> I am currently taking a break from most of my online activities so this capsule will not be updated for undetermined period. 

> But I will surely be back cuzz I love gemini.
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                        August 14th,2021

Hi! I am Scientiac.

Is that even a real word? Glad you asked.

Science and Technology is like oxygen to me. I mostly spend my time learning about new concepts and ideas. I love trying out new things and usually stand out of the crowd by using things people have not seen or rarely seen before. Sometimes I write poems and stories to calm my mind. I am a supporter of FOSS and try to use FOSS as much as I can before using any proprietary garbage.

Log (Regular)

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               ||    ||  - David Palmer
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Launch Capsule!

B-Log (Explore)

~ Geminispace

My List of Interesting Capsules

My Subscriptions (Gemlog Aggrigator)

~ Astrobotany

    /~~   ~~\
 /~~         ~~\
{               }
 \  _-     -_  /    Save The Environment
   ~  \\ //  ~           Plant Trees
_- -   | | _- _
  _ -  | |   -_
      // \\

Visit My Garden on Astrobotany (Normal)

Visit My Garden on Astrobotany (Colored)

[Certificate Not Required]

Water My Plant

[Requires Certificate]

~ Station

Station's Front Door

2021-10-28 | My Profile on Station

Tinylog (Station)

~ Cosmic.Voyage Storyline

2021-08-18 | ROSENSTEIN

~ Stories

2021-08-15 | Nostalgia - My First love

2021-08-03 | The End


~ Poems

2022-01-06 | You Won't Understand

2021-12-28 | Variable Constants


~ Different Language

2021-09-28 | नेपाली

About Gemini

Gemini is a internet protocol started in June 2019 that is similar to Gopher or as they call it "The web, stripped right back to its essence".

Gemini can be seen as a middle ground between the old gopher protocol of the early 1990s and the modern web (http and https).

Unlike http(s) it is text only, that means it only supports information in the form of text following the UNIX philosophy (Make each program do one thing well).

It's a place you can be if you don't want resource intensive things going on in your server and if you don't have anything to do with media streaming(of course you can put media files in it but the files should be downloaded in order to view them). Since it is text only, it is very accessable for anyone with a computer, even a potato computing device can access the information stored and shared using this protocol.

The pages of Gemini are called "capsules" named after the Gemini space capsule. These capsules are written on markdown format with file extension ".gmi".

For more information go to their official capsule.

Gemini's Official Capsule

You can also find me on :




Socials :