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The Dandelion

Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (19 June 1201)

From tough but tender rosette rooted in the field

arises slender stem to reach for Brother Sun;

her taproot, deeply rooted, keeps her strongly keel'd;

she nods toward Sister Mother Earth, with whom she's one.

Her brother Wind oft blows her slim stem to and fro,

but always does she turn toward that life-giving light;

her leaves, like arrows showing us the way to go,

point all directions, toward all that is true and right.

Her splendor'd fill e'en Solomon with jealousy;

but men call her a weed; how dark must be their sight!

Her slender stem holds up the sun's own majesty;

but she nods towards the earth, with whom she one must be.


© Goretti Publications 1205 (2021).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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