ r.O ilM’W. MjIiH.' Itln.l St !M*Mlif \K.IICI I S.I Ii:v.K\|q\ as 13 IE 'I I Pits E.ir llms* v,_.|| |%l,iiJ v, 1 1 .j-?, 5 , h r+v ■ i'C5S : M.v-,1 KM - r I . ... p r i , 3-13 il 3l!-H2“flOOO 3l2-«+-777T M 2-4+5-7770 312-443-0004 5J2-71MM m-mrim TI2’7J9-7750 312-772-7*03 3 12 - 994-51 00 *jj-23+-5*zj #1 313- 577-0240 J1-J-3T7-0M 3l3’*44’384ft 313-7*7-0003 S]3-T*WL JU-BJHJTJ 31 -.-3:17-7500 i:3-03Mi5« 3L3-392-«'0O IlJ-W-WH 313-7*1-4572 313-942-1102 313^42-1537 3lJ-?u4-^0*: 313-944-2000 3L3-7M’»]g 313-R6+-2M4 3JM6A-SM0 J]M*4-+C42 313^^4-^308 1] 3-9*4-5050 3J5’+2J-DjJ t}4-fiS5-j46D 405-01 3-739 j +<*0-280-1901 +12-774-740] +14-257-1233 +14-4 15-1030 +i+-+7i-BC13 4 1 4-5+2-H 74 4! 4-5+ 3-0709 4J 4-5+1-41*4 13-4 H +-428-0001 13 4-420-00(274 Trie-Copier +1+ -428-00047 7 Tel e-Cocs nr 1t+ -420 -00 1(7 2 Hu ted lddb 4J +-*23-00: 37+ -nf Sj J t‘if e UHKhOdH AD5 UHKKC+H tens I me- 0a rt Pci 1 tv Oh C$0 DlvW Sadia] Dlal-ft-Trince DEPKJL ARRC&3H NET LAB ISC FJS 1 ^LrND IN -O' JOYht STA'; KEiRJT -jHESHfiHiMB OR fSHDCL BIMIflv i ,M,i. OHb OREGR 5CHBG.S BEL.- MEKlSfih DRKLflKC BSFOOLS. REPAIR EOtf RECHISAH' HZCHTjAK V SiCHIGAK. SOht-HET Mm RELLr KECHI5AH SERA. CD1»UTES CHARGE CARO ASSOCIATE E NS [J£ER INi-SlJ TH7 HENCHKAH m‘f OF 10' l\ Ll, nlCMEAfc II CH eamk LAK 0- F I CIS STHh'USE decs SEOHS SREOiT CHECK SYHTNOlER HUSJC TP+ E.JEEER7 R0C* Cl. BV3 CABLEVJEIOH DEC VhI cec pjp- u/70 r RBTSi'E R3T0r0 UNKHOM Tcee bell sell; sell 03* fiSJS/E 4|4-tf0-(Ol5 1-4-420-OO 17 +14-42S-002S 4H-42E-O052 +34-701-000+ 4 1 1 -7B 1 -OOJ 0 + 14-70 HON 414-731-0035 1L+-7BI-002R 4|1-73J-O03k . .. . 4L+-7BI-O04&-4 CO nu.iber +15-327-5220 NEC + 15-J4 1-23W 4 1 1-347 -341! + ! 5-404 -W +J3-+3A-7015 -one k E l L et-: e 2 clicks L g Lienee i One k Silence Epnnial Eperjtnr > jita-Tels Hiltiwitt Hi I iiifiLt Di ]l-Tc. - ie CD nupter CC nutter 4 15-1 36- > 020 + 15-0+3-7+39 4I5-057-S393 I15-7J7-2SA0 5 Ll -259 -00(1 5I2-3H5-1170 5:2-472-710: 5 1 2- 172-4243 512-472-9*33 72-9 93* 72-7(4: 5J i -174-501 1 5:5-;'74-i44C 114-5*7-0013 5L*-504-ZB5O 514-794-1707 4C2-745-70C 404-257-3141 409-452-0025 *l'9-+52-473A 00?” 334-3131 FE'iLC PARK CD0P, UhkCHQhN DEs'ELCOH Jhl; Ah I) +3 01 K -Ah' -E/CUBE rlFlOOO Jh L MET HI ! 3 ] h 3 1 1 HE 30 00 HE; 70 REECHO i 1,1 Outside Hitt Line Her *ust 1st dial 1 pr 0 r rr net he rotated rec 'INSERT .23“ ORS’iK CDrFJTEFS I EC iVHECS ■3HE0H 3 2aiC R5TS7E S^cek Cuates AFI70KA STATE UhK.'+LlNh Uhl] PRINCETON RCA MHS 701- 7C+- ■13- 4(5 ; 99-7 J +7 412-333-0S4.3 iWrSFHW 412-333-1473 0IM3>mS *12-333-1700 4l2-33>]?