Subject: Big Eight hierarchy management transition

Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 17:04:56 -0700

From: Russ Allbery <>

Subject: Big Eight hierarchy management transition

Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.admin.announce,news.groups

Followup-To: news.groups

Archive-Name: other.articles/big8-board-transition


Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 17:04:56 -0700

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Xref: news.announce.newgroups:1311 news.admin.announce:3 news.groups:36373


Hash: SHA1

Big Eight Hierarchy Management Transition

September 30, 2006


As most of the reading audience is probably aware, as of tomorrow,

Todd and I are stepping down as moderators of news.announce.newgroups

and ending our involvement in Big Eight newsgroup creation. Since May

of 2006, newsgroup creation in the Big Eight hierarchies has been done

under the aegis of a new Big-8 Management Board as a preliminary trial

period that Todd and I would evaluate before deciding how to handle

our resignations. This is my final report on that evaluation.

This will be a very long message. I don't want to leave anything

unsaid that may help someone understand my personal reasoning or that

might help those involved with Big eight newsgroup creation going

forward. It will be longer than many people will want to read; for

those who don't want to wade through the whole thing, please see the

next section for a summary.

Due to the increased worries that this sort of message might be

forged, in addition to the PGPMoose signature that all posts to

news.announce.newgroups receive, I have also signed it with my

personal GnuPG key. That key is in the Debian archive keyring and

part of the well-connected portion of the PGP web of trust and is

available from any major PGP keyserver as well as from my personal web


Some additional personal thoughts about the time I've spent involved

in news.groups will be posted separately.

Summary of Decision

Based on the work in the past five months and the discussions

preceding that work, I believe that the Big-8 Management Board has

demonstrated their ability to handle new proposals in a prompt and

reasonable fashion and make defensible and reasoned decisions

concerning management of the Big Eight newsgroup list. I have some

concerns about their ability to maintain the Board, encourage useful

input, recruit new volunteers, and prevent burnout, but I believe that

the system they have designed is at least clearly superior in that

regard to the system that preceded it and has a reasonable chance of


I am therefore handing over management of the news.announce.newgroups

control message signing key to the Big Eight board, namely Brian

Edmonds, Marty Moleski, Tim Skirvin, Joe Bernstein, Thomas Lee, Dave

Sill, James Farrar, and Jonathan Kamens, following the procedures

described at <>.

The control key for news.announce.newgroups used to issue control

messages in the Big Eight hierarchies (comp.*, humanities.*, misc.*,

news.*, rec.*, sci.*, soc.*, and talk.*) will not change as part of

this transition. The tradition has been for the key to be entrusted

to the best judgement of each news.announce.newgroups moderator or

moderator team to pass on to their successors, and my best judgement

is that this team of people will act in the best interests of the

users of these hierarchies and the sites carrying them.

I encourage any news administrator or Usenet user who is concerned

with the operation of these hierarchies to review the rest of this

message and the web site referenced above and to contact the Board

with any concerns that they have.

Analysis by Criteria

Output of New System

My primary criteria in evaluating the actions of this new management

structure is to look at the work they've done in maintaining the list

of newsgroups over the past five months. This is, in the end, what

matters. The purpose of this system is to make good decisions about

what newsgroups we recommend Usenet sites carry.

This criteria requires some clarification since the quantity of

proposals has declined sharply over the past few years, as has the

success rate of new newsgroups. My interest is neither in creation of

a large number of new groups nor in success of every newsgroup

created. Rather, what I wanted to see was prompt and reasonable

handling of new newsgroup proposals, a working system that was clearly

taking new proposals as input and making affirmative decisions on

them. Secondarily, I wanted to see a system capable of handling the

proposals and changes that were structurally difficult under the

previous voting system, namely group removals and handling of inactive

moderated groups and absent moderators.

Finally, I wanted to see that the new system was capable of handling

controversial groups and hard decisions as well as simple creations.

One part of that evaluation is incomplete since no group reorgs were

proposed during this five month period. However, I think enough

information is nonetheless available to arrive at a conclusion.

