Mike's Asset Shortcut

Mike Hales sent me a generated json file as part of our desire to support the Murmurations JSON Generator. Here I publish his file in a way he can fork to his site without writing any markup.

Murmurations JSON Generator

We start with an asset folder named specifically for distributing static json.

I copied the json from Mikes email, put it in a file with what I believe to be the desired file name, and uploaded it with the upload button.

Note: several editors have had a chance to interfere with the escaping of special characters in this process. Always dangerous.


Now, Mike, to install this on your site by dragging this page to a lineup with your site as origin. You should see your site listed along with mine. Click the claim-flag next to my file name. That forks the file to your site without forking this page that describes it.

You could also fork this page to remember how you got that file. That is optional.

Now click the file as it appears on your site, save that url, and then register with the murmurations index. Tell us how that works out.