Business schools - Still a must-have

MBAs remain surprisingly popular, despite the headwinds

Oct 17th 2015

THE master of business administration (MBA) is no stranger to damning

criticism. In the 1950s an influential report commissioned by the Ford

Foundation lambasted the degree for being weak and irrelevant. In the 1980s

Business Week reported that firms were bemoaning the inability of newly minted

MBAs to communicate, their overreliance on mathematical techniques of

management and [their] expectations of becoming chairman in four weeks . In the

2000s observers noticed that firms involved in corporate disasters, such as

Enron and Lehman Brothers, tended to be run by alumni from prestigious business


Yet the MBA remains hugely popular. Nobody knows exactly how many people study

for the degree globally, but 192,000 masters degrees in business were awarded

in America in 2012, making it easily the most popular discipline among

post-graduate students. Worldwide 688,000 people sat the GMAT, the de facto

entrance exam for MBA programmes, in 2014 although this is down considerably

from 2008, when 745,000 took the test.

The reason for this drop is partly cyclical: people tend to apply to business

schools during downturns in an attempt to shelter themselves from the economic

storm. But the MBA faces many longer-term problems. The most pressing is

tighter visa requirements in parts of the rich world. It may seem obvious that

countries would wish to attract and retain the brightest young minds. But to

the despair of business-school deans, both America and Britain the two most

popular destinations for foreign students now place tougher restrictions on

foreign students who want to stay and work in the country after they finish


In America foreign MBA graduates must find a firm to sponsor them for an H-1B

visa, which entitles them to work for up to three years in the country, with

the possibility to extend to six years. But the demand for these visas by far

exceeds supply. America caps the number of H-1Bs at a total of 85,000 (the

first 20,000 applications are reserved for students of a master s degree).

These are snapped up within days. In Britain graduates must find work even

before their student visa expires if they want to stay in the country.

Such restrictions are a particular problem for MBA programmes because many

students choose a business school based on where they want to work after they

graduate. Predictably, countries with a more welcoming attitude, such as

Canada, are seeing applications from abroad rise. In contrast, the proportion

of applicants interested in American schools fell from 83% in 2007 to 73% in

2015, according to GMAC, a business-school body.

Canada and other countries do not just covet foreigners deciding whether to

apply to American schools. The Canadian government has hired giant billboards

in Silicon Valley reading H-1B Problems? Pivot to Canada to attract

disgruntled foreign graduates (see picture). If [American firms] can t import

the talent, they will export the jobs, says Matt Slaughter, the dean of the

Dartmouth College s Tuck School of Business. Unlike lawyers or doctors, the

MBA qualification is transferable across borders.

Such concerns highlight the fact that MBA graduates are still in demand among

employers. At schools included in The Economist s latest ranking of full-time

MBA programmes (see ranking), 89% of students found a job within three months

of graduating. Their median basic salary is close to $100,000, an increase of

88% compared with their pre-study salaries. But some things have changed:

banks, for instance, have become much less keen on MBAs since the financial

crisis (perhaps because business-school alumni were often singled out as the


Western business schools are also losing ground to those based in emerging

economies. The share of students who send their GMAT scores to an Asian and

Australasian business school a good proxy for applications has nearly doubled

to 8.1% since 2007. Eight-and-a-half Asian business schools now make it into

our ranking of full-time programmes (INSEAD has campuses in France and

Singapore). These numbers are small, but they are likely to rise. China, in

particular, plans to improve its business schools to meet demand for local


Established schools are also disrupting themselves. Over the past five years

the number of master-in-management (MiM) degrees, which unlike MBA programmes

admit students straight from university without prior work experience, has shot

up. In America even schools such as Michigan, Duke and Notre Dame are embracing

what was once considered a strictly European qualification. Despite covering

much of the same ground as an MBA, MiM programmes also tend to be much cheaper.

Every student who graduates from them is likely to be one fewer lucrative MBA

candidate in the future.

Not all business schools are affected in the same way. Students will always, it

seems, want an MBA from Harvard, Chicago or London Business School. It is those

with lesser reputations that face the toughest times. More than two-thirds of

full-time programmes costing under $40,000 a year reported either flat or

declining application numbers in 2015, according to GMAC. In contrast, most of

those charging more than $40,000 said that their applicant pool had grown.

That suggests an oversupply of MBA programmes. Those taking an economics class

in one of them might reasonably expect a shakeout. Alas, in the world of

business schools such laws do not seem to apply. No matter how few people an

MBA programme can attract, few schools will countenance dropping the programme

altogether: a business school is defined by its MBA. As Stephen Hodges, the

president of Hult International Business School, puts it: Is a business school

really a business school if it doesn t offer an MBA?