Doug Sundheim
March 01, 2016
Used well, strategy meetings provide clarity and momentum. They align a team
around key decisions and create positive energy.
Used poorly, strategy meetings irritate people. They waste time and energy, or
worse, strengthen entrenched points of view creating frustration and
In my work with companies from large Fortune 500 firms to small startups, I ve
attended hundreds of strategy meetings. I ve seen leaders make three common
mistakes over and over again:
1. Drafting an overly ambitious agenda. Executive teams are often too
optimistic about what they can accomplish in a short period of time. For
example, one client allotted one hour at a 10-person meeting to gaining a
deeper understanding of the challenges we re facing in Europe and laying out a
high-level plan of attack on how to address them. I looked at him and said,
You realize there s no way that s going to happen, right? He ruefully agreed.
I know why he was doing it. He had four big topics on his mind and he wanted to
get resolution on all of them in a six-hour meeting. When he reflected on it
rationally, he knew that was impossible. He was just frustrated.
My suggestion is to prioritize your issues and pick one or two to address.
Leave the others for a later date. If you do a great job moving through a
limited set of issues, people will be less reluctant to have another six-hour
meeting in the near future. In fact, they ll likely welcome it because they
ll expect to get something accomplished then too.
However, if you do a mediocre job running through too many issues, you ll have
screwed yourself on two levels: 1) you won t have good resolution or buy-in on
what you ve discussed that day, and 2) people won t be motivated and focused
for the next meeting.
2. Not doing enough meeting preparation. Most of the hard work of a good
strategy meeting happens before the meeting. Doing research, gathering
perspectives, teeing up scenarios, identifying important questions. Sometimes
you have the time and resources to do a proper strategic work-up. Sometimes you
have to rely more heavily on intuition. Either way, you should arrive at a
clear point of view and document it before the meeting. The meeting can be used
to critique, debate, or expand a strategic point of view. But a strategic
meeting should never be used to create a strategic point of view. It s simply
too hard to do this in real time with a lot of people.
Still, I see it happen all the time. Unprepared, teams casually wander into
tough topics filled with land mines. They think they ll get everyone into a
room and get on the same page. Then they re surprised when the meeting blows
up or derails.
Keep in mind that there s a good reason why you re having a meeting rather than
just making a decision on a given topic it s complex. If it wasn t complex,
you wouldn t need a meeting. Complex topics need smart and focused prep work.
3. Underestimating the need for skillful facilitation. Great facilitators are
like jungle guides. They know their intended destination, the general contours
of the landscape they re traversing, the strengths and weakness of the people
they re guiding, and how to keep things moving when conflict erupts or
conversation peters out. It s part science, part art. But skilled facilitators
are pretty rare. Instead, I see four common facilitator errors:
They never set clear objectives for a conversation. What does success look like
for a given conversation? Do we want to provide input? Debate? Make a decision?
Too often objectives are never clarified in advance. People just jump in and
start firing off opinions with no apparent purpose other than to give a point
of view. You arrive at the end of your allotted time no clearer than when you
started. My advice: Be crystal clear about what you hope to get out of a
conversation before you start it and get everyone aligned on the goals.
They pick the wrong discussion strategy. You might have the right topic and set
of objectives you re trying to reach, but the wrong discussion strategy. The
most common faux pas is trying to get too many people talking about a complex
issue at once. I ve found 7 10 people is the max you want discussing a complex
topic. More than that and people start to disengage, killing the energy of the
conversation. If you have a bigger group, break them up and cull generated
insights later.
They miss the signals in the noise. The most important signals in a strategy
meeting don t always jump out at you. They can get lost in a sea of noise. One
common reason is that the loudest voice many not be the most astute. Good
facilitators must quickly and dynamically separate signals from noise to ensure
they re focusing on what matters most. Before the meeting starts, have a clear
opinion regarding the most important signals you think should come up. That way
you have a better chance of spotting them.
They let the conversation meander too little or too much. We ve all been a part
of both of these scenarios. On the too-little side, just when a conversation
gets creative the facilitator tries to pull the group back to the task at hand
killing the creative energy in the room. On the too-much side, long after a
conversation should have been cut off, people are still debating relatively
unimportant or mind-numbing points. Good facilitators have to constantly try to
find the balance. One trick when you get stuck, pause the conversation and
ask the room if they feel you should continue or cut the conversation. Most
people are good self-assessors.
Doug Sundheim is a leadership and strategy consultant with over 20 years
experience in helping leaders drive personal and organizational growth. His
latest book is Taking Smart Risks: How Sharp Leaders Win When Stakes are High
(McGraw-Hill, January 2013). Follow Doug on Twitter and LinkedIn and find out
more about his services at