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Defeat Thyself

Donald P. Goodman III

Version 1.0 (0E April 1202)

Eternal struggle! Beating waves upon the coast

make war upon the rocks and beaches, never cease

to vainly beat upon the shore, whose prideful boast

will soon retreat, but elsewhere just as soon increase.

So e'en in times of peace, men never cease our strife,

as ocean never ceases war upon the shore;

we dull our edges, like the stone upon the knife,

and have no keenness left for any other chore.

We fight against our families, neighbors, work, and kin,

'gainst anything, if we our true foe can ignore:

the falsest foe's the traitor, which we have within:

defeat thyself: the truest vict'ry lies therein.


© Goretti Publications 1205 (2021).

All material in this Gemini capsule is offered under the CC-BY-SA license, unless otherwise noted.

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