Curriculum vitae
Friedrich Hust
Education and Work Experience
Security Architect HV-battery Mercedes-Benz AG[1]
Mercedes-Benz AG
System Engineer E/E HV-battery Mercedes-Benz AG[2]
Mercedes-Benz AG
Ph.D. in electrical engineeringPhysico-chemically motivated parameterization and modelling of real-time capable lithium-ion battery models: a case study on the Tesla Model S battery[3]
Physico-chemically motivated parameterization and modelling of real-time capable lithium-ion battery models: a case study on the Tesla Model S battery
Chief Engineer Supervision by Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. D. U. Sauer Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University[4], Aachen, Germany
Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University
Ph.D. student in electrical engineering and scientific researcher Supervision by Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. D. U. Sauer Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University[5], Aachen, Germany
Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University
Diploma in Business Engineering (electrical engineering) Supervision by Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. D. U. Sauer Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University[6], Aachen, Germany
Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University
Internship indurad GmbH[7], Aachen, Germany
indurad GmbH
Student assistantChair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University[8] Aachen, Germany
Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems RWTH-Aachen University
Student assistant Chair for Integrated Digital Systems and Circuit Design RWTH-Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Club activities
Member of "Eat, sleep, pwn, repeat"[9]
"Eat, sleep, pwn, repeat"
Co-Founder and deputy chairman (until 2010) Chaos Computer Club Aachen[10]
Chaos Computer Club Aachen
Co-Founder Förderverein euregionale Digitalkultur[11], current name "Digitales Aachen e.V."
Förderverein euregionale Digitalkultur
Physico-chemically motivated parameterization and modelling of real-time capable lithium-ion battery models: a case study on the Tesla Model S battery[12]
Physico-chemically motivated parameterization and modelling of real-time capable lithium-ion battery models: a case study on the Tesla Model S battery
Homogeneity of lithium analysis in lithium-ion batteries - A study on half-cells, full-cells and parallel connected cells of the Tesla Model S 85[13]Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe, Strasbourg, France
Homogeneity of lithium analysis in lithium-ion batteries - A study on half-cells, full-cells and parallel connected cells of the Tesla Model S 85
On the reversible homogenization effect in high energy lithium-ion batteries caused by the graphite anode[14]Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster
On the reversible homogenization effect in high energy lithium-ion batteries caused by the graphite anode
On the impact of the graphite anode in parallel connected lithium-ion-batteries - A case study on Tesla Model S 85 cellsAdvanced Automotive Battery Conference Europe, Mainz
Parallel electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for 18650 lithium-ion cells - A case study on the Tesla Model S cells11th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis 2017
Characterization and Modelling of a Physico-Chemical Impedance Battery Model Based on the Tesla Model S Cell in Half-Cells[15]232nd ECS Meeting, National Harbor, USA
Characterization and Modelling of a Physico-Chemical Impedance Battery Model Based on the Tesla Model S Cell in Half-Cells
An in-depth View into the Tesla Model S Module Part Two: Module Characterization and Comparison to Other State of the Art EV Battery Systems[16]Kraftwerk Batterie
An in-depth View into the Tesla Model S Module Part Two: Module Characterization and Comparison to Other State of the Art EV Battery Systems
Offenes Batterie-Alterungs-Tool zur Lebensdauerprognose von Batteriepacks unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten und Streuung von Zellqualität: Mess- und SimulationstechnikKraftwerk Batterie
Lifetime prediction of massively parallelized lithium-ion batteriesECS Prime, Honolulu
Ageing Identification by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Correlation AnalysisKraftwerk Batterie
Open Battery Ageing Tool for Lifetime Prognosis of Battery Packs Considering Uncertainty and Variance in Cell QualityKraftwerk Batterie
Offenes Batterie-Alterungs-Tool zur Lebensdauerprognose von Batteriepacks unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten und Streuung von ZellqualitätBatterieforum Deutschland
Toolbox Energy Storage Systems: Modeling, Simulating and Testing Battery Systems of (H)EVsBattery Power
Realtime Simulation of Battery Packs with a Fluid Cooling SystemKraftwerk Batterie
Optimization of Automotive Battery Pack Design by Parameter Study with Thermal SimulationsKraftwerk Batterie
Toolbox SpeichersystemeBatterieforum Deutschland
Toolbox Speichersysteme: Modellieren, simulieren und testen von Energiespeichern für (H)EVsemobility tec
Lithium Ion Battery Model Parameterization with EIS Measurements and Voltage Relaxation, International Workshop on Impedance SpectroscopyChemnitz
Low-Frequency Behavior of Nickel Manganese Cobalt Based Lithium-Ion Batteries[17]International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, Chemnitz
Low-Frequency Behavior of Nickel Manganese Cobalt Based Lithium-Ion Batteries
Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie und Niederfrequentes Verhalten von Lithium-IonenBatterienKraftwerk Batterie
Rechenzeitoptimierung von zellgenauen Echtzeitsimulationen von HochvoltbatteriesystemenKraftwerk Batterie
Comprehensive Approach for Impedance Based Battery Model ParameterizationEIS2013, Okinawa, Japan
Distribution of Relaxation Times for Lithium-Ion BatteriesEIS2013, Okinawa, Japan
Distribution of Relaxation Times for Lithium-Ion BatteriesKraftwerk Batterie
Distribution of Relaxation Times for Lithium-Ion Batteries[18]17th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, POSTER 2013
Distribution of Relaxation Times for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Development of a lifetime prediction model for lithium-ion batteries based on extended accelerated aging test data[19]
Development of a lifetime prediction model for lithium-ion batteries based on extended accelerated aging test data
Analyzing calendar aging data towards a lifetime prediction model for lithium-ion batteries[20]
Analyzing calendar aging data towards a lifetime prediction model for lithium-ion batteries
Three-dimensional performance and lifetime model for lithium-ion batteries[21]
Three-dimensional performance and lifetime model for lithium-ion batteries
Ortsaufgelöstes Stressmodell für Lithium-Ionen Batterien[22]
Ortsaufgelöstes Stressmodell für Lithium-Ionen Batterien
Latest article
Fix for zfs-dkms-git in arch for kernel 5.15.7 erstellt am 11. December 2021
Project gemini erstellt am 13. Februar 2021
Eat Sleep PWN Repeat erstellt am 07. Dezember 2020
Physico-chemically motivated parameterization and modelling of real-time capable lithium-ion battery models: a case study on the Tesla Model S battery erstellt am 06. Dezember 2020
Breaking out of cisco anyconnect no local network restriction erstellt am 8. April 2018
Insomni Hack 2015(Lost In Memories) writeup erstellt am 23. Maerz 2014
ruCTF 2014(Pidometer) writeup erstellt am 21. Dezember 2014