y*\t >. |-: M -J ■■■( r,v .fol I *1 I| 1 IV, I ■ r .1 ir.iL'i', u-pli iuliii Si'l'.'i |'«M I ul.-. *.1 I 1(11,^’ i'i ««i r.lr. ■* i i-|t.( 1 . 1 -tm ( i*-.TV: J ■ M.'.M' I '.-.il. i te !>. VJ>-iV r-lrdf 11M' Cm^l ■■■>■;■ 1_! - i ■ j I,:-, j. .Vr’i lb.-. iS'- Mkhi 1-. 1 1 pi \V iiiJl 1 . |\j ; ;i(h.i>|_TiW hS.S ■JT+l-'+JI JANUARY, 1985! VOLUME TWO, St-MBKR OSi. Those Horrible Hackers Strike Again In msd \iv,i-iii K • vniahiiii! happrftNl. W - h |: iuuiwmIihl n v,«. 4 v;r hi: jwffl P'H> iln ■ kr.on i :1ns - 1 .-“w. A ■V « sh W * reporter. nLicha n. baiindj. mis I'. n .■■■■-. ii wii-.:i ilnrvoflikcliiiv.Kiiil phrejS.in.ii jtltr * wriv* h semi- reveiilirg, in iSw Mom omhcr .M ■V.-n-iuvi-A for the ariqlj mid I Jncn-.Kr Ifl foi fhw iul ki ..s' ij | Hu- oiiiick ^ SanflM) ■> i'w'Sis.-juseIij: itn mei-iber wl'chc prw». Haimm- •ii ii ii i pi 1 1 i i v_ ... .it- -|. * 1 1 1 1 1 hi p_ui 6 biciL> : - .a a -1 days J-onh uJ iniets .: (k) oc Morals fnnning Om [he rjir.pj.nl aIxaa hi r:i;lim -iMj-L hy put kids. .is i- hi I V eelw-arks ..re, all hiliei hraiHVKi .Jtrhr- w.l « ’ L l .i.i i • lieu mu i. uni: h. ink ^ pi 1 iy oanpinna. ij( Slum Kcile r v ff, NASA ■ KWf.-u eilherw:!. key-hen i p hiiirutiOrA I his i. sufppospj tp make u, gjWp ill Jud kizil - ip. i-.i vlim itu: ihtonk jwbbLm it Ihess pesky, soniui kuly Ik : Wf 111 km -.s- IhtI. |lt Sjp:I/;i rim-dr- ihc .iiiu bej rfiisihkic . J underesl inning. ilv power of li t Jnckfip Wy were lold hy one or Im 1 1 Kiuis of lnow fie whs' mi s.-i y ill lain shit oaihiiiu l-ojIiI htisspeiLiis 1 1 1 1 1 1 rvta ij sr h r pubhKncrl . I I r i j'li i.i nJ Vtsshi-lHvr f)i» hhs bocn or. nrluoai iuiijI c.c pcrit-nct lor ’ ViilK 1 i-e'che tsiekeji .,rm:.,.r. . ■ ... ixhjIiI use o nil of ili-fi nJui-dtion LhansoNos, Jliinoih, llnrrotiiiip mm - | H -rwm rrijn:l»j.:,y on Ilv 'untuaiplislMS riL'-ln i. kivpi. io luril'.or Umrth i h. .mv h nriert. Ily oom[TiriM.-.|i, i "rhe hitkcn lm(l tlunu oil inils-ff nihiy rhi ,■> 'i j lml; co.Torj:iiM, soy gniun CirfeidtSiiw i l«y min in hBut'h«n iiilp' t WioO'r4istu Shtncs tlKiUMlim. nsKrill/; thr pi.r. :>2 1 u I popalur ir.Urii Imw bfeii M"i ij (indtiMj-nding, ■UlAJugh SioO/oA tTijr ar^ ihn putjlkiiy surnulir^inp n Mil rhipN,iih> alien th= public -r> powiuiiil atoa; cf inkirmniioii hy ochert. it israVniieil .mu: ngfiihcr^ norcchorsilcwi^J Ami consider (Ills; AU hnuuli Sn’ndM hrnkc Kmi nknccs ht r^A-i kii; lifusyiords. he ludjiMI M mtn;h rij;?il Icuh . n us law. NickcA ilni rfvcul oommcrcial dci-o purer ptisiworck; wiretapping and divestiture: A LINEMAN SPEAKS OUT hy Thr Shi^lriw 'v-t-.-i niUMii j*i oTipiirL.miiy Itj'r m-oliI «iy>iiin;riii|i. :hu mj Ji. Cti. .ir>.1 I uni Mi.MlIy mi i a\| |opit -.vinwrsuim w.:li tlir- Ntav l.my fell To>: inslullcr wntii lit Am v i pul m piy nndcni |fnel I he >. oiivrinii inn ir : r*xl to font nppt pj, Jiaj \i\ t-r.i . inwr yscliig ijelai ■■■ conic cu I It twcir? n;i .i ikI Jyur> jh;u. ESril had iniLhiii^ i-.i Jr-wii-i u.i -0 lapptp^. lit sai.1 che- xijpci vi^m ri.\-ci>i."> ’- cjIciJ ordert friSm i '►.■ sbcnllN jSflwy. nicrclc casriiip them m iff lho liiumcn Then ihc jml-.yi.