+3 412-333-1972 bl2-335-52C-0 :i mm 41 J -11 7-9203 *J 7-437 -J234 a 1 7-732-1251 *17-732’ 1002 A I S -405-7000 j 1 9-740^002 AL7-7+0-OCO3 bJ 9 -740-1.005 ’*’ 70 1-4520 ■347-3 JL2 0+7-] LJ ■403-2700 713-792-7200 Tj 3 -795-3 ZOO 7:3-BBl-9l£] 7JA-59B- 4341 71+ -430- 0003 OT4-B3O-7990 7J+-A30-J+92 7] 4-774-451 l 71 +-39 L -1247 Hi -097-5511 7L+-954--J570 7] + -AB2- 3345 ■17-372-0911 7J0-?7J-?77^ 710-330-4900 71B-S24-11JL 7 10 -524-bO 17 710-774-2727 000-22 1-0224 00 0-22 J -217 1 300-221-1945 £00-222-0 ?4E 000-225-0454 000-223-1111 600-220-6777 3(0-230-5342 000-2+ 2-+OJ2 800-210-0151 0OO-252-C12 300-253-9072 000-32: -1 002 0O0-32L -30+3 000-321-30+9 300-321-3052 0CO-321-3O74 3OO-325-O0E7 000-325-4072 300 -325 -4095 000-325-4070 300 -325 -?(9? 003-327-47*4 300-131 -37(1 0OO-33i-9!+7 300-334-7.344 000-342 -7J7l 3O0-3b7-+7jC 000-345-5440 3OO-3b0-55OO 800-340-543+ 03O-7iB-5*4O 800-3BB-5&42 000-3*8-5*47 COO-..- *3-5*73 000-3*0-5744 030-7*3-5014 000-340-5033 R03-J*3-5?44 300-3*0-5939 8O0-+J+-0214 300-42+ ’242 4 000-42+ -50+0 300-42+-52C1 000-42+ -80C* 0OC-+2+-353O Li+tHCtfH : *h 3 3ni tOrtE Ficsinlle laci'-ine 7sn+ led Tone T est Ton? Tpst Tone "pst Tone Test [NT’L 3RAPHLCS NDRThEAE" Ihh* ■)h[V; So4lcr Tifle HARVARD RASOARJ VAi' L5/0+ 1030 hi Tone SL)nus.piO Fac-BeLl Oaerainr PiROKOr hi 1 j i ^sCt Cprn CltCjit hASiiA EWUDKAL RESEARCh 0hE.L VdLCAH R*u4ttn R?Sdir FOLVTECH IJJ] v. ?Ljnu*3id Foiari t' 1 RoeerLer TSl TR-J WL-MEEX Rereral Telephona 1 : tr IfrA h.a.t.s; HMERSOILLE UHJ'hAl CC ntihgiL Ring The hcot Line He* Yert Feed Line Swibiv P.3.H. H&.r, HCT U K£ ODE kbL-i U3A Afhs D(h F'hcnp ori-oke: 9J5A CREDIT CHEC.£ Tip Cade Infprfiitscn 'IjiKi’iJl Celt an Caunz.l bhCe Retart In .ae Onge.ee VHIT? RDJSE : ‘RESb JSC .HEHSL1KE Ua-Tina Dist^ibutldn FlKAHCS CTR. Seepe r 5 Beepers £?ep& r n Bbfpt-s ARTS PRCER4H 3UEK C0H6A1 PF 15 k SEP ENLISTED. CC1BAT SLPP0RT CRRHCS R0)PC OSAR CCfIBAT RHUS 51 ??LJ 914-248-9913 7J 4-240 -7(2* 911-240-9937 71 +’260 -7?iO 914-240-994 J 71+-2bfl-?94^ 9j4-7°7-1277 9:4-145-234+ TH IT-C 1.7 ST .:. ■' i '■-' R 1 L .A C-H :'i ,j' J T -,E' r:i ro! : k L'UI L ; 7 ! Oe'i ■' :■ ' ■■• ■ -.J : -3 Jr'-7 V .• :: u..| fC f 'i - MLIRN1NGL . jCM MT C-NT •■7H I Til MC.'n-. LJEftSE SiTNj] US N’Jf NUMGrF IR: Liu we : f*r THI S L TM ; £V-,\| "1'u.iER. TSRhSPBliTSTIOH NEH0L;NC Hh:te Hullp iHfize DEPT 3F :HEP3Y NEHSLiNE IH SP0H13H CDHKOHDER [3 COHRiHGEP ll TELS710L Cltiiens Ch^zge HfMe Enpr;y Lm? PJBE S3. hAOAL SHIPYARD. at?? 1 ALCCiHDL Til-occo Kb: FIREAFh, Cdil eia- hens Ch'-Iph? h?Hs Ar E>:p r tse C’jrr teen St Aflentan txi'uee voiee erdt i ED :N r CFH4T33h CTR Alliae;f Tfl| e-Cotf terete th ; :a,;a A r r .cl nqgnent 1 2 hetrei-here OH ices Spo-ti Liae Hem- icin ledi :ai Osen ■Ca) L- medical Rssn ['B^cere UHKNOHh spci-ts ^:ne A-RT urjcee TOiHR COLLEGE ^HESTER C3LLE3E CCrP0TSR Divprtadial Enereadcal LOO? lOE SiDE LOOP : OTHER Si CO Lire Test s. Ait Lanes 020L TORE? FCRTkORTH SC+BOL Ft. Hbrtli f ! is i les;- Sj^nuepjc: FeaF-O-Fane's ?aot"A’Fcf e's HflBile-TeLenhiDnp' Nuebers Pade-A-Fone : s Ragl-R-Fnnee