Twenty Gemini feed links

01: A finger client

02: Boaty McBoatface and the Royal Ship Vasa

03: Dream Bike

04: Free gemini hosting on sourcehut

05: Emulating an HID Proxcard from Facility Code and Card Number

06: 2021-11-05 Compressing video, extremely

07: Comparison of philosophies and their consequences

08: hakamd

09: bread

10: RE: Making Bread by alexschroeder

11: Personal-computer improvements: can’t stop, won’t stop.

12: Sittin' on Prime Realestate

13: Episode 9

14: # Phreedom videos

15: Sábado lluvioso

16: What is microblogging good for? (nothing!)

17: Stutter Updates

18: Hello, Gemini!

19: - re: Compact Discs

20: Site Update 008

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