-. i I ■ 1 1 1 1 kin' mi ilcr-i Lei to .ip on 1 1>: j 1 . 1 1 ! ■■. . . 1 1 :J r i n i k 1 1 1 LI pair in the^CA \ ~ clmi tii lHc Iotic linu in ■pjeoiiMA, .ir-il il-i-n kav>: i.hc siw. ■fJiic day. aur liniii aikli uv-. cn.-t l>y tin: pplr Ii: 'sic markco mi hm m lhic day. and saw a lie :l IfutL Wi • ■ k-i u-.y. wtw fl was. he i’mppcd irs rok ’ hy ary up on i h: pok told him n po ™.ii ..i aJ kavc ami j oir. S off oo ■ I ■ i. iullv lirtnliin li on i rueoy.oiri : .. i^ii is. ti.i.m ;,s o™ .jt che linci-ih-i h - ihr area, a: asked be. siiixm-j:. o.n-.i n iiu!J Jiaut fcucu. tin- supervisor cm i k will h ru ir forycl che- er. ir.- ineiileiil I >: line iKiin kslrt c.c i h i m ife :.i|J dnsn Lh: I'elcci fusff rli. L pi . :j-.. i.m.mi ofl'ice ■lo-se.l Ii.jiiI in -h . nil ' la-) iH'ci.c lci ihjeuuchnriees <:{)■' f hiOllK CO lo listen •ii on on lives sni inns Dili i rt mckil Jkiiiml i Of?- niwn vsiwn:v ddn'i Nnt io ryi i .it la i in order lo h:ip !hi pn ip.- Aftoi l’li'i>;?lie>- yrnclually b oie i rom iikmL.im- f 4 l in onship Now ehr IViik- •. iar yirr. merely marks ihe lines, a ml III.- |>n wv otiir’s affine h:o.1lm i n- i.-m He u so snkl ihnc in iHk: polite smu.-i.-m s use u w.i,.-. hu.u.jeo ec'f of "inCo- pifs-s u .«ien i/j ’"'invl’t. reirov.nf ,i.lu i i -nit |he lots: hrres. i kj ch. oo-wiae dfa rune dffiklpiiny cruck .yscssjOl: wills lek-pSime uinrs is taken for gr.i oii> I by the pcrerocl isipo ao:. Ihc uteri ‘I ollin- akis Ims a ct-uok of i;-.crn far. leice-. c~ woil . Si"i.v (liey pal Ihem kick aiN-piaa: ildcj-..sofifullfr.crKllii Ots.il eii .s-ksctrd i i fk - 1 he okirr nn.sck:ls. '.s ai l hdfliNI jjcai I hc leecks j Lon rcml i, e u.i\dcn keedtrs. Ntv. iei ■ fj Hell *«.- tL-hod osrr lo I'laskc nisei sv.ifsajjs L sincim: .or; ih cl i sl'li s i ijri sv.tli il't tioen o . oro oisyicil Ihc brejt.ip. \tss Jcr«y Ik-ll . ay. i IfahBor uises as much iwia'm:e..is i| ...ncu did. I'fe liison lVuiL] 'L i lilo.l ka -"Ij.-cj nt ■:: Is", n 1 ;.. lh.‘ s-irjcc cht- hrr.iki ■ she on loins I as as lijudh lake hon e juy I -k- tirtakup hase.'.ns:il a icnitl ws\— r^eif. lies wlih;A'|\tr. k ppsiesic-cl i -iiiil .m-.n.i-sjs abonl Ijnp. ilisrj iko f lliup He liliil iSl.t. Lilly ycor wccll Aim hill. drsljkLC liilr^, PHS's. ml :.sa-ipilkl -siAifJYH, J . .. S, i.iii .J-. he ■ 11 1 1 1 l!i: 1 1 1 ■ ! k- 1 1 hues tu Ihe ceil Opel jIiAa Ompaiiy. H-. inly us nhoeii a eeisim(i;i1 msiik ie Wesarii t.lscirjc uns i — r-i al iiiu wimnwlinv ir Ihc M i-dwnse Lit hml ipM* rii.ae 1 . 1 Icaiiijss.iut ihc .a n.t-s iypoii ijt WtllChiiSs aysleriis. On campcEs wjc o lap. miio, -mm' : i -sj e.r. he .Iclinp split on ion lOiSOis nppitiKirvittijy die ni« of j^mnuiuilvi In eneli was a k.leoperjiioi-.i ii-i k OiOdel af each nf cht varihiuc sw-iis-bmp systems A' c sc stti Tcrcrir myj oulotii-ios, intdiHlins all Ihc C.NS! uind La-osslau -nv, h-is.-s. s ■: wcl'. as so.mr ntp-hy^iops arid several Lyres nf PUXV. I boy IccNltlA-shol anil rc^iiiwil piohltieis m ihesc mnL-hinrs in ords-r io lenon olnwn aeisn I oncrai mu es|uiiv:>:i-.t We m iked ahocil the local swiich> iljn’cMfiUf, wliwh :ur veil due en be n .1 1 A t'SS Aecondinu lo him. soon oil cho kaai COV will hr tun j .iiomm c.illy I srulTuI k>euLinns cilLtif J ly,il:is" I lie^hpih” handles; jnvus^:li\iu ifatuvniotiplnjl offices thue ihiphi c-OotC Lhc drcuccil "uriil loc's " of il ■■ inm- sysien- If Ihc imcriTcfci-sipriiilns^liiieaBCIsivcrlctideil. IhciJlk.