# nick = benk 2021-09-14T10:26:18+00:00 Hello, world! 2021-09-14T10:56:47+00:00 How is your day going? 2021-09-14T18:08:43+00:00 Nice! 2021-09-15T18:10:21+00:00 @ Yeah I think they forgot 2021-09-18T07:18:11+00:00 @ afaik by using a twtxt client that supports Gemini. Antenna may currently be the only one that exists... 2021-09-18T09:26:12+00:00 Apparently the UK wants to switch back to the imperial system of mesaurement. It's like they tried being part of Europe for a few years just to see what it would be like and then decided they didn't like it. 2021-09-19T14:33:52+00:00 LET'S CHAT ON #XMPP 2021-09-21T11:10:41+00:00 @ How do you like Monad? For iOS I heard Siskin is good, but there are only a handful of clients to try on that platform, and I heard many are not good. I guess you're using Monal, which is supposed to be pretty good. 2021-09-21T11:12:38+00:00 @ tilde.team does come with XMPP yes, so you don't need to create a new account, just log in as yourself@tilde.team. For rooms to join you can start with geminauts@chat.kwiecien.us and we can recommend others. #gemini@biboumi.tilde.team connects you to the IRC channel, search.jabber.network is a nice searchable network-wide directory. (It's a web page.) 2021-09-21T15:39:02+00:00 Announcing two new MUC's on XMPP: linguistics@chat.kwiecien.us for linguistics, and persian@chat.kwiecien.us for learning Persian. Anybody who is interested can join! 2021-09-22T10:14:01+00:00 @ That is good news! Congratulations. What will you be studying? 2021-09-24T12:08:10+00:00 @ Oh really which series 2021-09-24T20:36:35+00:00 @ lol I haven't gotten that deep into watching TV shows to consider something like Buffy, but who knows maybe one day. Here we are on season 5 of Vikings... Probably this coming year we're going to be watching a bunch of fantasy shows. 2021-09-26T17:40:35+00:00 @ Sure! 2021-09-27T08:21:02+00:00 @ Lately I got too lazy to ssh into my server in order to edit Gemini pages. (Most of what I do is automated by scripts.) What I ended up doing is having syncthing mirror my entire /var/gemini folder locally to my home directory so I can edit them on a whim. 2021-09-27T08:22:35+00:00 @ Apparently I'm even too lazy to run rsync. XD 2021-09-27T12:44:55+00:00 @ Oh that is neat 2021-09-28T05:45:45+00:00 @ Yeah rsync was mainly my way in the past 2021-11-14T11:52:28+00:00 Failed Delta RPMs increased 137.8 MB of updates to 167.1 MB (17.5% wasted) <- Fedora why do you do this to me