SnowCode's capsule

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Welcome to my tardis. I am a Belgian Linux nerd. Interested in low-tech, open-source, sharing knowledge, writing and anarchy. Here I share posts, thoughts, bookmarks and files.

Pronouns: Any

Step outside the TARDIS

📝 Some pages and lists

My flightlog where I post during the day. Basically my diary.

Stuff related to gemini

Scripts I use everyday

GemPad project (wattpad over gemini)

Quotes I like

[fr] Pratiques de l'anarchie selon moi

🔖 My bookmarks

🎧 Music

🎧 My playlist

Folk punk music directory

🍳 Recipes

Simple pancakes

Nice simple chocolate brownies

🧮 Tech related stuff (mostly tutorials)

04/01/22 Messy video about cgi scripts on Gemini

31/12/21 APK of discontinued Ariane.

30/12/21 How to setup ngircd on Debian with SSL (TOR in bonus)

29/12/21 How to monitor HTTP(S) requests of an app on Android using mitmproxy

An awesome email client for terminals

Why I like dwm and why I don't

My Firefox configuration

How to make your own gemini capsule

🎮 Minecraft tutorials

03/07/21 How to build a very efficient, easy mob farm.

03/07/21 How to build a simple ON/OFF Nether portal.

03/07/21 How to build a simple manual crop farm (No redstone).

03/07/21 How to make a nice underground starter base in Minecraft survival.

02/07/21 How to create and configure a Vanilla Minecraft Server on Linux.

02/07/21 How to install fabric for Minecraft Java on Linux and Windows.

📔 Thoughts, essays, etc

02/01/22 I am lost

02/01/22 Where the hell is the marketplace of ideas?

25/12/21 My dreams and my fears

23/12/21 Stop waiting for the revolution

23/12/21 Individualism v/ collectivism dichotomy

22/12/21 Me back!