We finished painting our livingroom and hallway. Our daughter suggested we paint it a full on rainbow, so that's what we did. And it's AWESOME. I can't imagine having done it any other way! Now when I come home, the first thing I see is our bright citron yellow hallway wall, and it makes so much of a difference. The prep suuuuuuuucked (I think the technical term is that it "sucked balls"), but the result makes it all worth it. I don't want anything to do with drywall putty ever again, but it was worth it.
So, on a whim I decided to shave my head. Not with a razor, but with a set of electric clippers used to shear animal fur. I haven't shaved my head since I was a child. And I'm not totally sure why I decided to do this. I just felt like I needed a change, any change, and going from having long blond locks to looking like a tall Herb Kazzaz is quite a shift.
What was cool though, and I wasn't expecting this, is that it felt like I was getting to know myself again in some way. It's very humbling seeing yourself totally bald, to see the shape and contours of your skull. I think I really needed that. To feel more like myself. Plus, it's just nice to know my head isn't as weirdly shaped as I always thought it was.
The past couple days I've been home prepping a couple walls to paint. This has involved a lot of sanding, and way too much putty. One of the walls is concrete, and very crudely poured concrete at that. It is very porous and has lots of bumps, notches, and other irregularities. I covered the whole thing in putty and sanded it and MY GOD THE DUST! It's everywhere, even inside of me; in my tear ducts, my pores, my skull...
But it's worth it, I guess. We are painting the main wall in our living room a full on rainbow. Because why not. If we're going to be home all the time, we might as well feel good being here.
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 mieum(at)rawtext.club