Whatever comes to mind, in roughly chronological order. 😅️
2021-12-08 Re: Christina's Five Questions December 2021
2021-12-03 Devlog 06: The launch
2021-10-05 Reclaiming the term user
2021-09-16 Impending pod downtime and other life updates
2021-07-28 Devlog 05: Cumulative update
2021-07-18 Unbearable ease of hypocrisy
2021-07-10 My reading habits; Or why I miss my commute
2021-06-20 Devlog 04: Re: Small request to Geminauts
2021-06-12 Devlog 03: it's on GitHub
2021-06-11 Watchmen: movie vs. comic
2021-06-05 My changing taste in video games
2021-05-25 A new kind of space opera
2021-05-20 Devlog 02: Progress so far
2021-05-15 Geminispace findings
2021-05-10 Devlog 01: Meson project