Google G1/HTC Dream

An unlocked G1/HTC Dream

Steps to bypass the activation screen on the first Android phone. These initial Android devices required logging in over cellular to a Google account before you could use the device at all. Google login doesn't work any longer on these very old devices from 2008, but you can bypass the activation screen using the steps below. I did this from a Macbook and had no issues with USB drivers, the HTC device was visible in the USB section of the System Information app (Linux and Windows may be more problematic).

./adb devices
setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1
./adb devices

List of devices attached
HT92RKV01333	device
./adb shell

am start -n

Hopefully you're now in the Launcher, but you will need to do the last two steps each time you restart the device.


If the above didn't work try installing this earlier ROM first which definitely does (this is the method I used):