-.i .J il-.rs.iuu.li die hen. The- luib olsi>:kTY(n:*s a central upucwhe-rccna. hlis in i k- Mt-j.1C0i.N hundlecf irfthe iTr-ti tioufi-Ol i rtiublc-shraiuinp, rhe''lkili'\nOi.i-pi is a! ..v and well .noiir Iran .inti, WjlH-o ^3 L r ?iis. chc Ihnrd I . I II- . I m i>.- Il i'i L 1 1 .; ri| j on . runnisti^. the whede npcmcimL L 1 rn:i-i ire was (jjOtlifiK r:ady td Ifove fe ihsiikol ir iVir ire iasc-itsLmJ: ciuive-nj iihn, jLiai wv waved Jt him as htpnllcsl one 1 am ends had a new i nun lull:, Kj| a!so a Icc of outf jl ami initn-shey. ml. jf, as w:' : as Lh: suuYfuidip-n hi a Irc-iiiJ s elial. i hr lestson is elrsir. Vi Iwiurvi a Hell employee visils ynn • Iioj m.‘, livl |:1- ii.v k> ask -whsicsn-cr yeej warn , svirlnr. AAiOn. M use ace uxeiuiivly willlfijj: lo sh. mi rhe ho d aboui ulnkss .1 a nyihniu or whs:h rhry host knoi+lrs Ip- A 1 1 us., merely c>kc wiih Ihem hghi ktoi ictd iiedrdL'r Lo pee rhnm off pftlicii poard I eycc cucsriinu, jykjhle- ho 1 n iicnsiml sivssemcr. such as tijcnl oofoy, ■■ i ■ ■ s. will y:c Ihcm fullkoj, fcnviiiu.ysou loiSircel lhc co-.Aisrsjiioo nhcrs-su yoe I sc. Askiicj.nh.vji ihc orcakcp oivd hpur ii ai kvlcd Lhim la n suru fire swjy i i yei | >:ir ij .siup. OiKscii™ akr- ' H i>w does Lhr £unr reLwork sadiLV akis are U'>-cl. -c s : l a lie J WJ jjii*. ilwii- jrstu lie disL-jssiiin nl swin hin>; falinalu|u) . Dell tmpksytr-. a re- rt» ily rjlod Lo Lj Ik lo smimisiw. Mi ni '(viysk are I aeicrcil wlU'li oihen.^s , ii-. iiiiercsLod in Ihcm. f.errcfi ilcr.. iln-y osohllv ileracl ssuli u ..j/s: ai'jsl oikkiiTiOTs j|th cimsplainiA. Jlii-ir ‘pmss prohsibA yell ,.e ih.n i. ml il-en sogvmsura cLchtr compLi.n aImui i kie perTomvjnct or ip.n.:.rc tlifm.-Si vicly ac arpe iiisuli5tsri‘'ic.irt-ah.nii ifem I hOjAr mcsi jirohnl% dlvf-yiiBliLcd w ifi ihc werld jc vicyjys. ami mnyfedVOri U ttucissird win ih? r jobs I In- el-si :ce |.s ml s io tdiKbre olid moiv'y sspnis i.a ’.Tslen tu ■.yh.ic chry siy is a weVonc dhanpc hus will cjlk im jod un oliivji alniost myihinp fnasi LcaktiLiims cu tlie-ir horne lilt iiul ilwir PER or O PR . f ike I 'O PS- IU, I X>FS-20[ allows you to do tin tain things which are helpful to hackers, Accounts on TO PS-20 are up to iLlphiinLinrnTioeharaeleis ineltid irift hyphens and ■' or periods passwords are 1 lie same . To login , ityjsc " 1 .00 EX ".. a space, the USCniume, a space, and the password . Tlve passwoivl will ni>l ■Sfchb SYS I A l ean be run whether you’re logged in or nol uti. must machines; if the liosr is mi ARP.AXct. use FINGER to give a list of users on tlic .system, along wilh their personal names! Them arc Pol mil ny privi I eyed accounts that wi II have their pfl^swurd wt to something obvious, but. one may he MAIN I ur I’-S or I I ELD. with a passwoid FIX IT. FlX-lt. or VI A [NT; If Lhe host is or. ARPANct and yon can login. |ry FTP, which