First, I think it is clearly demonstrated that the system is handling

new proposals and reaching conclusions on those proposals. The new

Board has taken over handling of incoming messages to newgroups,

group-advice, and news.announce.newgroups and is responding in a

timely fashion to proponents. Proposals are following a clear

sequence and decisions are posted publicly. The new process is also

already handling significantly more simultaneous proposals than the

process it replaced and resolving them more efficiently.

Over the last five months, the Board has created the following groups:



(talk.current-events was also created a few days ago, but is too

recent to be part of this analysis.)

Of these groups, soc.religion.asatru has been a clear success, with

sustained on-topic traffic (222 messages in a recent 21-day period).

Furthermore, this was a controversial proposal with a lot of noise in

the discussion, and to date the concerns raised during the discussion

have not manifested on the group. This is exactly the sort of

successful decision that the old system would have had more difficulty


comp.soft-sys.octave has been a clear failure so far, with no messages

in the 21-day sample period. Opinions on whether it was worth trying

will vary; I tend to lean towards not being too concerned if groups

are created and turn out not to be used if the creation itself won't

cause other problems.

The other two groups are more recent. is a special

case with several possible success criteria. It is a moderated

companion group to a long-standing high-flame group and may prove

useful even if it only provides an occasional outlet for the other

group (as has happened in several other similar cases in the past).

However, it is dormant at this point, apparently, to the selected

moderators no longer moderating. It's probably too early to say for

sure whether this is a success or failure; driven by the deadline for

this post, I would call it a possibly recoverable failure.

Finally, has been a moderate success to

date with 63 messages over a recent 21 day period, although it's still

too early to tell whether this trend will continue.

From the creations done so far, then, the new system appears to have a

50% success rate, which as good as the last few years of the prior

system. More importantly, the Board has demonstrated an ability to

deal with two very controversial moderated group proposals, with mixed

success but with a process that was able to terminate. This is a

substantial improvement.

However, the bulk of the work done so far by the new Board is in other

areas. Newsgroup removal has been stymied for years by the previous

infrastructure and the Board has dealt with a backlog of over 45 group

removals. Most of these were long-dead INET groups promoted

previously so that we could issue checkgroups control messages. These

removals had very little controversy, and in the few cases where there

was some controversy, the Board acted with care and in some cases

helped revive the group.

Included in these removals is the removal of comp.binaries.apple2, the

only unmoderated binaries group in the Big Eight and a chronic thorn

in the side of Big Eight news admins due to its excessive share of the

total bandwidth required for a Big Eight feed. The Board was able to

deal with an ongoing problem that the previous system had been unable

to do anything about for years.

The Board has also dealt with several other cases of inactive

moderators, changing moderators of sci.physics.plasma, unmoderating

soc.culture.galiza, and robo-moderating soc.religion.hindu. In these

cases, the groups have often been inactive for so long that it will be

months, if not years, before we see if they find a new audience. More

importantly from my perspective, the Board is taking reasonable action

with these groups and has a procedure in place to deal with such


In summary, while there will not be unanimous agreement on all the

decisions taken, I believe that they are all reasonable and that most

other observers looking at the corpus of decisions will arrive at the

same conclusion. The results are, in my opinion, clearly superior to

the results that were being produced by the previous system,

particularly in the ability of the Board to deal with proposals like

removals and dead moderated groups that have no obvious voting base.

And, most tellingly, the Board has been able to deal with backlog of

known work that the old system had been accumulating for some time,

accomplishing more concrete improvement in the group list than we've

seen in years.

Management Structure

The second major criteria I had for success of the new system was a

sustainable structure. I think there are more significant risks in

this area, as I detail below. However, the Board has spread the work

across considerably more people and established a replacement

procedure and a sufficiently large active group that members have a

hope of being able to step down before they have burned out.