SIS NODOHHL PE 0| COL : 1. +arth T :ee L Icep R3T&7; h AdTOOOKN [HPQF7TS The Gp^pnj Line ne Cibserua Lary ...ln;u' *i n b r 7 e PWvi e L i nE California Rptne ai ne s CyiaeL Cote Line Feedhick California Percroinge r ur-cr:e SPACE SHUTTLE [C.S0. JH TV OF FLORIDA CC VerUacalian ■deposit 5 c pal s- rec Sepbbit 10 rents re: Voice i ta IplCa Vpkc I tn TpJOa Oscillating Tune OmJ Liattm] Tc.ie Ci-ri er jj-tncii Buotes Eo' - of Catifo-njJ SVSTEiaflTICflUV SPEfiKIIJB Sprint Unites with US Telecom [fi the largest consuliriaticm yet of the ? urbu Ic nt bng-d is la ucc telephone industry, the nation's shirt! and fourth largest *ntfcs-«L>i:i pet iiw wth AT'AT m 'EASprisi t and US Telecom af/rad Emerge and form a iww com pany. I ins closely fol lows Lhe proposed merger'ol MCI and SHS- Skyline which w«i& siminurKed list l';i||. Jhe criaiiKin of ihe CS Sprim Communications fompanv, ' vll "-' h laces Federal approval, will abo their dam .communications subsidiaries, CfTG [‘elcnei anti US Telkom [>ata (. . ummu mentions f mu pany, which until a few months ago was know ns Caines. Spiini and i S TiiJecom will he able to combine their advcrtjsi.jiir an.;] network -budding efforts i:i ihc new company which wi][ have a subscriber base of 2,2 million, Thr new coin puny would tic the third largest tong disia nee company, behind AT& J and MCI. and would be jointly owned C 1 1 and Uni led E elec out muni cm ions. Write Protect Tabs Wrong lfydu arc havnig data loss horn a batch nf floppy disks made hv .vV]. it is possible you have She red wTite-proloci labs it shipped with, some nf its disks last June and July 1 he p roblcm wi i h the red i a bs . used 1 n eoitT I he w ril e-cnnole nolch'j li flippy disks, is that (hey a ue 1 mnsparcnl id 1 he infrared I iyti I used by a few d is V d r .vex 1 0 chcc k for t he prcsciifc of I he tab. White 3\1 said ii has known about Ihe problem since July the company c laims thill 1 lie (I isJt s l bemsclvos ;.i re n tit defeat ive . ■M will repkiotf the red. labs if you donfaei l he company. One customer, who damaged Ins M icmsufl Word mid Smart Wo^ks program disks in January . called SM 's 1^*A-frw hotlim- |wlni.-l- is not lasted with information] and had his disks cep .seed .lh had M ii subishi d i sk d i ives A bo nr I pe l orn L of a! I disk drives wih not detect the red tabs. according to a JM spokesman Bell Atlantic & MCI Collaborate I !■?!*' r.^i S, r ■■I iiiy-w Asa result ol the "ccenc oiu.rmst judgment against AT&T a i ii.l the seven Rcl I u penning com™ nies. Be I! \ \. Inn! ie is % igri ing up :or MCTs long ! distance service. The switch wbnl affect eustbjtiers stncC it's 'uitly intended lor inlorna] use of Roll Atfiint:c. Also, as pan of the apr-eemeri i , Mt'E is busing billing icrvievs Ironi I he local Bell At Ian lie phone cu:ri pa rv.es. This 111 ■■ "U* °f •hiniiii r y I. l £ JHfi, Fil l' Atlantic companies stancs.5 sending MCE bills to MCI customers. Cellular Phones in England SrjJiLhti 1 1 . i .