Digital advertising - Invisible ads, phantom readers

Worries about fraud and fragmentation may prompt a shake-out in the crowded

online-ad industry

Mar 26th 2016 | NEW YORK

THIS year, for the first time, advertisers in America may spend more online

than on television. Worldwide, online ads may surpass television in 2017,

predicts the forecasting unit of Interpublic, a giant ad agency. Digital

advertisers ambitions border on the divine. They are omnipresent, nestling

their ads in news sites, search results and Instagram feeds. They are

increasingly omniscient: no longer do advertisers know just general things

about you a worldly professional, say, with superb taste in journalism but they

target you, specifically. Omnipotence, however, is proving harder to achieve.

The industry has not so much a supply chain as a tangle. More than 2,500

companies are involved in the supply of digital ads, according to Luma

Partners, an investment bank. Marketers worry that their ads will linger unseen

in obscure slots or worse, be served to robots posing as human consumers.

Meanwhile millions of real ones, fed up with online ads, want to block them.

Among investors, enthusiasm for ad tech has waned. Digital advertising s woes

are not existential. Spending will continue to grow. But the current turmoil is

likely to reshape the industry.

Programmatic , or automated, buying and selling of ad slots was supposed to

make advertising online simpler, and in many ways it has. Advertisers bid for

space on a webpage that a consumer has just clicked on, based on cookies and

other tags that are tracking his online activities. The auction is held, and

the winning ad transmitted, within milliseconds. The idea is to help

publishers get the best price for their slots and advertisers the best return

on their investment.

The trading of online ad slots is as complex as it is fiendishly fast.

Thousands of firms jostle to analyse consumer data and buy, sell and monitor

ads. Middlemen repackage inventory (as ad slots are known in the business),

then sell it to other middlemen. An ad impression sold programmatically can

change hands 15 times before finally being bought by an advertiser, notes Peter

Stabler, an analyst at Wells Fargo, a bank. We have an immature supply chain

that is constantly evolving, says Randall Rothenberg of the Interactive

Advertising Bureau (IAB), which represents media and ad-tech firms. That brings

both innovation, he argues, and headaches.

Some problems are more easily fixed than others. In recent years the various

participants in the industry have bickered over viewability : webpages are

usually bigger than the screens they are viewed on, so if a reader sees only

part of an ad on his screen, for a fraction of a second, how much should the

advertiser pay? The Media Rating Council (MRC), which sets the rules for

audience measurement, now considers a display ad viewable if a consumer can

see half of it for at least one second. Videos must be seen for two seconds.

But some advertisers want more. GroupM, a buyer of ad slots on behalf of

consumer brands, considers an ad viewable only if the consumer can see all of

it. Consumers must play at least half a video with the sound on. The MRC is

still working on standards for ads on mobile phones.

On the whole, however, the debate over viewability points to online advertising

s promise, not its failings. It is impossible to know if a television viewer

has gone to the bathroom during the commercials or if a Vogue reader skips a

particular page of ads. Online, marketers have at least some means of tracking

who saw what, the better to understand which ads work.

Fraud is a peskier problem. Bad actors hide within advertising s supply chain,

unleashing robots to see ads and suck money from advertisers. The subtly

titled Trustworthy Accountability Group, backed by the industry s trade

associations, wants to create a registry of vetted online-ad firms and use

special identifiers to track which firms get paid for each impression, the

better to trace problems as they arise. AppNexus, which runs a big ad exchange,

filters out ad slots that seem to be attracting lots of fake readers , offers

rebates to advertisers which detect bot fraud and has cut the number of ad

impressions sold by middlemen. Such steps will lower fraud, not banish it. The

Association of National Advertisers reckons fake impressions will cost its

members more than $7 billion this year.

An even thornier challenge is the growing number of consumers blocking ads

altogether (see chart). Some consider it creepy to be watched so closely.

Third-party tags can be messengers for malware. Ads drain smartphones

batteries and their users data plans. Tags to track viewability and bots make

such things worse.

Little wonder, then, that AdBlock Plus, a popular tool, has been downloaded

more than 500m times. The company keeps a list of ads it deems tolerable, and

thus lets through. Sites with lots of ads, such as Google, pay a fee to be on

the list. AdBlock Plus says this is proper, as the paying firms must still

offer palatable ads. Critics, including the IAB, call it extortion.

Ad-blockers are most troubling for publishers, which rely on advertising

revenue. But brands have reason to fret, too, if they cannot reach consumers

online. The IAB is urging them to make advertisements less irksome, so that

consumers are less inclined to block them. The Washington Post is one of many

companies hoping that native ads, which mimic the paper s editorial style,

will be less annoying. But the company is also speeding page-load times and

testing various dummy ads to see which types consumers dislike least. As these

experiments continue, ad-blocking will impose broad costs on publishers,

estimated by Wells Fargo at $4.6 billion in America and $12.5 billion globally

this year.

A secular shift

All these problems may just be inevitable teething troubles. We haven t had

this kind of transformation since television came in the late 40s and early

50s, says Marc Pritchard, the marketing boss at Procter & Gamble, the world s

largest advertiser. Grappling with these challenges, however, may spur a shift

in the industry s structure. There will always be startups, particularly

because technology changes so quickly. But on the whole, power is likely to

move to fewer, larger companies.

Rob Norman, GroupM s chief digital officer, expects advertisers to continue

shifting towards large platforms such as Google and Facebook, and a select

group of firms that agree to stricter standards on viewability. Brands concern

about fraud and fragmentation may help simplify the supply chain. Some brand

owners, such as Procter & Gamble, control their own programmatic buying.

Others are pruning the number of other firms they deal with. We would always

prefer fewer partners, says Jamie Moldafsky, chief marketing officer for Wells

Fargo. A variety of larger companies such as Yahoo, Oracle and Salesforce have

bought up smaller firms, the better to offer themselves as one-stop shops to


The best positioned firms, however, are Google and Facebook. Terence Kawaja,

Luma s founder, notes that the two companies have more than half of the

mobile-advertising market, a share he expects to rise. Thanks to logins, each

can track consumers from their computers to their phones and back again. Each

has a broad, ever-expanding suite of services. On March 15th Google unveiled

new tools, including one to manage data on customers.

Rivals are worried. TubeMogul, a provider of ad-buying software, has a new

advertising campaign claiming that Google has excessive power. This is in part

to defend its own interests TubeMogul s criticisms include Google s decision to

limit the ways by which brands can buy ad space on its YouTube video service.

But it is not unreasonable to worry that the pressures to rationalise the

fragmented online-ad industry might eventually push it too far in the other