There is a structure in place that can absorb additional volunteers

down the road and let them make progress on their own concerns, not

just as members of the Board but as outside contributors to problems

such as inactive groups. One significant problem the previous system

had was accepting systemic contribution from people not directly

involved in the management of the hierarchy. The Board's handling of

the long-pending inactive moderator and inactive group removal

problems shows that they are doing a significantly better job at this.

Sustainability of the system and acceptance of input from new

volunteers is the hardest problem by far for ongoing management of the

hierarchy. The new system does not fully resolve all of the problems

I see in this area, but I don't believe any system could. It has,

more importantly, demonstrated far more flexibility than the old

system could muster, which gives me hope that it can continue to

adjust to this challenge going forward.

Documentation of System

Finally, part of setting up a new newsgroup creation system is to

document the new procedure. I believe that the Board has clearly met

this evaluation criteria and gone beyond it by providing a clearer and

more comprehensive information resource for Big Eight newsgroup

creation than we have ever previously had. <>

has not only the new policies and procedures but an easily readable

archive of decisions and more information about the format of a

proposal and about the overall process than we had under the previous


Rejected Criteria

The above criteria are the three that I consider the most significant

in evaluating the new system. Many other criteria are possible, and

for the most part I won't comment on other possible choices. However,

there are several significant criteria that I did not apply, and which

I feel deserve some explanation.

Voting System

The original mandate for the new Board called for the creation of a

voting system to elect board members. This has not happened, which

has some possible negative consequences as detailed below. However,

after consideration of the arguments put forward by Board members

and the discussion of this point in news.groups earlier this year, I

decided not to require this in my evaluation.

Election theory says that any voting system requires a defined

electorate as well as several other security guarantees to provide an

election that can be considered fair. I have been convinced that,

while not impossible, establishing those conditions in the Big Eight

is at least exceedingly difficult. Elections are being used in some

other hierarchies, most notably uk.*, so it is clearly possible to

manage a hierarchy this way. However, even with newsgroup creation

polls (for which the stakes are lower than a Board election), the old

system was having significant problems running reasonable votes and

found clear evidence of people successfully manipulating the CFV

system and achieving results that were probably not representative of

the intended voting base. In the uk.*, with a small hierarchy and a

fairly limited set of participants, it's possible to apply more web of

trust metrics to evaluating votes that one can use in a general Big

Eight election.

If we tried hard to come up with vote vetting processes to work around

this problem, we would run into another problem, namely frustration

with strange rules and hoop-jumping necessary to vote. We were

already seeing this with the CFV process; it was one of the largest

problems with the previous group voting system. The resulting

exasperation doesn't contribute to one of the primary goals of a

voting system, namely a perception of fairness, and seems likely to

create more energy-wasting arguments.

Additionally, even if a fair vote could be held (meaning in this case

a vote in which each Usenet participant had one and only one vote),

I'm dubious that we could get a representative vote. In this respect,

votes for Board members face a problem similar to small city

elections, with the same likelihood that the results will be mostly

dictated by a small set of people directly involved in the process and

will otherwise face general indifference. If we had the sort of

healthy, broadly-representative, and extensive participation in

news.groups that we had back in, say, 1999, this wouldn't necessarily

be a problem. As matters stand right now, I think the expected voting

base is so small that the results would be dominated by specific

concerns unrelated to the general health of the Big Eight or, even

more likely, would be essentially random from election to election.

Finally, it's extremely important, given how thinly volunteers are

spread, that all of the members of the Board be willing to work

constructively with each other, back each other up on various internal

responsibilities, and work together to keep the system working. It's

possible to maintain this with generally elected members, but it's

certainly more difficult and would introduce a significant risk.

I would like to see a successful voting system created because it

provides a natural way to cycle new blood into the process and because

when done well it creates a strong perception of fairness that is

extremely difficult to achieve via any other process. However, after

long consideration, I believe the challenges are too difficult to have

this be a fair evaluation criteria.


There are two aspects to this possible criteria. The first is the

number of news administrators who honor control messages from the new

Board. One possible criteria by which to judge the new system is by

whether it results in an increase in the number of sites honoring the

Big Eight newsgroup list.

