About me
Personal info
- Based in the Chicago area.
- Born on March 15th, 1988.
- Sensitive, introverted, intuitive. I'm shy and might come across as reserved and stand-offish at first, but I open up when I get more comfortable with people. I have a tendency to become withdrawn and distant when I'm overwhelmed.
- I'm probably autistic.
- Favorite things are: open source software, diversity, free culture, open access/free knowledge, automation, programming, videogames, roleplaying games, language, and coffee.
- Academia and science fanboy
- I dislike monocultures, non-consensual power structures, and institutionalized closed-mindedness
- He/him/his, they/them/their
- I have schizoaffective disorder and OCD. I was diagnosed in September of 2007 and have been in treatment and taking medication since 2006. I suspect I also have CPTSD.
More of my favorite things, but in a more comparative context.
- Desktop: Void Linux with musl
- VPS: Alpine Linux
Below is an outline of things I'm interested in and would like to learn more about:
- GoLang, Python, C/C++, maybe Rust
- Bash, Zsh, shell scripting
- PowerShell
- Operating systems (theory, design, implementation)
- Programming languages (theory, design)
- Public philosophy and public reasoning
- Digital rights
- Psychology
- Anthropology
- Language and linguistics
- Mythology and folklore
- Hacker culture
- Hacker ethic
- Pirate party: something I really admire but which is unlikely to gain a foothold in corporate capitalist America.
- High fantasy / medieval fantasy and science fiction
- Role-playing games: Only video games for now, but One of These Days™ I will get into table-top gaming. I have really bad social anxiety and am not situated in any regular friend group, so it's going to take some time. I've heard there are places online where I can join beginner-friendly gaming groups. When I see people sharing or discussing their OCs (original characters), I feel a combination of inspiration and envy/FOMO.
Last updated: 2021-12-18
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