stands lor E 'tie Transfer Protocol, With l hii, you ea a I m nsl'i- r- files I rum a noLlier host or. AR PA Net to 1 lit one yoftVc cm, or vice verst. You have to have an aceouui and password to use on t he other system, bin guess wlm i? T OPS-21J systems all have an AXON YMOll R SQtOufl! that any person using P E P dull log into, willl ii uy password ! UNIX is a pretty simple Operating system, buL has some pretty good soCutlI y tneasures. I he only way you can get full file uiXOss, ur any other privilege is by issuing the BE! com mand and entering the appropriate password, which (E lolievel is the "root ' accou nt’s passweu d . Accounts ant I [sisswi n tls ,ai l- sloi td in teat form , i n the d i rcctcuy "/ ele 1 ' in t he file *' passwd Al I the passwords are coded in .such a way that there is nn way io decode them, live program responsible for Checking these passwords codes the password you give, I hen cheeks ii aga i nsi the already coded password scored i n i In; ,fi le, T he on ly time the real password is handled hv the cdnlpuler is when the user himself sets it. All (lie fields i n 1 he password file are separated by a Culon. Tire first field Ls the username, the second the password, if there is no password two coin ns after the username IheT. that account car. Lie inggeri into without a password, borne of these may he "help" nr "Ecam” which actually may Let you into the system's command level, '['lie account “sync" is used to synchronise things so that UNIX can be craihed i never era sin a U N LX system, it may leave the d isks in an undesirable slate). One useful accou at which is usually left wilh no password is "who" which will give you a list uf users un the system, jiL\t like ry pi ug "who "a l the comma i>d level wou Id . You ea n sen 1 1 i hrddgh i htwts a nd wse if you ea n : ind an account with no password , Or pa ri of the ti sernunic as 1 he pitsswocd. If fhisfdoosnY work, then Irang it up. One thing about UMX— it thinks uppir ari4 lower case ure- diffuTem, 3 his allows tor iiir names and even passwonla in upper and lower case! VMS stands foi Viuutil Memory Syslem. lire VAX's 32 hiL ('f gigabytes!) vi ri: iiii I address space is exploded fully by VMS. Tire la l roduction of the new VAX SlUUIj with the s ;jcclI of ton i VAX TKI's is an impressive rnnvc by DRt '. This system should he able to support up, in 256 users One "goud” thing (depending on ytiur poi nr os view) h bout VMS is I hat 1 1 IcLs you do nothin? without first logging in, If llw system has only been In operation for about 6 months oi so,' tfiCni is ti good chance thnl tire default accounts supplied with VMS are s(i'l there. I hesc include tnc system maiiagci s account !>Y S I G-M wi l.h the password MANAGER, the field .uirme aecuti nt I'UI-LD with passwoul fvERVECl'-, and Lhe system program rest account SYSTCST with password UE'l'P. Ail these accaunis either have fu II privileges or have the privi leges to givi; themselves full privileges, if you can’t access same files from FIELD or SYST'LSr. ihis is because you’re the laiier; To give them to yourself, just lype "Sli'l RREX-’ESS; FREW a I Once you have full privileges, you can run the sysrem program AU 1 1 lOK I L L: . I his program wi IL afltyw yi m i o print userna nres, owners, cic. , a nd inseit new usci s. You ta n ntti print passwords, since the Logi n p i Ligtn m wanks Ii ke U M X 's tines. 