/prog/ - Programming & Technology
>>812 Then I guess I don't really undersdtand how ipv6 is different or exciting in this regard? I still don't see the point. I know ipv6 is different but what makes it better with something like ygg?
>>805 i2p and ygg are different things. i2p for anonymous and private guys, ygg for new ipv6-like network. Also, i2p can work in ygg too
>>809 I beg to differ. Http is a bloat mess and is controled by maaaive corperations at this point. Promotion of gemini is a neccesity. I mean you're right I was being a little facitious. But gemini should be prioritized imo.
(tw: http) https://moxie.org/2022/01/07/web3-first-impressions.html
a very sane assessment of "web3"
writing is writing /shrug doesn't matter the protocol
at least post gemini logs nigga fuck HTTP
Are blogposts on topic here?
They do count as writing.
>>803 What makes this fundementally different from, like, i2p?
>>782 where did you find this book in gemini? Can you share link?
>>802 it is mesh net - https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/
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