On the surface, this seems like a criteria that drives straight to the

heart of the credibility of this process. However, efforts for the

past decade in getting news administrators more involved in the

process have mostly been a failure. I can say from personal

experience that most news administrators simply don't want to get

involved, either because they don't care or because they're too busy

or because they'd rather have independent management. While I would

be thrilled if it happened, I don't expect to see any significant

movement in the number of sites honoring control messages. Some will

stop; any major change of any sort will lose some people at least in

the short term. If we're lucky, some will start in the longer term.

Expecting any more than that is, in my opinion, unrealistic.

The second type of popularity that one could judge the Board on is

popularity in news.groups, either in the form of general approval of

the Board's actions or in the form of building consensus and

attracting new volunteers. Again, and in this case more sadly, I

think this is unrealistic.

There has been a steady erosion in the usefulness of news.groups for

holding meaningful discussion for several years, predating the Board

or any effort to create a new system. With the combination of two

highly controversial proposals and the arguments surrounding the

creation of the Board, that trend has drastically accelerated, but

not, I believe, fundamentally changed.

The Board is clearly unpopular with many news.groups posters. Anyone

evaluating this trial period should be aware of that; as spelled out

below, this creates clear problems. That unpopularity seems mostly

based on three areas of disagreement: the lack of voting and

accompanying loss of a concrete way to change newsgroup creation

results, the Board's willingness to create groups without proven

interest and see if they succeed, and the choice of moderators in

controversial moderated groups. However, the objections underlying

that unpopularity are mostly not expressed in a way that the Board can

respond to constructively, making it difficult to determine whether

they contain ideas that could lead to a better system.

Furthermore, in most cases I personally don't agree with the direction

expressed by those objections. I addressed voting above, and I

believe a more liberal newsgroup creation policy with a working group

removal system is reasonable way to proceed (and is well-supported by

many previous discussions in news.groups). As for the choice of

moderators, this has always been difficult and controversial and any

newsgroup creation system will have difficulties in this area. The

Board has, in my estimation, done at least as well as the previous

system did with controversial moderator selection. The success of

soc.religion.asatru to date, with none of the anticipated problems, is

significant evidence of that. Since I disagree with the primary

justifications of the unpopularity, I don't find the unpopularity

itself convincing.

Another possible evaluation criteria would be the ability of the Board

to foster as positive of an atmosphere as possible for discussion of

group proposals. This, however, is exceedingly difficult to measure

and largely not under the Board's control. Much of the debate has

been heated and personal, and while it's always possible to improve

how one handled such a situation, my evaluation is that the Board has

handled the situation better than I could and I'm dubious whether it's

possible to handle it significantly better. Given that, I think

successful output of the process over time is a superior evaluation

criteria and expecting the Board to simultaneously be popular in the

current atmosphere is too high of a bar to set.


Finally, one possible way of choosing a successor would be to look for

someone who would run the Big Eight largely the same way that Todd and

I have. This is roughly the criteria that has been applied in the


I explicitly rejected this criteria at the beginning of this process.

I believed, and still do believe, that the prior system was

irrecoverably broken and that it was time for a much-deferred complete

overhaul. I was interested in seeing the system transition into the

hands of people who would not run things the same way that I have

since I believe the path I was on was heading for general failure of

the system. I wanted a group of people who would try more, risk more,

and experiment more. I believe what's needed at this point is the

opposite of this criteria.



The biggest risk facing the Big Eight newsgroup creation system going

forward is the lack of a congenial and constructive place for

discussion of changes to the group list. This applies to any possible

system, including the previous system which also suffered greatly due

to this lack. However, the discussion of the creation of the Board

and subsequent reaction to Board discussions has clearly exacerbated

the problem.