- C ellular telephone u sers who i.ra vcl overs nils ml I s Ort n IS:: a hie tu u-e Hie service n the United Kingdom. hf|. Atlantic Mobile System* is setting up a reciprocal progcam wiih Cellnct of London, colled Service l.ink, which' w IlfUlbw customers. l<> pick up portable cellulai telephones on i Ht'i r arrivu I at a i rports. Fees for the sen iu; have not vot heen fixed. I n i ra red Rcepe r W ill Find Yo u i 0 . I . 03 * TFiL-rv’s no coping the infrared eyes uf a new telephone weper system I cloco II. f i m ' I cU .c S K . . finds y i u.i vi n ualK anyw here m u building, jmd 1 rippers u beeper tiiai i-, worn like a cm. M you wanl m mke the coll, ihe system rings the nearest phnric. || you don'l. you prtw.s a bunion m? ihe heepm Wacn .i calloumcs in. i n V sensors instantlv wamh a room much like an i mi si bio Hash buth going o'ff imd beep Ihe pe : si m bci ng ea I led . I lie v. dem is dew igried to '.ma ie as ma ny a s l.^ x> 't'twividunls in: ?5U scpoTate locations wiih n a SO.lXKJ- wpiam l uoL oillce Electronic Tax Returns Arc Here liMWiVbl tFie internal Re venue Service has nunuunccd ihiu g will begin accepimg lax returns. i n i-kclronk form clinpuah approved lax preparation servioes. I he F.loct rontc F i ling Rrojccf , if siLoeevsIuf, cou Id cvcnl ua I |y a low personal computer owners to 111c returns dccnonicaily, a though noi in the nca r fu tu re. according to a sonkevm a n ior the [RS. I he project could have a double advantage for tax pa ye T s. doe: i onic II I mg. ma y speed u p i he refund prsieess; lor Hie 1 Rs. it may a Iso mi I m e the enst uf hiimfling. die m ill ions of retu ms fdfd eocli VKir. Three areas have been selected for the ini tin I lest: Rhuenix, Cincinnati, and t he Rafcigh-Du rtiam and Favettcvihc a rcas uf North Ca reTina . 1 1 diK. Rlnek. Inc., of Kansas Cily, Missouri, is the l':rs1 raw preparation seivicc tt> announce purticipatirm in ihe IRS pfpjcci. CustorjKfS ufdcdpnmed ufliccs cam use U&R Rluck’s Rapid Refund seiv.ee. ^ (11 her ms preparation services am being considered bv the IRS In piirtieipate in the project, hut those pro|iarer-. musl flrsi pass iransmisxion IcsLs in order to be certified. HAiR Rlnek prepares more Hum 9 million Lax rein ms ;l yea t, i:it -ci bout 10 purwnl of eHv irndkidusil reUmis i'l'ki} in the country. Acoustic Trauma Mrv,-' U / r ■ 1 . K L ir,.vW On Faiher's Day ibis year, m IS -year-old Scutch Rlains bvw . erscy maii was lalkiug: ott n telcplsoih' arid expericni-ed wh:iL lie believed vihs'ait dectncal sh'ddt. An invTstigaii.on by AT&T und New Jersey IFelL latui revealed that (he young, man wus aif'inxuislic trauina " ■. ictint, RhunecoKipany clTxiiaLs describe ucousiic iQuma as”:i pop oi n elvk ' i ha l can sound ,iv loud ns (he backfire of an autoinobite. like nlimy vjel m>'o( acua^lio trauma, ihe man suffered no ■a-i ioiiir injuries hul had a ringing seiHationin his ears for about a din ■\ New Jersey Rel I spokesman said acou.