Yesterday we had a minor car accident, but luckily no one was injured. My wife is learning to drive and still kind of uneasy at the wheel. She took a left-hand turn too wide and kind of awkwardly popped up onto the sidewalk and tipped over a planter. We weren't going very fast, but fast enough to destroy one of our front wheels.
It was an interesting exprerience, though. In Korea, tow truck drivers just drive around waiting to respond to accidents. Within a minute or two of ours, there were half a dozen tow trucks trying to tow us away. It's actually pretty annoying, because our insurance company sends their own truck out, yet these guys were constantly pestering us to let them tow us instead. At one point I told them to fuck off because they were not only irritating the hell out of me, but they were all standing there smoking while I was trying to get my kids out of the car and into their coats.
The cops here are very friendly, at least in contrast with the US (where I'm from). They are not at all intimidating. They just showed up and took a quick report and kept traffic away from us. They even helped move all our bags out of the car and setup the carseats in my father-in-laws car when he arrived. Glad no one was hurt. I don't want my wife to feel discouraged about driving, though. Everyone has their own similar stories from when they first started driving. I know I do.
I had been trying to use emacs more in order familiarize myself with it. I kind of...gave up. I think unless I go cold turkey emacs-only then I won't really be able to get the full experience. I just end up doing everything I would normally do in vim. I like the idea of emacs, but I am not ready to commit to that kind of relationship I guess haha. I have to say, though, that emacs' built-in support for Korean input is awesome! Typing Korean even in a graphical vim session is not that fun. So I may return to emacs for some Korean-specific workflows, who knows.
I recently started messing around with ed a bit more. I've been referencing katolaz's posts, "ed(1) is The Right Tool," which have been very helpful:
ed, of course, is a completely different animal than vim and emacs. My use case has been using it as the editor when posting to the BBS at I like that I can just edit text right in the same buffer that contains the text from all the posts I had been reading. I recall sloum mentioning that they use their line editor "chalk" to edit gophermaps, which seems like another great use case.
There's no quarantine in Geminispace, so hey, let's throw a party! To attend the "Good Riddance 2020 Geminautical Ball," all it takes is to wear your "ugliest" ASCII holiday sweater! I know some of you reading this have legendary talents in the ASCII arts, so let's see your stuff! (Bonus kudos for ANSI colors!)
Here's an old family heirloom of mine to kick things off:
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I've long been a vim user, and I'm fairly set in my ways. I've messed around with emacs in the past, but I've never really felt compelled to "switch." I think emacs and vim are fundamentally different though; each suited for different uses. There is something kind of fun about emacs that makes me want to mess with it more. It feels like a computer within my computer. I can see why people who love emacs LOVE it, so I'm trying to give it a fair chance to see what fun can be had with it.
So far, it feels a little awkward to use. I'm so used to navigating text with hjkl at this point. I know there is Evil Mode and all that. It might be worth looking into, but I'd like to think this old dog could learn a few new tricks. One thing that seems promising is *potentially* being able to input Korean and Chinese text less awkwardly with it. That would be quite a game changer for me, because typing Korean in a terminal (or even in a graphical vim session) is super awkward. Even just typing Korean/Chinese may turn out to be a nice use case for me.
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 mieum(at)