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Jacqui Smith says she is concerned about vulnerable women
Paying for sex with prostitutes who are controlled by pimps is set to become a
criminal offence in England and Wales, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said.
Anyone who knowingly pays illegally trafficked women for sex could face rape
charges, while kerb crawlers could face prosecution for a first offence.
There will also be more "naming and shaming" of kerb crawlers and new police
powers to close brothels.
Buying or selling sex is legal but soliciting and pimping are not.
The changes bring the law in England and Wales more into line with Scotland,
where anyone looking to pick up a prostitute faces a fine of up to 1,000.
Ms Smith said the government had considered banning paying for sex altogether
but had ruled this out as there was no public support for such a move.
Instead, she said the government's efforts would be focused on reducing demand
for trafficked women, who were "effectively held as slaves", and there would be
a marketing campaign aimed at men who used prostitutes.
We want to send a clear message to force men to think twice before sex
Home Office
She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "My proposal is that men should think
twice about paying for sex. The reason they should do that is actually the
majority of women don't want to be involved in prostitution."
She added: "Trafficked women don't have a choice, men do."
Ms Smith said up to 70% of prostitutes were controlled by pimps or had been
trafficked into the country and the government was working closely with the
police on plans to enforce the new laws.
But Nikki Adams, of the English Collective of Prostitutes, said the government
had "made up" the number of women being trafficked into the UK and most
prostitution was "consenting sex".
Brothel powers
Under the plan, the Home Office is planning to criminalise paying for sex with
a woman "controlled for another person's gain".
Those convicted would get a fine and a criminal record.
Pleading ignorance of the circumstances under which a prostitute is working
will not count as a defence.
Under the plans, people who pay a prostitute for sex knowing they have been
trafficked against their will could be charged with rape.
Ms Smith will promise that kerb-crawling will be punishable the first time a
person is caught doing it, rather than just persistent offenders.
The Home Office said police would get powers to close brothels.
HAVE YOUR SAY The only way to help prostitutes is to legalise the trade and
have proper red light districts Neil, Liverpool
Currently they can only shut premises associated with prostitution if
anti-social behaviour or when Class A drugs are involved.
Critics of the government's proposals say they will simply drive customers
elsewhere, rather than tackling the problem.
Under the Home Office plans, lapdancing clubs would be subjected to the same
licensing laws as sex shops, rather than as pubs and bars as at present.
This would allow people living nearby more chance to raise objections.
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 made it illegal to buy sex from anyone aged under
18 and introduced penalties for trafficking adults and children for the
purposes of sexual exploitation.
It is not illegal for someone aged over 18 to work as a prostitute in
off-street premises but where there is more than one prostitute, the owner of
the premises can be prosecuted for keeping a brothel.
Many of the activities associated with street prostitution, such as soliciting
and kerb-crawling, are also illegal and it is against the law to advertise
sexual services on cards in telephone boxes.
In December last year, Women's Minister Harriet Harman said paying for sex
should be outlawed.