Nothing to see here yet but we plan on having multiple things hosted here:
You shouldn't expect anything interesting here because I am too lazy for that.
This website is written multiple lanugages, some pages will be translated, some not. I may also link to non english websites. The language will be makred in [brackets] at the enf of line so you don't have to bother going somewhere you wont understand anything.
Some Ascii ponies so you can shitpost even here[*]
Dont expect anything professional, I started using emacs fairly recently and most of thess "articles" are just for my future reference
[EN] Some quick config for better editing of gemini pages in emacs
Links that I found somehow interesting, either on the WEB or on Gemini space, Will mostly include low level computing, programming projects and other cool stuff, worth checking out.
[EN] Interesting low level look at BIOS history (incomplete)
[CZ/EN] Really cool page with many topics, but mostly computer related
[CZ] Něco o dependenci injection
[EN] Collection of abandonware
[EN] Really interesting programming assignments
[EN] Everything scientology wants to be gone from the internet
[EN] Some isnights on creating ZIP bombs
[EN] Really cool manual-memory language for games too bad it uses RetardCase for everything
[EN] Not really language but really good retard-proof Elisp reference
[EN] PonyOS (not Linux distribution!)
[EN] Screenfetch but instead of system logo you'll get ponies!
--- End of pony section ---
[CZ/EN] Better schedule app for that piece of shit Bakaláři system
[EN] Minimalistic post-collapse OS
[EN] Amazingly usefull screen sharing & controlling program (android -> PC)