Anonymous · 4mo · No.6
/wayr/ - what are you reading thread
Anonymous · 4mo · No.97
@27 It's not heavy-going at all. Long, though insightful. e.g. issues of proper gender equality were a thing way back then. Still issues today. Shamefully slow progress.
Anonymous · 3mo · No.343
@10 thanks to your post i just received my own copy of "Atlas der erfundenen Orte" this afternoon. i am looking forward to browsing through it later today!
Anonymous · 3mo · No.494
I'm reading "How to be an Anticapitalist in the 21st Century" by Erik Olin Wright. An easy and enjoyable read by an erudite sociologist. Does a good job of clearly explaining what socialism is versus what it's commonly understood to be, and provides guidance on ways by which one might erode capitalism. This is the sort of book I wish my conservative parents would read, and one which I'd recommend to anyone else who (like me) has a hard time penetrating the academic language that much of Marxist theory tends to be written in.
Anonymous · 3mo · No.502
Just finished "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai. Very quick read, and quite tragic.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.558
Reading through Dante's Inferno for the first time. What a trip.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.568
Anonymous · 13d · No.711
Anonymous · 3d · No.780
I'm reading The Pelopenesian War by Thucydides
Anonymous · 2d · No.782
im literally currently reading hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and im doing it all over gemini, lol.
Anonymous · 23h · No.804
>>782 where did you find this book in gemini? Can you share link?