Welcome to the Dirac Sea

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Hi, I'm Pseudo-Riemann and this is my little corner of gemini space.

On this capsule I will publish ramblings about philosophy and science, short stories, artwork, and whatever else I feel like in the moment. Feel free to say hello in the guestbook or give feedback to my posts via comments!

📫 Contact

💚 Terms of Conduct

📖 Guestbook

🖼 Art Gallery

Thought of the day 💭

To put things optimistically, no one knows how to do this. Being physicists, we will do so anyway.

Gemlog 💎

📰 Atom feed

2021-12-28 - Plans for the new year

2021-12-22 - Recipe: Vanillekipferl

2021-12-19 - Pondering about black holes

2021-12-18 - Review: The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)

2021-07-14 - The Theory of Anything - Chapter 2

2021-06-10 - The Theory of Anything - Chapter 1

2021-06-07 - About me

2021-03-11 - On Existence

Original content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0