Sike is a radial/pie menu I built for touchscreen linux devices. It's mainly been built and tested on the pinetab with sway, although should work with any wayland compositor that supports the layer shell protocol. You can find more about it and get from the git repo. This page serves as documentation of sorts. I am planning to rewrite sike in a language other than python at some point.
[config] use_i3=true # If we are connecting to i3/sway or not. font="FantasqueSansMono" # Font to use [colors] # Colors are an array of [r,g,b] as floats from 0 to 1 selected=[0.72,0.74,0.41] deselected=[1,1,1] background=[0.11,0.12,0.13] # All menu options are formatted like this. # There are 4 types: shell, internal, i3, and submenu. # the shell type has a command, which is run in a shell. [[options]] label="Terminal" type="shell" command="termite" # the i3 type has a command which is sent to the i3/sway environment. [[options]] label="Exit Window" type="i3" command="kill" # The internal type has a command that is run internally. [[options]] label="quit" type="internal" command="exit" # (Currently the only internal command) # The submenu type has a list of options, # which are in the same format as the main menu options, # but with [[options.options]] rather than [[options]] [[options]] label="test" type="submenu" [[options.options]] label="test 1" type="internal" command="exit" # Submenus can have submenus! Just add another .options. [[options.options]] label="test 2" [[options.options.options]] label="foo" type="shell" command="echo hi" [[options.options.options]] label="bar" type="shell" command="echo bye"