Becoming Bike Oriented

I presented at Ignite Portland #7, November 19, 2009. Although I enjoy speaking, and have spoken before large crowds often, I found speaking at this event strangely difficult and then surprisingly rewarding. post


Both the format and subject matter were new to me. Presenting at Ignite is more like a poetry reading than a lecture. I did not know when I had practiced enough.

My subject, a personal transformation, seemed small considering what I knew the average Portlander has done themselves. I got through it by relaxing and reminding myself that I was really honoring all the people who had inspired me along the way.

I said, Drivers, I want you to know. I’m thinking hard about every close call I’ve ever had as I pass that way again. I may bend the rules a little bit but I’m not doing so carelessly. See Conservation of Momentum

Conservation of Momentum