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Hi, I'm Pseudo-Riemann and this is my little corner of gemini space.
On this capsule I will publish ramblings about philosophy and science, short stories, artwork, and whatever else I feel like in the moment. Feel free to say hello in the guestbook or give feedback to my posts via comments!
To put things optimistically, no one knows how to do this. Being physicists, we will do so anyway.
2021-12-28 - Plans for the new year
2021-12-22 - Recipe: Vanillekipferl
2021-12-19 - Pondering about black holes
2021-12-18 - Review: The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)
2021-07-14 - The Theory of Anything - Chapter 2
2021-06-10 - The Theory of Anything - Chapter 1
Original content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0