At this point, most news.groups threads quickly acquire flamewars and

rehashing of previous disagreements that have to be ignored by the

thread participants. It is difficult for a proponent to discuss a

proposal in this atmosphere, and it's also difficult to extract

objections to and constructive criticism of proposals. Participation

in this emotionally charged of an environment frequently leads to

burnout, thus raising the risk that the available number of volunteers

will drop below what's needed to keep this system running.

Additionally, news.groups has traditionally served as the training

ground for new volunteers, but an angry and confrontational atmosphere

is more likely to drive potential volunteers away, making it difficult

to find new volunteers when the current ones inevitably move on.

This atmosphere also has a more subtle negative effect. It selects

for people who can work in an environment of frequent public attacks

and further cultivates the necessary attitude. This leads to a

concentration of participants who expect harsh discussions, frequent

flames, and personal attacks and who therefore have aggressive

personal filters, an instinctive defensive emotional response, and a

willingness to quickly stop listening to people who are perceived as

abusive. Not only does this create a self-perpetuating emotional

intensification of the posts (one natural response to this sort of

atmosphere is to try to be even harsher and even more dramatic in

order to be heard over the background noise), it makes it difficult to

de-escalate discussions and find legitimate disagreement under the

emotional presentation.

This effect hits everyone to some degree, no matter how experienced

with Usenet, and affects those who feel obliged to participate more

than others. It poses a direct risk to the Board's continued ability

to evaluate proposals, both through difficulty in obtaining

high-quality input to that decision-making process and through

difficulty in completely separating decision-making from negative

emotion and reaction to the discussion atmosphere.

I don't know what can be done about this risk. I am deeply concerned

that unless it can be corrected for somehow, no newsgroup creation

system that uses public input will survive. I don't believe that the

Board can single-handedly fix it, but they will have to address it

somehow going forward. Unfortunately, most of the possible solutions

that have been discussed over the years either decentralize the

conversation (with a resulting loss of ability to recruit general

volunteers and a lack of an overall view of the Big Eight) or are

directly confrontational in trying to exclude posts that contribute to

a toxic atomsphere, with all the resulting problems of impartiality,

personal animosity, and continued necessity of confrontation.

No Voting System

This new system contains no inherent public voting system, either for

groups or for Board members.

The lack of a voting system for groups poses challenges for the type

of proposal that the Board has not yet handled, namely a group reorg.

For creations, the negative effects of a newsgroup creation on other

groups are generally negligible or at the least possible to overcome.

For removals and inactive moderators, the correct choice of action is

normally obvious and one can afford to be conservative. Reorgs,

however, are one of the few places where a yes/no vote has clear

advantages and measures input that is quite valuable and useful.

Furthermore, it's hard to justify group renamings or removal of groups

that are currently used without a clear public mandate to point to.

Right now, the Board does not have a system in place to take such

votes, which may pose problems should such a proposal be presented.

The lack of public voting for Board members creates other problems.

First, without a public election, the Board lacks a clear public

mandate. It may drift away from the goals of the general user

population of the hierarchies due to the lack of clear and unignorable

public feedback. Votes provide a valuable and unambiguous evaluation

point that is difficult to arrive at any other way. A working voting

system often produces outcomes that are quite surprising to someone

who had reviewed only the public discussion.

Second, since the original introduction of votes on Usenet proposals,

votes have had the valuable effect of clearly concluding an argument.

Most people have an inherent respect for the popular vote and will

accept that they're in the minority if they lose a vote. This effect

had been undermined by the successful manipulation and gaming of the

voting system, but it was still present to a degree. Without a voting

system, the Board loses the aid of a valuable system for terminating

debate and getting people to move on to other questions.

Finally, public elections would cycle new volunteers into the Board.

This has both positive and negative effects and can cause serious

issues if new volunteers aren't willing to compromise and form

consensus with existing members, but without some system to do this,

it is very difficult to replace volunteers faster than the burnout

rate or to bring enough volunteers up to speed to create a

self-sustaining organization.