-vi ic irannin is noi Hit 'ii me th ing a s ra e lectrica I shock ' ^ 1 v le p bo no cc'n vc r I s c kcl t ica I cu r re w s \ n to s o u n<3 waves, lie said ■'Aeoi.si ic trauma entries, as a result of sound wave-, and not eleflrieal cuircnls " Devices known as "acnusHc filters” are built into telephone receivers and ace designed to minimt'ye the clicking noises thul sometimes, result from malfunctions within a tc le phone network . One or iwu cases of gCurrstic trauiiti riTe reported :o AT&T each year. DIAL BACK (nmi m w.: d J rott ? j ? ope .1 - ! Oj modem mtu believing 1 1 1 ;: ■ i is seeing dia3 lone. ringliaeS; ant) mi lorlh until Ik sullies answerback tone and connects and [Knee rates 1 he sy s t em , sm; u : it y s h ou I d not depend on this sort of d ifi I ’l.w Ok ! he best thing to do In solve rhis problem into use a (tiffereni h;ie for din! -out. I! sc of random time deltays between dia I i a and d: :i I buck combined with a Bowing the modem 1 n a nswer during l h cvei it period (with provisions made lor rceogoiriog : it: fuel i hat th is wasn't the originated call — perhaps by check ipgtt> see if the modem is in originate or answer motk’J will substantially reduce i i is w ind o', i,- of vulnerability bui not hi np tam completely tliini(ia(e it. Obviously, if one has an older <7Q switch; it is iioi good at nil to use die sa me l ine -or dial in and d ial mu ft is best rornuke sure that the phone rami her for the dsa lout is different from lhat of the d ini- in, perlusps even in a. different cJicliu uge, which i sn"t a I] 1 bat in possible, MAIL {continued' fnmi pw ge S- 12) Dear 2iWfl: I have a gnsut id cn, wk ieh seems \o si nip I" . but ] have neve i lieand nnytme mention it. Tt con cl- 17:3 protecting the userlog ofa mtS from the prying eyes of the Gestapo police, nr FCh or whoever. V on see . when they raid your lions? to take your BBS, ilvey hove only a lew reasons, li is either In punssli you for asking; 1 1 : 1 '■:■■ I if ns or to get a juicy li. -a yf people to invest iyaie a long with ihcn- favorite passwords. Sometimes they wilS call up other hoards using the user names and passwords 1 hey just Ctuiliseated and try to rwitJ personal mail. This, s! likes me as being both immothi kind lI legal. EiuL anyway, 1 ho trick is in not bn r e the uwrlog available. I have solved this problem by psiLtmgHlx uacrliid in memory on a ram-disk I have a simple program which motes my computer ilvpk