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The geminauts (Was: Gempub 1.0.0 ; A new eBook format based on Gemini Protocol's Gemtext

İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp self at gkayaalp.com

Thu Apr 29 12:36:43 BST 2021

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On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 03:57:33PM -0400, Matthew Graybosch wrote:

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021, at 3:37 PM, Oliver Simmons wrote:
The opposite isn't too good though, from the two videos that popped
up on my YouTube homepage they seemed to describe it as
a "replacement for the web" and as if the aim was to take tracking
for the web. Which Gemini is not.
Despite being one of the "olds" I don't find most of the messaging
around Gemini particularly compelling. Gopher doesn't cut it for me
because it's ASCII-only, but I know better than to expect people who
aren't techies to care about that. The web doesn't appeal because it's
too big and too-thoroughly colonized by capital.
I just want a chill space that's mostly text-oriented, but that's *my*
reason for being here.
In Gemini's current state, if you're hoping to get the stereotypical
person of my age to join in, good luck. Not gonna happen.
I can't speak for anybody else, but I harbor no such hope. It's better
if individuals find their own way here for their reasons.

Second this, mostly. Personally I favour being approachable andcharitable over outreach and active recruitment, especially forsomething like Gemini. If we have great documentation, if we do notwelcome toxicity, and if we keep things simple, people that share themindset will be drawn in.

Of course we should be explaining Gemini to people and strive to makethis space a diverse, lively, interesting one, but IMHO we shouldn't dothat with a mathematical/economical/religious `growth' mindset. It'sannoying to people and it seldom leads to serene and cohesivecommunities.

I like how I discovered and joined fediverse: mastodon.sdf.org becamea thing, and I made an account around 2017. Two years later, afterhaving totally forgotten about it, I noticed many cool people were onMastodon, so I joined. I haven't regretted the decision since. I'vealso went in after a decent amount of learning how the community works.If I was instead compelled to joining when I had no interest in nor anyknowledge of the community, I'd inevitably enjoy it less and be a lesscooperative member thereof.

Same kinda happened with Gemini. I heard of it pretty early on in itsdevelopment but it was uninteresting. A new protocol? :/ But as I sawcool people I know join in, I looked in deeper, and learned what I can,and joined in as a self motivated member that knows most of the basicsand that is eager to participate constructively.

That's of course all my experience and my 2¢.


P.S: I never really introduced myself to the list, dunno if that'ssomething you do here. In any case my capsule is atgemini://cadadr.space; it's been about two months or something that it'sbeen up. I have two gemlogs, one a generic blog, another a grad schooljournal. I may add a podcast in a few weeks--months. Also, I've a repoon github, https://github.com/cadadr/gemini-scripts, that will slowlyaccrue some random scripts regarding Gemini (unsurprisingly ;P).