Little News Administrator Involvement

Lack of direct feedback from news administrators has been a problem

for the Big Eight newsgroup creation system for many years and

continues to be an issue under this new system. News administrators

are in some respects the primary consumers of the output of the

newsgroup creation system. If they do not act on control messages or

group changes, there's little point in making them. However, as

mentioned above, most news administrators appear to simply not be

interested in participating. As a result, any group creation system

has a significant risk of going off in directions that news

administrators do not actually approve of, thereby hurting the

usefulness of the system for its primary audience.

Next Steps

This is not the opening of an argument; rather, it is the conclusion

of one that began about a year ago. It is my position paper on all

that has been discussed since then. It is not, at this point,

something that I intend to discuss further, beyond any necessarily

clarifications in areas that are significantly unclear (if any).

Implementation of this decision is effective tomorrow. I am

completely leaving a decision-making role in Big Eight newsgroup

creation as of then, and will be unsubscribing from news.groups

shortly. I do plan on continuing to provide purely technical

assistance to the Board, both as part of the ongoing transition of

technical capabilities and as the ongoing maintainer of the archive and backup maintainer of the moderation forwarding

database. However, whatever involvement I have in newsgroup creation

going forward will be limited strictly to my professional role as a

news administrator for one university site, and even that I plan on

limiting sharply for the foreeable future.

How to Object

If, after reviewing the current procedure, you have concerns or

objections, I strongly encourage you to talk to the Board about them.

I believe that every person on the Board is a reasonable, approachable

person who will discuss concerns in a productive fashion. I have

known many of the people on the Board for years and have had the

chance to observe their interactions in many different environments,

and if I didn't hold this opinion, I wouldn't be handing the system

over to them. I believe that if you extend to them the presumption of

good will and recognize that the system they came up with came from

months of difficult discussion and is supported by reasons they

believe in (and therefore is unlikely at this point to change

quickly), they will return that presumption and will try as best they

are able to find workable compromises.

As with all such discussions on Usenet, firm facts are thin on the

ground. If you can provide concrete information, measurements, data,

or the means for acquiring them, your concerns and objections will be

much easier to respond to and far more persuasive.

If for whatever reason the above is untenable or you cannot reach an

agreement you can live with, the last resort is to start publishing a

separate newsgroup list and issue separate control messages. I don't

consider this sort of further fragmentation of the Big Eight newsgroup

list to be a good option, but if I'm completely wrong and the Board

acts in some way seriously detrimental to Usenet, it's the recourse of

last resort. In such a situation, I do believe this last resort could

be exercised effectively. In some ways, it would be easier now than

it was in the past, given that the Usenet readership is increasingly

concentrated at a few large sites.

I don't recommend that anyone take this approach, but since it exists

to some extent as a check on our evaluation abilities, I believe it's

appropriate to make it possible. Therefore, if you want to start your

own system or your own archive, my long-term

intention is to make the software that I have used publicly available

on my web site. Until such time as I have a chance to do this, feel

free to send me e-mail directly and ask for it. I cannot provide help

with customizing it for your purposes, and it will require

customization, but I can provide a starting point.

How to Help

If you want to make this new newsgroup creation system a success,

again, I encourage you to contact the Board and volunteer. There is

always more work than there are people, and there is work for a wide

variety of different skill sets. If you are a news administrator, I

am quite certain that any input you can provide on what sort of

newsgroup creation system is the most helpful to you would be greatly


Finally, everyone can help ameliorate the greatest risk for any Big

Eight newsgroup creation system by being patient and constructive in

news.groups. Try to extend a presumption of good will. Try to make

any reply less of a flame than the message to which you were

responding. Try to understand the other person's perspective, or

failing that, at least accept it. If it doesn't feel right to support

someone in public (sometimes it escalates matters), send private

e-mail to people who say things well, or who do a good job at the

above, and let them know that it was noticed, at least to those people

who welcome private mail.

It's difficult but not impossible. And if enough people are working

at this, it creates a positive reinforcement cycle and starts to build

a community. The reconstruction of such a community would be a

wonderful step for Usenet as a whole.

-- Russ Allbery

September 30, 2006


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