I never said 100mph was safe or reasonable... but there are many, many places
where the road can (and does, every day) handle traffic safely at 70-75 instead
of the posted 55, or 45-50 instead of a posted 35 (excluding residential
areas). Many of these restrictions are due to arbitrary laws that say, in
essence, "speed limits must be X within Y miles of a city", with no regard to
the actual road or what it could safely handle.
Look up the video sometime of when a bunch of college students lined up across
I-285 in Atlanta and did the posted speed limit (55). Traffic backed up for
MILES behind them.
A much bigger threat than pure speed is people who don't pay attention, and
realize "Oh crap, that's my exit, four lanes away!" and proceed to cut across
said four lanes. Or those who don't bother to check their blind spots when
changing lanes, or don't realize that their lane is ending, or don't signal...
or insist on driving slow in the left lanes.
And again... if the purpose of limits really was to promote safety, cops
wouldn't have to hide. And there would be no penalty for warning others of a
speed trap, either. They don't arrest you for saying to someone, "don't rob a
bank, the police will get you!" so why should saying "don't drive fast, you'll
get a ticket" be any different? Oh, wait, then the local government won't get
its traffic fine revenue... and God forbid that the residents pay for their
government themselves...