Anonymous · 25d · No.573
Any plans on making server code avalible?
Anonymous · 25d · No.574
Hit the wrong button, sorry.
I realize here is still being worked on so i can understad if you don't want to share, but just thinking back to piratebox and how someone ported imageboards over to that thing.
The idea of a self hosted ♊chan for local consumption (group outings, pirate box-like installations, whatever) appeals to me and my sensabilities.
Again, if you aren't interested in making the code public I can understand. Just thought I'd ask.
Anonymous · 24d · No.575
This is so wholesome
sk!3HsRFwOQ · 24d · No.579
yes let me release the source soon, i will clean things up offer it all as an archive file from the capsule itself instead of a github/lab/etc repo
Anonymous · 22d · No.580
OP here. Appreciate your willingness to release source.
Might lead to an overcrowding of the ecosystem. May induce branches that have amazing features that cater todiffrent projects. May go absolutely nowhere and here remains the dominant -chan style board. However where money isn't involved making the soruce avalible, or at least uploading to for the sake of preservation is better than not doing so.
Anonymous · 19d · No.586
thanks Gary
sk!45bJnc3j · 19d · No.589
hi apologies for the delay, i just got back home from doing american things during the american holiday weekend. i will upload the archive by tomorrow evening (within 24h from this post)
also i keep losing my key for signing but i backed this one up so maybe this is the one that will stay who knows
sk!45bJnc3j · 18d · No.591
okay i packed up the code and it's available here: gemini://
you can also browse the source the capsule is currently running on in gemini here: gemini://
there isn't a readme so i will make one later. mainly have node for the server and imagemagick for image processing. you'll also need to give an admin cert fingerprint in the .env to manage boards. for now, i can answer any questions here and that will also help inform all what i should put in a readme
Anonymous · 18d · No.593