Quotes (mainly musical)

I hoard quotes like a magpie. Lyrics are always stuck in my head, repeating endlessly until they become a mantra. Word porn is almost always screen-shotted and saved to the external HDD. An inexhaustive list follows.


All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. ~ Peter Gabriel
He not busy being born is busy dying. ~ Bob Dylan
Don't get up gentlemen, I'm only passing through. ~ Bob Dylan
We know Major Tom's a junkie. ~ David Bowie
I've just got to get out of this prison cell. One day I'm going to be free. ~ Freddie Mercury
Without you, I don't know what I believe in. Without you, hell should be easier. ~ John Baldwin Gourley
I just want to be evil. ~ John Baldwin Gourley
Why don't you dance like you're sick in your mind? ~ Glass Animals


Buy the ticket; ride the ride. ~ Hunter S. Thompson

Said sayings:

The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought. ~ Sir Thomas Beecham

Last modified: 2021-03-14 23:04