A Recession Doesn t Mean Your Startup Can t Grow

Mark Roberge

February 24, 2016

So far this year, the stock market has been anything but stable. The correction

for tech companies appears to be well underway. Instability overseas continues,

causing rising concerns about the effect on the global economy. In the U.S.,

the Federal Reserve finds it difficult to commit to a plan for 2016.

If the economy continues to head south, what does it mean for entrepreneurs

ready to scale their business? Should they hold off on growing sales? Should

they take a more conservative approach?

My answer is no.

In my view, a down economy is the best time to build a sales team. In fact, I

lived through the journey to tell the tale. I joined HubSpot, an inbound

marketing software company, as the fourth employee and first salesperson in

2007. My role was to scale the sales team. Within a year, we had scaled from

100 customers to 700 customers. We had dozens of employees and a dozen or so

salespeople. With $17 million in venture capital, we were ready to accelerate

sales hiring even further. Life was good.

Then came October of 2008, the worst financial meltdown in decades. As an

executive team, we were rattled. Would budget freezes slow down sales? Would

future funding options dry up? Would we need to lay people off? Would our

dreams of building the next big thing be foiled by circumstances outside of

our control?

To my surprise, things did not slow down. We were able to secure our next round

of funding. We accelerated our pace of sales hiring. Seven years after that

infamous day in 2008, we are a post-IPO company with a market cap of over $1

billion dollars.

Looking back, the 2008 economic downturn may have helped us more than it hurt

us. Here are five reasons why:

High availability of talent. The war on talent has been a hot topic over the

past few years. Attracting top caliber people into an early stage venture is

arguably one of the most important tasks for the founding team. These early

hires will figure out the business model, establish the culture, and ultimately

recruit the next wave of employees to drive the business forward.

From the perspective of talent availability, the HubSpot sales team benefited

immensely from the 2008 financial crisis. Within months of the market crash,

layoffs at other companies yielded a sudden spike in available sales talent.

The salespeople that lost their jobs were not necessarily the bottom of the

barrel, either. In many cases, they were simply in the wrong division working

on the wrong product at the wrong time.

As we continued to expand the sales team post crisis, the increased talent pool

enabled us to raised the bar on the quality of salespeople we hired. These new

hires went on to play crucial roles in developing our sales playbook and hiring

and developing our next wave of salespeople. Eight years later, many of these

early hires are still with HubSpot serving in senior sales leadership roles.

Must-have versus nice-to-have value propositions. In a strong economy,

nice-to-have value propositions can survive. Budgets are plump. Spending

barriers are relaxed. As a salesperson, it is not overly challenging to

arm-twist a friend or call in a favor to make a sale.

In a weak economy, nice-to-have value propositions are left to the wayside.

Unless the product or service solves a mission critical issue at the buyer

organization, no sale is made. A weak economy forces an organization to

discover their must-have value proposition. For HubSpot, more quality sales

leads the value proposition offered by our software spurred even the most

risk averse organizations to open their purse strings. The 2008 financial

crisis pushed us to discover this must-have value proposition early in our

development, providing a strong foundation from which to build.

Unit economics versus unnatural growth. Over the past few years, market

valuations, both public and private, have rewarded growth over unit economics.

Historically, economic downturns have reversed the situation.

Market conditions in late 2008 forced us to re-focus HubSpot s attention to

unit economics. Customer success, revenue churn, and customer lifetime value

often trumped conversations around revenue growth at board and executive

meetings. The sales team was at the heart of this re-focusing effort. We began

measuring salespeople based on the LTV of their customers, not their revenue

generation. We even aligned sales commissions with unit economic metrics. Had

we waited until we were two, thee, or even four times the size, this transition

would have been exponentially harder if not impossible. Our early focus on

unit economics laid a healthier foundation from which to scale sales.

A better work ethic. Motivating the salesforce has crept up to be the top

concern amongst sales leaders in recent market studies. It can be harder to

motivate salespeople in a strong economy. They are constantly distracted with

calls from outside recruiters, emails from friends about new high-paying jobs,

and stories about products that are selling themselves.

In a down economy, self-motivation comes much easier. Suddenly, the recruiter

calls offering lush salaries are replaced with horror stories from friends

witnessing massive layoffs and the inability to find work. Employees and

founders collectively realize an increased urgency to succeed as they are the

final mile in ensuring the early stage venture survives financially.

Less competition. In a strong economy, venture and angel capital are flowing.

Many people argue the supply of early stage capital in strong economies exceeds

the volume of good ideas and good startup teams. This outcome is bad for

everyone. Investors lose money on bad deals. Customers lose money purchasing

bad services. Entrepreneurs attempting to create real value face distractions

from bad competition.

As the market turned in 2008, we saw many of HubSpot s early competition fade

away, due to lack of execution, a weak value proposition, or both. The timing

of this dynamic meant one less obstacle for us as we navigated our growth

phase. By the time the capital markets bounced back, HubSpot had already

established barriers that made it difficult for new entrants to gain traction.

The fate of the markets for the remainder of 2016 and beyond is yet to be seen.

However, as an entrepreneur entering the growth phase of your business,

reconsider whether a market turn is necessarily bad for your business. It could

be a blessing in disguise.

Mark Roberge is the chief revenue officer of HubSpot, a Boston-based inbound

marketing firm and Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School. This article is

adapted from his book, The Sales Acceleration Formula (2015), with permission

of its publisher, Wiley.