1 1' Lhe VAX is hnokctl into QECN’ET, which is DEC's suppmrtid lairwnrk, you 'can aeoes’i any unprotected 1 i le on any "nHule" on Lire network. Cue thing about [DEC’S machines is inai lbey Can all romnumiciUe with one another. Usaig E l'l[FRN'FT L ym.i crtfl CdniSts’a to. send mail to; anti cransfei files inuud front almost any other IDLE.' system fhcrC shouiil i>e on line he p for Hie network! just type HF.E.P, ABC r QPErt OPER 0 i IRS Wants Access to Telco Data “VS f„ .. M«to* ~y S;,e r S L u«^ B fi nR v-r ^ n ;SSK i™ ,» Pto p. =. w. .»«*«■" " «■*» dowTv p^rdcd unlisted number* ™ e ™ ' J '' "- ' ' . t H w * r , SS^sSS^ “S™' Sportriiv **.,*«.“ *rt cow-»*“ on UA^yers to mber pivtsammi agpnesK, tl ft Spriftl * n j J ' 1 ^}' th£ y r ,n Lli Slates I>imjiLL CuOTT in, dislunK carrs.-j-i in its lOviL exchan&Ci Fascist Computer Network “Teuder^ ^.y^ciasrottp who« l0 ^™™ *• ™* ut h X£ttSi ***« R*ta* Butter Ut Wcu 1 ,ue. Ld-H-j. ™S or Bis ^up « n call U P a clyft names oJ Jows, alksEl cwnnwnisi*. racc tnilLC,r ' GElSCO's New Toys ¥•“.«.« *S ”s siSii !» “» p«** *"*»* l, '°^u 0 n S a rOF.KCOl i" fu*«Lc, MU. Al Lhe Bjm ™ SSSSsSSS 5 Sil rfihe A?U*. ^ “*<* 141 L ° ^ p0 " Cf ,s ESSSS X S? 5 S-"S 3 SSS "# ^EI^Mnomcrd a deal W Kh Mtt C*. l£ Hltai I. ISA T fday Upfcie.* mwlfomiC ne**l L llie. to be dal^tg SS 5 S.S^i^«-r 0E ' , ^^~ tit virtuf! offs-CC entcipris: ft* Kvetal years. ' ' “ Ku viiin has tet up an electronic buLkbu bDwi *» cnnhles computer Operators A&tvoak Into the Liusi lU HEL-SnTL Ltiuon L '“if™, mini 1 ilK.1V N=i". rtfMi IntomBIm lftj «» c rsS 5 r« b .IK ...M.™ ^* 2*1 ^l!n,S£! t£ 5 StU <£«*<* * one oFfeicral sudl B' J Ltelii , i hisiids A Challenge to Hackers ”SS* lC« W «r M. M Nta« NY IKS Syucua ir*. »*ci . ^s^t&“@ses l^Lt of render ^rtBy of Elk. as prod of™. Elite Soft^RiiyiienBeaiih rached M 51IMS245fiI. Kw]tUS prxshtd I In. Addition,,* L TaI^ had -id it -01* lr> 1* ucoic, layoffs JJl irf » planned i^i ot BJXW i^ |^- ( rAtws^- s v£B compeiiiive after the dared f.tcakt.p *f S '-Thc iWr^tic Nntiu.»L ChrueniLiee h^ amvrd ^ hcadquadfiri on " lcR ' N ' t n.jni'&cr ii- SJ , ^h'W5C0. Jcr n[:w rd ■ . >,.,• Y,:,k TcItphCinc hns mnioanecd Lhal. under new rw po-K the diMMiAt for penuual tcLcphanr Kr.tt WtM T 1 ™?' ■ .f . k. ,n, mwAH he d IWOUtWlWd ■ GTE Hit by Divestiture Cpr P ™ l« ncccpled a judffte — $ rvouhes the «mpahy to keep ; . 1 s 100ft disLiiW? aid lr>-al telf phOiK flrtwntlcs wp*fttein!elBm fur the^UWiluuLOf what nTC note fulled ■m. --. i Kli" r i“i LETTERS TO US tWJWft 3 Chiift l hi k.xK 5 LKin ynu rtn?i ,cd lucm Uss September from thtCryakil TuLice opmnor j; erne of the noosi vidcfc- asked iKcsc davs in li^ii^ cT Lbs La cl« involving an operator, Mr. Teunpidis. Th t nnnrer' te l, M rJ. The lint amendment proiccis. mou OOmrounimtiena short or pcumolMU rht violaLion of .owa by specific aciioAt