The audioboom-transport creates HTML5 audio pages in Fedwiki. Drag and Drop an audioboom url onto the Transporter and it will create a Ghost Page containing an image, map, description and audio from the audioboom website.
To test this webservice follow this link to an audioboom web page and drag and drop it onto the Audioboom Transport below -
Currently the Audioboom Page Webservice accepts a url from an audioboom clip page, from which it is abe to extract the clip id, and construct the json for the fedwiki audioboom Ghost Page.
In the future we hope to add the ability to import multiple pages, and author information by dropping the url of the authors profile page on the audioboom site.
A profile page url take the following form (allowing easy extraction of the audioboom user name to be used in the audioboom api) -
The audioboom transport is written in Livecode, and the code is available here - github