Started doing some re-organization of my gopherhole-posts and my new
gemlogs. The idea is to keep these two logs synced from now on.
Hopefully this will work nicely.
I'll update my index-pages with links to all my different mirrors and
places where the information is placed, and hopefully this will be
pretty seamless.
Fall is here again. Rain and a lot of time inside, which is always nice
of course. I have been playing a lot of Skyrim lately. I love the
exploration-aspect of that game, and I barely touch the main-quest. I've
sunk too many hours into it already, and I think that there are a lot
more to come too.
Also played a lot of No Man's sky. The new update with the settlements
are kinda nice, and the added furnishing-options are also very welcome
when it comes to base-customization.
I've also read a lot the past few weeks. Right now I'm reading Dune,
which I actually hadn't touched before. I'm also simultaneously reading
Hunter S. Thompson's "Hell's Angels", which is quite interesting. It
has some comments and analysis of how the press treated the phenomenon
of motorcycle gangs that got a very bad reputation (not entirely
unwarranted), but then started to live up to that reputation.
I will also do some more experimentation in the darkroom. Hopefully I'll
be able to publish some nice photos soon!
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