iLaapjdkoticm ta hjlklin boards r, eOmpkcHod Ivy the oixcrtaim nature or computer romniLioiiAliOn. h’ewsjttfefj arc mart peoniued Lhdn radio [caiicnt bnuuie um lrtdiliomrl Iheury »>s ihat ihe gwHRi»«nt can Ngulaw rhea M w M ws since they iit a Jimittd resource* |>J zcjfj Labor. icnnrly a ™ effeci nvirted.nf posting nbsoene biyjks jcil bccauselheygro in tht yore. Tlxrtrnuit be proof Unit he ccihe knew the books vie re obscene. Like wise^an opera fur cam nnt bo prosecuted doc inlWmlLaui cm his/her board unltss Ihere t proof or knowledge of Lhc ronteou ol the message lh question. Mart thin fcno«d.odBe is required, There used llyirnisl to intent -p mnum: a crime. I fn Metro rate isnn ypur bulktin hurt^sid yuud a not knew whether it is valid d nvd. il setrov difficult tu pro^e then you have the iriioul to Oommi-. aliens, or lonid and obCI corneous- else 10 vorrenit a erhre, ].osl Ihc rtuJcrfake tins At a guarantee that (here v-J| he nAproSMtiiiun, ilis impcinmit to w_d I . li l ii . 1 1 1 - 1 1 C ! it (■ km rots fi f rhi J I crimes ran he i^i^blbhcd by c i fc ij irwifl n I'i.-i- evidence. This mee**. m short, that if a. jury believes o pioscctitork Argument llial Ok nnke- he/ she demons rased SLifJirienc to eunblish that the ekfCofaid Wsta -5 the fire. Lf ilm Ocmlras af a bulletin board artclesislyihrelTons erf j*op]c CO steal money, computer lime, teleconamunLcalioei services, elc., e c»n be nr jilted chai (ho Opoiabar imud hove wen Ihe messages, hcEwlheir iiiawi, and wilfully aided and abedled ihe iierjKtmlcci of at b+ni criminal aictmpis. if M | enmes. trspc Ljc: tvo pamyajilrjiticm sneontmC m cnrhoLher, then W icsiyoJthe lav ■o ns. jriFadoacal maftBian hi;- been made manifesS. Ah csvry I v.--o r always sotc. m condusiem, the uil.,vnnal:on herein ojfercd is jeaernl. and ivorih about a. or ihc tvjcier hea fOid fee it, Spccirir- gijtslioits ate fifsi cioiusseo: vil li ^ defense oClomey. More general irdomnatiori will appear m IN.- n.rit issue of CovMCtfntr ,-■? '"ew.'nur/.ve, which wilLcnnwiri a Cose study rrfthc' Tcimpidis caw Jay Kloomlkiker, fjuj, [Jirntur, NidloftJ Cmler fiir fjnniptiner Crime Tlulu i, , . , 1.05 Aiiprlrs Ihur *nJli: ■si y faverite Hdb. .Mht remplc ..f lb A at The oyso;, s M.,.d Jap ’.rd ^ here- iic a number nl l.n>nrds. imiluili.-i; piranurmril, I'nHin bc-uTil. phr=z.k-rs, ghihv buiri, ind S. 1 .IM E b :d L: hns hir| C C ' l * T ' ly UKrS D zm[ 5 : ™ p ’ T d bcum a 1 .x t .r intertKinfc llw -GCt Guy AlftAi Dear Tvtsiil|r -hi,- Himdren JJo fst. J Is il samelli^ vodid or didul do Lhn miglit Mix rcas.1,1 yo„ haver Voted Eaiylink Iuiek 1 ? If so, pkiw fcinK koo^-. r 7111 - («■ dll j'p* nolc in my bisylink rn.iilh Dffi*ICWD)anu I will ht .moraflun Hippy io Hiuwer any^ucsiluiu fchil y:m mny hnVC. hiincerdy, Johrt hirnBel«ub , u , . Vviwitm Union I irpr Jotoi: l 7 ke.ue leave ns i ■■ jiLu. alane. You iscopie j p e iVxilt Jlvariftifl: p lr rcs r i ! nw lr ->'-o'i d-ti:lc oa fcnlrcsi rwtes, I wouM liisc to tid » ji K tv efir/n. . have notieeriA Hk II Tt pair ody op-,iiiL; up a foiimsj Ion: loiakelliCfhupH and Ijrmp ii bool i.;>Mj When she epenvd il , she nook cme