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_______ ____ _____ _ _ / __/ _ \/ __/ / ___/__ __ _ (_)__ (_) _\ \/ // / _/ / (_ / -_) ' \/ / _ \/ / /___/____/_/ \___/\__/_/_/_/_/_//_/_/
-=*=_=*=- gemini://sdf.org -=*=_=*=-
This index is sorted by latest activity first. To be added run 'mkgopher'
to setup ~ftp/pub/users/$LOGNAME and create an index.gmi file.
peron Jul-19 01:41 Gemini de Perón en SDF.org
jdd Nov-22 19:09 JDD's Gemini Page
rbigelo Dec-04 13:58 Plain Text is Beautiful
vagrantc Nov-24 04:33 => gemini://sdf.org Hosted on SDF gemini
leomd Nov-26 19:11 Leomd no Gemini
mcornick Nov-29 17:56 Mark Cornick
oak3 Nov-19 15:59 Oak3's Cafe Gem
loopdreams Oct-24 20:29 LoopDream's Gopherhole - Gemini Mirror
she12 Nov-12 12:24 gimmeshe12!
mmeta4 Oct-31 00:12 Under Deconstruction..
sdl Oct-18 18:44 My First Page!
polecat Oct-15 18:38 My First Page!
debajit Oct-11 07:28 My first page
geoputty - geoputty's gemini dream
wvs Sep-25 2018 a growing Capsule of Internet things
amedesu Oct-04 23:43 My First Page!
schroeder Nov-13 23:34 Attempt 1 at a Gemini space
rockorager Sep-22 10:22 Geminicapsule
zuul Sep-15 15:09 Trans-Dimensional Gateway
markus.mayer Sep-08 23:16 My First Page!
kommentgaia Sep-02 17:44 Small internet Journal
markov Aug-22 19:25 Welcome to Vlad's space
rockedsocks Feb-23 2021 Welcome to Rocked Socks Cave!
lunchboxhero Aug-10 16:46 Lunchboxhero's Gemini Space!
scrape Aug-03 23:38 My First Page!
iiogama Jul-14 22:28 Hello world
jeremij Mar-30 2021 Welcome to my Capsule.
amox Nov-14 23:36 Welcome to amox' gemini space
clinquant Jul-05 08:06 Clinquant's capsule
mutoshack Sep-09 02:22 Muto's Shack
frrobert Jun-28 15:40 Fr. Robert's Static Mirror of His Gemini
widgetotaku Jun-23 20:27 ``` Annoying Leitmotif
xavavu Jun-21 18:14 capsula xavavu
kristof Jun-17 20:30 kristof's tiny Gemini capsule
aiden Jun-11 23:32 Aiden's Segementation Faults
mtillman Mar-30 2021 Matt's Gemini Capsule
france Jun-10 07:42 My First Page!
psistwu Jun-03 2021 Haopin's Gemini Capsule
aiwein Aug-09 2019 Hello, world.
taranisw May-10 2021 Taranisw Gemini test on SDF
beachelect May-09 2021 ```beach elect
gaptooth May-07 2021 Capsule Gaptooth
poo May-03 2021 My First Page!
mstoney Mar-04 2021 => gemini://9p.sdf.org/who/mstoney/index.g
peteyboy May-11 2021 Peteyboy's Page on the cluster
rwv Apr-10 2021 => gemini://rwv.io/
fos1 Apr-08 2021 fos1 - Gemini Page
dluciv Jan-14 2012 Dmitry V. Luciv