that part of the 1 memory is really a disk that yap cor. write 10 or read from. Wlscn tlic cops come racing in ami pn.l the p'.ny m an otlempt In confiscate my computer; ihe intormatinii is gone. Il just disappears. I he only problem is cM you need h computer that im- more thou 64 K. like a PC or someth' ng. because most programs need 64 K of available men if 1 y lo run. It : ■• u nl i kd i tiuil they will 1 1 y 1 u probe you r eon' pu 1 ■ hi; fore duv unplug a and inks it from your borne “as evidence.” Ivcnnsc even tliei; cedmind people are preits iiucunpetcist. And they dnn [ Usually serai llicir icdinii-si peciple along i' ny way I om praty sme ol that. hecumss they like 10 take calculators and no rival telephones along with (he compuler, and lliat shows ;n extreme kick hf knowledge Si nee : he Jj I IS is o Imosl alwn y.-, . m, t he use ring can lie hue kA would find 4 . .Am.l they have better things m do. . Mojave Dessert :? cs o o e-Hj'-’ tta Iri 4 -£P 1 . izi Ac. e=" f=y 1 ■ * ri vhj sit c~i n la hi F Zr i' - 3 . el' K5 vas n d e-t t:: h t’ CQrnmu.n i c a t. tz- crt. h^t'’ vs L.L b !?5d:r" is bo ts r ■ -t. i Vz- ■t. trnr~ Iy-J :i +1 tJ 5 p OPEN : .1 1 I JR 'DArY mi' 8'. 1 Nla's il., MIEN . 1 .! NCI UN 4 f-iriS 1 ' KN i me-: NE F'Al i.i rili.'J [;RD I • icIJ'Jt'KED rms MONTH ON t.V S L o - -7 f, 1 ■ 7 ,:--if 1 FULL DISCLOSURE is tin: j 1 Lcj-n-t- nenawin^ nesvapapirr- ttVailiiNni I'*-- r v * 4 b>«" "I'J. ir iMiry |>i P . e-.i n iln vi'iilJ uJjhi '.‘iSrn )ca j ’• Mi if-'.H |-*.i ■ ju v.il/ irL |llt: :l lib j li ry ! 1 '.’•ir In ^ l ■ t- pulp, |lr ij r/, | JmmLbLILII b Ajf 'iLtaaum U| Jii'^p Mai ’* inli! hr Caliia "ai^ it..i ir i "ir . 1 1 a'r ■ ■n a i'at 1 J.f lit .'Afi'b L- p % R a k 'p f jl _ t |i r. iii i.xjyi wu rriiiilM 'ii St ? Hiii rc/i'iMii ihnn hvki^u IH*i initiiLid i lauril^i ulii'ri.'i 1.11 I'nr ■ 4i t t , § jy,v a j ■ a." kJj j .'.■y d| ^i|%| h li'Bn V vi I ri.i!r. . . ?\i sib ua nrikm iliii uir.ia'i.i 1 . .nnJsli a 1 °”*i i ■ 1 j'" is h 1 t, f .* j ■ a. y u s ■ l.' • ■Kir. I ilI IliarLavam is .1.11. 1 1 J - L- nJiifll hilly |,-j| rf lb t. |nHi~l r» ■ aiMMMJi i r-i'u e««J i%i 5 sivi« nl'.-Tij*»r jvbi. YK-n'LMr. 11 r ,i i^ily I'm .i'.-'. -jiiI/ r -ti . Ijl- tirj% i^I a 1 . fD r-^nviKUiirA r nj| n ip| 4 r Imi JMlf Oj Jl- fvi Va. 1 L a Vl 1. 1 UJ( r*. rijnf | Fll MkC tie M 1 ft f J |v *1 Vii* WJ -I Tr '.i ■ 1 i'i il L.i •■’lJI Dlii^vaursi M3V ' rhj| • Ahr Ilf J jShili- J>a >JL- r Jl nilbiiiia Vi V.r./I 1 .III | | I Jib.- 1 li karital, MS i*. ** \ | > |V 1 Mi*ci-.l. A2-, il ■Ljjirji cilr.'iim-’-h ■ ' b^i I m II B I - 1 1 1 ii 1 ' pajimiLLi 1 UnH-Min. I' li. Ilue iiTVIi Aiai Arbii. Ml^lpii «-H 7 r .Mk'j.i bbI jfi.ri jd faJiM il J J -I je-.lii j I Jj Si. Abb AiLar faljihgji | fain nwi i.iv.- iJir'ipif r"K Ml! * i' l' B>.r II q.'HI"./