kervhdd stuck iLon iSc rtf’' k '"* ir *yt «f ‘he ftvomnJ Icmed ii twi W clockwise. i'k„ insoned oryjdbt r >eyat [Ie fr onl. lunint dial counler ekvkwis: and pulled wii. and voilo! S|>- put ihe bOtl wilh cbi'ac I ho?: Ihkco.o btlpjoa nut. A Iso. at one iume.. I Oiajcd W3jl I £12 and I uni a ntwmg. iiYJtere is i Itnl tfsingJ? hhrturdT cVtirSecluf; If nV rwAAt answered n ny hour cf Ihe day or night, Ihen odds Arc u’s wme kimj of a test rvjml’ier, JJmrJBM: Fiave ymicsVr wandtJio knetw wt|*| oily a phane mnnbtr is located inV [l^ t-avyc All yon rKtd to know is il* Arts code. Lhe desired prefix, and how n .., pvch on yyvnr Itychaorve* telephone. (You dv haxe iCuEhtonr*, dcmY you?) hiippose that we lirnl 2lJ??35f.C7 wrilteo. dour, it our nates hucyionY. know vlicne ii V Iv.-alrc!. Put cm your Irkc vc.ce.. turn dtvwn LIk Pint Floyd, and mil your Isse, idly local taupOMC rhTSJ uperasoe, When (sjhe answers, «.y, “Name place pt#K, 2 1 W75.” iTie will 3-way to o Kmc A F-Cctfinp op m aicji rode d id, vho will chenjuby celt you the locaLioo ■■■ sjocslion. Cn this (iwst. the teLeo : cmesvitl loll y.jj" l.c-.s Angeles, California" 1 , which yuu priibnh’VKn'p.ctcJ all along. They will exen call you “siTI Just 1 1 , ink-van have 14 J UP iwc Lelto clcifonsida kmdline teSmsVjsa Sautbeni CaliTutmu. IsoV ihb phun?! Another Ibing: so■ kiwi. These mops 01 c oHon ty.isy. so ier? Irying. Bob f/aiuma Jh^rlOlW: A re any cf yon r iC^dtrs famiLirvn h the Imlerru-iciml I Jay of the PlironkT I I's fln nnnLi. event ihit's been gning om Tor a-hhUL Ibrcf yean r.ov. wui, grawiru; supp-arl eocli 1 1 O 10 Or the llrsi K 01 nrday after ih day (this year slim woo id be Saturday, A|jri' hj). phene phnenks all oner the storld ‘'.p:l lo^cibcr'' end do Fonny Ibings to |d t:n K bompubies oil osyr i.hrvcchi! I vcytan asoKinic phnlks kriut-lwil out a (sprint Mlrllite link l,y ropcalcdlycalli,^ ih'o Himrorcess mniibor wdh she nan-je code lioai many different eities at oboe l| wjyg^jc phony Perhaps yrai resekn ran nuggcsi elms fur Lhis yen. “hcliday" Algo, dco-s ■anvanc krsciv, of j similarday rm computer hackcrt? I Ih nk i: sakm pU’rt 1 n the Tali. 1 Phreofs tar- ouldo hackers any cay. ay she v+,y!i ,. ... Katln-r 1 >r«r p p Ihcw: I'liis is Lrjlv horrible Du keep 'jv iofermtd ih^jen IV«t? 6W: I vc b:on s I_ 1 , . :'|J; j . L. r njyhts In cef y v ot>Jc rinj wh y whciKver sctmeoAv gi>oa our k. nal ionwide soiM ref num-aer (in nrs adsyrtuement or h rrdio ibnw| they a yii r oul two— ono for callers o.iiyij.: Licir si.itr. and cck for callfrs wn hiii. Why canV fhi phofx cnmjuny gjwp ibem nne r/jmlioi (or bcdhV [i pV^J* be -ihaaper L'he f.rss way, ctxsideriisg rl^i ir-slate :alls j,,v uf:cn dLscctimcd lOpamtely rrom cross-slast 'Lills, h-.i cVdij noh folks ..vc I HM haw a se;u rsne WKt number for ihf in-slate calls. Ynu'd Ihink Lhai ihey voyild rather pey more fo. unc mmjbcr j.nd -rorifust ihi:n publk !ll«. Or i+m.i'ij ibu'v? ]lr->. 4 iinii 4 r I Jrtir InwMTK: ■ 1 Hhs Lo do^ich Larilis. 3n.»mtJtULcH, -iliir-^ so ri whip parLi?.cq «i>^mjUKr Jlai* .n cmltr fur iherr. in I.m; delivered within the cflntf state! Sinoiter acditii ace the roik with phenr* fljpKtaLli; now- after It* breakup, .fieneraffjr; i\ an Sttl ehelimujc end in a U, 3JC . 