In 2008, a multimonth study on long-term AI futures was hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, culminating in a meeting in Asilomar, California. That meeting inspired the One Hundred Year Study on AI at Stanford University, a project charged with organizing similar studies every 5 years for a century and beyond. science site
Asimov wrote of robots, “I could not bring myself to believe that if knowledge presented danger, the solution was ignorance. To me, it always seemed that the solution had to be wisdom. You did not refuse to look at danger, rather you learned how to handle it safely.”
As we push AI science forward, it will be critical to address the influences of AI on people and society, on short- and long-term scales. Valuable assessments and guidance can be developed through focused studies, monitoring, and analysis.
The broad reach of AI's influences requires engagement with interdisciplinary groups, including computer scientists, social scientists, psychologists, economists, and lawyers.
On longer-term issues, conversations are needed to bridge differences of opinion about the possibilities of superintelligence and malevolent AI.
See Statistical Learning Visualized for the math at the root of these concerns.
Statistical Learning Visualized
See Limits Workshops for more general concern for our information future.