2020-12-12T00:12:17 #kisslinux soliwilos : re rdrview: the sandboxing issue was musl related and is now fixed. 2020-12-12T00:13:23 #kisslinux claudia02: Ah, nice! 2020-12-12T00:15:09 #kisslinux Do you like it? 2020-12-12T00:22:41 #kisslinux Yes. I use it for news sites and it renders good and pretty quickly. Much faster then the nodejs alternative. 2020-12-12T00:23:52 #kisslinux Also I keeping nodejs just for rendering stuff for a cli browsers does not make sens (: 2020-12-12T11:58:58 #kisslinux dlerror: Error relocating /lib/libamdocl64.so: _ZTTNSt7__cxx1119basic_istringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE: initial-exec TLS resolves to dynamic definition in /lib/libamdocl64.so 2020-12-12T11:59:12 #kisslinux someone ever saw an error like this? I don't really know where to look 2020-12-12T12:00:03 #kisslinux seems like it might be a musl thing 2020-12-12T12:02:07 #kisslinux What are you trying to build? 2020-12-12T12:04:05 #kisslinux https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime 2020-12-12T12:04:24 #kisslinux its something im porting myself 2020-12-12T17:05:10 #kisslinux onodera: how are you building it? 2020-12-12T17:13:38 #kisslinux this may or may not be slightly relevant? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35268 2020-12-12T17:14:55 #kisslinux granted it's mesa-related but rich chimes in and the issue seems... tangentially related. might give you a place to look in the source tree 2020-12-12T18:36:54 #kisslinux I think sls is messing with permissions when installing stuff, or something changed in kiss 2020-12-12T18:37:05 #kisslinux the symptom is `kiss manifest` doesnt work, but `sls kiss manifest` does 2020-12-12T18:40:44 #kisslinux Does kiss manifest fail cuz of permissions or just blank output? 2020-12-12T18:40:54 #kisslinux Maybe you messed up perms on /var/db/kiss 2020-12-12T18:41:17 #kisslinux testuser[m] doesnt show a permissions error, but i assume thats what it is 2020-12-12T18:41:52 #kisslinux so /var/db/kiss is owned by root, and looks like 755 2020-12-12T19:09:05 #kisslinux a bit of a noob question, but how do i start a kernel module at boot 2020-12-12T19:13:25 #kisslinux once::/usr/bin/modprobe $modname in /etc/inittab 2020-12-12T19:13:52 #kisslinux or modprobe $modname in /etc/rc.d/modules.boot 2020-12-12T19:14:52 #kisslinux i don't use inittab 2020-12-12T19:14:56 #kisslinux the second one seems nice 2020-12-12T19:15:01 #kisslinux thanks