__________.__                            .____       _____ __________ 
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 |    |  _/  |/    \\__  \\_  __ <   |  ||    |    /  /_\  \|    |  _/
 |    |   \  |   |  \/ __ \|  | \/\___  ||    |___/    |    \    |   \
 |______  /__|___|  (____  /__|   / ____||_______ \____|__  /______  /
        \/        \/     \/       \/             \/       \/       \/ 

binarylab - hack.make.research

author: @gh0st@vy.binarylab.eu

avatar: 👻 (:ghost:, U+1F47B)

2021-11-06 12:37 +0100

a new milestone reached for dtn7-rs! we have basic support for the tcpcl v4 IETF draft thanks to my student julius! plus prebuilt binaries for raspberry pi :) https://github.com/dtn7/dtn7-rs/releases/tag/v0.17.0 #DTN #Rust #decentralized #P2P

2021-10-05 23:18 +0200

yay! phrack 70 has been released! we need more ezines again! and less people taking themselves too serious, just get a nickname and forget your real name. what has happened to the scene?!

2021-09-01 23:40 +0200

just realized that i don't get matrix push notification from my homeserver on my mobile. very peaceful, apparently dendrite matrix server does not yet support mobile push notifications. it's a bit like being back in the 90s and manually dialing into mailboxes to check for new messages, firing up my matrix client on the phone every now and then :)

2021-08-25 13:10 +0200

yay, added gemtext support to oxirodent. so my rust gopher server should be able to serve gemini content without manual conversion! it needs a bit more testing but then i will also deploy it on this system.

2021-08-20 22:40 +0200

i mostly enjoy being in gemini space but writing textfiles with long continues lines of text feels really awkward and wrong. having one sentence per line is so much nicer for diffing, human parsing and editing. luckily, vim has gj, gk, g0, g$ etc but it still looks and feels wrong compared to markdown or latex best practices.

2021-08-20 11:58 +0200

ported some of my older blog posts to gemini. so over time they moved from blogspot -> hugo/markdown -> gemini/gemtext .. the last transition was much easier :)

2021-08-17 23:17 +0200

time for procrastination, used part of this morning to port oxirodent (my rust gopher server) to gemini. got a more or less working gemini server in <199 lines of rust code. it currently supports generating directory listings, rendering index.gmi and adding custom headers and footers to listings. biggest problem was the lack of good documentation for rustls.

2021-08-15 17:25 +0200

finally set up my own matrix home server... running dendrite for the moment. seems to work, even on my super underpowered server. so at the moment i can be reached under @gh0st:binarylab.eu

2021-08-04 22:54 +0200

after having strange bugs in dtn7 with the newest actix version together with tokio i decided to kick this huge beast out. 24hrs later, axum is up and running including websocket code. very nice! less dependencies, less code, faster compile times! async code still sucks :D

2021-07-31 13:10 +0200

trying to expose rust code via ffi is very frustrating. it's such a crazy unsafe world out there. even more crazy, c/c++ works even with garbage returned from rust. it really feels like C is the javascript of systems programming :)

2021-07-27 16:05 +0200

first post using my magic tinylog bash script and rsync+ssh :)


go home