non-electronic computers that work when you color them according to a simple set of rules.
an exploration of computation without electricity and semiconductors, an attempt to reinvent digital systems away from efficiency and productivity, and hopeful prototypes to expose the inner workings of computers.
coloring computers pack archive
related and inspired by some previous experiments like arte generativo en papel
the coloring computer/decoder, waiting to be activated
a human coloring the wires according to the logic rules
the coloring computer/decoder, with an input of 0011, and an output that can be read as 3
a coloring decoder built with NOT (triangle), AND (semicircle), and OR (the other shape (?)) gates (compuertas), based on a manual design.
colored and animated version by Vega
download the decoder in full size 1487x3057 (png, ~446KB)
logic circuit in the shape of nopal
a full-adder built with NOR gates (see logiteca) in the shape of no(r)pales
download computadora no(r)pal in full size 1200x1600 (png, ~429KB)
the original ones
photo of the cover of the zine, colored
photo of a pair of colored pages of the zine, with a 7 segment display showing the digits 2 and 3
the booklet contains three series of computers: computers that compare, computers that count, and computers that play. they are all nor-based logic circuits designed by using truth tables, karnaugh maps, and maxterm expansions.
download the page-by-page zine (pdf, ~1.5MB)
download the ready-to-print-and-cut zine (pdf, ~1.4MB)
CC-BY-SA 4.0
for the print and cut zine: print double-sided, cut in half, fold the pages and assemble
most recent update on: 12021-06-29
text, images, and code are shared with the peer production license