2021-12-12T14:52+01:00 either this or a pikkulog, let's try this 2021-12-12T14:55+01:00 so what's up? working on an Android browser to replace Ariane, doing Advent of Code and listening to a lot of trance 🕺💃 2021-12-13T12:12+01:00 made a script to push stuff in twtxt and a Gemini tinylog, maybe mastodon later but eh... 2021-12-13T12:20+01:00 and of course when I start talking about an Android client, skyjake teases about his Lagrange port! :D 2021-12-15T01:20+01:00 NFTs are an embarrassment for the entire human race and would make me sad if it weren't so comically stupid. 2021-12-25T13:49+01:00 Hope y'all are having a nice, slow and low-tech xmas! :D 2021-12-25T13:50+01:00 also checkout Arcade Grabber by Soulsoap 💃💸🏧 https://soulsoap.bandcamp.com/album/arcade-grabber 2021-12-27T03:01+01:00 track of the week https://youtube.com/watch?v=ueQkAMaaky0 🙌 2021-12-27T04:08+01:00 collecting articles about how web3 is shit because I can't be alone to just need it? https://www.gawker.com/culture/the-future-is-useless-expensive 2021-12-27T04:08+01:00 also didn't know Brian Eno was that cool! https://the-crypto-syllabus.com/brian-eno-on-nfts-and-automatism/ 2022-01-02T17:36+01:00 happy new year! i'll try to use more mastodon and alternative channels for small updates in 2022 :) 2022-01-03T15:20+01:00 now tooting in various gemtext files such as twtxt (because it's smol) gemini://dece.space/twtxt.txt and tinylog (because it's cute) gemini://dece.space/tinylog.gmi 2022-01-03T23:45+01:00 Le journal de déconnexion de Ploum va être sympa à suivre je pense ! https://ploum.net/series/deconnexion2022/ 2022-01-04T01:17+01:00 what I've read in 2021 gemini://dece.space/notes/20220103-reading-2021.gmi 2022-01-05T17:56+01:00 #trackoftheweek 🙌 well last week https://tube.cadence.moe/watch?v=kfp068qWJpg