Reich's Big Picture

The question on everyone's mind is how did we get into this political mess, and how do we get out of it? twitter


There’s too much yelling these days, so we made this a silent video. (The only casualty was my arm, which ached for days afterward.) Hope you find it helpful. Best wishes for a 2018 that’s better for America than 2017 was. post


Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and Emmy-award-winning filmmaker Jacob Kornbluth began their collaboration making short videos in 2009. The two then collaborated to create the feature documentary Inequality for All, which was released in 2013 and won the U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Achievement in Filmmaking at the Sundance Film Festival. Building off this momentum, Reich and Kornbluth founded Inequality Media in 2014 to continue the conversation about inequality with viewers. site


“If we are cynical about the system, then it causes us to stop being involved. If you stop being involved, if you basically give up, then you’re giving up on our democracy. And if you give up on our democracy, you are ceding the entire system to the moneyed interests that would like nothing better than for all of us to grow cynical and give up. So we can not and we must not.” —Robert Reich

Inequality Media produces original film and video, share their content through social media and media outlets to raise awareness about the issues, and partner with leading organizations to provide an avenue through which viewers can engage, mobilize, and take action against inequality. Inequality Media has a left wing political bias, but produces videos that are well sourced and factual. 12/15/2016 by Media Bias Fact Check. site
