Articles from Orthochristian

Updated Mon 06 Dec 2021 10:30:26 AM UTC

Poland: 19th-century church-turned-warehouse returned to Orthodox Church

Cell and spring of Elder Cleopa consecrated in mountains where he hid from Communist regime

Oscar Mauricio Lopez Casillas: “I took Dostoyevsky so seriously that I converted to Orthodoxy.”

“A Usual Confession”

The Temple of the Rich Fool: Homily for the After-Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple in the Orthodox Church

The Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is the Entrance into Paradise of All Mankind

Moscow hierarchs comment on the situation between ROCOR and the Paris Archdiocese

The Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple

Ukrainian faithful holding prayer rally against illegal re-registration of churches to schismatics