9J2_ it 1 likely rlit c■^■£■bJ 1 ^ 4 ! :.c , cmly wm k.s wjihin ihc >ia ir and n ai lUiLirumlly. I n other -.vnrds jlY tn-cn Ihe lelecit ihat hasc besn soiling the rule/ of Iw'h numbers far rhr sainr: thing, I lui\ been changing, thnugh. hNS alloww pmclica IlyrWiy uwirxr tn be used ns hp.SOO numli^ ngjni less of egchdujje This allows fiir loiaor kltcr numbbeii (iOCdJlA 1 .1 1 I th>DTrLL.L."JP rtc jind also allows Iho sure hmisVn-rs 10 be us:d ol (w or the counin Vj :t snould tmn look-Thc less ccmfusirSj, Ntwy get some skr? As w Mart our second year of publishing, we can 7 help hut notice the tremendous amount of reader response and article submissions we're getting, (bur IVS5 issues will reflect this and wind up being more interesting, informative , and diverse. You , too, can he a part of this. you think you have anything at all to lend to this publication, write or call (our front nave teils you how). 24 The 2600 Information Bureau N&wYorhTflliQ plants i >VV; iYr***i, 7X31 27D-R7S& BEC 1^ 1«* S atsI . MU r r ,inniT-n MTCtJH FAkt 1 AT&T S=-“ : T Cpmrtlil AW nfa»*5 ITEPtIZED CULLS j t AX' FEOeRAL 3 K - SCE PAGE 2 ^ ^ ftru'GOMnuMiailONS GURRE«t CHARGES 21 . 8 * _ 2 JLi 2 a. 02 C»TOW3H^^0RSMa^jBW , R E g esv g E V □ u r T ” o c I. L^T nt ePHOW E SERVICE r R OM HEW YORK TELeRW0N_. E*hiZrif A: The Lie. n» ■E ft*fcpt3flS: l'i /?■' it Exhibit B: We don 7 * fenonJ uihflt thu -A means, but it'* probably V a lie too* AT&T W" Local Calls 25C Llaitiadas Locales WE'D l IKE ro 1 HAMK EVERYONE Wi lO'S RF.EN SENDING us 71 IE&F HaV PH&NE CAKIJS TROVi ALA OV:n (HE COUNTRY HAVE OU'TF A ODU.&CTIOT NOW. -A'F ODN'T EVEN KNOW H'Ji'i 1 This GOT STAtfTEO. SINCE we NEVER ASKED ecn THEr/ MAKE SURE YOU OF 1 OPERATOR PEPlVllSSKJN HSPORP YOU TAKE ONC OF 'HESS OFF A VVORK.NO prone IN SOME CASES Tl I ETV ‘. .. EVEN 1 FL. YOU IF IE BEST WAY TO 00 11 SOS - Emergency dial l_6j No con m« M *>' ^ instauctKJf* >™A KYniPPn ~30S'EmcrBenCLu ntarque |_Oj, q™^ HOAHS& Priviiw St'i'i&T OSt . V{ 4 1287? 16 U u vHjti rci'C^ni/x’ Zinip) at ,,M; ti ,jL[l|,JI1 ’-" lln flaur? Well, because of him hi^ turn pmlal (akuafiwilli our messed prinlins easts). (he P™C Of in finally £oin? tf> have (Ogo up- Lfl«:i>« M»r*.h I, n , r annual ntrv will bt *12 for 12 i**u*- ,1s,lL issur> will TKinain $1 apiccfc. a tjwkwiJ i/ciyx .■v-p iiVr'cP *J-i::k ■ iSr Cr , 4 -. •UCiJLlCf pCStr-crtEM 1 SLfific ■| ■) .££(?£(■ Y hU-iOVT A>|D !■,' ; ;.v : vyc k r.i .-i! t cM f C < *0 H F LBwivi iiji:.' >F' l ■' Er-.AW ,,-', j yl I 4t=T JS SCrtE WAf C' i ; T #l£W^r 'A I V— j- -~ r .C^ . ..J. .,,, ,^..v..i,,' ::r-::-.'i ilJi'Vll. t , |' H -V ' - I - Jir wiiS«7' iU-^t i .'Y-Di.i af rnf.^r; ‘it'.ijiFf ,1Y0 jL ijL'S Frtpi- 1 Exhibit C; 1-5 BiTnet Topokjgy - Summer 1984 (Kcprintcd from Harvard U lij vcjs i L^’k /ft for {nation 7 wfinolagy Newsletter, September -October ttflK, j,} l- J4< -rvf iruiCtd I ruin i itn.ftr, OtiEhlu'r 1 W. page 1 2 . Write n v. < ii.m <. enter, i ame^i* M uiNan I. ciivrrslt;- , I'itlhhurjyk I*,\ 1521.5 .) 1 +