A societal precipice

It seems like there are a lot of signs that we're on the edge of a precipice. It's something that's said a lot, but it seems like there are quite a few problems that society (in the U.S. specifically) that might be symbolic of very core underlying issues:

Maybe I, like everyone else, am being deceived into thinking things are worse than they are. And I probably am. But the fact remains that as a society we're going in a direction that's clearly totally unexplored territory. Some say that's progress. It feels to me like the further we get from our true nature[3] the more problems we're going to have.

Last updated Wed Dec 01 2021 in Berkeley, CA


1: /thought/my-biases.gmi

2: /thought/binding-the-nation.gmi

3: /thought/who-are-we.gmi

