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[users] Late announcement of Wobbly

Björn Wärmedal bjorn.warmedal at gmail.com

Tue Sep 14 09:30:26 BST 2021

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Hey all,

I was looking through the archives and realised that I've neverannounced my web-based gemini browser on the list:https://warmedal.se/~wobbly/

When I created it I didn't really have a clear purpose; I just wantedto play around with CSS, JS and old-fashioned CGI scripts. It has,however, proved very, very useful when I want to share the occasionalgemlog post with people who aren't familiar with gemini but may beinterested in said post. I find that it's a convenient and friendlyway to introduce people to geminispace.

This is NOT a proxy. It requires JS, which effectively stops crawlersfrom accessing gemini content through it. It's a tool made for humanusers and nothing else.

The full announcement:

"I Heard You Like Browsers...

... So I put a browser inside a browser, so you can browse while you browse.

Wobbly is a gemini browser inside your web browser. It's a small thingthat's not meant to be full-featured in any way. If you're curiousabout what the gemini side of the internet looks like you can use itto have a glance.

It only supports text responses (gemtext included and beautifullyrendered, of course). If you need to use things like query strings andclient certificates, or to get any type of non-text content, thisbrowser is not for you.

If you just want to enjoy some gemlogs on the go without installingyet another app, on the other hand... Welcome to Wobbly! 😄️"



PS:Note that I'm not subscribed to the list. Please include my emailaddress in the To field if you respond.